
Monday, September 5, 2016

Multiple Access Protocols

4.2 Multiple Access Protocols

Many algorithms for allocating a multiple access channel are known. In the following sections we will study a small sample of the more interesting ones and give some examples of their use.
4.2.1 ALOHA
In the 1970s, Norman Abramson and his colleagues at the University of Hawaii devised a new and elegant method to solve the channel allocation problem. Their work has been extended by many researchers since then (Abramson, 1985). Although Abramson's work, called the ALOHA system, used ground-based radio broadcasting, the basic idea is applicable to any system in which uncoordinated users are competing for the use of a single shared channel.
We will discuss two versions of ALOHA here: pure and slotted. They differ with respect to whether time is divided into discrete slots into which all frames must fit. Pure ALOHA does not require global time synchronization; slotted ALOHA does.
The basic idea of an ALOHA system is simple: let users transmit whenever they have data to be sent. There will be collisions, of course, and the colliding frames will be damaged. However, due to the feedback property of broadcasting, a sender can always find out whether its frame was destroyed by listening to the channel, the same way other users do. With a LAN, the feedback is immediate; with a satellite, there is a delay of 270 msec before the sender knows if the transmission was successful. If listening while transmitting is not possible for some reason, acknowledgements are needed. If the frame was destroyed, the sender just waits a random amount of time and sends it again. The waiting time must be random or the same frames will collide over and over, in lockstep. Systems in which multiple users share a common channel in a way that can lead to conflicts are widely known as contention systems.
A sketch of frame generation in an ALOHA system is given in Fig. 4-1. We have made the frames all the same length because the throughput of ALOHA systems is maximized by having a uniform frame size rather than by allowing variable length frames.
Figure 4-1. In pure ALOHA, frames are transmitted at completely arbitrary times.
Whenever two frames try to occupy the channel at the same time, there will be a collision and both will be garbled. If the first bit of a new frame overlaps with just the last bit of a frame almost finished, both frames will be totally destroyed and both will have to be retransmitted later. The checksum cannot (and should not) distinguish between a total loss and a near miss. Bad is bad.
An interesting question is: What is the efficiency of an ALOHA channel? In other words, what fraction of all transmitted frames escape collisions under these chaotic circumstances? Let us first consider an infinite collection of interactive users sitting at their computers (stations). A user is always in one of two states: typing or waiting. Initially, all users are in the typing state. When a line is finished, the user stops typing, waiting for a response. The station then transmits a frame containing the line and checks the channel to see if it was successful. If so, the user sees the reply and goes back to typing. If not, the user continues to wait and the frame is retransmitted over and over until it has been successfully sent.
Let the ''frame time'' denote the amount of time needed to transmit the standard, fixed-length frame (i.e., the frame length divided by the bit rate). At this point we assume that the infinite population of users generates new frames according to a Poisson distribution with mean N frames per frame time. (The infinite-population assumption is needed to ensure that N does not decrease as users become blocked.) If N > 1, the user community is generating frames at a higher rate than the channel can handle, and nearly every frame will suffer a collision. For reasonable throughput we would expect 0 < N < 1.
In addition to the new frames, the stations also generate retransmissions of frames that previously suffered collisions. Let us further assume that the probability of k transmission attempts per frame time, old and new combined, is also Poisson, with mean G per frame time. Clearly, G N. At low load (i.e., N 0), there will be few collisions, hence few retransmissions, so G N. At high load there will be many collisions, so G > N. Under all loads, the throughput, S, is just the offered load, G, times the probability, P0, of a transmission succeeding—that is, S = GP0, where P0 is the probability that a frame does not suffer a collision.
A frame will not suffer a collision if no other frames are sent within one frame time of its start, as shown in Fig. 4-2. Under what conditions will the shaded frame arrive undamaged? Let t be the time required to send a frame. If any other user has generated a frame between time t0 and t0 + t, the end of that frame will collide with the beginning of the shaded one. In fact, the shaded frame's fate was already sealed even before the first bit was sent, but since in pure ALOHA a station does not listen to the channel before transmitting, it has no way of knowing that another frame was already underway. Similarly, any other frame started between t0 + t and t0 + 2t will bump into the end of the shaded frame.
Figure 4-2. Vulnerable period for the shaded frame.
The probability that k frames are generated during a given frame time is given by the Poisson distribution:
Equation 4

so the probability of zero frames is just e-G. In an interval two frame times long, the mean number of frames generated is 2G. The probability of no other traffic being initiated during the entire vulnerable period is thus given by P0 = e -2G. Using S = GP0, we get

The relation between the offered traffic and the throughput is shown in Fig. 4-3. The maximum throughput occurs at G = 0.5, with S = 1/2e, which is about 0.184. In other words, the best we can hope for is a channel utilization of 18 percent. This result is not very encouraging, but with everyone transmitting at will, we could hardly have expected a 100 percent success rate.
Slotted ALOHA
In 1972, Roberts published a method for doubling the capacity of an ALOHA system (Roberts, 1972). His proposal was to divide time into discrete intervals, each interval corresponding to one frame. This approach requires the users to agree on slot boundaries. One way to achieve synchronization would be to have one special station emit a pip at the start of each interval, like a clock.
In Roberts' method, which has come to be known as slotted ALOHA, in contrast to Abramson's pure ALOHA, a computer is not permitted to send whenever a carriage return is typed. Instead, it is required to wait for the beginning of the next slot. Thus, the continuous pure ALOHA is turned into a discrete one. Since the vulnerable period is now halved, the probability of no other traffic during the same slot as our test frame is e-G which leads to
Equation 4

As you can see from Fig. 4-3, slotted ALOHA peaks at G = 1, with a throughput of S =1/e or about 0.368, twice that of pure ALOHA. If the system is operating at G = 1, the probability of an empty slot is 0.368 (from Eq. 4-2). The best we can hope for using slotted ALOHA is 37 percent of the slots empty, 37 percent successes, and 26 percent collisions. Operating at higher values of G reduces the number of empties but increases the number of collisions exponentially. To see how this rapid growth of collisions with G comes about, consider the transmission of a test frame. The probability that it will avoid a collision is e-G, the probability that all the other users are silent in that slot. The probability of a collision is then just 1 - e-G. The probability of a transmission requiring exactly k attempts, (i.e., k - 1 collisions followed by one success) is
Figure 4-3. Throughput versus offered traffic for ALOHA systems.

The expected number of transmissions, E, per carriage return typed is then

As a result of the exponential dependence of E upon G, small increases in the channel load can drastically reduce its performance.
Slotted Aloha is important for a reason that may not be initially obvious. It was devised in the 1970s, used in a few early experimental systems, then almost forgotten. When Internet access over the cable was invented, all of a sudden there was a problem of how to allocate a shared channel among multiple competing users, and slotted Aloha was pulled out of the garbage can to save the day. It has often happened that protocols that are perfectly valid fall into disuse for political reasons (e.g., some big company wants everyone to do things its way), but years later some clever person realizes that a long-discarded protocol solves his current problem. For this reason, in this chapter we will study a number of elegant protocols that are not currently in widespread use, but might easily be used in future applications, provided that enough network designers are aware of them. Of course, we will also study many protocols that are in current use as well.
4.2.2 Carrier Sense Multiple Access Protocols
With slotted ALOHA the best channel utilization that can be achieved is 1/e. This is hardly surprising, since with stations transmitting at will, without paying attention to what the other stations are doing, there are bound to be many collisions. In local area networks, however, it is possible for stations to detect what other stations are doing, and adapt their behavior accordingly. These networks can achieve a much better utilization than 1/e. In this section we will discuss some protocols for improving performance.
Protocols in which stations listen for a carrier (i.e., a transmission) and act accordingly are called carrier sense protocols. A number of them have been proposed. Kleinrock and Tobagi (1975) have analyzed several such protocols in detail. Below we will mention several versions of the carrier sense protocols.
Persistent and Nonpersistent CSMA
The first carrier sense protocol that we will study here is called 1-persistent CSMA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access). When a station has data to send, it first listens to the channel to see if anyone else is transmitting at that moment. If the channel is busy, the station waits until it becomes idle. When the station detects an idle channel, it transmits a frame. If a collision occurs, the station waits a random amount of time and starts all over again. The protocol is called 1-persistent because the station transmits with a probability of 1 when it finds the channel idle.
The propagation delay has an important effect on the performance of the protocol. There is a small chance that just after a station begins sending, another station will become ready to send and sense the channel. If the first station's signal has not yet reached the second one, the latter will sense an idle channel and will also begin sending, resulting in a collision. The longer the propagation delay, the more important this effect becomes, and the worse the performance of the protocol.
Even if the propagation delay is zero, there will still be collisions. If two stations become ready in the middle of a third station's transmission, both will wait politely until the transmission ends and then both will begin transmitting exactly simultaneously, resulting in a collision. If they were not so impatient, there would be fewer collisions. Even so, this protocol is far better than pure ALOHA because both stations have the decency to desist from interfering with the third station's frame. Intuitively, this approach will lead to a higher performance than pure ALOHA. Exactly the same holds for slotted ALOHA.
A second carrier sense protocol is nonpersistent CSMA. In this protocol, a conscious attempt is made to be less greedy than in the previous one. Before sending, a station senses the channel. If no one else is sending, the station begins doing so itself. However, if the channel is already in use, the station does not continually sense it for the purpose of seizing it immediately upon detecting the end of the previous transmission. Instead, it waits a random period of time and then repeats the algorithm. Consequently, this algorithm leads to better channel utilization but longer delays than 1-persistent CSMA.
The last protocol is p-persistent CSMA. It applies to slotted channels and works as follows. When a station becomes ready to send, it senses the channel. If it is idle, it transmits with a probability p. With a probability q = 1 - p, it defers until the next slot. If that slot is also idle, it either transmits or defers again, with probabilities p and q. This process is repeated until either the frame has been transmitted or another station has begun transmitting. In the latter case, the unlucky station acts as if there had been a collision (i.e., it waits a random time and starts again). If the station initially senses the channel busy, it waits until the next slot and applies the above algorithm. Figure 4-4 shows the computed throughput versus offered traffic for all three protocols, as well as for pure and slotted ALOHA.
Figure 4-4. Comparison of the channel utilization versus load for various random access protocols.
CSMA with Collision Detection
Persistent and nonpersistent CSMA protocols are clearly an improvement over ALOHA because they ensure that no station begins to transmit when it senses the channel busy. Another improvement is for stations to abort their transmissions as soon as they detect a collision. In other words, if two stations sense the channel to be idle and begin transmitting simultaneously, they will both detect the collision almost immediately. Rather than finish transmitting their frames, which are irretrievably garbled anyway, they should abruptly stop transmitting as soon as the collision is detected. Quickly terminating damaged frames saves time and bandwidth. This protocol, known as CSMA/CD (CSMA with Collision Detection) is widely used on LANs in the MAC sublayer. In particular, it is the basis of the popular Ethernet LAN, so it is worth devoting some time to looking at it in detail.
CSMA/CD, as well as many other LAN protocols, uses the conceptual model of Fig. 4-5. At the point marked t0, a station has finished transmitting its frame. Any other station having a frame to send may now attempt to do so. If two or more stations decide to transmit simultaneously, there will be a collision. Collisions can be detected by looking at the power or pulse width of the received signal and comparing it to the transmitted signal.
Figure 4-5. CSMA/CD can be in one of three states: contention, transmission, or idle.
After a station detects a collision, it aborts its transmission, waits a random period of time, and then tries again, assuming that no other station has started transmitting in the meantime. Therefore, our model for CSMA/CD will consist of alternating contention and transmission periods, with idle periods occurring when all stations are quiet (e.g., for lack of work).
Now let us look closely at the details of the contention algorithm. Suppose that two stations both begin transmitting at exactly time t0. How long will it take them to realize that there has been a collision? The answer to this question is vital to determining the length of the contention period and hence what the delay and throughput will be. The minimum time to detect the collision is then just the time it takes the signal to propagate from one station to the other.
Based on this reasoning, you might think that a station not hearing a collision for a time equal to the full cable propagation time after starting its transmission could be sure it had seized the cable. By ''seized,'' we mean that all other stations knew it was transmitting and would not interfere. This conclusion is wrong. Consider the following worst-case scenario. Let the time for a signal to propagate between the two farthest stations be t. At t0, one station begins transmitting. At t - e, an instant before the signal arrives at the most distant station, that station also begins transmitting. Of course, it detects the collision almost instantly and stops, but the little noise burst caused by the collision does not get back to the original station until time 2t - e. In other words, in the worst case a station cannot be sure that it has seized the channel until it has transmitted for 2t without hearing a collision. For this reason we will model the contention interval as a slotted ALOHA system with slot width 2t. On a 1-km long coaxial cable, t 5 µsec. For simplicity we will assume that each slot contains just 1 bit. Once the channel has been seized, a station can transmit at any rate it wants to, of course, not just at 1 bit per 2t sec.
It is important to realize that collision detection is an analog process. The station's hardware must listen to the cable while it is transmitting. If what it reads back is different from what it is putting out, it knows that a collision is occurring. The implication is that the signal encoding must allow collisions to be detected (e.g., a collision of two 0-volt signals may well be impossible to detect). For this reason, special encoding is commonly used.
It is also worth noting that a sending station must continually monitor the channel, listening for noise bursts that might indicate a collision. For this reason, CSMA/CD with a single channel is inherently a half-duplex system. It is impossible for a station to transmit and receive frames at the same time because the receiving logic is in use, looking for collisions during every transmission.
To avoid any misunderstanding, it is worth noting that no MAC-sublayer protocol guarantees reliable delivery. Even in the absence of collisions, the receiver may not have copied the frame correctly for various reasons (e.g., lack of buffer space or a missed interrupt).
4.2.3 Collision-Free Protocols
Although collisions do not occur with CSMA/CD once a station has unambiguously captured the channel, they can still occur during the contention period. These collisions adversely affect the system performance, especially when the cable is long (i.e., large t) and the frames are short. And CSMA/CD is not universally applicable. In this section, we will examine some protocols that resolve the contention for the channel without any collisions at all, not even during the contention period. Most of these are not currently used in major systems, but in a rapidly changing field, having some protocols with excellent properties available for future systems is often a good thing.
In the protocols to be described, we assume that there are exactly N stations, each with a unique address from 0 to N - 1 ''wired'' into it. It does not matter that some stations may be inactive part of the time. We also assume that propagation delay is negligible. The basic question remains: Which station gets the channel after a successful transmission? We continue using the model of Fig. 4-5 with its discrete contention slots.
A Bit-Map Protocol
In our first collision-free protocol, the basic bit-map method, each contention period consists of exactly N slots. If station 0 has a frame to send, it transmits a 1 bit during the zeroth slot. No other station is allowed to transmit during this slot. Regardless of what station 0 does, station 1 gets the opportunity to transmit a 1 during slot 1, but only if it has a frame queued. In general, station j may announce that it has a frame to send by inserting a 1 bit into slot j. After all N slots have passed by, each station has complete knowledge of which stations wish to transmit. At that point, they begin transmitting in numerical order (see Fig. 4-6).
Figure 4-6. The basic bit-map protocol.
Since everyone agrees on who goes next, there will never be any collisions. After the last ready station has transmitted its frame, an event all stations can easily monitor, another N bit contention period is begun. If a station becomes ready just after its bit slot has passed by, it is out of luck and must remain silent until every station has had a chance and the bit map has come around again. Protocols like this in which the desire to transmit is broadcast before the actual transmission are called reservation protocols.
Let us briefly analyze the performance of this protocol. For convenience, we will measure time in units of the contention bit slot, with data frames consisting of d time units. Under conditions of low load, the bit map will simply be repeated over and over, for lack of data frames.
Consider the situation from the point of view of a low-numbered station, such as 0 or 1. Typically, when it becomes ready to send, the ''current'' slot will be somewhere in the middle of the bit map. On average, the station will have to wait N/2 slots for the current scan to finish and another full N slots for the following scan to run to completion before it may begin transmitting.
The prospects for high-numbered stations are brighter. Generally, these will only have to wait half a scan (N/2 bit slots) before starting to transmit. High-numbered stations rarely have to wait for the next scan. Since low-numbered stations must wait on average 1.5N slots and high-numbered stations must wait on average 0.5N slots, the mean for all stations is N slots. The channel efficiency at low load is easy to compute. The overhead per frame is N bits, and the amount of data is d bits, for an efficiency of d/(N + d).
At high load, when all the stations have something to send all the time, the N bit contention period is prorated over N frames, yielding an overhead of only 1 bit per frame, or an efficiency of d/(d + 1). The mean delay for a frame is equal to the sum of the time it queues inside its station, plus an additional N(d + 1)/2 once it gets to the head of its internal queue.
Binary Countdown
A problem with the basic bit-map protocol is that the overhead is 1 bit per station, so it does not scale well to networks with thousands of stations. We can do better than that by using binary station addresses. A station wanting to use the channel now broadcasts its address as a binary bit string, starting with the high-order bit. All addresses are assumed to be the same length. The bits in each address position from different stations are BOOLEAN ORed together. We will call this protocol binary countdown. It was used in Datakit (Fraser, 1987). It implicitly assumes that the transmission delays are negligible so that all stations see asserted bits essentially instantaneously.
To avoid conflicts, an arbitration rule must be applied: as soon as a station sees that a high-order bit position that is 0 in its address has been overwritten with a 1, it gives up. For example, if stations 0010, 0100, 1001, and 1010 are all trying to get the channel, in the first bit time the stations transmit 0, 0, 1, and 1, respectively. These are ORed together to form a 1. Stations 0010 and 0100 see the 1 and know that a higher-numbered station is competing for the channel, so they give up for the current round. Stations 1001 and 1010 continue.
The next bit is 0, and both stations continue. The next bit is 1, so station 1001 gives up. The winner is station 1010 because it has the highest address. After winning the bidding, it may now transmit a frame, after which another bidding cycle starts. The protocol is illustrated in Fig. 4-7. It has the property that higher-numbered stations have a higher priority than lower-numbered stations, which may be either good or bad, depending on the context.
Figure 4-7. The binary countdown protocol. A dash indicates silence.
The channel efficiency of this method is d/(d + log2 N). If, however, the frame format has been cleverly chosen so that the sender's address is the first field in the frame, even these log2 N bits are not wasted, and the efficiency is 100 percent.
Mok and Ward (1979) have described a variation of binary countdown using a parallel rather than a serial interface. They also suggest using virtual station numbers, with the virtual station numbers from 0 up to and including the successful station being circularly permuted after each transmission, in order to give higher priority to stations that have been silent unusually long. For example, if stations C, H, D, A, G, B, E, F have priorities 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and 0, respectively, then a successful transmission by D puts it at the end of the list, giving a priority order of C, H, A, G, B, E, F, D. Thus, C remains virtual station 7, but A moves up from 4 to 5 and D drops from 5 to 0. Station D will now only be able to acquire the channel if no other station wants it.
Binary countdown is an example of a simple, elegant, and efficient protocol that is waiting to be rediscovered. Hopefully, it will find a new home some day.
4.2.4 Limited-Contention Protocols
We have now considered two basic strategies for channel acquisition in a cable network: contention, as in CSMA, and collision-free methods. Each strategy can be rated as to how well it does with respect to the two important performance measures, delay at low load and channel efficiency at high load. Under conditions of light load, contention (i.e., pure or slotted ALOHA) is preferable due to its low delay. As the load increases, contention becomes increasingly less attractive, because the overhead associated with channel arbitration becomes greater. Just the reverse is true for the collision-free protocols. At low load, they have high delay, but as the load increases, the channel efficiency improves rather than gets worse as it does for contention protocols.
Obviously, it would be nice if we could combine the best properties of the contention and collision-free protocols, arriving at a new protocol that used contention at low load to provide low delay, but used a collision-free technique at high load to provide good channel efficiency. Such protocols, which we will call limited-contention protocols, do, in fact, exist, and will conclude our study of carrier sense networks.
Up to now the only contention protocols we have studied have been symmetric, that is, each station attempts to acquire the channel with some probability, p, with all stations using the same p. Interestingly enough, the overall system performance can sometimes be improved by using a protocol that assigns different probabilities to different stations.
Before looking at the asymmetric protocols, let us quickly review the performance of the symmetric case. Suppose that k stations are contending for channel access. Each has a probability p of transmitting during each slot. The probability that some station successfully acquires the channel during a given slot is then kp(1 - p)k - 1. To find the optimal value of p, we differentiate with respect to p, set the result to zero, and solve for p. Doing so, we find that the best value of p is 1/k. Substituting p = 1/k, we get
Equation 4

This probability is plotted in Fig. 4-8. For small numbers of stations, the chances of success are good, but as soon as the number of stations reaches even five, the probability has dropped close to its asymptotic value of 1/e.
Figure 4-8. Acquisition probability for a symmetric contention channel.
From Fig. 4-8, it is fairly obvious that the probability of some station acquiring the channel can be increased only by decreasing the amount of competition. The limited-contention protocols do precisely that. They first divide the stations into (not necessarily disjoint) groups. Only the members of group 0 are permitted to compete for slot 0. If one of them succeeds, it acquires the channel and transmits its frame. If the slot lies fallow or if there is a collision, the members of group 1 contend for slot 1, etc. By making an appropriate division of stations into groups, the amount of contention for each slot can be reduced, thus operating each slot near the left end of Fig. 4-8.
The trick is how to assign stations to slots. Before looking at the general case, let us consider some special cases. At one extreme, each group has but one member. Such an assignment guarantees that there will never be collisions because at most one station is contending for any given slot. We have seen such protocols before (e.g., binary countdown). The next special case is to assign two stations per group. The probability that both will try to transmit during a slot is p2, which for small p is negligible. As more and more stations are assigned to the same slot, the probability of a collision grows, but the length of the bit-map scan needed to give everyone a chance shrinks. The limiting case is a single group containing all stations (i.e., slotted ALOHA). What we need is a way to assign stations to slots dynamically, with many stations per slot when the load is low and few (or even just one) station per slot when the load is high.
The Adaptive Tree Walk Protocol
One particularly simple way of performing the necessary assignment is to use the algorithm devised by the U.S. Army for testing soldiers for syphilis during World War II (Dorfman, 1943). In short, the Army took a blood sample from N soldiers. A portion of each sample was poured into a single test tube. This mixed sample was then tested for antibodies. If none were found, all the soldiers in the group were declared healthy. If antibodies were present, two new mixed samples were prepared, one from soldiers 1 through N/2 and one from the rest. The process was repeated recursively until the infected soldiers were determined.
For the computerized version of this algorithm (Capetanakis, 1979), it is convenient to think of the stations as the leaves of a binary tree, as illustrated in Fig. 4-9. In the first contention slot following a successful frame transmission, slot 0, all stations are permitted to try to acquire the channel. If one of them does so, fine. If there is a collision, then during slot 1 only those stations falling under node 2 in the tree may compete. If one of them acquires the channel, the slot following the frame is reserved for those stations under node 3. If, on the other hand, two or more stations under node 2 want to transmit, there will be a collision during slot 1, in which case it is node 4's turn during slot 2.
Figure 4-9. The tree for eight stations.
In essence, if a collision occurs during slot 0, the entire tree is searched, depth first, to locate all ready stations. Each bit slot is associated with some particular node in the tree. If a collision occurs, the search continues recursively with the node's left and right children. If a bit slot is idle or if only one station transmits in it, the searching of its node can stop because all ready stations have been located. (Were there more than one, there would have been a collision.)
When the load on the system is heavy, it is hardly worth the effort to dedicate slot 0 to node 1, because that makes sense only in the unlikely event that precisely one station has a frame to send. Similarly, one could argue that nodes 2 and 3 should be skipped as well for the same reason. Put in more general terms, at what level in the tree should the search begin? Clearly, the heavier the load, the farther down the tree the search should begin. We will assume that each station has a good estimate of the number of ready stations, q, for example, from monitoring recent traffic.
To proceed, let us number the levels of the tree from the top, with node 1 in Fig. 4-9 at level 0, nodes 2 and 3 at level 1, etc. Notice that each node at level i has a fraction 2-i of the stations below it. If the q ready stations are uniformly distributed, the expected number of them below a specific node at level i is just 2-iq. Intuitively, we would expect the optimal level to begin searching the tree as the one at which the mean number of contending stations per slot is 1, that is, the level at which 2-iq = 1. Solving this equation, we find that i = log2 q.
Numerous improvements to the basic algorithm have been discovered and are discussed in some detail by Bertsekas and Gallager (1992). For example, consider the case of stations G and H being the only ones wanting to transmit. At node 1 a collision will occur, so 2 will be tried and discovered idle. It is pointless to probe node 3 since it is guaranteed to have a collision (we know that two or more stations under 1 are ready and none of them are under 2, so they must all be under 3). The probe of 3 can be skipped and 6 tried next. When this probe also turns up nothing, 7 can be skipped and node G tried next.
4.2.5 Wavelength Division Multiple Access Protocols
A different approach to channel allocation is to divide the channel into subchannels using FDM, TDM, or both, and dynamically allocate them as needed. Schemes like this are commonly used on fiber optic LANs to permit different conversations to use different wavelengths (i.e., frequencies) at the same time. In this section we will examine one such protocol (Humblet et al., 1992).
A simple way to build an all-optical LAN is to use a passive star coupler (see Fig. 2-10). In effect, two fibers from each station are fused to a glass cylinder. One fiber is for output to the cylinder and one is for input from the cylinder. Light output by any station illuminates the cylinder and can be detected by all the other stations. Passive stars can handle hundreds of stations.
To allow multiple transmissions at the same time, the spectrum is divided into channels (wavelength bands), as shown in Fig. 2-31. In this protocol, WDMA (Wavelength Division Multiple Access), each station is assigned two channels. A narrow channel is provided as a control channel to signal the station, and a wide channel is provided so the station can output data frames.
Each channel is divided into groups of time slots, as shown in Fig. 4-10. Let us call the number of slots in the control channel m and the number of slots in the data channel n + 1, where n of these are for data and the last one is used by the station to report on its status (mainly, which slots on both channels are free). On both channels, the sequence of slots repeats endlessly, with slot 0 being marked in a special way so latecomers can detect it. All channels are synchronized by a single global clock.
Figure 4-10. Wavelength division multiple access.
The protocol supports three traffic classes : (1) constant data rate connection-oriented traffic, such as uncompressed video, (2) variable data rate connection-oriented traffic, such as file transfer, and (3) datagram traffic, such as UDP packets. For the two connection-oriented protocols, the idea is that for A to communicate with B, it must first insert a CONNECTION REQUEST frame in a free slot on B's control channel. If B accepts, communication can take place on A's data channel.
Each station has two transmitters and two receivers, as follows:
  1. A fixed-wavelength receiver for listening to its own control channel.
  2. A tunable transmitter for sending on other stations' control channels.
  3. A fixed-wavelength transmitter for outputting data frames.
  4. A tunable receiver for selecting a data transmitter to listen to.
In other words, every station listens to its own control channel for incoming requests but has to tune to the transmitter's wavelength to get the data. Wavelength tuning is done by a Fabry-Perot or Mach-Zehnder interferometer that filters out all wavelengths except the desired wavelength band.
Let us now consider how station A sets up a class 2 communication channel with station B for, say, file transfer. First, A tunes its data receiver to B's data channel and waits for the status slot. This slot tells which control slots are currently assigned and which are free. In Fig. 4-10, for example, we see that of B's eight control slots, 0, 4, and 5 are free. The rest are occupied (indicated by crosses).
A picks one of the free control slots, say, 4, and inserts its CONNECTION REQUEST message there. Since B constantly monitors its control channel, it sees the request and grants it by assigning slot 4 to A. This assignment is announced in the status slot of B's data channel. When A sees the announcement, it knows it has a unidirectional connection. If A asked for a two-way connection, B now repeats the same algorithm with A.
It is possible that at the same time A tried to grab B's control slot 4, C did the same thing. Neither will get it, and both will notice the failure by monitoring the status slot in B's control channel. They now each wait a random amount of time and try again later.
At this point, each party has a conflict-free way to send short control messages to the other one. To perform the file transfer, A now sends B a control message saying, for example, ''Please watch my next data output slot 3. There is a data frame for you in it.'' When B gets the control message, it tunes its receiver to A's output channel to read the data frame. Depending on the higher-layer protocol, B can use the same mechanism to send back an acknowledgement if it wishes.
Note that a problem arises if both A and C have connections to B and each of them suddenly tells B to look at slot 3. B will pick one of these requests at random, and the other transmission will be lost.
For constant rate traffic, a variation of this protocol is used. When A asks for a connection, it simultaneously says something like: Is it all right if I send you a frame in every occurrence of slot 3? If B is able to accept (i.e., has no previous commitment for slot 3), a guaranteed bandwidth connection is established. If not, A can try again with a different proposal, depending on which output slots it has free.
Class 3 (datagram) traffic uses still another variation. Instead of writing a CONNECTION REQUEST message into the control slot it just found (4), it writes a DATA FOR YOU IN SLOT 3 message. If B is free during the next data slot 3, the transmission will succeed. Otherwise, the data frame is lost. In this manner, no connections are ever needed.
Several variants of the protocol are possible. For example, instead of each station having its own control channel, a single control channel can be shared by all stations. Each station is assigned a block of slots in each group, effectively multiplexing multiple virtual channels onto one physical one.
It is also possible to make do with a single tunable transmitter and a single tunable receiver per station by having each station's channel be divided into m control slots followed by n + 1 data slots. The disadvantage here is that senders have to wait longer to capture a control slot and consecutive data frames are farther apart because some control information is in the way.
Numerous other WDMA protocols have been proposed and implemented, differing in various details. Some have only one control channel; others have multiple control channels. Some take propagation delay into account; others do not. Some make tuning time an explicit part of the model; others ignore it. The protocols also differ in terms of processing complexity, throughput, and scalability. When a large number of frequencies are being used, the system is sometimes called DWDM (Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing). For more information see (Bogineni et al., 1993; Chen, 1994; Goralski, 2001; Kartalopoulos, 1999; and Levine and Akyildiz, 1995).
4.2.6 Wireless LAN Protocols
As the number of mobile computing and communication devices grows, so does the demand to connect them to the outside world. Even the very first mobile telephones had the ability to connect to other telephones. The first portable computers did not have this capability, but soon afterward, modems became commonplace on notebook computers. To go on-line, these computers had to be plugged into a telephone wall socket. Requiring a wired connection to the fixed network meant that the computers were portable, but not mobile.
To achieve true mobility, notebook computers need to use radio (or infrared) signals for communication. In this manner, dedicated users can read and send e-mail while hiking or boating. A system of notebook computers that communicate by radio can be regarded as a wireless LAN, as we discussed in Sec. 1.5.4. These LANs have somewhat different properties than conventional LANs and require special MAC sublayer protocols. In this section we will examine some of these protocols. More information about wireless LANs can be found in (Geier, 2002; and O'Hara and Petrick, 1999).
A common configuration for a wireless LAN is an office building with base stations (also called access points) strategically placed around the building. Unlike cellular telephone systems, each cell has only one channel, covering the entire available bandwidth and covering all the stations in its cell. Typically, its bandwidth is 11 to 54 Mbps.
In our discussions below, we will make the simplifying assumption that all radio transmitters have some fixed range. When a receiver is within range of two active transmitters, the resulting signal will generally be garbled and useless, in other words, we will not consider CDMA-type systems further in this discussion. It is important to realize that in some wireless LANs, not all stations are within range of one another, which leads to a variety of complications. Furthermore, for indoor wireless LANs, the presence of walls between stations can have a major impact on the effective range of each station.
A naive approach to using a wireless LAN might be to try CSMA: just listen for other transmissions and only transmit if no one else is doing so. The trouble is, this protocol is not really appropriate because what matters is interference at the receiver, not at the sender. To see the nature of the problem, consider Fig. 4-11, where four wireless stations are illustrated. For our purposes, it does not matter which are base stations and which are notebooks. The radio range is such that A and B are within each other's range and can potentially interfere with one another. C can also potentially interfere with both B and D, but not with A.
Figure 4-11. A wireless LAN. (a) A transmitting. (b) B transmitting.
First consider what happens when A is transmitting to B, as depicted in Fig. 4-11(a). If C senses the medium, it will not hear A because A is out of range, and thus falsely conclude that it can transmit to B. If C does start transmitting, it will interfere at B, wiping out the frame from A. The problem of a station not being able to detect a potential competitor for the medium because the competitor is too far away is called the hidden station problem.
Now let us consider the reverse situation: B transmitting to A, as shown in Fig. 4-11(b). If C senses the medium, it will hear an ongoing transmission and falsely conclude that it may not send to D, when in fact such a transmission would cause bad reception only in the zone between B and C, where neither of the intended receivers is located. This is called the exposed station problem.
The problem is that before starting a transmission, a station really wants to know whether there is activity around the receiver. CSMA merely tells it whether there is activity around the station sensing the carrier. With a wire, all signals propagate to all stations so only one transmission can take place at once anywhere in the system. In a system based on short-range radio waves, multiple transmissions can occur simultaneously if they all have different destinations and these destinations are out of range of one another.
Another way to think about this problem is to imagine an office building in which every employee has a wireless notebook computer. Suppose that Linda wants to send a message to Milton. Linda's computer senses the local environment and, detecting no activity, starts sending. However, there may still be a collision in Milton's office because a third party may currently be sending to him from a location so far from Linda that her computer could not detect it.
An early protocol designed for wireless LANs is MACA (Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance) (Karn, 1990). The basic idea behind it is for the sender to stimulate the receiver into outputting a short frame, so stations nearby can detect this transmission and avoid transmitting for the duration of the upcoming (large) data frame. MACA is illustrated in Fig. 4-12.
Figure 4-12. The MACA protocol. (a) A sending an RTS to B. (b) B responding with a CTS to A.
Let us now consider how A sends a frame to B. A starts by sending an RTS (Request To Send) frame to B, as shown in Fig. 4-12(a). This short frame (30 bytes) contains the length of the data frame that will eventually follow. Then B replies with a CTS (Clear to Send) frame, as shown in Fig. 4-12(b). The CTS frame contains the data length (copied from the RTS frame). Upon receipt of the CTS frame, A begins transmission.
Now let us see how stations overhearing either of these frames react. Any station hearing the RTS is clearly close to A and must remain silent long enough for the CTS to be transmitted back to A without conflict. Any station hearing the CTS is clearly close to B and must remain silent during the upcoming data transmission, whose length it can tell by examining the CTS frame.
In Fig. 4-12, C is within range of A but not within range of B. Therefore, it hears the RTS from A but not the CTS from B. As long as it does not interfere with the CTS, it is free to transmit while the data frame is being sent. In contrast, D is within range of B but not A. It does not hear the RTS but does hear the CTS. Hearing the CTS tips it off that it is close to a station that is about to receive a frame, so it defers sending anything until that frame is expected to be finished. Station E hears both control messages and, like D, must be silent until the data frame is complete.
Despite these precautions, collisions can still occur. For example, B and C could both send RTS frames to A at the same time. These will collide and be lost. In the event of a collision, an unsuccessful transmitter (i.e., one that does not hear a CTS within the expected time interval) waits a random amount of time and tries again later. The algorithm used is binary exponential backoff, which we will study when we come to Ethernet.
Based on simulation studies of MACA, Bharghavan et al. (1994) fine tuned MACA to improve its performance and renamed their new protocol MACAW (MACA for Wireless). To start with, they noticed that without data link layer acknowledgements, lost frames were not retransmitted until the transport layer noticed their absence, much later. They solved this problem by introducing an ACK frame after each successful data frame. They also observed that CSMA has some use, namely, to keep a station from transmitting an RTS at the same time another nearby station is also doing so to the same destination, so carrier sensing was added. In addition, they decided to run the backoff algorithm separately for each data stream (source-destination pair), rather than for each station. This change improves the fairness of the protocol. Finally, they added a mechanism for stations to exchange information about congestion and a way to make the backoff algorithm react less violently to temporary problems, to improve system performance.

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