Flow and Error Control
control and error control at the X.25 packet layer are virtually identical in
and procedure to flow control used for HDLC, as described in Lesson 6.
A sliding-window protocol is used. Each data packet
includes a send sequence
number, P(S), and a receive sequence number, P(R).
As a default, 3-bit sequence
numbers are used. Optionally, a DTE may request, via
the user-facility mechanism,
the use of extended 7-bit sequence numbers. As
Figure 9.19 indicates, for 3-bit
sequence numbers, the third and fourth bits of all
data and control packets are 01;
for 7-bit sequence numbers, the bits are 10.
P(S) is assigned by the DTE on outgoing packets on a
virtual circuit basis; that
is, the P(S) of each new outgoing data packet on a
virtual circuit is one more than
that of the preceding packet, modulo 8 or modulo
128. P(R) contains the number of
the next packet expected from the other side of a
virtual circuit; this provides for
piggybacked acknowledgment. If one side has no data
to send, it may acknowledge
incoming packets with the Receive-Ready (RR) and
Receive-not-Ready (RNR)
control packets, with the same meaning as for HDLC.
The default window size is 2,
but it may be set as high as 7 for 3-bit sequence
numbers and as high as 127 for
7-bit sequence numbers.
Acknowledgment (in the form of the P(R) field in the
data, RR, or RNR
packet), and hence flow control, may have either
local or end-to-end significance,
based on the setting of the D bit. When D = 0, (the
usual case), acknowledgment is
exercised between the DTE and the network. This
communication is used by the
local DCE and/or the network to acknowledge receipt
of packets and to control the
flow from the DTE into the network. When D = 1,
acknowledgments come from
the remote DTE.
The basic form of error control is
go-back-N ARQ. Negative acknowledgment
is in the form of a Reject (REJ) control packet. If
a node receives a negative
acknowledgment, it will retransmit the specified
packet and all subsequent packets.
X.25 provides the capability, called a complete packet
sequence, to
identify a contiguous
sequence of data packets. This feature has several
uses. One important use
is by internetworking protocols (described in Part IV) to
allow longer blocks of data
to be sent across a network with a smaller
packet-size restriction without losing the
integrity of the block.
To specify this mechanism, X.25 defines two types of
packets: A packets and
B packets. An A packet is one
in which the M bit is set to 1, the D bit is set to 0, and
the packet is full (equal to the maximum allowable
packet length). A B
packet is
packet that is not an A packet. A complete packet
sequence consists of zero or more
A packets followed by a B packet. The network may
combine this sequence to
make a larger packet. The network may also segment a
B packet into smaller packets
to produce a complete packet sequence.
The way in which the B packet is handled depends on
the setting of the M and
D bits. If D = 1, an end-to-end acknowledgment
is sent by the receiving DTE to the
sending DTE. This is, in effect, an acknowledgment
of the entire complete packet
sequence. If M = 1, there are additional complete
packet sequences to follow. This
enables the formation of subsequences as part of a
larger sequence, so that end-toend
acknowledgment can occur before the end of the
larger sequence.
Figure 9.21 shows examples of these concepts. It is
the responsibility of the
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