
Wednesday, September 28, 2016


As with routing, the concept of traffic control in a packet-switching network is complex,
and a wide variety of approaches have been proposed. The objective here is to
maintain the number of packets within the network below the level at which performance
falls off dramatically.
To understand the issue involved in congestion control, we need to look at
some results from queuing theory. In essence, a packet-switching network is a network
of queues. At each node, there is a queue of packets for each outgoing channel.
If the rate at which packets arrive and queue up exceeds the rate at which packets
can be transmitted, the queue size grows without bound and the delay
experienced by a packet goes to infinity. Even if the packet arrival rate is less than
the packet transmission rate, queue length will grow dramatically as the arrival rate
approaches the transmission rate. We saw this kind of behavior in Figure 7.16. As a
rule of thumb, when the line for which packets are queuing becomes more than
80% utilized, the queue length grows at an alarming rate.
Consider the queuing situation at a single packet-switching node, such as is
illustrated in Figure 9.13. Any given node has a number of transmission links
attached to it: one or more to other packet-switching nodes, and zero or more to
host systems. On each link, packets arrive and depart. We can consider that there
are two buffers at each link, one to accept arriving packets, and one to hold packets
that are waiting to depart. In practice, there might be two fixed-size buffers associated
with each link, or there might be a pool of memory available for all buffering
activities. In the latter case, we can think of each link having two variable-size
buffers associated with it, subject to the constraint that the sum of all buffer sizes is
a constant.
In any case, as packets arrive, they are stored in the input buffer of the corresponding
link. The node examines each incoming packet to make a routing decision,
and then moves the packet to the appropriate output buffer. Packets queued up for
output are transmitted as rapidly as possible; this is, in effect, statistical timedivision
multiplexing. Now, if packets arrive too fast for the node to process them
(make routing decisions), or faster than packets can be cleared from the outgoing
buffers, then, eventually, packets will arrive for which no memory is available.
When such a saturation point is reached, one of two general strategies can be
adopted. The first such strategy is to simply discard any incoming packet for which
there is no available buffer space. The alternative is for the node that is experiencing
these problems to exercise some sort of flow control over its neighbors so that
the traffic flow remains manageable. But, as Figure 9.14 illustrates, each of a node's
neighbors is also managing a number of queues. If node 6 restrains the flow of packets
from node 5, this causes the output buffer in node 5 for the link to node 6 to fill
up. Thus, congestion at one point in the network can quickly propagate throughout
a region or throughout all of the network. While flow control is indeed a powerful
tool, we need to use it in such a way as to manage the traffic on the entire network.
Figure 9.15 shows the effect of congestion in general terms. Figure 9.15a plots
the throughput of a network (number of packets delivered to destination stations)
versus the offered load (number of packets transmitted by source stations). Both
axes are normalized to the maximum capacity of the network, which can be
expressed as the rate at which the network is theoretically capable of handling pack
ets. In the ideal case, throughput and, hence, network utilization increase to accommodate
an offered load up to the maximum capacity of the network. Utilization
then remains at 100%. The ideal case, of course, requires that all stations somehow
know the timing and rate of packets that can be presented to the network, which is
impossible. If no congestion control is exercised, we have the curve labeled "uncontrolled."
As the load increases, utilization increases for a while. Then as the queue
lengths at the various nodes begin to grow, throughput actually drops because the
buffers at each node are of finite size. When a node's buffers are full, it must discard
packets. Thus, the source stations must retransmit the discarded packets in
addition to the new packets; this only exacerbates the situation: As more and more
packets are retransmitted, the load on the system grows, and more buffers become
saturated. While the system is trying desperately to clear the backlog, stations are
pumping old and new packets into the system. Even successfully delivered packets
may be retransmitted because it takes so long to acknowledge them: The sender
assumes that the packet did not go through. Under these circumstances, the effective
capacity of the system is virtually zero.
It is clear that these catastrophic events must be avoided; this is the task of
congestion control. The object of all congestion-control techniques is to limit queue
lengths at the nodes so as to avoid throughput collapse. This control involves some
unavoidable overhead. Thus, a congestion-control technique cannot perform as
well as the theoretical ideal. However, a good congestion-control strategy will avoid
throughput collapse and maintain a throughput that differs from the ideal by an
amount roughly equal to the overhead of the control.
Figure 9.15b points out that no matter what technique is used, the average
delay experienced by packets grows without bound as the load approaches the
capacity of the system. Note that initially the uncontrolled policy results in less
delay than a controlled policy, because of its lack of overhead. However, the uncontrolled
policy will saturate at lower load.
A number of control mechanisms for congestion control in packet-switching
networks have been suggested and tried. The following are examples:
1. Send a control packet from a congested node to some or all source nodes. This
choke packet will have the effect of stopping or slowing the rate of transmission
from sources and, hence, limit the total number of packets in the network.
This approach requires additional traffic on the network during a period of
2. Rely on routing information. Routing algorithms, such as ARPANETs, provide
link delay information to other nodes, which influences routing decisions.
This information could also be used to influence the rate at which new packets
are produced. Because these delays are being influenced by the routing
decision, they may vary too rapidly to be used effectively for congestion control.
3. Make use of an end-to-end probe packet. Such a packet could be timestamped
to measure the delay between two particular endpoints. This procedure
has the disadvantage of adding overhead to the network.
4. Allow packet-switching nodes to add congestion information to packets as
they go by. There are two possible approaches here. A node could add such
information to packets going in the direction opposite of the congestion. This
information quickly reaches the source node, which can reduce the flow of
packets into the network. Alternatively, a node could add such information to
packets going in the same direction as the congestion. The destination either
asks the source to adjust the load or returns the signal back to the source in
the packets (or acknowledgments) going in the reverse direction.

Perhaps the best-known and most widely used protocol standard is X.25, which was
originally approved in 1976 and subsequently revised in 1980,1984,1988,1992, and
1993. The standard specifies an interface between a host system and a packetswitching
network. This standard is almost universally used for interfacing to
packet-switching networks and is employed for packet switching in ISDN. In this
section, a brief overview of the standard is provided.
The standard specifically calls for three layers of functionality (Figure 9.16):
* Physical layer
* Link layer
Packet layer
These three layers correspond to the lowest three layers of the OSI model (see
Figure 1.10). The physical layer deals with the physical interface between an
attached station (computer, terminal) and the link that attaches that station to the
packet-switching node. The standard refers to user machines as data terminal
equipment (DTE) and to a packet-switching node to which a DTE is attached as
data circuit-terminating equipment (DCE). X.25 makes use of the physical-layer
specification in a standard known as X.21, but, in many cases, other standards, such
as EIA-232, are substituted. The link layer provides for the reliable transfer of data
across the physical link by transmitting the data as a sequence of frames. The linklayer
standard is referred to as LAPB (Link Access Protocol-Balanced). LAPB is
a subset of HDLC, described in Lesson 6. The packet layer provides an external
virtual-circuit service, and is described in this section.
Figure 9.17 illustrates the relationship between the levels of X.25. User data
are passed down to X.25 level 3, which appends control information as a header,
creating a packet. This control information is used in the operation of the protocol,
as we shall see. The entire X.25 packet is then passed down to the LAPB entity,
which appends control information at the front and back of the packet, forming an
LAPB frame. Again, the control information in the frame is needed for the operation
of the LAPB protocol.

Virtual Circuit Service
With the X.25 packet layer, data are transmitted in packets over external virtual circuits.
The virtual-circuit service of X.25 provides for two types of virtual circuit: virtual
call and permanent virtual circuit. A virtual call is a dynamically established virtual
circuit using a call setup and call clearing procedure, explained below. A
permanent virtual circuit is a fixed, network-assigned virtual circuit. Data transfer
occurs as with virtual calls, but no call setup or clearing is required.
Figure 9.18 shows a typical sequence of events in a virtual call. The left-hand
part of the figure shows the packets exchanged between user machine A and the
packet-switching node to which it attaches; the right-hand part shows the packets
exchanged between user machine B and its node. The routing of packets inside the
network is not visible to the user.
The sequence of events is as follows:
1. A requests a virtual circuit to B by sending a Call-Request packet to A's DCE.
The packet includes the source and destination addresses, as well as the
virtual-circuit number to be used for this new virtual circuit. Future incoming
and outgoing transfers will be identified by this virtual-circuit number.
2. The network routes this call request to B's DCE.
3. B's DCE receives the Call Request and sends an Incoming-Call packet to B.
This packet has the same format as the Call-Request packet but utilizes a different
virtual-circuit number, selected by B's DCE from the set of locally
unused numbers.
4.B indicates acceptance of the call by sending a Call-Accepted packet specifying
the same virtual circuit number as that of the Incoming-Call packet.
A's DCE receives the Call Accepted and sends a Call-Connected packet to A.
5.This packet has the same format as the Call-Accepted packet but the same
virtual-circuit number as that of the original Call-Request packet.
6.A and B send data and control packets to each other using their respective
virtual-circuit numbers.
7.A (or B) sends a Clear-Request packet to terminate the virtual circuit and
receives a Clear-Confirmation packet.
8. B (or A) receives a Clear-Indication packet and transmits a Clear-
Confirmation packet.
We now turn to some of the details of the standard.
Packet Format
Figure 9.19 shows the basic X.25 packet formats. For user data, the data are broken
up into blocks of some maximum size, and a 24-bit or 32-bit header is appended to
each block to form a data packet. The header includes a 12-bit virtual-circuit number
(expressed as a 4-bit group number and an %bit channel number). The P(S) and
P(R) fields support the functions of flow control and error control on a virtualcircuit
basis, as explained below. The M and D bits are described below. The Q bit
is not defined in the standard, but allows the user to distinguish two types of data.
In addition to transmitting user data, X.25 must transmit control information
related to the establishment, maintenance, and termination of virtual circuits. Control
information is transmitted in a control packet. Each control packet includes the
virtual-circuit number, the packet type, which identifies the particular control function,
as well as additional control information related to that function. For example,
a Call-Request packet includes the following additional fields:
Calling DTE address length (4 bits): length of the corresponding address field
in 4-bit units.
a Called DTE address length (4 bits): length of the corresponding address field
in 4-bit units.
DTE addresses (variable): the calling and called DTE addresses.
a Facilities: a sequence of facility specifications. Each specification consists of
an &bit facility code and zero or more parameter codes. An example of a
facility is reverse charging.
Table 9.3 lists all of the X.25 packets. Most of these have already been discussed.
A brief description of the remainder follow.
A DTE may send an Interrupt packet that bypasses the flow-control procedures
for data packets. The interrupt packet is to be delivered to the destination
DTE by the network at a higher priority than data packets in transit. An example
of the use of this capability is the transmission of a terminal-break character.
The Reset packets provide a facility for recovering from an error by reinitializing
a virtual circuit, meaning that the sequence numbers on both ends are set to 0.
Any data or interrupt packets in transit are lost. A reset can be triggered by a number
of error conditions, including loss of a packet, sequence number error, congestion,
or loss of the network's internal logical connection. In the latter case, the two
DCEs must rebuild the internal logical connection to support the still-existing X.25
DTE-DTE virtual circuit.
A more serious error condition is dealt with by a Restart, which terminates all
active virtual calls. An example of a condition warranting restart is temporary loss
of access to the network.
The Diagnostic packet provides a means to signal certain error conditions that
do not warrant reinitialization. The Registration packets are used to invoke and
confirm X.25 facilities.
Perhaps the most important service provided by X.25 is multiplexing. A DTE is
allowed to establish up to 4095 simultaneous virtual circuits with other DTEs over
a single physical DTE-DCE link. The DTE can internally assign these circuits in
any way it pleases. Individual virtual circuits could correspond to applications,
processes, or terminals, for example. The DTE-DCE link provides full-duplex
multiplexing; that is, at any time, a packet associated with a given virtual circuit can
be transmitted in either direction.
To sort out which packets belong to which virtual circuits, each packet contains
a 12-bit virtual-circuit number (expressed as a 4-bit logical group number plus
an 8-bit logical channel number). The assignment of virtual-circuit numbers follows
the convention depicted in Figure 9.20. Number zero is always reserved for diagnostic
packets common to all virtual circuits. Then, contiguous ranges of numbers
are allocated for four categories of virtual circuits. Permanent virtual circuits are
assigned numbers beginning with 1. The next category is one-way, incoming virtual
calls. This means that only incoming calls from the network can be assigned these
numbers; the virtual circuit, however, is two-way (full duplex). When a call request
comes in, the DCE selects an unused number from this category.
One-way outgoing calls are those initiated by the DTE. In this case, the DTE
selects an unused number from among those allocated for these calls. This separa
tion of categories is intended to avoid the simultaneous selection of the same number
for two different virtual circuits by the DTE and DCE.
The two-way virtual-call category provides an overflow for allocation shared
by DTE and DCE, allowing for peak differences in traffic flow.

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