
Wednesday, September 7, 2016

The Wireless Web

7.3.6 The Wireless Web

There is considerable interest in small portable devices capable of accessing the Web via a wireless link. In fact, the first tentative steps in that direction have already been taken. No doubt there will be a great deal of change in this area in the coming years, but it is still worth examining some of the current ideas relating to the wireless Web to see where we are now and where we might be heading. We will focus on the first two wide area wireless Web systems to hit the market: WAP and i-mode.
WAP—The Wireless Application Protocol
Once the Internet and mobile phones had become commonplace, it did not take long before somebody got the idea to combine them into a mobile phone with a built-in screen for wireless access to e-mail and the Web. The ''somebody'' in this case was a consortium initially led by Nokia, Ericsson, Motorola, and (formerly Unwired Planet) and now boasting hundreds of members. The system is called WAP (Wireless Application Protocol).
A WAP device may be an enhanced mobile phone, PDA, or notebook computer without any voice capability. The specification allows all of them and more. The basic idea is to use the existing digital wireless infrastructure. Users can literally call up a WAP gateway over the wireless link and send Web page requests to it. The gateway then checks its cache for the page requested. If present, it sends it; if absent, it fetches it over the wired Internet. In essence, this means that WAP 1.0 is a circuit-switched system with a fairly high per-minute connect charge. To make a long story short, people did not like accessing the Internet on a tiny screen and paying by the minute, so WAP was something of a flop (although there were other problems as well). However, WAP and its competitor, i-mode (discussed below), appear to be converging on a similar technology, so WAP 2.0 may yet be a big success. Since WAP 1.0 was the first attempt at wireless Internet, it is worth describing it at least briefly.
WAP is essentially a protocol stack for accessing the Web, but optimized for low-bandwidth connections using wireless devices having a slow CPU, little memory, and a small screen. These requirements are obviously different from those of the standard desktop PC scenario, which leads to some protocol differences. The layers are shown in Fig. 7-48.
Figure 7-48. The WAP protocol stack.
The lowest layer supports all the existing mobile phone systems, including GSM, D-AMPS, and CDMA. The WAP 1.0 data rate is 9600 bps. On top of this is the datagram protocol, WDP (Wireless Datagram Protocol), which is essentially UDP. Then comes a layer for security, obviously needed in a wireless system. Above this is a transaction layer, which manages requests and responses, either reliably or unreliably. This layer replaces TCP, which is not used over the air link for efficiency reasons. Then comes a session layer, which is similar to HTTP/1.1 but with some restrictions and extensions for optimization purposes. At the top is a microbrowser (WAE).
Besides cost, the other aspect that no doubt hurt WAP's acceptance is the fact that it does not use HTML. Instead, the WAE layer uses a markup language called WML (Wireless Markup Language), which is an application of XML. As a consequence, in principle, a WAP device can only access those pages that have been converted to WML. However, since this greatly restricts the value of WAP, the architecture calls for an on-the-fly filter from HTML to WML to increase the set of pages available. This architecture is illustrated in Fig. 7-49.
Figure 7-49. The WAP architecture.
In all fairness, WAP was probably a little ahead of its time. When WAP was first started, XML was hardly known outside W3C and so the press reported its launch as WAP DOES NOT USE HTML. A more accurate headline would have been: WAP ALREADY USES THE NEW HTML STANDARD. But once the damage was done, it was hard to repair and WAP 1.0 never caught on. We will revisit WAP after first looking at its major competitor.
While a multi-industry consortium of telecom vendors and computer companies was busy hammering out an open standard using the most advanced version of HTML available, other developments were going on in Japan. There, a Japanese woman, Mari Matsunaga, invented a different approach to the wireless Web called i-mode (information-mode). She convinced the wireless subsidiary of the former Japanese telephone monopoly that her approach was right, and in Feb. 1999 NTT DoCoMo (literally: Japanese Telephone and Telegraph Company everywhere you go) launched the service in Japan. Within 3 years it had over 35 million Japanese subscribers, who could access over 40,000 special i-mode Web sites. It also had most of the world's telecom companies drooling over its financial success, especially in light of the fact that WAP appeared to be going nowhere. Let us now take a look at what i-mode is and how it works.
The i-mode system has three major components: a new transmission system, a new handset, and a new language for Web page design. The transmission system consists of two separate networks: the existing circuit-switched mobile phone network (somewhat comparable to D-AMPS), and a new packet-switched network constructed specifically for i-mode service. Voice mode uses the circuit switched network and is billed per minute of connection time. I-mode uses the packet-switched network and is always on (like ADSL or cable), so there is no billing for connect time. Instead, there is a charge for each packet sent. It is not currently possible to use both networks at once.
The handsets look like mobile phones, with the addition of a small screen. NTT DoCoMo heavily advertises i-mode devices as better mobile phones rather than wireless Web terminals, even though that is precisely what they are. In fact, probably most customers are not even aware they are on the Internet. They think of their i-mode devices as mobile phones with enhanced services. In keeping with this model of i-mode being a service, the handsets are not user programmable, although they contain the equivalent of a 1995 PC and could probably run Windows 95 or UNIX.
When the i-mode handset is switched on, the user is presented with a list of categories of the officially-approved services. There are well over 1000 services divided into about 20 categories. Each service, which is actually a small i-mode Web site, is run by an independent company. The major categories on the official menu include e-mail, news, weather, sports, games, shopping, maps, horoscopes, entertainment, travel, regional guides, ringing tones, recipes, gambling, home banking, and stock prices. The service is somewhat targeted at teenagers and people in their 20s, who tend to love electronic gadgets, especially if they come in fashionable colors. The mere fact that over 40 companies are selling ringing tones says something. The most popular application is e-mail, which allows up to 500-byte messages, and thus is seen as a big improvement over SMS (Short Message Service) with its 160-byte messages. Games are also popular.
There are also over 40,000 i-mode Web sites, but they have to be accessed by typing in their URL, rather than selecting them from a menu. In a sense, the official list is like an Internet portal that allows other Web sites to be accessed by clicking rather than by typing a URL.
NTT DoCoMo tightly controls the official services. To be allowed on the list, a service must meet a variety of published criteria. For example, a service must not have a bad influence on society, Japanese-English dictionaries must have enough words, services with ringing tones must add new tones frequently, and no site may inflame faddish behavior or reflect badly on NTT DoCoMo (Frengle, 2002). The 40,000 Internet sites can do whatever they want.
The i-mode business model is so different from that of the conventional Internet that it is worth explaining. The basic i-mode subscription fee is a few dollars per month. Since there is a charge for each packet received, the basic subscription includes a small number of packets. Alternatively the customer can choose a subscription with more free packets, with the per-packet charge dropping sharply as you go from 1 MB per month to 10 MB per month. If the free packets are used up halfway through the month, additional packets can be purchased on-line.
To use a service, you have to subscribe to it, something accomplished by just clicking on it and entering your PIN code. Most official services cost around $1–$2 per month. NTT DoCoMo adds the charge to the phone bill and passes 91% of it onto the service provider, keeping 9% itself. If an unofficial service has 1 million customers, it has to send out 1 million bills for (about) $1 each every month. If that service becomes official, NTT DoCoMo handles the billing and just transfers $910,000 to the service's bank account every month. Not having to handle billing is a huge incentive for a service provider to become official, which generates more revenue for NTT DoCoMo. Also, being official gets you on the initial menu, which makes your site much easier to find. The user's phone bill includes phone calls, i-mode subscription charges, service subscription charges, and extra packets.
Despite its massive success in Japan, it is far from clear whether it will catch on in the U.S. and Europe. In some ways, the Japanese circumstances are different from those in the West. First, most potential customers in the West (e.g., teenagers, college students, and businesspersons) already have a large-screen PC at home, almost assuredly with an Internet connection at a speed of at least 56 kbps, often much more. In Japan, few people have an Internet-connected PC at home, in part due to lack of space, but also due to NTT's exorbitant charges for local telephone services (something like $700 for installing a line and $1.50 per hour for local calls). For most users, i-mode is their only Internet connection.
Second, people in the West are not used to paying $1 a month to access CNN's Web site, $1 a month to access Yahoo's Web site, $1 a month to access Google's Web site, and so on, not to mention a few dollars per MB downloaded. Most Internet providers in the West now charge a fixed monthly fee independent of actual usage, largely in response to customer demand.
Third, for many Japanese people, prime i-mode time is while they are commuting to or from work or school on the train or subway. In Europe, fewer people commute by train than in Japan, and in the U.S. hardly anyone does. Using i-mode at home next to your computer with a 17-inch monitor, a 1-Mbps ADSL connection, and all the free megabytes you want does not make a lot of sense. Nevertheless, nobody predicted the immense popularity of mobile phones at all, so i-mode may yet find a niche in the West.
As we mentioned above, i-mode handsets use the existing circuit-switched network for voice and a new packet-switched network for data. The data network is based on CDMA and transmits 128-byte packets at 9600 bps. A diagram of the network is given in Fig. 7-50. Handsets talk LTP (Lightweight Transport Protocol) over the air link to a protocol conversion gateway. The gateway has a wideband fiber-optic connection to the i-mode server, which is connected to all the services. When the user selects a service from the official menu, the request is sent to the i-mode server, which caches most of the pages to improve performance. Requests to sites not on the official menu bypass the i-mode server and go directly through the Internet.
Figure 7-50. Structure of the i-mode data network showing the transport protocols.
Current handsets have CPUs that run at about 100 MHz, several megabytes of flash ROM, perhaps 1 MB of RAM, and a small built-in screen. I-mode requires the screen to be at least 72 x 94 pixels, but some high-end devices have as many as 120 x 160 pixels. Screens usually have 8-bit color, which allows 256 colors. This is not enough for photographs but is adequate for line drawings and simple cartoons. Since there is no mouse, on-screen navigation is done with the arrow keys.
The software structure is as shown in Fig. 7-51. The bottom layer consists of a simple real-time operating system for controlling the hardware. Then comes a module for doing network communication, using NTT DoCoMo's proprietary LTP protocol. Above that is a simple window manager that handles text and simple graphics (GIF files). With screens having only about 120 x 160 pixels at best, there is not much to manage.
Figure 7-51. Structure of the i-mode software.
The fourth layer contains the Web page interpreter (i.e., the browser). I-mode does not use full HTML, but a subset of it, called cHTML (compact HTML), based loosely on HTML 1.0. This layer also allows helper applications and plug-ins, just as PC browsers do. One standard helper application is an interpreter for a slightly modified version of JVM.
At the top is a user interaction module, which manages communication with the user.
Let us now take a closer look at cHTML. As mentioned, it is approximately HTML 1.0, with a few omissions and some extensions for use on a mobile handsets. It was submitted to W3C for standardization, but W3C showed little interest in it, so it is likely to remain a proprietary product.
Most of the basic HTML tags are allowed, including <html>, <head>, <title>, <body>, <hn >, <center>, <ul>, <ol>, <menu>, <li>, <br>, <p>, <hr>, <img>, <form>, and <input>. The <b> and <i> tags are not permitted.
The <a> tag is allowed for linking to other pages, but with the additional scheme tel for dialing telephone numbers. In a sense tel is analogous to mailto. When a hyperlink using the mailto scheme is selected, the browser pops up a form to send e-mail to the destination named in the link. When a hyperlink using the tel scheme is selected, the browser dials the telephone number. For example, an address book could have simple pictures of various people. When selecting one of them, the handset would call him or her. RFC 2806 discusses telephone URLs.
The cHTML browser is limited in other ways. It does not support JavaScript, frames, style sheets, background colors, or background images. It also does not support JPEG images, because they take too much time to decompress. Java applets are allowed, but are (currently) limited to 10 KB due to the slow transmission speed over the air link.
Although NTT DoCoMo removed some HTML tags, it also added some new ones. The <blink> tag makes text turn on and off. While it may seem inconsistent to forbid <b> (on the grounds that Web sites should not handle the appearance) and then add <blink> which relates only to the appearance, this is how they did it. Another new tag is <marquee>, which scrolls its contents on the screen in the manner of a stock ticker.
One new feature is the align attribute for the <br> tag. It is needed because with a screen of typically 6 rows of 16 characters, there is a great danger of words being broken in the middle, as shown in Fig. 7-52(a). Align helps reduce this problem to make it possible to get something more like Fig. 7-52(b). It is interesting to note that Japanese does not suffer from words being broken over lines. For kanji text, the screen is broken up into a rectangular grid of cells of size 9 x 10 pixels or 12 x 12 pixels, depending on the font supported. Each cell holds exactly one kanji character, which is the equivalent of a word in English. Line breaks between words are always allowed in Japanese.
Figure 7-52. Lewis Carroll meets a 16 x 6 screen.
Although the Japanese language has tens of thousands of kanji, NTT DoCoMo invented 166 brand new ones, called emoji, with a higher cuteness factor— essentially pictograms like the smileys of Fig. 7-6. They include symbols for the astrological signs, beer, hamburger, amusement park, birthday, mobile phone, dog, cat, Christmas, broken heart, kiss, mood, sleepy, and, of course, one meaning cute.
Another new attribute is the ability for allowing users to select hyperlinks using the keyboard, clearly an important property on a mouseless computer. An example of how this attribute is used is shown in the cHTML file of Fig. 7-53.
Figure 7-53. An example cHTML file.
Although the client side is somewhat limited, the i-mode server is a full-blown computer, with all the usual bells and whistles. It supports CGI, Perl, PHP, JSP, ASP, and everything else Web servers normally support.
A brief comparison of the WAP and i-mode as actually implemented in the first-generation systems is given in Fig. 7-54. While some of the differences may seem small, often they are important. For example, 15-year-olds do not have credit cards, so being able to buy things via e-commerce and have them charged to the phone bill makes a big difference in their interest in the system.
Figure 7-54. A comparison of first-generation WAP and i-mode.
For additional information about i-mode, see (Frengle, 2002; and Vacca, 2002).
Second-Generation Wireless Web
WAP 1.0, based on recognized international standards, was supposed to be a serious tool for people in business on the move. It failed. I-mode was an electronic toy for Japanese teenagers using proprietary everything. It was a huge success. What happens next? Each side learned something from the first generation of wireless Web. The WAP consortium learned that content matters. Not having a large number of Web sites that speak your markup language is fatal. NTT DoCoMo learned that a closed, proprietary system closely tied to tiny handsets and Japanese culture is not a good export product. The conclusion that both sides drew is that to convince a large number of Web sites to put their content in your format, it is necessary to have an open, stable, markup language that is universally accepted. Format wars are not good for business.
Both services are about to enter the second generation of wireless Web technology. WAP 2.0 came out first, so we will use that as our example. WAP 1.0 got some things right, and they have been continued. For one thing, WAP can be carried on a variety of different networks. The first generation used circuit-switched networks, but packet-switched networks were always an option and still are. Second-generation systems are likely to use packet switching, for example, GPRS. For another, WAP initially was aimed at supporting a wide variety of devices, from mobile phones to powerful notebook computers, and still is.
WAP 2.0 also has some new features. The most significant ones are:
  1. Push model as well as pull model.
  2. Support for integrating telephony into applications.
  3. Multimedia messaging.
  4. Inclusion of 264 pictograms.
  5. Interface to a storage device.
  6. Support for plug-ins in the browser.
The pull model is well known: the client asks for a page and gets it. The push model supports data arriving without being asked for, such as a continuous feed of stock prices or traffic alerts.
Voice and data are starting to merge, and WAP 2.0 supports them in a variety of ways. We saw one example of this earlier with i-mode's ability to hyperlink an icon or text on the screen to a telephone number to be called. Along with e-mail and telephony, multimedia messaging is supported.
The huge popularity of i-mode's emoji stimulated the WAP consortium to invent 264 of its own emoji. The categories include animals, appliances, dress, emotion, food, human body, gender, maps, music, plants, sports, time, tools, vehicles, weapons, and weather. Interesting enough, the standard just names each pictogram; it does not give the actual bit map, probably out of fear that some culture's representation of ''sleepy'' or ''hug'' might be insulting to another culture. I-mode did not have that problem since it was intended for a single country.
Providing for a storage interface does not mean that every WAP 2.0 phone will come with a large hard disk. Flash ROM is also a storage device. A WAP-enabled wireless camera could use the flash ROM for temporary image storage before beaming the best pictures to the Internet.
Finally, plug-ins can extend the browser's capabilities. A scripting language is also provided.
Various technical differences are also present in WAP 2.0. The two biggest ones concern the protocol stack and the markup language. WAP 2.0 continues to support the old protocol stack of Fig. 7-48, but it also supports the standard Internet stack with TCP and HTTP/1.1 as well. However, four minor (but compatible) changes to TCP were made (to simplify the code): (1) Use of a fixed 64-KB window, (2) no slow start, (3) a maximum MTU of 1500 bytes, and (4) a slightly different retransmission algorithm. TLS is the transport-layer security protocol standardized by IETF;. Many initial devices will probably contain both stacks, as shown in Fig. 7-55.
Figure 7-55. WAP 2.0 supports two protocol stacks.
The other technical difference with WAP 1.0 is the markup language. WAP 2.0 supports XHTML Basic, which is intended for small wireless devices. Since NTT DoCoMo has also agreed to support this subset, Web site designers can use this format and know that their pages will work on the fixed Internet and on all wireless devices. These decisions will end the markup language format wars that were impeding growth of the wireless Web industry.
A few words about XHTML Basic are perhaps in order. It is intended for mobile phones, televisions, PDAs, vending machines, pagers, cars, game machines, and even watches. For this reason, it does not support style sheets, scripts, or frames, but most of the standard tags are there. They are grouped into 11 modules. Some are required; some are optional. All are defined in XML. The modules and some example tags are listed in Fig. 7-56. We have not gone over all the example tags, but more information can be found at
Figure 7-56. The XHTML Basic modules and tags.
Despite the agreement on the use of XHTML Basic, a threat to WAP and i-mode is lurking in the air: 802.11. The second-generation wireless Web is supposed to run at 384 kbps, far better than the 9600 bps of the first generation, but far worse than the 11 Mbps or 54 Mbps offered by 802.11. Of course, 802.11 is not everywhere, but as more restaurants, hotels, stores, companies, airports, bus stations, museums, universities, hospitals, and other organizations decide to install base stations for their employees and customers, there may be enough coverage in urban areas that people are willing to walk a few blocks to sit down in an 802.11-enabled fast food restaurant for a cup of coffee and an e-mail. Businesses may routinely put 802.11 logos next to the logos that show which credit cards they accept, and for the same reason: to attract customers. City maps (downloadable, naturally) may show covered areas in green and silent areas in red, so people can wander from base station to base station, like nomads trekking from oasis to oasis in the desert.
Although fast food restaurants may be quick to install 802.11 base stations, farmers will probably not, so coverage will be spotty and limited to the downtown areas of cities, due to the limited range of 802.11 (a few hundred meters at best). This may lead to dual-mode wireless devices that use 802.11 if they can pick up a signal and fall back to WAP if they cannot.

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