
Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Electronic Mail

7.2 Electronic Mail

Electronic mail, or e-mail, as it is known to its many fans, has been around for over two decades. Before 1990, it was mostly used in academia. During the 1990s, it became known to the public at large and grew exponentially to the point where the number of e-mails sent per day now is vastly more than the number of snail mail (i.e., paper) letters.
E-mail, like most other forms of communication, has its own conventions and styles. In particular, it is very informal and has a low threshold of use. People who would never dream of calling up or even writing a letter to a Very Important Person do not hesitate for a second to send a sloppily-written e-mail.
E-mail is full of jargon such as BTW (By The Way), ROTFL (Rolling On The Floor Laughing), and IMHO (In My Humble Opinion). Many people also use little ASCII symbols called smileys or emoticons in their e-mail. A few of the more interesting ones are reproduced in Fig. 7-6. For most, rotating the book 90 degrees clockwise will make them clearer. For a minibook giving over 650 smileys, see (Sanderson and Dougherty, 1993).
Figure 7-6. Some smileys. They will not be on the final exam :-)
The first e-mail systems simply consisted of file transfer protocols, with the convention that the first line of each message (i.e., file) contained the recipient's address. As time went on, the limitations of this approach became more obvious.
Some of the complaints were as follows:
  1. Sending a message to a group of people was inconvenient. Managers often need this facility to send memos to all their subordinates.
  2. Messages had no internal structure, making computer processing difficult. For example, if a forwarded message was included in the body of another message, extracting the forwarded part from the received message was difficult.
  3. The originator (sender) never knew if a message arrived or not.
  4. If someone was planning to be away on business for several weeks and wanted all incoming e-mail to be handled by his secretary, this was not easy to arrange.
  5. The user interface was poorly integrated with the transmission system requiring users first to edit a file, then leave the editor and invoke the file transfer program.
  6. It was not possible to create and send messages containing a mixture of text, drawings, facsimile, and voice.
As experience was gained, more elaborate e-mail systems were proposed. In 1982, the ARPANET e-mail proposals were published as RFC 821 (transmission protocol) and RFC 822 (message format). Minor revisions, RFC 2821 and RFC 2822, have become Internet standards, but everyone still refers to Internet e-mail as RFC 822.
In 1984, CCITT drafted its X.400 recommendation. After two decades of competition, e-mail systems based on RFC 822 are widely used, whereas those based on X.400 have disappeared. How a system hacked together by a handful of computer science graduate students beat an official international standard strongly backed by all the PTTs in the world, many governments, and a substantial part of the computer industry brings to mind the Biblical story of David and Goliath.
The reason for RFC 822's success is not that it is so good, but that X.400 was so poorly designed and so complex that nobody could implement it well. Given a choice between a simple-minded, but working, RFC 822-based e-mail system and a supposedly truly wonderful, but nonworking, X.400 e-mail system, most organizations chose the former. Perhaps there is a lesson lurking in there somewhere. Consequently, our discussion of e-mail will focus on the Internet e-mail system.
7.2.1 Architecture and Services
In this section we will provide an overview of what e-mail systems can do and how they are organized. They normally consist of two subsystems: the user agents, which allow people to read and send e-mail, and the message transfer agents, which move the messages from the source to the destination. The user agents are local programs that provide a command-based, menu-based, or graphical method for interacting with the e-mail system. The message transfer agents are typically system daemons, that is, processes that run in the background. Their job is to move e-mail through the system.
Typically, e-mail systems support five basic functions. Let us take a look at them.
Composition refers to the process of creating messages and answers. Although any text editor can be used for the body of the message, the system itself can provide assistance with addressing and the numerous header fields attached to each message. For example, when answering a message, the e-mail system can extract the originator's address from the incoming e-mail and automatically insert it into the proper place in the reply.
Transfer refers to moving messages from the originator to the recipient. In large part, this requires establishing a connection to the destination or some intermediate machine, outputting the message, and releasing the connection. The e-mail system should do this automatically, without bothering the user.
Reporting has to do with telling the originator what happened to the message. Was it delivered? Was it rejected? Was it lost? Numerous applications exist in which confirmation of delivery is important and may even have legal significance (''Well, Your Honor, my e-mail system is not very reliable, so I guess the electronic subpoena just got lost somewhere'').
Displaying incoming messages is needed so people can read their e-mail. Sometimes conversion is required or a special viewer must be invoked, for example, if the message is a PostScript file or digitized voice. Simple conversions and formatting are sometimes attempted as well.
Disposition is the final step and concerns what the recipient does with the message after receiving it. Possibilities include throwing it away before reading, throwing it away after reading, saving it, and so on. It should also be possible to retrieve and reread saved messages, forward them, or process them in other ways.
In addition to these basic services, some e-mail systems, especially internal corporate ones, provide a variety of advanced features. Let us just briefly mention a few of these. When people move or when they are away for some period of time, they may want their e-mail forwarded, so the system should be able to do this automatically.
Most systems allow users to create mailboxes to store incoming e-mail. Commands are needed to create and destroy mailboxes, inspect the contents of mailboxes, insert and delete messages from mailboxes, and so on.
Corporate managers often need to send a message to each of their subordinates, customers, or suppliers. This gives rise to the idea of a mailing list, which is a list of e-mail addresses. When a message is sent to the mailing list, identical copies are delivered to everyone on the list.
Other advanced features are carbon copies, blind carbon copies, high-priority e-mail, secret (i.e., encrypted) e-mail, alternative recipients if the primary one is not currently available, and the ability for secretaries to read and answer their bosses' e-mail.
E-mail is now widely used within industry for intracompany communication. It allows far-flung employees to cooperate on complex projects, even over many time zones. By eliminating most cues associated with rank, age, and gender, e-mail debates tend to focus on ideas, not on corporate status. With e-mail, a brilliant idea from a summer student can have more impact than a dumb one from an executive vice president.
A key idea in e-mail systems is the distinction between the envelope and its contents. The envelope encapsulates the message. It contains all the information needed for transporting the message, such as the destination address, priority, and security level, all of which are distinct from the message itself. The message transport agents use the envelope for routing, just as the post office does.
The message inside the envelope consists of two parts: the header and the body. The header contains control information for the user agents. The body is entirely for the human recipient. Envelopes and messages are illustrated in Fig. 7-7.
Figure 7-7. Envelopes and messages. (a) Paper mail. (b) Electronic mail.
7.2.2 The User Agent
E-mail systems have two basic parts, as we have seen: the user agents and the message transfer agents. In this section we will look at the user agents. A user agent is normally a program (sometimes called a mail reader) that accepts a variety of commands for composing, receiving, and replying to messages, as well as for manipulating mailboxes. Some user agents have a fancy menu- or icon-driven interface that requires a mouse, whereas others expect 1-character commands from the keyboard. Functionally, these are the same. Some systems are menu- or icon-driven but also have keyboard shortcuts.
Sending E-mail
To send an e-mail message, a user must provide the message, the destination address, and possibly some other parameters. The message can be produced with a free-standing text editor, a word processing program, or possibly with a specialized text editor built into the user agent. The destination address must be in a format that the user agent can deal with. Many user agents expect addresses of the form user@dns-address.
However, it is worth noting that other forms of addressing exist. In particular, X.400 addresses look radically different from DNS addresses. They are composed of attribute = value pairs separated by slashes, for example,
This address specifies a country, state, locality, personal address and a common name (Ken Smith). Many other attributes are possible, so you can send e-mail to someone whose exact e-mail address you do not know, provided you know enough other attributes (e.g., company and job title). Although X.400 names are considerably less convenient than DNS names, most e-mail systems have aliases (sometimes called nicknames) that allow users to enter or select a person's name and get the correct e-mail address. Consequently, even with X.400 addresses, it is usually not necessary to actually type in these strange strings.
Most e-mail systems support mailing lists, so that a user can send the same message to a list of people with a single command. If the mailing list is maintained locally, the user agent can just send a separate message to each intended recipient. However, if the list is maintained remotely, then messages will be expanded there. For example, if a group of bird watchers has a mailing list called birders installed on, then any message sent to will be routed to the University of Arizona and expanded there into individual messages to all the mailing list members, wherever in the world they may be. Users of this mailing list cannot tell that it is a mailing list. It could just as well be the personal mailbox of Prof. Gabriel O. Birders.
Reading E-mail
Typically, when a user agent is started up, it looks at the user's mailbox for incoming e-mail before displaying anything on the screen. Then it may announce the number of messages in the mailbox or display a one-line summary of each one and wait for a command.
As an example of how a user agent works, let us take a look at a typical mail scenario. After starting up the user agent, the user asks for a summary of his e-mail. A display like that of Fig. 7-8 then appears on the screen. Each line refers to one message. In this example, the mailbox contains eight messages.
Figure 7-8. An example display of the contents of a mailbox.
Each line of the display contains several fields extracted from the envelope or header of the corresponding message. In a simple e-mail system, the choice of fields displayed is built into the program. In a more sophisticated system, the user can specify which fields are to be displayed by providing a user profile, a file describing the display format. In this basic example, the first field is the message number. The second field, Flags, can contain a K, meaning that the message is not new but was read previously and kept in the mailbox; an A, meaning that the message has already been answered; and/or an F, meaning that the message has been forwarded to someone else. Other flags are also possible.
The third field tells how long the message is, and the fourth one tells who sent the message. Since this field is simply extracted from the message, this field may contain first names, full names, initials, login names, or whatever else the sender chooses to put there. Finally, the Subject field gives a brief summary of what the message is about. People who fail to include a Subject field often discover that responses to their e-mail tend not to get the highest priority.
After the headers have been displayed, the user can perform any of several actions, such as displaying a message, deleting a message, and so on. The older systems were text based and typically used one-character commands for performing these tasks, such as T (type message), A (answer message), D (delete message), and F (forward message). An argument specified the message in question. More recent systems use graphical interfaces. Usually, the user selects a message with the mouse and then clicks on an icon to type, answer, delete, or forward it.
E-mail has come a long way from the days when it was just file transfer. Sophisticated user agents make managing a large volume of e-mail possible. For people who receive and send thousands of messages a year, such tools are invaluable.
7.2.3 Message Formats
Let us now turn from the user interface to the format of the e-mail messages themselves. First we will look at basic ASCII e-mail using RFC 822. After that, we will look at multimedia extensions to RFC 822.
RFC 822
Messages consist of a primitive envelope (described in RFC 821), some number of header fields, a blank line, and then the message body. Each header field (logically) consists of a single line of ASCII text containing the field name, a colon, and, for most fields, a value. RFC 822 was designed decades ago and does not clearly distinguish the envelope fields from the header fields. Although it was revised in RFC 2822, completely redoing it was not possible due to its widespread usage. In normal usage, the user agent builds a message and passes it to the message transfer agent, which then uses some of the header fields to construct the actual envelope, a somewhat old-fashioned mixing of message and envelope.
The principal header fields related to message transport are listed in Fig. 7-9. The To: field gives the DNS address of the primary recipient. Having multiple recipients is also allowed. The Cc: field gives the addresses of any secondary recipients. In terms of delivery, there is no distinction between the primary and secondary recipients. It is entirely a psychological difference that may be important to the people involved but is not important to the mail system. The term Cc: (Carbon copy) is a bit dated, since computers do not use carbon paper, but it is well established. The Bcc: (Blind carbon copy) field is like the Cc: field, except that this line is deleted from all the copies sent to the primary and secondary recipients. This feature allows people to send copies to third parties without the primary and secondary recipients knowing this.
Figure 7-9. RFC 822 header fields related to message transport.
The next two fields, From: and Sender:, tell who wrote and sent the message, respectively. These need not be the same. For example, a business executive may write a message, but her secretary may be the one who actually transmits it. In this case, the executive would be listed in the From: field and the secretary in the Sender: field. The From: field is required, but the Sender: field may be omitted if it is the same as the From: field. These fields are needed in case the message is undeliverable and must be returned to the sender.
A line containing Received: is added by each message transfer agent along the way. The line contains the agent's identity, the date and time the message was received, and other information that can be used for finding bugs in the routing system.
The Return-Path: field is added by the final message transfer agent and was intended to tell how to get back to the sender. In theory, this information can be gathered from all the Received: headers (except for the name of the sender's mailbox), but it is rarely filled in as such and typically just contains the sender's address.
In addition to the fields of Fig. 7-9, RFC 822 messages may also contain a variety of header fields used by the user agents or human recipients. The most common ones are listed in Fig. 7-10. Most of these are self-explanatory, so we will not go into all of them in detail.
Figure 7-10. Some fields used in the RFC 822 message header.
The Reply-To: field is sometimes used when neither the person composing the message nor the person sending the message wants to see the reply. For example, a marketing manager writes an e-mail message telling customers about a new product. The message is sent by a secretary, but the Reply-To: field lists the head of the sales department, who can answer questions and take orders. This field is also useful when the sender has two e-mail accounts and wants the reply to go to the other one.
The RFC 822 document explicitly says that users are allowed to invent new headers for their own private use, provided that these headers start with the string X-. It is guaranteed that no future headers will use names starting with X-, to avoid conflicts between official and private headers. Sometimes wiseguy undergraduates make up fields like X-Fruit-of-the-Day: or X-Disease-of-the-Week:, which are legal, although not always illuminating.
After the headers comes the message body. Users can put whatever they want here. Some people terminate their messages with elaborate signatures, including simple ASCII cartoons, quotations from greater and lesser authorities, political statements, and disclaimers of all kinds (e.g., The XYZ Corporation is not responsible for my opinions; in fact, it cannot even comprehend them).
MIME—The Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
In the early days of the ARPANET, e-mail consisted exclusively of text messages written in English and expressed in ASCII. For this environment, RFC 822 did the job completely: it specified the headers but left the content entirely up to the users. Nowadays, on the worldwide Internet, this approach is no longer adequate. The problems include sending and receiving
  1. Messages in languages with accents (e.g., French and German).
  2. Messages in non-Latin alphabets (e.g., Hebrew and Russian).
  3. Messages in languages without alphabets (e.g., Chinese and Japanese).
  4. Messages not containing text at all (e.g., audio or images).
A solution was proposed in RFC 1341 and updated in RFCs 2045–2049. This solution, called MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) is now widely used. We will now describe it. For additional information about MIME, see the RFCs.
The basic idea of MIME is to continue to use the RFC 822 format, but to add structure to the message body and define encoding rules for non-ASCII messages. By not deviating from RFC 822, MIME messages can be sent using the existing mail programs and protocols. All that has to be changed are the sending and receiving programs, which users can do for themselves.
MIME defines five new message headers, as shown in Fig. 7-11. The first of these simply tells the user agent receiving the message that it is dealing with a MIME message, and which version of MIME it uses. Any message not containing a MIME-Version: header is assumed to be an English plaintext message and is processed as such.
Figure 7-11. RFC 822 headers added by MIME.
The Content-Description: header is an ASCII string telling what is in the message. This header is needed so the recipient will know whether it is worth decoding and reading the message. If the string says: ''Photo of Barbara's hamster'' and the person getting the message is not a big hamster fan, the message will probably be discarded rather than decoded into a high-resolution color photograph.
The Content-Id: header identifies the content. It uses the same format as the standard Message-Id: header.
The Content-Transfer-Encoding: tells how the body is wrapped for transmission through a network that may object to most characters other than letters, numbers, and punctuation marks. Five schemes (plus an escape to new schemes) are provided. The simplest scheme is just ASCII text. ASCII characters use 7 bits and can be carried directly by the e-mail protocol provided that no line exceeds 1000 characters.
The next simplest scheme is the same thing, but using 8-bit characters, that is, all values from 0 up to and including 255. This encoding scheme violates the (original) Internet e-mail protocol but is used by some parts of the Internet that implement some extensions to the original protocol. While declaring the encoding does not make it legal, having it explicit may at least explain things when something goes wrong. Messages using the 8-bit encoding must still adhere to the standard maximum line length.
Even worse are messages that use binary encoding. These are arbitrary binary files that not only use all 8 bits but also do not even respect the 1000-character line limit. Executable programs fall into this category. No guarantee is given that messages in binary will arrive correctly, but some people try anyway.
The correct way to encode binary messages is to use base64 encoding, sometimes called ASCII armor. In this scheme, groups of 24 bits are broken up into four 6-bit units, with each unit being sent as a legal ASCII character. The coding is ''A'' for 0, ''B'' for 1, and so on, followed by the 26 lower-case letters, the ten digits, and finally + and / for 62 and 63, respectively. The == and = sequences indicate that the last group contained only 8 or 16 bits, respectively. Carriage returns and line feeds are ignored, so they can be inserted at will to keep the lines short enough. Arbitrary binary text can be sent safely using this scheme.
For messages that are almost entirely ASCII but with a few non-ASCII characters, base64 encoding is somewhat inefficient. Instead, an encoding known as quoted-printable encoding is used. This is just 7-bit ASCII, with all the characters above 127 encoded as an equal sign followed by the character's value as two hexadecimal digits.
In summary, binary data should be sent encoded in base64 or quoted-printable form. When there are valid reasons not to use one of these schemes, it is possible to specify a user-defined encoding in the Content-Transfer-Encoding: header.
The last header shown in Fig. 7-11 is really the most interesting one. It specifies the nature of the message body. Seven types are defined in RFC 2045, each of which has one or more subtypes. The type and subtype are separated by a slash, as in
Content-Type: video/mpeg
The subtype must be given explicitly in the header; no defaults are provided. The initial list of types and subtypes specified in RFC 2045 is given in Fig. 7-12. Many new ones have been added since then, and additional entries are being added all the time as the need arises.
Figure 7-12. The MIME types and subtypes defined in RFC 2045.
Let us now go briefly through the list of types. The text type is for straight ASCII text. The text/plain combination is for ordinary messages that can be displayed as received, with no encoding and no further processing. This option allows ordinary messages to be transported in MIME with only a few extra headers.
The text/enriched subtype allows a simple markup language to be included in the text. This language provides a system-independent way to express boldface, italics, smaller and larger point sizes, indentation, justification, sub- and superscripting, and simple page layout. The markup language is based on SGML, the Standard Generalized Markup Language also used as the basis for the World Wide Web's HTML. For example, the message
The <bold> time </bold> has come the <italic> walrus </italic> said ...
would be displayed as
The time has come the walrus said ...
It is up to the receiving system to choose the appropriate rendition. If boldface and italics are available, they can be used; otherwise, colors, blinking, underlining, reverse video, etc., can be used for emphasis. Different systems can, and do, make different choices.
When the Web became popular, a new subtype text/html was added (in RFC 2854) to allow Web pages to be sent in RFC 822 e-mail. A subtype for the extensible markup language, text/xml, is defined in RFC 3023..
The next MIME type is image, which is used to transmit still pictures. Many formats are widely used for storing and transmitting images nowadays, both with and without compression. Two of these, GIF and JPEG, are built into nearly all browsers, but many others exist as well and have been added to the original list.
The audio and video types are for sound and moving pictures, respectively. Please note that video includes only the visual information, not the soundtrack. If a movie with sound is to be transmitted, the video and audio portions may have to be transmitted separately, depending on the encoding system used. The first video format defined was the one devised by the modestly-named Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG), but others have been added since. In addition to audio/basic, a new audio type, audio/mpeg was added in RFC 3003 to allow people to e-mail MP3 audio files.
The application type is a catchall for formats that require external processing not covered by one of the other types. An octet-stream is just a sequence of uninterpreted bytes. Upon receiving such a stream, a user agent should probably display it by suggesting to the user that it be copied to a file and prompting for a file name. Subsequent processing is then up to the user.
The other defined subtype is postscript, which refers to the PostScript language defined by Adobe Systems and widely used for describing printed pages. Many printers have built-in PostScript interpreters. Although a user agent can just call an external PostScript interpreter to display incoming PostScript files, doing so is not without some danger. PostScript is a full-blown programming language. Given enough time, a sufficiently masochistic person could write a C compiler or a database management system in PostScript. Displaying an incoming PostScript message is done by executing the PostScript program contained in it. In addition to displaying some text, this program can read, modify, or delete the user's files, and have other nasty side effects.
The message type allows one message to be fully encapsulated inside another. This scheme is useful for forwarding e-mail, for example. When a complete RFC 822 message is encapsulated inside an outer message, the rfc822 subtype should be used.
The partial subtype makes it possible to break an encapsulated message into pieces and send them separately (for example, if the encapsulated message is too long). Parameters make it possible to reassemble all the parts at the destination in the correct order.
Finally, the external-body subtype can be used for very long messages (e.g., video films). Instead of including the MPEG file in the message, an FTP address is given and the receiver's user agent can fetch it over the network at the time it is needed. This facility is especially useful when sending a movie to a mailing list of people, only a few of whom are expected to view it (think about electronic junk mail containing advertising videos).
The final type is multipart, which allows a message to contain more than one part, with the beginning and end of each part being clearly delimited. The mixed subtype allows each part to be different, with no additional structure imposed. Many e-mail programs allow the user to provide one or more attachments to a text message. These attachments are sent using the multipart type.
In contrast to multipart, the alternative subtype, allows the same message to be included multiple times but expressed in two or more different media. For example, a message could be sent in plain ASCII, in enriched text, and in PostScript. A properly-designed user agent getting such a message would display it in PostScript if possible. Second choice would be enriched text. If neither of these were possible, the flat ASCII text would be displayed. The parts should be ordered from simplest to most complex to help recipients with pre-MIME user agents make some sense of the message (e.g., even a pre-MIME user can read flat ASCII text).
The alternative subtype can also be used for multiple languages. In this context, the Rosetta Stone can be thought of as an early multipart/alternative message.
A multimedia example is shown in Fig. 7-13. Here a birthday greeting is transmitted both as text and as a song. If the receiver has an audio capability, the user agent there will fetch the sound file, birthday.snd, and play it. If not, the lyrics are displayed on the screen in stony silence. The parts are delimited by two hyphens followed by a (software-generated) string specified in the boundary parameter.
Figure 7-13. A multipart message containing enriched and audio alternatives.
Note that the Content-Type header occurs in three positions within this example. At the top level, it indicates that the message has multiple parts. Within each part, it gives the type and subtype of that part. Finally, within the body of the second part, it is required to tell the user agent what kind of an external file it is to fetch. To indicate this slight difference in usage, we have used lower case letters here, although all headers are case insensitive. The content-transfer-encoding is similarly required for any external body that is not encoded as 7-bit ASCII.
Getting back to the subtypes for multipart messages, two more possibilities exist. The parallel subtype is used when all parts must be ''viewed'' simultaneously. For example, movies often have an audio channel and a video channel. Movies are more effective if these two channels are played back in parallel, instead of consecutively.
Finally, the digest subtype is used when many messages are packed together into a composite message. For example, some discussion groups on the Internet collect messages from subscribers and then send them out to the group as a single multipart/digest message.
7.2.4 Message Transfer
The message transfer system is concerned with relaying messages from the originator to the recipient. The simplest way to do this is to establish a transport connection from the source machine to the destination machine and then just transfer the message. After examining how this is normally done, we will examine some situations in which this does not work and what can be done about them.
SMTP—The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
Within the Internet, e-mail is delivered by having the source machine establish a TCP connection to port 25 of the destination machine. Listening to this port is an e-mail daemon that speaks SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol). This daemon accepts incoming connections and copies messages from them into the appropriate mailboxes. If a message cannot be delivered, an error report containing the first part of the undeliverable message is returned to the sender.
SMTP is a simple ASCII protocol. After establishing the TCP connection to port 25, the sending machine, operating as the client, waits for the receiving machine, operating as the server, to talk first. The server starts by sending a line of text giving its identity and telling whether it is prepared to receive mail. If it is not, the client releases the connection and tries again later.
If the server is willing to accept e-mail, the client announces whom the e-mail is coming from and whom it is going to. If such a recipient exists at the destination, the server gives the client the go-ahead to send the message. Then the client sends the message and the server acknowledges it. No checksums are needed because TCP provides a reliable byte stream. If there is more e-mail, that is now sent. When all the e-mail has been exchanged in both directions, the connection is released. A sample dialog for sending the message of Fig. 7-13, including the numerical codes used by SMTP, is shown in Fig. 7-14. The lines sent by the client are marked C:. Those sent by the server are marked S:.
Figure 7-14. Transferring a message from to
A few comments about Fig. 7-14 may be helpful. The first command from the client is indeed HELO. Of the various four-character abbreviations for HELLO, this one has numerous advantages over its biggest competitor. Why all the commands had to be four characters has been lost in the mists of time.
In Fig. 7-14, the message is sent to only one recipient, so only one RCPT command is used. Such commands are allowed to send a single message to multiple receivers. Each one is individually acknowledged or rejected. Even if some recipients are rejected (because they do not exist at the destination), the message can be sent to the other ones.
Finally, although the syntax of the four-character commands from the client is rigidly specified, the syntax of the replies is less rigid. Only the numerical code really counts. Each implementation can put whatever string it wants after the code.
To get a better feel for how SMTP and some of the other protocols described in this chapter work, try them out. In all cases, first go to a machine connected to the Internet. On a UNIX system, in a shell, type
telnet 25
substituting the DNS name of your ISP's mail server for On a Windows system, click on Start, then Run, and type the command in the dialog box. This command will establish a telnet (i.e., TCP) connection to port 25 on that machine. Port 25 is the SMTP port (see Fig. 6-27 for some common ports). You will probably get a response something like this:
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
220 Smail #74 ready at Thu, 25 Sept 2002 13:26 +0200
The first three lines are from telnet telling you what it is doing. The last line is from the SMTP server on the remote machine announcing its willingness to talk to you and accept e-mail. To find out what commands it accepts, type
From this point on, a command sequence such as the one in Fig. 7-14 is possible, starting with the client's HELO command.
It is worth noting that the use of lines of ASCII text for commands is not an accident. Most Internet protocols work this way. Using ASCII text makes the protocols easy to test and debug. They can be tested by sending commands manually, as we saw above, and dumps of the messages are easy to read.
Even though the SMTP protocol is completely well defined, a few problems can still arise. One problem relates to message length. Some older implementations cannot handle messages exceeding 64 KB. Another problem relates to timeouts. If the client and server have different timeouts, one of them may give up while the other is still busy, unexpectedly terminating the connection. Finally, in rare situations, infinite mailstorms can be triggered. For example, if host 1 holds mailing list A and host 2 holds mailing list B and each list contains an entry for the other one, then a message sent to either list could generate a never-ending amount of e-mail traffic unless somebody checks for it.
To get around some of these problems, extended SMTP (ESMTP) has been defined in RFC 2821. Clients wanting to use it should send an EHLO message instead of HELO initially. If this is rejected, then the server is a regular SMTP server, and the client should proceed in the usual way. If the EHLO is accepted, then new commands and parameters are allowed.
7.2.5 Final Delivery
Up until now, we have assumed that all users work on machines that are capable of sending and receiving e-mail. As we saw, e-mail is delivered by having the sender establish a TCP connection to the receiver and then ship the e-mail over it. This model worked fine for decades when all ARPANET (and later Internet) hosts were, in fact, on-line all the time to accept TCP connections.
However, with the advent of people who access the Internet by calling their ISP over a modem, it breaks down. The problem is this: what happens when Elinor wants to send Carolyn e-mail and Carolyn is not currently on-line? Elinor cannot establish a TCP connection to Carolyn and thus cannot run the SMTP protocol.
One solution is to have a message transfer agent on an ISP machine accept e-mail for its customers and store it in their mailboxes on an ISP machine. Since this agent can be on-line all the time, e-mail can be sent to it 24 hours a day.
Unfortunately, this solution creates another problem: how does the user get the e-mail from the ISP's message transfer agent? The solution to this problem is to create another protocol that allows user transfer agents (on client PCs) to contact the message transfer agent (on the ISP's machine) and allow e-mail to be copied from the ISP to the user. One such protocol is POP3 (Post Office Protocol Version 3), which is described in RFC 1939.
The situation that used to hold (both sender and receiver having a permanent connection to the Internet) is illustrated in Fig. 7-15(a). A situation in which the sender is (currently) on-line but the receiver is not is illustrated in Fig. 7-15(b).
Figure 7-15. (a) Sending and reading mail when the receiver has a permanent Internet connection and the user agent runs on the same machine as the message transfer agent. (b) Reading e-mail when the receiver has a dial-up connection to an ISP.
POP3 begins when the user starts the mail reader. The mail reader calls up the ISP (unless there is already a connection) and establishes a TCP connection with the message transfer agent at port 110. Once the connection has been established, the POP3 protocol goes through three states in sequence:
  1. Authorization.
  2. Transactions.
  3. Update.
The authorization state deals with having the user log in. The transaction state deals with the user collecting the e-mails and marking them for deletion from the mailbox. The update state actually causes the e-mails to be deleted.
This behavior can be observed by typing something like:
telnet 110
where represents the DNS name of your ISP's mail server. Telnet establishes a TCP connection to port 110, on which the POP3 server listens. Upon accepting the TCP connection, the server sends an ASCII message announcing that it is present. Usually, it begins with +OK followed by a comment. An example scenario is shown in Fig. 7-16 starting after the TCP connection has been established. As before, the lines marked C: are from the client (user) and those marked S: are from the server (message transfer agent on the ISP's machine).
Figure 7-16. Using POP3 to fetch three messages.
During the authorization state, the client sends over its user name and then its password. After a successful login, the client can then send over the LIST com
mand, which causes the server to list the contents of the mailbox, one message per line, giving the length of that message. The list is terminated by a period.
Then the client can retrieve messages using the RETR command and mark them for deletion with DELE. When all messages have been retrieved (and possibly marked for deletion), the client gives the QUIT command to terminate the transaction state and enter the update state. When the server has deleted all the messages, it sends a reply and breaks the TCP connection.
While it is true that the POP3 protocol supports the ability to download a specific message or set of messages and leave them on the server, most e-mail programs just download everything and empty the mailbox. This behavior means that in practice, the only copy is on the user's hard disk. If that crashes, all e-mail may be lost permanently.
Let us now briefly summarize how e-mail works for ISP customers. Elinor creates a message for Carolyn using some e-mail program (i.e., user agent) and clicks on an icon to send it. The e-mail program hands the message over to the message transfer agent on Elinor's host. The message transfer agent sees that it is directed to so it uses DNS to look up the MX record for (where is Carolyn's ISP). This query returns the DNS name of's mail server. The message transfer agent now looks up the IP address of this machine using DNS again, for example, using gethostbyname. It then establishes a TCP connection to the SMTP server on port 25 of this machine. Using an SMTP command sequence analogous to that of Fig. 7-14, it transfers the message to Carolyn's mailbox and breaks the TCP connection.
In due course of time, Carolyn boots up her PC, connects to her ISP, and starts her e-mail program. The e-mail program establishes a TCP connection to the POP3 server at port 110 of the ISP's mail server machine. The DNS name or IP address of this machine is typically configured when the e-mail program is installed or the subscription to the ISP is made. After the TCP connection has been established, Carolyn's e-mail program runs the POP3 protocol to fetch the contents of the mailbox to her hard disk using commands similar to those of Fig. 7-16. Once all the e-mail has been transferred, the TCP connection is released. In fact, the connection to the ISP can also be broken now, since all the e-mail is on Carolyn's hard disk. Of course, to send a reply, the connection to the ISP will be needed again, so it is not generally broken right after fetching the e-mail.
For a user with one e-mail account at one ISP that is always accessed from one PC, POP3 works fine and is widely used due to its simplicity and robustness. However, it is a computer-industry truism that as soon as something works well, somebody will start demanding more features (and getting more bugs). That happened with e-mail, too. For example, many people have a single e-mail account at work or school and want to access it from work, from their home PC, from their laptop when on business trips, and from cybercafes when on so-called vacation. While POP3 allows this, since it normally downloads all stored messages at each contact, the result is that the user's e-mail quickly gets spread over multiple machines, more or less at random, some of them not even the user's.
This disadvantage gave rise to an alternative final delivery protocol, IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol), which is defined in RFC 2060. Unlike POP3, which basically assumes that the user will clear out the mailbox on every contact and work off-line after that, IMAP assumes that all the e-mail will remain on the server indefinitely in multiple mailboxes. IMAP provides extensive mechanisms for reading messages or even parts of messages, a feature useful when using a slow modem to read the text part of a multipart message with large audio and video attachments. Since the working assumption is that messages will not be transferred to the user's computer for permanent storage, IMAP provides mechanisms for creating, destroying, and manipulating multiple mailboxes on the server. In this way a user can maintain a mailbox for each correspondent and move messages there from the inbox after they have been read.
IMAP has many features, such as the ability to address mail not by arrival number as is done in Fig. 7-8, but by using attributes (e.g., give me the first message from Bobbie). Unlike POP3, IMAP can also accept outgoing e-mail for shipment to the destination as well as deliver incoming e-mail.
The general style of the IMAP protocol is similar to that of POP3 as shown in Fig. 7-16, except that are there dozens of commands. The IMAP server listens to port 143. A comparison of POP3 and IMAP is given in Fig. 7-17. It should be noted, however, that not every ISP supports both protocols and not every e-mail program supports both protocols. Thus, when choosing an e-mail program, it is important to find out which protocol(s) it supports and make sure the ISP supports at least one of them.
Figure 7-17. A comparison of POP3 and IMAP.
Delivery Features
Independently of whether POP3 or IMAP is used, many systems provide hooks for additional processing of incoming e-mail. An especially valuable feature for many e-mail users is the ability to set up filters. These are rules that are checked when e-mail comes in or when the user agent is started. Each rule specifies a condition and an action. For example, a rule could say that any message received from the boss goes to mailbox number 1, any message from a select group of friends goes to mailbox number 2, and any message containing certain objectionable words in the Subject line is discarded without comment.
Some ISPs provide a filter that automatically categorizes incoming e-mail as either important or spam (junk e-mail) and stores each message in the corresponding mailbox. Such filters typically work by first checking to see if the source is a known spammer. Then they usually examine the subject line. If hundreds of users have just received a message with the same subject line, it is probably spam. Other techniques are also used for spam detection.
Another delivery feature often provided is the ability to (temporarily) forward incoming e-mail to a different address. This address can even be a computer operated by a commercial paging service, which then pages the user by radio or satellite, displaying the Subject: line on his pager.
Still another common feature of final delivery is the ability to install a vacation daemon. This is a program that examines each incoming message and sends the sender an insipid reply such as
Hi. I'm on vacation. I'll be back on the 24th of August. Have a nice summer.
Such replies can also specify how to handle urgent matters in the interim, other people to contact for specific problems, etc. Most vacation daemons keep track of whom they have sent canned replies to and refrain from sending the same person a second reply. The good ones also check to see if the incoming message was sent to a mailing list, and if so, do not send a canned reply at all. (People who send messages to large mailing lists during the summer probably do not want to get hundreds of replies detailing everyone's vacation plans.)
The author once ran into an extreme form of delivery processing when he sent an e-mail message to a person who claims to get 600 messages a day. His identity will not be disclosed here, lest half the readers of this book also send him e-mail. Let us call him John.
John has installed an e-mail robot that checks every incoming message to see if it is from a new correspondent. If so, it sends back a canned reply explaining that John can no longer personally read all his e-mail. Instead, he has produced a personal FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) document that answers many questions he is commonly asked. Normally, newsgroups have FAQs, not people.
John's FAQ gives his address, fax, and telephone numbers and tells how to contact his company. It explains how to get him as a speaker and describes where to get his papers and other documents. It also provides pointers to software he has written, a conference he is running, a standard he is the editor of, and so on. Perhaps this approach is necessary, but maybe a personal FAQ is the ultimate status symbol.
One final topic worth mentioning is Webmail. Some Web sites, for example, Hotmail and Yahoo, provide e-mail service to anyone who wants it. They work as follows. They have normal message transfer agents listening to port 25 for incoming SMTP connections. To contact, say, Hotmail, you have to acquire their DNS MX record, for example, by typing
host –a –v
on a UNIX system. Suppose that the mail server is called, then by typing
telnet 25
you can establish a TCP connection over which SMTP commands can be sent in the usual way. So far, nothing unusual, except that these big servers are often busy, so it may take several attempts to get a TCP connection accepted.
The interesting part is how e-mail is delivered. Basically, when the user goes to the e-mail Web page, a form is presented in which the user is asked for a login name and password. When the user clicks on Sign In, the login name and password are sent to the server, which then validates them. If the login is successful, the server finds the user's mailbox and builds a listing similar to that of Fig. 7-8, only formatted as a Web page in HTML. The Web page is then sent to the browser for display. Many of the items on the page are clickable, so messages can be read, deleted, and so on.

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