8.10 Social Issues
The Internet and its security technology is an area where
social issues, public policy, and technology meet head on, often with huge
consequences. Below we will just briefly examine three areas: privacy, freedom of
speech, and copyright. Needless to say, we can only scratch the surface here.
For additional reading, see (Anderson, 2001; Garfinkel with Spafford, 2002; and
Schneier, 2000). The Internet is also full of material. Just type words such as
''privacy,'' ''censorship,'' and ''copyright'' into any search engine. Also,
see this book's Web site for some links.
8.10.1 Privacy
Do people have a right to privacy? Good question. The Fourth
Amendment to the U.S. Constitution prohibits the government from searching people's
houses, papers, and effects without good reason, and goes on to restrict the
circumstances under which search warrants shall be issued. Thus, privacy has
been on the public agenda for over 200 years, at least in the U.S.
What has changed in the past decade is both the ease with
which governments can spy on their citizens and the ease with which the
citizens can prevent such spying. In the 18th century, for the government to
search a citizen's papers, it had to send out a policeman on a horse to go to
the citizen's farm demanding to see certain documents. It was a cumbersome
procedure. Nowadays, telephone companies and Internet providers readily provide
wiretaps when presented with search warrants. It makes life much easier for the
policeman and there is no danger of falling off the horse.
Cryptography changes all that. Anybody who goes to the trouble
of downloading and installing PGP and who uses a well-guarded alien-strength
key can be fairly sure that nobody in the known universe can read his e-mail,
search warrant or no search warrant. Governments well understand this and do
not like it. Real privacy means it is much harder for them to spy on criminals
of all stripes, but it is also much harder to spy on journalists and political
opponents. Consequently, some governments restrict or forbid the use or export
of cryptography. In France, for example, prior to 1999, all cryptography was
banned unless the government was given the keys.
France was not alone. In April 1993, the U.S. Government
announced its intention to make a hardware cryptoprocessor, the clipper chip, the standard for all networked
communication. In this way, it was said, citizens' privacy would be guaranteed.
It also mentioned that the chip provided the government with the ability to
decrypt all traffic via a scheme called key escrow,
which allowed the government access to all the keys. However, it promised only
to snoop when it had a valid search warrant. Needless to say, a huge furor
ensued, with privacy advocates denouncing the whole plan and law enforcement
officials praising it. Eventually, the government backed down and dropped the
A large amount of information about electronic privacy is
available at the Electronic Frontier Foundation's Web site, www.eff.org.
Anonymous Remailers
PGP, SSL, and other technologies make it possible for two
parties to establish secure, authenticated communication, free from third-party
surveillance and interference. However, sometimes privacy is best served by not having authentication, in fact by making
communication anonymous. The anonymity may be desired for point-to-point
messages, newsgroups, or both.
Let us consider some examples. First, political dissidents
living under authoritarian regimes often wish to communicate anonymously to
escape being jailed or killed. Second, wrongdoing in many corporate,
educational, governmental, and other organizations has often been exposed by
whistleblowers, who frequently prefer to remain anonymously to avoid
retribution. Third, people with unpopular social, political, or religious views
may wish to communicate with each other via e-mail or newsgroups without
exposing themselves. Fourth, people may wish to discuss alcoholism, mental
illness, sexual harassment, child abuse, or being a member of a persecuted
minority in a newsgroup without having to go public. Numerous other examples
exist, of course.
Let us consider a specific example. In the 1990s, some critics
of a nontraditional religious group posted their views to a USENET newsgroup
via an anonymous remailer. This server allowed
users to create pseudonyms and send e-mail to the server, which then re-mailed
or re-posted them using the pseudonym, so no one could tell where the message
really came from. Some postings revealed what the religious group claimed were
trade secrets and copyrighted documents. The religious group responded by
telling local authorities that its trade secrets had been disclosed and its
copyright infringed, both of which were crimes where the server was located. A
court case followed and the server operator was compelled to turn over the
mapping information which revealed the true identities of the persons who had
made the postings. (Incidentally, this was not the first time that a religion
was unhappy when someone leaked its secrets: William Tyndale was burned at the
stake in 1536 for translating the Bible into English).
A substantial segment of the Internet community was outraged
by this breach of confidentiality. The conclusion that everyone drew is that an
anonymous remailer that stores a mapping between real e-mail addresses and
pseudonyms (called a type 1 remailer) is not worth much. This case stimulated
various people into designing anonymous remailers that could withstand subpoena
These new remailers, often called cypherpunk
remailers, work as follows. The user produces an e-mail message,
complete with RFC 822 headers (except From:, of
course), encrypts it with the remailer's public key, and sends it to the
remailer. There the outer RFC 822 headers are stripped off, the content is
decrypted and the message is remailed. The remailer has no accounts and
maintains no logs, so even if the server is later confiscated, it retains no
trace of messages that have passed through it.
Many users who wish anonymity chain their requests through
multiple anonymous remailers, as shown in Fig.
8-54. Here, Alice wants to send Bob a really, really, really anonymous
Valentine's Day card, so she uses three remailers. She composes the message, M, and puts a header on it containing Bob's e-mail
address. Then she encrypts the whole thing with remailer 3's public key, E3. (indicated by horizontal hatching). To
this she prepends a header with remailer 3's e-mail address in plaintext. This
is the message shown between remailers 2 and 3 in the figure.
Figure 8-54. How Alice uses 3 remailers to send Bob a message.
Then she encrypts this message with remailer 2's public key, E2 (indicated by vertical hatching) and
prepends a plaintext header containing remailer 2's e-mail address. This
message is shown between 1 and 2 in Fig.
8-54. Finally, she encrypts the entire message with remailer 1's public
key, E1, and prepends a plaintext
header with remailer 1's e-mail address. This is the message shown to the right
of Alice in the figure and this is the message she actually transmits.
When the message hits remailer 1, the outer header is stripped
off. The body is decrypted and then e-mailed to remailer 2. Similar steps occur
at the other two remailers.
Although it is extremely difficult for anyone to trace the
final message back to Alice, many remailers take additional safety precautions.
For example, they may hold messages for a random time, add or remove junk at
the end of a message, and reorder messages, all to make it harder for anyone to
tell which message output by a remailer corresponds to which input, in order to
thwart traffic analysis. For a description of a system that represents the
state of the art in anonymous e-mail, see (Mazières and Kaashoek, 1998).
Anonymity is not restricted to e-mail. Services also exist
that allow anonymous Web surfing. The user configures his browser to use the
anonymizer as a proxy. Henceforth, all HTTP requests go to the anonymizer,
which requests the page and sends it back. The Web site sees the anonymizer as
the source of the request, not the user. As long as the anonymizer refrains
from keeping a log, after the fact no one can determine who requested which
8.10.2 Freedom of Speech
Privacy relates to individuals wanting to restrict what other
people can see about them. A second key social issue is freedom of speech, and
its opposite, censorship, which is about governments wanting to restrict what
individuals can read and publish. With the Web containing millions and millions
of pages, it has become a censor's paradise. Depending on the nature and
ideology of the regime, banned material may include Web sites containing any of
the following:
1. Material
inappropriate for children or teenagers.
2. Hate
aimed at various ethnic, religious, sexual or other groups.
3. Information
about democracy and democratic values.
4. Accounts
of historical events contradicting the government's version.
5. Manuals
for picking locks, building weapons, encrypting messages, etc.
The usual response is to ban the bad sites.
Sometimes the results are unexpected. For example, some public
libraries have installed Web filters on their computers to make them child
friendly by blocking pornography sites. The filters veto sites on their
blacklists but also check pages for dirty words before displaying them. In one
case in Loudoun County, Virginia, the filter blocked a patron's search for
information on breast cancer because the filter saw the word ''breast.'' The
library patron sued Loudoun county. However, in Livermore, California, a parent
sued the public library for not installing a
filter after her 12-year-old son was caught viewing pornography there. What's a
library to do?
It has escaped many people that the World Wide Web is a
Worldwide Web. It covers the whole world. Not all countries agree on what
should be allowed on the Web. For example, in November 2000, a French court
ordered Yahoo, a California Corporation, to block French users from viewing
auctions of Nazi memorabilia on Yahoo's Web site because owning such material
violates French law. Yahoo appealed to a U.S. court, which sided with it, but
the issue of whose laws apply where is far from settled.
Just imagine. What would happen if some court in Utah
instructed France to block Web sites dealing with wine because they do not
comply with Utah's much stricter laws about alcohol? Suppose that China
demanded that all Web sites dealing with democracy be banned as not in the
interest of the State. Do Iranian laws on religion apply to more liberal
Sweden? Can Saudi Arabia block Web sites dealing with women's rights? The whole
issue is a veritable Pandora's box.
A relevant comment from John Gilmore is: ''The net interprets
censorship as damage and routes around it.'' For a concrete implementation,
consider the eternity service (Anderson,
1996). Its goal is make sure published information cannot be depublished or
rewritten, as was common in the Soviet Union during Josef Stalin's reign. To
use the eternity service, the user specifies how long the material is to be
preserved, pays a fee proportional to its duration and size, and uploads it.
Thereafter, no one can remove or edit it, not even the uploader.
How could such a service be implemented? The simplest model is
to use a peer-to-peer system in which stored documents would be placed on
dozens of participating servers, each of which gets a fraction of the fee, and
thus an incentive to join the system. The servers should be spread over many
legal jurisdictions for maximum resilience. Lists of 10 randomly-selected
servers would be stored securely in multiple places, so that if some were
compromised, others would still exist. An authority bent on destroying the
document could never be sure it had found all copies. The system could also be
made self-repairing in the sense that if it became known that some copies had
been destroyed, the remaining sites would attempt to find new repositories to
replace them.
The eternity service was the first proposal for a
censorship-resistant system. Since then, others have been proposed and, in some
cases, implemented. Various new features have been added, such as encryption,
anonymity, and fault tolerance. Often the files to be stored are broken up into
multiple fragments, with each fragment stored on many servers. Some of these
systems are Freenet (Clarke et al., 2002), PASIS (Wylie et al., 2000), and
Publius (Waldman et al., 2000). Other work is reported in (Serjantov, 2002).
Increasingly, many countries are now trying to regulate the export
of intangibles, which often include Web sites, software, scientific papers,
e-mail, telephone helpdesks, and more. Even the U.K., which has a
centuries-long tradition of freedom of speech, is now seriously considering
highly restrictive laws, which would, for example, define technical discussions
between a British professor and his foreign student at the University of
Cambridge as regulated export needing a government license (Anderson, 2002).
Needless to say, such policies are controversial.
In countries where censorship abounds, dissidents often try to
use technology to evade it. Cryptography allows secret messages to be sent
(although possibly not lawfully), but if the government thinks that Alice is a
Bad Person, the mere fact that she is communicating with Bob may get him put in
this category, too, as repressive governments understand the concept of
transitive closure, even if they are short on mathematicians. Anonymous
remailers can help, but if they are banned domestically and messages to foreign
ones require a government export license, they cannot help much. But the Web
People who want to communicate secretly often try to hide the
fact that any communication at all is taking place. The science of hiding
messages is called steganography, from the
Greek words for ''covered writing.'' In fact, the ancient Greeks used it
themselves. Herodotus wrote of a general who shaved the head of a messenger,
tattooed a message to his scalp, and let the hair grow back before sending him
off. Modern techniques are conceptually the same, only they have a higher
bandwidth and lower latency.
As a case in point, consider Fig.
8-55(a). This photograph, taken by the author in Kenya, contains three
zebras contemplating an acacia tree. Fig.
8-55(b) appears to be the same three zebras and acacia tree, but it has an
extra added attraction. It contains the complete, unabridged text of five of
Shakespeare's plays embedded in it: Hamlet, King Lear, Macbeth, The Merchant of Venice, and Julius
Caesar. Together, these plays total over 700 KB of text.
Figure 8-55. (a) Three zebras and a tree. (b) Three zebras, a tree, and the complete text of five plays by William Shakespeare.
How does this steganographic channel work? The original color
image is 1024 x 768 pixels. Each pixel consists of three 8-bit numbers, one
each for the red, green, and blue intensity of that pixel. The pixel's color is
formed by the linear superposition of the three colors. The steganographic
encoding method uses the low-order bit of each RGB color value as a covert
channel. Thus, each pixel has room for 3 bits of secret information, one in the
red value, one in the green value, and one in the blue value. With an image of
this size, up to 1024 x 768 x 3 bits or 294,912 bytes of secret information can
be stored in it.
The full text of the five plays and a short notice add up to
734,891 bytes. This text was first compressed to about 274 KB using a standard
compression algorithm. The compressed output was then encrypted using IDEA and
inserted into the low-order bits of each color value. As can be seen (or
actually, cannot be seen), the existence of the information is completely
invisible. It is equally invisible in the large, full-color version of the
photo. The eye cannot easily distinguish 21-bit color from 24-bit color.
Viewing the two images in black and white with low resolution
does not do justice to how powerful the technique is. To get a better feel for
how steganography works, the author has prepared a demonstration, including the
full-color high-resolution image of Fig.
8-55(b) with the five plays embedded in it. The demonstration, including
tools for inserting and extracting text into images, can be found at the book's
Web site.
To use steganography for undetected communication, dissidents
could create a Web site bursting with politically-correct pictures, such as
photographs of the Great Leader, local sports, movie, and television stars,
etc. Of course, the pictures would be riddled with steganographic messages. If
the messages were first compressed and then encrypted, even someone who
suspected their presence would have immense difficulty in distinguishing the
messages from white noise. Of course, the images should be fresh scans; copying
a picture from the Internet and changing some of the bits is a dead giveaway.
Images are by no means the only carrier for steganographic
messages. Audio files also work fine. Video files have a huge steganographic
bandwidth. Even the layout and ordering of tags in an HTML file can carry
Although we have examined steganography in the context of free
speech, it has numerous other uses. One common use is for the owners of images
to encode secret messages in them stating their ownership rights. If such an
image is stolen and placed on a Web site, the lawful owner can reveal the
steganographic message in court to prove whose image it is. This technique is
called watermarking. It is discussed in (Piva
et al., 2002).
For more on steganography, see (Artz, 2001; Johnson and
Jajoda, 1998; Katzenbeisser and Petitcolas, 2000; and Wayner, 2002).
8.10.3 Copyright
Privacy and censorship are just two areas where technology
meets public policy. A third one is copyright. Copyright
is the granting to the creators of IP (Intellectual Property), including writers, artists,
composers, musicians, photographers, cinematographers, choreographers, and
others, the exclusive right to exploit their IP for some period of time,
typically the life of the author plus 50 years or 75 years in the case of
corporate ownership. After the copyright of a work expires, it passes into the
public domain and anyone can use or sell it as they wish. The Gutenberg Project
(www.promo.net/pg), for
example, has placed thousands of public domain works (e.g., by Shakespeare,
Twain, Dickens) on the Web. In 1998, the U.S. Congress extended copyright in
the U.S. by another 20 years at the request of Hollywood, which claimed that
without an extension nobody would create anything anymore. By way of contrast,
patents last for only 20 years and people still invent things.
Copyright came to the forefront when Napster, a music-swapping
service, had 50 million members. Although Napster did not actually copy any
music, the courts held that its holding a central database of who had which
song was contributory infringement, that is, they helped other people infringe.
While nobody seriously claims copyright is a bad idea (although many claim that
the term is far too long, favoring big corporations over the public), the next
generation of music sharing is already raising major ethical issues.
For example, consider a peer-to-peer network in which people
share legal files (public domain music, home videos, religious tracts that are
not trade secrets, etc.) and perhaps a few that are copyrighted. Assume that
everyone is on-line all the time via ADSL or cable. Each machine has an index
of what is on the hard disk, plus a list of other members. Someone looking for
a specific item can pick a random member and see if he has it. If not, he can
check out all the members in that person's list, and all the members in their
lists, and so on. Computers are very good at this kind of work. Having found
the item, the requester just copies it.
If the work is copyrighted, chances are the requester is
infringing (although for international transfers, the question of whose law
applies is unclear). But what about the supplier? Is it a crime to keep music
you have paid for and legally downloaded on your hard disk where others might
find it? If you have an unlocked cabin in the country and a IP thief sneaks in
carrying a notebook computer and scanner, copies a copyrighted book, and sneaks
out, are you guilty of the crime of failing to
protect someone else's copyright?
But there is more trouble brewing on the copyright front.
There is a huge battle going on now between Hollywood and the computer
industry. The former wants stringent protection of all intellectual property
and the latter does not want to be Hollywood's policeman. In October 1998,
Congress passed the DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) which makes it a
crime to circumvent any protection mechanism present in a copyrighted work or
to tell others how to circumvent it. Similar legislation is being set in place
in the European Union. While virtually no one thinks that pirates in the Far
East should be allowed to duplicate copyrighted works, many people think that
the DMCA completely shifts the balance between the copyright owner's interest
and the public interest.
A case in point. In September 2000, a music industry
consortium charged with building an unbreakable system for selling music
on-line sponsored a contest inviting people to try to break the system (which
is precisely the right thing to do with any new security system). A team of
security researchers from several universities, led by Prof. Edward Felten of
Princeton, took up the challenge and broke the system. They then wrote a paper
about their findings and submitted it to a USENIX security conference, where it
underwent peer review and was accepted. Before the paper was to be presented, Felten
received a letter from the Recording Industry Association of America which
threatened to sue the authors under the DMCA if they published the paper.
Their response was to file suit asking a federal court to rule
on whether publishing scientific papers on security research was still legal.
Fearing a definitive court ruling against them, the industry withdrew its
threat and the court dismissed Felten's suit. No doubt the industry was
motivated by the weakness of its case: they had invited people to try to break
their system and then threatened to sue some of them for accepting their
challenge. With the threat withdrawn, the paper was published (Craver et al.,
2001). A new confrontation is virtually certain.
A related issue is the extent of the fair use doctrine, which has been established by
court rulings in various countries. This doctrine says that purchasers of a
copyrighted work have certain limited rights to copy the work, including the
right to quote parts of it for scientific purposes, use it as teaching material
in schools or colleges, and in some cases make backup copies for personal use
in case the original medium fails. The tests for what constitutes fair use
include (1) whether the use is commercial, (2) what percentage of the whole is
being copied, and (3) the effect of the copying on sales of the work. Since the
DMCA and similar laws within the European Union prohibit circumvention of copy
protection schemes, these laws also prohibit legal fair use. In effect, the
DMCA takes away historical rights from users to give content sellers more
power. A major show-down is inevitable.
Another development in the works that dwarfs even the DMCA in
its shifting of the balance between copyright owners and users is the TCPA (Trusted Computing Platform
Alliance) led by Intel and Microsoft. The idea is to have the CPU chip
and operating system carefully monitor user behavior in various ways (e.g.,
playing pirated music) and prohibit unwanted behavior. The system even allows
content owners to remotely manipulate user PCs to change the rules when that is
deemed necessary. Needless to say, the social consequences of this scheme are
immense. It is nice that the industry is finally paying attention to security,
but it is lamentable that it is entirely aimed at enforcing copyright law
rather than dealing with viruses, crackers, intruders, and other security
issues that most people are concerned about.
In short, the lawmakers and lawyers will be busy balancing the
economic interests of copyright owners with the public interest for years to
come. Cyberspace is no different from meatspace: it constantly pits one group
against another, resulting in power struggles, litigation, and (hopefully)
eventually some kind of resolution, at least until some new disruptive
technology comes along.
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