
Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Introduction to Video

7.4.6 Introduction to Video

We have discussed the ear at length now; time to move on to the eye (no, this section is not followed by one on the nose). The human eye has the property that when an image appears on the retina, the image is retained for some number of milliseconds before decaying. If a sequence of images is drawn line by line at 50 images/sec, the eye does not notice that it is looking at discrete images. All video (i.e., television) systems exploit this principle to produce moving pictures.
Analog Systems
To understand video, it is best to start with simple, old-fashioned black-and-white television. To represent the two-dimensional image in front of it as a one-dimensional voltage as a function of time, the camera scans an electron beam rapidly across the image and slowly down it, recording the light intensity as it goes. At the end of the scan, called a frame, the beam retraces. This intensity as a function of time is broadcast, and receivers repeat the scanning process to reconstruct the image. The scanning pattern used by both the camera and the receiver is shown in Fig. 7-70. (As an aside, CCD cameras integrate rather than scan, but some cameras and all monitors do scan.)
Figure 7-70. The scanning pattern used for NTSC video and television.
The exact scanning parameters vary from country to country. The system used in North and South America and Japan has 525 scan lines, a horizontal-to-vertical aspect ratio of 4:3, and 30 frames/sec. The European system has 625 scan lines, the same aspect ratio of 4:3, and 25 frames/sec. In both systems, the top few and bottom few lines are not displayed (to approximate a rectangular image on the original round CRTs). Only 483 of the 525 NTSC scan lines (and 576 of the 625 PAL/SECAM scan lines) are displayed. The beam is turned off during the vertical retrace, so many stations (especially in Europe) use this time to broadcast TeleText (text pages containing news, weather, sports, stock prices, etc.).
While 25 frames/sec is enough to capture smooth motion, at that frame rate many people, especially older ones, will perceive the image to flicker (because the old image has faded off the retina before the new one appears). Rather than increase the frame rate, which would require using more scarce bandwidth, a different approach is taken. Instead of the scan lines being displayed in order, first all the odd scan lines are displayed, then the even ones are displayed. Each of these half frames is called a field. Experiments have shown that although people notice flicker at 25 frames/sec, they do not notice it at 50 fields/sec. This technique is called interlacing. Noninterlaced television or video is called progressive. Note that movies run at 24 fps, but each frame is fully visible for 1/24 sec.
Color video uses the same scanning pattern as monochrome (black and white), except that instead of displaying the image with one moving beam, it uses three beams moving in unison. One beam is used for each of the three additive primary colors: red, green, and blue (RGB). This technique works because any color can be constructed from a linear superposition of red, green, and blue with the appropriate intensities. However, for transmission on a single channel, the three color signals must be combined into a single composite signal.
When color television was invented, various methods for displaying color were technically possible, and different countries made different choices, leading to systems that are still incompatible. (Note that these choices have nothing to do with VHS versus Betamax versus P2000, which are recording methods.) In all countries, a political requirement was that programs transmitted in color had to be receivable on existing black-and-white television sets. Consequently, the simplest scheme, just encoding the RGB signals separately, was not acceptable. RGB is also not the most efficient scheme.
The first color system was standardized in the United States by the National Television Standards Committee, which lent its acronym to the standard: NTSC. Color television was introduced in Europe several years later, by which time the technology had improved substantially, leading to systems with greater noise immunity and better colors. These systems are called SECAM (SEquentiel Couleur Avec Memoire), which is used in France and Eastern Europe, and PAL (Phase Alternating Line) used in the rest of Europe. The difference in color quality between the NTSC and PAL/SECAM has led to an industry joke that NTSC really stands for Never Twice the Same Color.
To allow color transmissions to be viewed on black-and-white receivers, all three systems linearly combine the RGB signals into a luminance (brightness) signal and two chrominance (color) signals, although they all use different coefficients for constructing these signals from the RGB signals. Oddly enough, the eye is much more sensitive to the luminance signal than to the chrominance signals, so the latter need not be transmitted as accurately. Consequently, the luminance signal can be broadcast at the same frequency as the old black-and-white signal, so it can be received on black-and-white television sets. The two chrominance signals are broadcast in narrow bands at higher frequencies. Some television sets have controls labeled brightness, hue, and saturation (or brightness, tint, and color) for controlling these three signals separately. Understanding luminance and chrominance is necessary for understanding how video compression works.
In the past few years, there has been considerable interest in HDTV (High Definition TeleVision), which produces sharper images by roughly doubling the number of scan lines. The United States, Europe, and Japan have all developed HDTV systems, all different and all mutually incompatible. Did you expect otherwise? The basic principles of HDTV in terms of scanning, luminance, chrominance, and so on, are similar to the existing systems. However, all three formats have a common aspect ratio of 16:9 instead of 4:3 to match them better to the format used for movies (which are recorded on 35 mm film, which has an aspect ratio of 3:2).
Digital Systems
The simplest representation of digital video is a sequence of frames, each consisting of a rectangular grid of picture elements, or pixels. Each pixel can be a single bit, to represent either black or white. The quality of such a system is similar to what you get by sending a color photograph by fax—awful. (Try it if you can; otherwise photocopy a color photograph on a copying machine that does not rasterize.)
The next step up is to use 8 bits per pixel to represent 256 gray levels. This scheme gives high-quality black-and-white video. For color video, good systems use 8 bits for each of the RGB colors, although nearly all systems mix these into composite video for transmission. While using 24 bits per pixel limits the number of colors to about 16 million, the human eye cannot even distinguish this many colors, let alone more. Digital color images are produced using three scanning beams, one per color. The geometry is the same as for the analog system of Fig. 7-70 except that the continuous scan lines are now replaced by neat rows of discrete pixels.
To produce smooth motion, digital video, like analog video, must display at least 25 frames/sec. However, since good-quality computer monitors often rescan the screen from images stored in memory at 75 times per second or more, interlacing is not needed and consequently is not normally used. Just repainting (i.e., redrawing) the same frame three times in a row is enough to eliminate flicker.
In other words, smoothness of motion is determined by the number of different images per second, whereas flicker is determined by the number of times the screen is painted per second. These two parameters are different. A still image painted at 20 frames/sec will not show jerky motion, but it will flicker because one frame will decay from the retina before the next one appears. A movie with 20 different frames per second, each of which is painted four times in a row, will not flicker, but the motion will appear jerky.
The significance of these two parameters becomes clear when we consider the bandwidth required for transmitting digital video over a network. Current computer monitors most use the 4:3 aspect ratio so they can use inexpensive, mass-produced picture tubes designed for the consumer television market. Common configurations are 1024 x 768, 1280 x 960, and 1600 x 1200. Even the smallest of these with 24 bits per pixel and 25 frames/sec needs to be fed at 472 Mbps. It would take a SONET OC-12 carrier to manage this, and running an OC-12 SONET carrier into everyone's house is not exactly on the agenda. Doubling this rate to avoid flicker is even less attractive. A better solution is to transmit 25 frames/sec and have the computer store each one and paint it twice. Broadcast television does not use this strategy because television sets do not have memory. And even if they did have memory, analog signals cannot be stored in RAM without conversion to digital form first, which requires extra hardware. As a consequence, interlacing is needed for broadcast television but not for digital video.
7.4.7 Video Compression
It should be obvious by now that transmitting uncompressed video is completely out of the question. The only hope is that massive compression is possible. Fortunately, a large body of research over the past few decades has led to many compression techniques and algorithms that make video transmission feasible. In this section we will study how video compression is accomplished.
All compression systems require two algorithms: one for compressing the data at the source, and another for decompressing it at the destination. In the literature, these algorithms are referred to as the encoding and decoding algorithms, respectively. We will use this terminology here, too.
These algorithms exhibit certain asymmetries that are important to understand. First, for many applications, a multimedia document, say, a movie will only be encoded once (when it is stored on the multimedia server) but will be decoded thousands of times (when it is viewed by customers). This asymmetry means that it is acceptable for the encoding algorithm to be slow and require expensive hardware provided that the decoding algorithm is fast and does not require expensive hardware. After all, the operator of a multimedia server might be quite willing to rent a parallel supercomputer for a few weeks to encode its entire video library, but requiring consumers to rent a supercomputer for 2 hours to view a video is not likely to be a big success. Many practical compression systems go to great lengths to make decoding fast and simple, even at the price of making encoding slow and complicated.
On the other hand, for real-time multimedia, such as video conferencing, slow encoding is unacceptable. Encoding must happen on-the-fly, in real time. Consequently, real-time multimedia uses different algorithms or parameters than storing videos on disk, often with appreciably less compression.
A second asymmetry is that the encode/decode process need not be invertible. That is, when compressing a file, transmitting it, and then decompressing it, the user expects to get the original back, accurate down to the last bit. With multimedia, this requirement does not exist. It is usually acceptable to have the video signal after encoding and then decoding be slightly different from the original. When the decoded output is not exactly equal to the original input, the system is said to be lossy. If the input and output are identical, the system is lossless. Lossy systems are important because accepting a small amount of information loss can give a huge payoff in terms of the compression ratio possible.
The JPEG Standard
A video is just a sequence of images (plus sound). If we could find a good algorithm for encoding a single image, this algorithm could be applied to each image in succession to achieve video compression. Good still image compression algorithms exist, so let us start our study of video compression there. The JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) standard for compressing continuous-tone still pictures (e.g., photographs) was developed by photographic experts working under the joint auspices of ITU, ISO, and IEC, another standards body. It is important for multimedia because, to a first approximation, the multimedia standard for moving pictures, MPEG, is just the JPEG encoding of each frame separately, plus some extra features for interframe compression and motion detection. JPEG is defined in International Standard 10918.
JPEG has four modes and many options. It is more like a shopping list than a single algorithm. For our purposes, though, only the lossy sequential mode is relevant, and that one is illustrated in Fig. 7-71. Furthermore, we will concentrate on the way JPEG is normally used to encode 24-bit RGB video images and will leave out some of the minor details for the sake of simplicity.
Figure 7-71. The operation of JPEG in lossy sequential mode.
Step 1 of encoding an image with JPEG is block preparation. For the sake of specificity, let us assume that the JPEG input is a 640 x 480 RGB image with 24 bits/pixel, as shown in Fig. 7-72(a). Since using luminance and chrominance gives better compression, we first compute the luminance, Y, and the two chrominances, I and Q (for NTSC), according to the following formulas:
Figure 7-72. (a) RGB input data. (b) After block preparation.

For PAL, the chrominances are called U and V and the coefficients are different, but the idea is the same. SECAM is different from both NTSC and PAL.
Separate matrices are constructed for Y, I, and Q, each with elements in the range 0 to 255. Next, square blocks of four pixels are averaged in the I and Q matrices to reduce them to 320 x 240. This reduction is lossy, but the eye barely notices it since the eye responds to luminance more than to chrominance. Nevertheless, it compresses the total amount of data by a factor of two. Now 128 is subtracted from each element of all three matrices to put 0 in the middle of the range. Finally, each matrix is divided up into 8 x 8 blocks. The Y matrix has 4800 blocks; the other two have 1200 blocks each, as shown in Fig. 7-72(b).
Step 2 of JPEG is to apply a DCT (Discrete Cosine Transformation) to each of the 7200 blocks separately. The output of each DCT is an 8 x 8 matrix of DCT coefficients. DCT element (0, 0) is the average value of the block. The other elements tell how much spectral power is present at each spatial frequency. In theory, a DCT is lossless, but in practice, using floating-point numbers and transcendental functions always introduces some roundoff error that results in a little information loss. Normally, these elements decay rapidly with distance from the origin, (0, 0), as suggested by Fig. 7-73.
Figure 7-73. (a) One block of the Y matrix. (b) The DCT coefficients.
Once the DCT is complete, JPEG moves on to step 3, called quantization,in which the less important DCT coefficients are wiped out. This (lossy) transformation is done by dividing each of the coefficients in the 8 x 8 DCT matrix by a weight taken from a table. If all the weights are 1, the transformation does nothing. However, if the weights increase sharply from the origin, higher spatial frequencies are dropped quickly.
An example of this step is given in Fig. 7-74. Here we see the initial DCT matrix, the quantization table, and the result obtained by dividing each DCT element by the corresponding quantization table element. The values in the quantization table are not part of the JPEG standard. Each application must supply its own, allowing it to control the loss-compression trade-off.
Figure 7-74. Computation of the quantized DCT coefficients.
Step 4 reduces the (0, 0) value of each block (the one in the upper-left corner) by replacing it with the amount it differs from the corresponding element in the previous block. Since these elements are the averages of their respective blocks, they should change slowly, so taking the differential values should reduce most of them to small values. No differentials are computed from the other values. The (0, 0) values are referred to as the DC components; the other values are the AC components.
Step 5 linearizes the 64 elements and applies run-length encoding to the list. Scanning the block from left to right and then top to bottom will not concentrate the zeros together, so a zigzag scanning pattern is used, as shown in Fig. 7-75. In this example, the zig zag pattern produces 38 consecutive 0s at the end of the matrix. This string can be reduced to a single count saying there are 38 zeros, a technique known as run-length encoding.
Figure 7-75. The order in which the quantized values are transmitted.
Now we have a list of numbers that represent the image (in transform space). Step 6 Huffman-encodes the numbers for storage or transmission, assigning common numbers shorter codes that uncommon ones.
JPEG may seem complicated, but that is because it is complicated. Still, since it often produces a 20:1 compression or better, it is widely used. Decoding a JPEG image requires running the algorithm backward. JPEG is roughly symmetric: decoding takes as long as encoding. This property is not true of all compression algorithms, as we shall now see.
The MPEG Standard
Finally, we come to the heart of the matter: the MPEG (Motion Picture Experts Group) standards. These are the main algorithms used to compress videos and have been international standards since 1993. Because movies contain both images and sound, MPEG can compress both audio and video. We have already examined audio compression and still image compression, so let us now examine video compression.
The first standard to be finalized was MPEG-1 (International Standard 11172). Its goal was to produce video-recorder-quality output (352 x 240 for NTSC) using a bit rate of 1.2 Mbps. A 352 x 240 image with 24 bits/pixel and 25 frames/sec requires 50.7 Mbps, so getting it down to 1.2 Mbps is not entirely trivial. A factor of 40 compression is needed. MPEG-1 can be transmitted over twisted pair transmission lines for modest distances. MPEG-1 is also used for storing movies on CD-ROM.
The next standard in the MPEG family was MPEG-2 (International Standard 13818), which was originally designed for compressing broadcast-quality video into 4 to 6 Mbps, so it could fit in a NTSC or PAL broadcast channel. Later, MPEG-2 was expanded to support higher resolutions, including HDTV. It is very common now, as it forms the basis for DVD and digital satellite television.
The basic principles of MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 are similar, but the details are different. To a first approximation, MPEG-2 is a superset of MPEG-1, with additional features, frame formats, and encoding options. We will first discuss MPEG-1, then MPEG-2.
MPEG-1 has three parts: audio, video, and system, which integrates the other two, as shown in Fig. 7-76. The audio and video encoders work independently, which raises the issue of how the two streams get synchronized at the receiver. This problem is solved by having a 90-kHz system clock that outputs the current time value to both encoders. These values are 33 bits, to allow films to run for 24 hours without wrapping around. These timestamps are included in the encoded output and propagated all the way to the receiver, which can use them to synchronize the audio and video streams.
Figure 7-76. Synchronization of the audio and video streams in MPEG-1.
Now let us consider MPEG-1 video compression. Two kinds of redundancies exist in movies: spatial and temporal. MPEG-1 uses both. Spatial redundancy can be utilized by simply coding each frame separately with JPEG. This approach is occasionally used, especially when random access to each frame is needed, as in editing video productions. In this mode, a compressed bandwidth in the 8- to 10-Mbps range is achievable.
Additional compression can be achieved by taking advantage of the fact that consecutive frames are often almost identical. This effect is smaller than it might first appear since many moviemakers cut between scenes every 3 or 4 seconds (time a movie and count the scenes). Nevertheless, even a run of 75 highly similar frames offers the potential of a major reduction over simply encoding each frame separately with JPEG.
For scenes in which the camera and background are stationary and one or two actors are moving around slowly, nearly all the pixels will be identical from frame to frame. Here, just subtracting each frame from the previous one and running JPEG on the difference would do fine. However, for scenes where the camera is panning or zooming, this technique fails badly. What is needed is some way to compensate for this motion. This is precisely what MPEG does; it is the main difference between MPEG and JPEG.
MPEG-1 output consists of four kinds of frames:
  1. I (Intracoded) frames: Self-contained JPEG-encoded still pictures.
  2. P (Predictive) frames: Block-by-block difference with the last frame.
  3. B (Bidirectional) frames: Differences between the last and next frame.
  4. D (DC-coded) frames: Block averages used for fast forward.
I-frames are just still pictures coded using a variant of JPEG, also using full-resolution luminance and half-resolution chrominance along each axis. It is necessary to have I-frames appear in the output stream periodically for three reasons. First, MPEG-1 can be used for a multicast transmission, with viewers tuning it at will. If all frames depended on their predecessors going back to the first frame, anybody who missed the first frame could never decode any subsequent frames. Second, if any frame were received in error, no further decoding would be possible. Third, without I-frames, while doing a fast forward or rewind, the decoder would have to calculate every frame passed over so it would know the full value of the one it stopped on. For these reasons, I-frames are inserted into the output once or twice per second.
P-frames, in contrast, code interframe differences. They are based on the idea of macroblocks, which cover 16 x 16 pixels in luminance space and 8 x 8 pixels in chrominance space. A macroblock is encoded by searching the previous frame for it or something only slightly different from it.
An example of where P-frames would be useful is given in Fig. 7-77. Here we see three consecutive frames that have the same background, but differ in the position of one person. The macroblocks containing the background scene will match exactly, but the macroblocks containing the person will be offset in position by some unknown amount and will have to be tracked down.
Figure 7-77. Three consecutive frames.
The MPEG-1 standard does not specify how to search, how far to search, or how good a match has to be to count. This is up to each implementation. For example, an implementation might search for a macroblock at the current position in the previous frame, and all other positions offset ±Dx in the x direction and ±Dy in the y direction. For each position, the number of matches in the luminance matrix could be computed. The position with the highest score would be declared the winner, provided it was above some predefined threshold. Otherwise, the macroblock would be said to be missing. Much more sophisticated algorithms are also possible, of course.
If a macroblock is found, it is encoded by taking the difference with its value in the previous frame (for luminance and both chrominances). These difference matrices are then subject to the discrete cosine transformation, quantization, run-length encoding, and Huffman encoding, just as with JPEG. The value for the macroblock in the output stream is then the motion vector (how far the macro-block moved from its previous position in each direction), followed by the Huffman-encoded list of numbers. If the macroblock is not located in the previous frame, the current value is encoded with JPEG, just as in an I-frame.
Clearly, this algorithm is highly asymmetric. An implementation is free to try every plausible position in the previous frame if it wants to, in a desperate attempt to locate every last macroblock, no matter where it moved to. This approach will minimize the encoded MPEG-1 stream at the expense of very slow encoding. This approach might be fine for a one-time encoding of a film library but would be terrible for real-time videoconferencing.
Similarly, each implementation is free to decide what constitutes a ''found'' macroblock. This freedom allows implementers to compete on the quality and speed of their algorithms, but always produce compliant MPEG-1. No matter what search algorithm is used, the final output is either the JPEG encoding of the current macroblock or the JPEG encoding of the difference between the current macroblock and one in the previous frame at a specified offset from the current one.
So far, decoding MPEG-1 is straightforward. Decoding I-frames is the same as decoding JPEG images. Decoding P-frames requires the decoder to buffer the previous frame and then build up the new one in a second buffer based on fully encoded macroblocks and macroblocks containing differences from the previous frame. The new frame is assembled macroblock by macroblock.
B-frames are similar to P-frames, except that they allow the reference macro-block to be in either a previous frame or in a succeeding frame. This additional freedom allows improved motion compensation and is also useful when objects pass in front of, or behind, other objects. To do B-frame encoding, the encoder needs to hold three decoded frames in memory at once: the past one, the current one, and the future one. Although B-frames give the best compression, not all implementations support them.
D-frames are only used to make it possible to display a low-resolution image when doing a rewind or fast forward. Doing the normal MPEG-1 decoding in real time is difficult enough. Expecting the decoder to do it when slewing through the video at ten times normal speed is asking a bit much. Instead, the D-frames are used to produce low-resolution images. Each D-frame entry is just the average value of one block, with no further encoding, making it easy to display in real time. This facility is important to allow people to scan through a video at high speed in search of a particular scene. The D-frames are generally placed just before the corresponding I-frames so if fast forwarding is stopped, it will be possible to start viewing at normal speed.
Having finished our treatment of MPEG-1, let us now move on to MPEG-2. MPEG-2 encoding is fundamentally similar to MPEG-1 encoding, with I-frames, P-frames, and B-frames. D-frames are not supported, however. Also, the discrete cosine transformation uses a 10 x 10 block instead of a 8 x 8 block, to give 50 percent more coefficients, hence better quality. Since MPEG-2 is targeted at broadcast television as well as DVD, it supports both progressive and interlaced images, in contrast to MPEG-1, which supports only progressive images. Other minor details also differ between the two standards.
Instead of supporting only one resolution level, MPEG-2 supports four: low (352 x 240), main (720 x 480), high-1440 (1440 x 1152), and high (1920 x 1080). Low resolution is for VCRs and backward compatibility with MPEG-1. Main is the normal one for NTSC broadcasting. The other two are for HDTV. For high-quality output, MPEG-2 usually runs at 4–8 Mbps.
7.4.8 Video on Demand
Video on demand is sometimes compared to an electronic video rental store. The user (customer) selects any one of a large number of available videos and takes it home to view. Only with video on demand, the selection is made at home using the television set's remote control, and the video starts immediately. No trip to the store is needed. Needless to say, implementing video on demand is a wee bit more complicated than describing it. In this section, we will give an overview of the basic ideas and their implementation.
Is video on demand really like renting a video, or is it more like picking a movie to watch from a 500-channel cable system? The answer has important technical implications. In particular, video rental users are used to the idea of being able to stop a video, make a quick trip to the kitchen or bathroom, and then resume from where the video stopped. Television viewers do not expect to put programs on pause.
If video on demand is going to compete successfully with video rental stores, it may be necessary to allow users to stop, start, and rewind videos at will. Giving users this ability virtually forces the video provider to transmit a separate copy to each one.
On the other hand, if video on demand is seen more as advanced television, then it may be sufficient to have the video provider start each popular video, say, every 10 minutes, and run these nonstop. A user wanting to see a popular video may have to wait up to 10 minutes for it to start. Although pause/resume is not possible here, a viewer returning to the living room after a short break can switch to another channel showing the same video but 10 minutes behind. Some material will be repeated, but nothing will be missed. This scheme is called near video on demand. It offers the potential for much lower cost, because the same feed from the video server can go to many users at once. The difference between video on demand and near video on demand is similar to the difference between driving your own car and taking the bus.
Watching movies on (near) demand is but one of a vast array of potential new services possible once wideband networking is available. The general model that many people use is illustrated in Fig. 7-78. Here we see a high-bandwidth (national or international) wide area backbone network at the center of the system. Connected to it are thousands of local distribution networks, such as cable TV or telephone company distribution systems. The local distribution systems reach into people's houses, where they terminate in set-top boxes, which are, in fact, powerful, specialized personal computers.
Figure 7-78. Overview of a video-on-demand system.
Attached to the backbone by high-bandwidth optical fibers are numerous information providers. Some of these will offer pay-per-view video or pay-per-hear audio CDs. Others will offer specialized services, such as home shopping (letting viewers rotate a can of soup and zoom in on the list of ingredients or view a video clip on how to drive a gasoline-powered lawn mower). Sports, news, reruns of ''I Love Lucy,'' WWW access, and innumerable other possibilities will no doubt quickly become available.
Also included in the system are local spooling servers that allow videos to be placed closer to the users (in advance), to save bandwidth during peak hours. How these pieces will fit together and who will own what are matters of vigorous debate within the industry. Below we will examine the design of the main pieces of the system: the video servers and the distribution network.
Video Servers
To have (near) video on demand, we need video servers capable of storing and outputting a large number of movies simultaneously. The total number of movies ever made is estimated at 65,000 (Minoli, 1995). When compressed in MPEG-2, a normal movie occupies roughly 4 GB of storage, so 65,000 of them would require something like 260 terabytes. Add to this all the old television programs ever made, sports films, newsreels, talking shopping catalogs, etc., and it is clear that we have an industrial-strength storage problem on our hands.
The cheapest way to store large volumes of information is on magnetic tape. This has always been the case and probably always will be. An Ultrium tape can store 200 GB (50 movies) at a cost of about $1–$2 per movie. Large mechanical tape servers that hold thousands of tapes and have a robot arm for fetching any tape and inserting it into a tape drive are commercially available now. The problem with these systems is the access time (especially for the 50th movie on a tape), the transfer rate, and the limited number of tape drives (to serve n movies at once, the unit would need n drives).
Fortunately, experience with video rental stores, public libraries, and other such organizations shows that not all items are equally popular. Experimentally, when N movies are available, the fraction of all requests being for the kth most popular one is approximately C/k. Here C is computed to normalize the sum to 1, namely,

Thus, the most popular movie is seven times as popular as the number seven movie. This result is known as Zipf's law (Zipf, 1949).
The fact that some movies are much more popular than others suggests a possible solution in the form of a storage hierarchy, as shown in Fig. 7-79. Here, the performance increases as one moves up the hierarchy.
Figure 7-79. A video server storage hierarchy.
An alternative to tape is optical storage. Current DVDs hold 4.7 GB, good for one movie, but the next generation will hold two movies. Although seek times are slow compared to magnetic disks (50 msec versus 5 msec), their low cost and high reliability make optical juke boxes containing thousands of DVDs a good alternative to tape for the more heavily used movies.
Next come magnetic disks. These have short access times (5 msec), high transfer rates (320 MB/sec for SCSI 320), and substantial capacities (> 100 GB), which makes them well suited to holding movies that are actually being transmitted (as opposed to just being stored in case somebody ever wants them). Their main drawback is the high cost for storing movies that are rarely accessed.
At the top of the pyramid of Fig. 7-79 is RAM. RAM is the fastest storage medium, but also the most expensive. When RAM prices drop to $50/GB, a 4-GB movie will occupy $200 dollars worth of RAM, so having 100 movies in RAM will cost $20,000 for the 200 GB of memory. Still, for a video server feeding out 100 movies, just keeping all the movies in RAM is beginning to look feasible. And if the video server has 100 customers but they are collectively watching only 20 different movies, it begins to look not only feasible, but a good design.
Since a video server is really just a massive real-time I/O device, it needs a different hardware and software architecture than a PC or a UNIX workstation. The hardware architecture of a typical video server is illustrated in Fig. 7-80. The server has one or more high-performance CPUs, each with some local memory, a shared main memory, a massive RAM cache for popular movies, a variety of storage devices for holding the movies, and some networking hardware, normally an optical interface to a SONET or ATM backbone at OC-12 or higher. These subsystems are connected by an extremely high speed bus (at least 1 GB/sec).
Figure 7-80. The hardware architecture of a typical video server.
Now let us take a brief look at video server software. The CPUs are used for accepting user requests, locating movies, moving data between devices, customer billing, and many other functions. Some of these are not time critical, but many others are, so some, if not all, the CPUs will have to run a real-time operating system, such as a real-time microkernel. These systems normally break work up into small tasks, each with a known deadline. The scheduler can then run an algorithm such as nearest deadline next or the rate monotonic algorithm (Liu and Layland, 1973).
The CPU software also defines the nature of the interface that the server presents to the clients (spooling servers and set-top boxes). Two designs are popular. The first one is a traditional file system, in which the clients can open, read, write, and close files. Other than the complications introduced by the storage hierarchy and real-time considerations, such a server can have a file system modeled after that of UNIX.
The second kind of interface is based on the video recorder model. The commands to the server request it to open, play, pause, fast forward, and rewind files. The difference with the UNIX model is that once a PLAY command is given, the server just keeps pumping out data at a constant rate, with no new commands required.
The heart of the video server software is the disk management software. It has two main jobs: placing movies on the magnetic disk when they have to be pulled up from optical or tape storage, and handling disk requests for the many output streams. Movie placement is important because it can greatly affect performance.
Two possible ways of organizing disk storage are the disk farm and the disk array. With the disk farm, each drive holds some number of entire movies. For performance and reliability reasons, each movie should be present on at least two drives, maybe more. The other storage organization is the disk array or RAID (Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks), in which each movie is spread out over multiple drives, for example, block 0 on drive 0, block 1 on drive 1, and so on, with block n - 1 on drive n - 1. After that, the cycle repeats, with block n on drive 0, and so forth. This organizing is called striping.
A striped disk array has several advantages over a disk farm. First, all n drives can be running in parallel, increasing the performance by a factor of n. Second, it can be made redundant by adding an extra drive to each group of n, where the redundant drive contains the block-by-block exclusive OR of the other drives, to allow full data recovery in the event one drive fails. Finally, the problem of load balancing is solved (manual placement is not needed to avoid having all the popular movies on the same drive). On the other hand, the disk array organization is more complicated than the disk farm and highly sensitive to multiple failures. It is also ill-suited to video recorder operations such as rewinding or fast forwarding a movie.
The other job of the disk software is to service all the real-time output streams and meet their timing constraints. Only a few years ago, this required complex disk scheduling algorithms, but with memory prices so low now, a much simpler approach is beginning to be possible. For each stream being served, a buffer of, say, 10 sec worth of video (5 MB) is kept in RAM. It is filled by a disk process and emptied by a network process. With 500 MB of RAM, 100 streams can be fed directly from RAM. Of course, the disk subsystem must have a sustained data rate of 50 MB/sec to keep the buffers full, but a RAID built from high-end SCSI disks can handle this requirement easily.
The Distribution Network
The distribution network is the set of switches and lines between the source and destination. As we saw in Fig. 7-78, it consists of a backbone, connected to a local distribution network. Usually, the backbone is switched and the local distribution network is not.
The main requirement imposed on the backbone is high bandwidth. It used to be that low jitter was also a requirement, but with even the smallest PC now able to buffer 10 sec of high-quality MPEG-2 video, low jitter is not a requirement anymore.
Local distribution is highly chaotic, with different companies trying out different networks in different regions. Telephone companies, cable TV companies, and new entrants, such as power companies, are all convinced that whoever gets there first will be the big winner. Consequently, we are now seeing a proliferation of technologies being installed. In Japan, some sewer companies are in the Internet business, arguing that they have the biggest pipe of all into everyone's house (they run an optical fiber through it, but have to be very careful about precisely where it emerges). The four main local distribution schemes for video on demand go by the acronyms ADSL, FTTC, FTTH, and HFC. We will now explain each of these in turn.
ADSL is the first telephone industry's entrant in the local distribution sweepstakes. The idea is that virtually every house in the United States, Europe, and Japan already has a copper twisted pair going into it (for analog telephone service). If these wires could be used for video on demand, the telephone companies could clean up.
The problem, of course, is that these wires cannot support even MPEG-1 over their typical 10-km length, let alone MPEG-2. High-resolution, full-color, full motion video needs 4–8 Mbps, depending on the quality desired. ADSL is not really fast enough except for very short local loops.
The second telephone company design is FTTC (Fiber To The Curb). In FTTC, the telephone company runs optical fiber from the end office into each residential neighborhood, terminating in a device called an ONU (Optical Network Unit). On the order of 16 copper local loops can terminate in an ONU. These loops are now so short that it is possible to run full-duplex T1 or T2 over them, allowing MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 movies, respectively. In addition, videoconferencing for home workers and small businesses is now possible because FTTC is symmetric.
The third telephone company solution is to run fiber into everyone's house. It is called FTTH (Fiber To The Home). In this scheme, everyone can have an OC-1, OC-3, or even higher carrier if that is required. FTTH is very expensive and will not happen for years but clearly will open a vast range of new possibilities when it finally happens. In Fig. 7-63 we saw how everybody could operate his or her own radio station. What do you think about each member of the family operating his or her own personal television station? ADSL, FTTC, and FTTH are all point-to-point local distribution networks, which is not surprising given how the current telephone system is organized.
A completely different approach is HFC (Hybrid Fiber Coax), which is the preferred solution currently being installed by cable TV providers. It is illustrated in Fig. 2-47(a). The story goes something like this. The current 300- to 450-MHz coax cables are being replaced by 750-MHz coax cables, upgrading the capacity from 50 to 75 6-MHz channels to 125 6-MHz channels. Seventy-five of the 125 channels will be used for transmitting analog television.
The 50 new channels will each be modulated using QAM-256, which provides about 40 Mbps per channel, giving a total of 2 Gbps of new bandwidth. The headends will be moved deeper into the neighborhoods so that each cable runs past only 500 houses. Simple division shows that each house can then be allocated a dedicated 4-Mbps channel, which can handle an MPEG-2 movie.
While this sounds wonderful, it does require the cable providers to replace all the existing cables with 750-MHz coax, install new headends, and remove all the one-way amplifiers—in short, replace the entire cable TV system. Consequently, the amount of new infrastructure here is comparable to what the telephone companies need for FTTC. In both cases the local network provider has to run fiber into residential neighborhoods. Again, in both cases, the fiber terminates at an optoelectrical converter. In FTTC, the final segment is a point-to-point local loop using twisted pairs. In HFC, the final segment is a shared coaxial cable. Technically, these two systems are not really as different as their respective proponents often make out.
Nevertheless, there is one real difference that is worth pointing out. HFC uses a shared medium without switching and routing. Any information put onto the cable can be removed by any subscriber without further ado. FTTC, which is fully switched, does not have this property. As a result, HFC operators want video servers to send out encrypted streams so customers who have not paid for a movie cannot see it. FTTC operators do not especially want encryption because it adds complexity, lowers performance, and provides no additional security in their system. From the point of view of the company running a video server, is it a good idea to encrypt or not? A server operated by a telephone company or one of its subsidiaries or partners might intentionally decide not to encrypt its videos, claiming efficiency as the reason but really to cause economic losses to its HFC competitors.
For all these local distribution networks, it is possible that each neighborhood will be outfitted with one or more spooling servers. These are, in fact, just smaller versions of the video servers we discussed above. The big advantage of these local servers is that they move some load off the backbone.
They can be preloaded with movies by reservation. If people tell the provider which movies they want well in advance, they can be downloaded to the local server during off-peak hours. This observation is likely to lead the network operators to lure away airline executives to do their pricing. One can envision tariffs in which movies ordered 24 to 72 hours in advance for viewing on a Tuesday or Thursday evening before 6 P.M, or after 11 P.M. get a 27 percent discount. Movies ordered on the first Sunday of the month before 8 A.M. for viewing on a Wednesday afternoon on a day whose date is a prime number get a 43 percent discount, and so on.

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