
Wednesday, September 28, 2016


Asynchronous transfer mode (ATM), also known as cell relay, is similar in
concept to frame relay. Both frame relay and ATM take advantage of the
reliability and fidelity of modern digital facilities to provide faster packet
switching than X.25. ATM is even more streamlined than frame relay in its functionality,
and can support data rates several orders of magnitude greater than frame
In addition to their technical similarities, ATM and frame relay have similar
histories. Frame relay was developed as part of the work of ISDN, but is now finding
wide application in private networks and other non-ISDN applications, particularly
in bridges and routers. ATM was developed as part of the work on broadband
ISDN, but is beginning to find application in non-ISDN environments where very
high data rates are required.
We begin with a discussion of the details of the ATM scheme. Then, the
important concept of the ATM Adaptation Layer (AAL) is examined. Finally, the
key issue of congestion control in ATM networks is discussed.
Asynchronous transfer mode (ATM), also known as cell relay, is in some ways similar
to packet switching using X.25 and frame relay. Like packet switching and
frame relay, ATM involves the transfer of data in discrete chunks. Also, like packet
switching and frame relay, ATM allows multiple logical connections to be multiplexed
over a single physical interface. In the case of ATM, the information flow on
each logical connection is organized into fixed-size packets, called cells.
ATM is a streamlined protocol with minimal error and flow control capabilities;
this reduces the overhead of processing ATM cells and reduces the number of
overhead bits required with each cell, thus enabling ATM to operate at high data
rates. Further, the use of fixed-size cells simplifies the processing required at each
ATM node, again supporting the use of ATM at high data rates.
The standards issued for ATM by ITU-T are based on the protocol architecture
shown in Figure 11.1, which illustrates the basic architecture for an interface
between user and network. The physical layer involves the specification of a transmission
medium and a signal encoding scheme. The data rates specified at the physical
layer include 155.52 Mbps and 622.08 Mbps. Other data rates, both higher and
lower, are possible.
Two layers of the protocol architecture relate to ATM functions. There is an
ATM layer common to all services that provides packet transfer capabilities, and an
ATM adaptation layer (AAL) that is service dependent. The ATM layer defines
the transmission of data in fixed-size cells and also defines the use of logical connections.
The use of ATM creates the need for an adaptation layer to support information
transfer protocols not based on ATM. The AAL maps higher-layer information
into ATM cells to be transported over an ATM network, then collects
information from ATM cells for delivery to higher layers.
The protocol reference model makes reference to three separate planes:
@ User Plane. Provides for user information transfer, along with associated controls
(e.g., flow control, error control).
Control Plane. Performs call control and connection control functions.
@ Management Plane. Includes plane management, which performs management
functions related to a system as a whole and provides coordination
between all the planes, and layer management, which performs management
functions relating to resources and parameters residing in its protocol entities.
Logical connections in ATM are referred to as virtual channel connections (VCC).
A VCC is analogous to a virtual circuit in X.25 or a data link connection in frame
relay; it is the basic unit of switching in an ATM network. A VCC is set up between
two end users through the network and a variable-rate, full-duplex flow of fixed-size
cells is exchanged over the connection. VCCs are also used for user-network
exchange (control signaling) and network-network exchange (network management
and routing).
For ATM, a second sublayer of processing has been introduced that deals with
the concept of virtual path (Figure 11.2). A virtual path connection (VPC) is a bundle
of VCCs that have the same endpoints. Thus, all of the cells flowing over all of
the VCCs in a single VPC are switched together.
The virtual path concept was developed in response to a trend in high-speed
networking in which the control cost of the network is becoming an increasingly
higher proportion of the overall network cost. The virtual-path technique helps contain
the control cost by grouping connections that share common paths through the
network into a single unit. Network management actions can then be applied to a
small number of groups of connections instead of to a large number of individual
Several advantages can be listed for the use of virtual paths:
a Simplified network architecture. Network transport functions can be separated
into those related to an individual logical connection (virtual channel)
and those related to a group of logical connections (virtual path).
a Increased network performance and reliability. The network deals with fewer,
aggregated entities.
Reduced processing and short connection setup time. Much of the work is
done when the virtual path is set up. By reserving capacity on a virtual path
connection in anticipation of later call arrivals, new virtual channel connections
can be established by executing simple control functions at the endpoints
of the virtual path connection; no call processing is required at transit
nodes. Thus, the addition of new virtual channels to an existing virtual path
involves minimal processing.
e Enhanced network services. The virtual path is used internal to the network
but is also visible to the end user. As a result, the user may define closed user
groups or closed networks of virtual-channel bundles.
Figure 11.3 suggests in a general way the call-establishment process using virtual
channels and virtual paths. The process of setting up a virtual path connection
is decoupled from the process of setting up an individual virtual channel connection:
e The virtual path control mechanisms include calculating routes, allocating
capacity, and storing connection state information.
To set up a virtual channel, there must first be a virtual path connection to the
required destination node with sufficient available capacity to support the virtual
channel, with the appropriate quality of service. A virtual channel is set
up by storing the required state information (virtual channel/virtual path
The terminology of virtual paths and virtual channels used in the standard is
a bit confusing, and is summarized in Table 11.1. Whereas most of the networklayer
protocols that we survey in this lesson relate only to the user-network interface,
the concepts of virtual path and virtual channel are defined in the ITU-T Recom
Virtual Channel Connection Uses
The endpoints of a VCC may be end users, network entities, or an end user and a
network entity. In all cases, cell sequence integrity is preserved within a VCC; that
is, cells are delivered in the same order in which they are sent. Let us consider examples
of the three uses of a VCC.

Between end users. Can be used to carry end-to-end user data; can also be
used to carry control signaling between end users, as explained below. A VPC
between end users provides them with an overall capacity; the VCC organization
of the VPC is up to the two end users, provided the set of VCCs does
not exceed the VPC capacity.
* Between an end user and a network entity. Used for user-to-network control
signaling, as discussed below. A user-to-network VPC can be used to aggregate
traffic from an end user to a network exchange or network server.
* Between two network entities. Used for network traffic management and
routing functions. A network-to-network VPC can be used to define a common
route for the exchange of network management information.
Virtual Path/Virtual Channel Characteristics
ITU-T Recommendation 1.150 lists the following as characteristics of virtual channel
Quality of service. A user of a VCC is provided with a Quality of Service specified
by parameters such as cell loss ratio (ratio of cells lost to cells transmitted)
and cell delay variation.
a Switched and semi-pemanent virtual channel connections. Both are switched
connections, which require call-control signaling, and dedicated channels can
be provided.
a Cell sequence integrity. The sequence of transmitted cells within a VCC is
a Traffic parameter negotiation and usage monitoring. Traffic parameters can
be negotiated between a user and the network for each VCC. The input of
cells to the VCC is monitored by the network to ensure that the negotiated
parameters are not violated.
The types of traffic parameters that can be negotiated include average rate,
peak rate, burstiness, and peak duration. The network may need a number of
strategies to handle congestion and to manage existing and requested VCCs. At the
crudest level, the network may simply deny new requests for VCCs to prevent congestion.
Additionally, cells may be discarded if negotiated parameters are violated
or if congestion becomes severe. In an extreme situation, existing connections might
be terminated.
1.150 also lists characteristics of VPCs. The first four characteristics listed are
identical to those for VCCs. That is, quality of service, switched and semipermanent
VPCs, cell sequence integrity, and traffic parameter negotiation and
usage monitoring are all also characteristics of a VPC. There are a number of reasons
for this duplication. First, redundancy provides some flexibility in how the network
service manages its requirements. Second, the network must be concerned
with the overall requirements for a VPC, and, within a VPC, it may negotiate the
establishment of virtual channels with given characteristics. Finally, once a WC is
set up, it is possible for the end users to negotiate the creation of new VCCs. The
WC characteristics impose a discipline on the choices that the end users may make.
In addition, a fifth characteristic is listed for VPCs:
" Virtual channel identifier restriction within a VPC. One or more virtual channel
identifiers, or numbers, may not be available to the user of the WC, but
may be reserved for network use. Examples include VCCs used for network
In ATM, a mechanism is needed for the establishment and release of VPCs and
VCCs. The exchange of information involved in this process is referred to as control
signaling, and takes place on separate connections from those that are being
For VCCs, 1.150 specifies four methods for providing an establishment/release
facility. One or a combination of these methods will be used in any particular
1. Semi-permanent VCCs may be used for user-to-user exchange. In this case, no
control signaling is required.
2. If there is no pre-established call control signaling channel, then one must be
set up. For that purpose, a control signaling exchange must take place
between the user and the network on some channel. Hence, we need a permanent
channel, probably of low data rate, that can be used to set up VCCs
that can be used for call control. Such a channel is called a meta-signaling
channel, as the channel is used to set up signaling channels.
3. The meta-signaling channel can be used to set up a VCC between the user and
the network for call control signaling. This user-to-network signaling virtual
channel can then be used to set up VCCs to carry user data.
4. The meta-signaling channel can also be used to set up a user-to-user signaling
virtual channel. Such a channel must be set up within a pre-established WC.
It can then be used to allow the two end users, without network intervention,
to establish and release user-to-user VCCs to carry user data.
For VPCs, three methods are defined in 1.150:
1. A VPC can be established on a semi-permanent basis by prior agreement. In
this case, no control signaling is required.
2. VPC establishmentlrelease may be customer controlled. In this case, the customer
uses a signaling VCC to request the VPC from the network.
3. VPC establishmentlrelease may be network controlled. In this case, the network
establishes a VPC for its own convenience. The path may be networkto-
network, user-to-network, or user-to-user.

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