
Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Transport Service

6.1 The Transport Service

In the following sections we will provide an introduction to the transport service. We look at what kind of service is provided to the application layer. To make the issue of transport service more concrete, we will examine two sets of transport layer primitives. First comes a simple (but hypothetical) one to show the basic ideas. Then comes the interface commonly used in the Internet.
6.1.1 Services Provided to the Upper Layers
The ultimate goal of the transport layer is to provide efficient, reliable, and cost-effective service to its users, normally processes in the application layer. To achieve this goal, the transport layer makes use of the services provided by the network layer. The hardware and/or software within the transport layer that does the work is called the transport entity. The transport entity can be located in the operating system kernel, in a separate user process, in a library package bound into network applications, or conceivably on the network interface card. The (logical) relationship of the network, transport, and application layers is illustrated in Fig. 6-1.
Figure 6-1. The network, transport, and application layers.
Just as there are two types of network service, connection-oriented and connectionless, there are also two types of transport service. The connection-oriented transport service is similar to the connection-oriented network service in many ways. In both cases, connections have three phases: establishment, data transfer, and release. Addressing and flow control are also similar in both layers. Furthermore, the connectionless transport service is also very similar to the connectionless network service.
The obvious question is then this: If the transport layer service is so similar to the network layer service, why are there two distinct layers? Why is one layer not adequate? The answer is subtle, but crucial, and goes back to Fig. 1-9. The transport code runs entirely on the users' machines, but the network layer mostly runs on the routers, which are operated by the carrier (at least for a wide area network). What happens if the network layer offers inadequate service? Suppose that it frequently loses packets? What happens if routers crash from time to time?
Problems occur, that's what. The users have no real control over the network layer, so they cannot solve the problem of poor service by using better routers or putting more error handling in the data link layer. The only possibility is to put on top of the network layer another layer that improves the quality of the service. If, in a connection-oriented subnet, a transport entity is informed halfway through a long transmission that its network connection has been abruptly terminated, with no indication of what has happened to the data currently in transit, it can set up a new network connection to the remote transport entity. Using this new network connection, it can send a query to its peer asking which data arrived and which did not, and then pick up from where it left off.
In essence, the existence of the transport layer makes it possible for the transport service to be more reliable than the underlying network service. Lost packets and mangled data can be detected and compensated for by the transport layer. Furthermore, the transport service primitives can be implemented as calls to library procedures in order to make them independent of the network service primitives. The network service calls may vary considerably from network to network (e.g., connectionless LAN service may be quite different from connection-oriented WAN service). By hiding the network service behind a set of transport service primitives, changing the network service merely requires replacing one set of library procedures by another one that does the same thing with a different underlying service.
Thanks to the transport layer, application programmers can write code according to a standard set of primitives and have these programs work on a wide variety of networks, without having to worry about dealing with different subnet interfaces and unreliable transmission. If all real networks were flawless and all had the same service primitives and were guaranteed never, ever to change, the transport layer might not be needed. However, in the real world it fulfills the key function of isolating the upper layers from the technology, design, and imperfections of the subnet.
For this reason, many people have traditionally made a distinction between layers 1 through 4 on the one hand and layer(s) above 4 on the other. The bottom four layers can be seen as the transport service provider, whereas the upper layer(s) are the transport service user. This distinction of provider versus user has a considerable impact on the design of the layers and puts the transport layer in a key position, since it forms the major boundary between the provider and user of the reliable data transmission service.
6.1.2 Transport Service Primitives
To allow users to access the transport service, the transport layer must provide some operations to application programs, that is, a transport service interface. Each transport service has its own interface. In this section, we will first examine a simple (hypothetical) transport service and its interface to see the bare essentials. In the following section we will look at a real example.
The transport service is similar to the network service, but there are also some important differences. The main difference is that the network service is intended to model the service offered by real networks, warts and all. Real networks can lose packets, so the network service is generally unreliable.
The (connection-oriented) transport service, in contrast, is reliable. Of course, real networks are not error-free, but that is precisely the purpose of the transport layer—to provide a reliable service on top of an unreliable network.
As an example, consider two processes connected by pipes in UNIX. They assume the connection between them is perfect. They do not want to know about acknowledgements, lost packets, congestion, or anything like that. What they want is a 100 percent reliable connection. Process A puts data into one end of the pipe, and process B takes it out of the other. This is what the connection-oriented transport service is all about—hiding the imperfections of the network service so that user processes can just assume the existence of an error-free bit stream.
As an aside, the transport layer can also provide unreliable (datagram) service. However, there is relatively little to say about that, so we will mainly concentrate on the connection-oriented transport service in this chapter. Nevertheless, there are some applications, such as client-server computing and streaming multimedia, which benefit from connectionless transport, so we will say a little bit about it later on.
A second difference between the network service and transport service is whom the services are intended for. The network service is used only by the transport entities. Few users write their own transport entities, and thus few users or programs ever see the bare network service. In contrast, many programs (and thus programmers) see the transport primitives. Consequently, the transport service must be convenient and easy to use.
To get an idea of what a transport service might be like, consider the five primitives listed in Fig. 6-2. This transport interface is truly bare bones, but it gives the essential flavor of what a connection-oriented transport interface has to do. It allows application programs to establish, use, and then release connections, which is sufficient for many applications.
Figure 6-2. The primitives for a simple transport service.
To see how these primitives might be used, consider an application with a server and a number of remote clients. To start with, the server executes a LISTEN primitive, typically by calling a library procedure that makes a system call to block the server until a client turns up. When a client wants to talk to the server, it executes a CONNECT primitive. The transport entity carries out this primitive by blocking the caller and sending a packet to the server. Encapsulated in the payload of this packet is a transport layer message for the server's transport entity.
A quick note on terminology is now in order. For lack of a better term, we will reluctantly use the somewhat ungainly acronym TPDU (Transport Protocol Data Unit) for messages sent from transport entity to transport entity. Thus, TPDUs (exchanged by the transport layer) are contained in packets (exchanged by the network layer). In turn, packets are contained in frames (exchanged by the data link layer). When a frame arrives, the data link layer processes the frame header and passes the contents of the frame payload field up to the network entity. The network entity processes the packet header and passes the contents of the packet payload up to the transport entity. This nesting is illustrated in Fig. 6-3.
Figure 6-3. Nesting of TPDUs, packets, and frames.
Getting back to our client-server example, the client's CONNECT call causes a CONNECTION REQUEST TPDU to be sent to the server. When it arrives, the transport entity checks to see that the server is blocked on a LISTEN (i.e., is interested in handling requests). It then unblocks the server and sends a CONNECTION ACCEPTED TPDU back to the client. When this TPDU arrives, the client is unblocked and the connection is established.
Data can now be exchanged using the SEND and RECEIVE primitives. In the simplest form, either party can do a (blocking) RECEIVE to wait for the other party to do a SEND. When the TPDU arrives, the receiver is unblocked. It can then process the TPDU and send a reply. As long as both sides can keep track of whose turn it is to send, this scheme works fine.
Note that at the transport layer, even a simple unidirectional data exchange is more complicated than at the network layer. Every data packet sent will also be acknowledged (eventually). The packets bearing control TPDUs are also acknowledged, implicitly or explicitly. These acknowledgements are managed by the transport entities, using the network layer protocol, and are not visible to the transport users. Similarly, the transport entities will need to worry about timers and retransmissions. None of this machinery is visible to the transport users. To the transport users, a connection is a reliable bit pipe: one user stuffs bits in and they magically appear at the other end. This ability to hide complexity is the reason that layered protocols are such a powerful tool.
When a connection is no longer needed, it must be released to free up table space within the two transport entities. Disconnection has two variants: asymmetric and symmetric. In the asymmetric variant, either transport user can issue a DISCONNECT primitive, which results in a DISCONNECT TPDU being sent to the remote transport entity. Upon arrival, the connection is released.
In the symmetric variant, each direction is closed separately, independently of the other one. When one side does a DISCONNECT, that means it has no more data to send but it is still willing to accept data from its partner. In this model, a connection is released when both sides have done a DISCONNECT.
A state diagram for connection establishment and release for these simple primitives is given in Fig. 6-4. Each transition is triggered by some event, either a primitive executed by the local transport user or an incoming packet. For simplicity, we assume here that each TPDU is separately acknowledged. We also assume that a symmetric disconnection model is used, with the client going first. Please note that this model is quite unsophisticated. We will look at more realistic models later on.
Figure 6-4. A state diagram for a simple connection management scheme. Transitions labeled in italics are caused by packet arrivals. The solid lines show the client's state sequence. The dashed lines show the server's state sequence.
6.1.3 Berkeley Sockets
Let us now briefly inspect another set of transport primitives, the socket primitives used in Berkeley UNIX for TCP. These primitives are widely used for Internet programming. They are listed in Fig. 6-5. Roughly speaking, they follow the model of our first example but offer more features and flexibility. We will not look at the corresponding TPDUs here. That discussion will have to wait until we study TCP later in this chapter.
Figure 6-5. The socket primitives for TCP.
The first four primitives in the list are executed in that order by servers. The SOCKET primitive creates a new end point and allocates table space for it within the transport entity. The parameters of the call specify the addressing format to be used, the type of service desired (e.g., reliable byte stream), and the protocol. A successful SOCKET call returns an ordinary file descriptor for use in succeeding calls, the same way an OPEN call does.
Newly-created sockets do not have network addresses. These are assigned using the BIND primitive. Once a server has bound an address to a socket, remote clients can connect to it. The reason for not having the SOCKET call create an address directly is that some processes care about their address (e.g., they have been using the same address for years and everyone knows this address), whereas others do not care.
Next comes the LISTEN call, which allocates space to queue incoming calls for the case that several clients try to connect at the same time. In contrast to LISTEN in our first example, in the socket model LISTEN is not a blocking call.
To block waiting for an incoming connection, the server executes an ACCEPT primitive. When a TPDU asking for a connection arrives, the transport entity creates a new socket with the same properties as the original one and returns a file descriptor for it. The server can then fork off a process or thread to handle the connection on the new socket and go back to waiting for the next connection on the original socket. ACCEPT returns a normal file descriptor, which can be used for reading and writing in the standard way, the same as for files.
Now let us look at the client side. Here, too, a socket must first be created using the SOCKET primitive, but BIND is not required since the address used does not matter to the server. The CONNECT primitive blocks the caller and actively starts the connection process. When it completes (i.e., when the appropriate TPDU is received from the server), the client process is unblocked and the connection is established. Both sides can now use SEND and RECV to transmit and receive data over the full-duplex connection. The standard UNIX READ and WRITE system calls can also be used if none of the special options of SEND and RECV are required.
Connection release with sockets is symmetric. When both sides have executed a CLOSE primitive, the connection is released.
6.1.4 An Example of Socket Programming: An Internet File Server
As an example of how the socket calls are used, consider the client and server code of Fig. 6-6. Here we have a very primitive Internet file server along with an example client that uses it. The code has many limitations (discussed below), but in principle the server code can be compiled and run on any UNIX system connected to the Internet. The client code can then be compiled and run on any other UNIX machine on the Internet, anywhere in the world. The client code can be executed with appropriate parameters to fetch any file to which the server has access on its machine. The file is written to standard output, which, of course, can be redirected to a file or pipe.
Let us look at the server code first. It starts out by including some standard headers, the last three of which contain the main Internet-related definitions and data structures. Next comes a definition of SERVER_PORT as 12345. This number was chosen arbitrarily. Any number between 1024 and 65535 will work just as well as long as it is not in use by some other process. Of course, the client and server have to use the same port. If this server ever becomes a worldwide hit (unlikely, given how primitive it is), it will be assigned a permanent port below 1024 and appear on
The next two lines in the server define two constants needed. The first one determines the chunk size used for the file transfer. The second one determines how many pending connections can be held before additional ones are discarded upon arrival.
After the declarations of local variables, the server code begins. It starts out by initializing a data structure that will hold the server's IP address. This data structure will soon be bound to the server's socket. The call to memset sets the data structure to all 0s. The three assignments following it fill in three of its fields. The last of these contains the server's port. The functions htonl and htons have to do with converting values to a standard format so the code runs correctly on both big-endian machines (e.g., the SPARC) and little-endian machines (e.g., the Pentium). Their exact semantics are not relevant here.
Next the server creates a socket and checks for errors (indicated by s < 0). In a production version of the code, the error message could be a trifle more explanatory. The call to setsockopt is needed to allow the port to be reused so the server can run indefinitely, fielding request after request. Now the IP address is bound to the socket and a check is made to see if the call to bind succeeded. The final step in the initialization is the call to listen to announce the server's willingness to accept incoming calls and tell the system to hold up to QUEUE_SIZE of them in case new requests arrive while the server is still processing the current one. If the queue is full and additional requests arrive, they are quietly discarded.
At this point the server enters its main loop, which it never leaves. The only way to stop it is to kill it from outside. The call to accept blocks the server until some client tries to establish a connection with it. If the accept call succeeds, it returns a file descriptor that can be used for reading and writing, analogous to how file descriptors can be used to read and write from pipes. However, unlike pipes, which are unidirectional, sockets are bidirectional, so sa (socket address) can be used for reading from the connection and also for writing to it.
After the connection is established, the server reads the file name from it. If the name is not yet available, the server blocks waiting for it. After getting the file name, the server opens the file and then enters a loop that alternately reads blocks from the file and writes them to the socket until the entire file has been copied. Then the server closes the file and the connection and waits for the next connection to show up. It repeats this loop forever.
Now let us look at the client code. To understand how it works, it is necessary to understand how it is invoked. Assuming it is called client, a typical call is
client /usr/tom/filename >f
This call only works if the server is already running on and the file /usr/tom/filename exists and the server has read access to it. If the call is successful, the file is transferred over the Internet and written to f, after which the client program exits. Since the server continues after a transfer, the client can be started again and again to get other files.
The client code starts with some includes and declarations. Execution begins by checking to see if it has been called with the right number of arguments (argc = 3 means the program name plus two arguments). Note that argv [1] contains the server's name (e.g., and is converted to an IP address by gethostbyname. This function uses DNS to look up the name.
Next a socket is created and initialized. After that, the client attempts to establish a TCP connection to the server, using connect. If the server is up and running on the named machine and attached to SERVER_PORT and is either idle or has room in its listen queue, the connection will (eventually) be established. Using the connection, the client sends the name of the file by writing on the socket. The number of bytes sent is one larger than the name proper since the 0-byte terminating the name must also be sent to tell the server where the name ends.
Figure 6.1 6-6. Client code using sockets. The server code is on the next page.
/* This page contains a client program that can request a file from the server program
 * on the next page. The server responds by sending the whole file.

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netdb.h>

#define SERVER_PORT 12345                      /* arbitrary, but client & server must
graphics/ccc.gifagree */
#define BUF_SIZE 4096                          /* block transfer size */

int main(int argc, char **argv)
 int c, s, bytes;
 char buf[BUF_SIZE];                           /* buffer for incoming file */
 struct hostent *h;                            /* info about server */
 struct sockaddr_in channel;                   /* holds IP address */

 if (argc != 3) fatal("Usage: client server-name file-name");
 h = gethostbyname(argv[1]);                   /* look up host's IP address */
 if (!h) fatal("gethostbyname failed");

 i f (s <0) fatal("socket");
 memset(&channel, 0, sizeof(channel));
 channel.sin_family= AF_INET;
 memcpy(&channel.sin_addr.s_addr, h->h_addr, h->h_length);
 channel.sin_port= htons(SERVER_PORT);

 c = connect(s, (struct sockaddr *) &channel, sizeof(channel));
 if (c < 0) fatal("connect failed");

 /* Connection is now established. Send file name including 0 byte at end. */
 write(s, argv[2], strlen(argv[2])+1);

 / * Go get the file and write it to standard output. */
 while (1) {
     bytes = read(s, buf, BUF_SIZE);             /* read from socket */
     if (bytes <= 0) exit(0);                    /* check for end of file */
     write(1, buf, bytes);                       /* write to standard output */

fatal(char *string)
 printf("%s\n", string);

#include <sys/types.h>                        /* This is the server code */
#include <sys/fcntl.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netdb.h>

#define SERVER_PORT 12345                     /* arbitrary, but client & server must
graphics/ccc.gifagree */
#define BUF_SIZE 4096                         /* block transfer size */
#define QUEUE_SIZE 10

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 int s, b, l, fd, sa, bytes, on = 1;
 char buf[BUF_SIZE];                          /* buffer for outgoing file */
 struct sockaddr_in channel;                  /* holds IP address */

 /* Build address structure to bind to socket. */
 memset(&channel, 0, sizeof(channel));        /* zerochannel */
 channel.sin_family = AF_INET;
 channel.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
 channel.sin_port = htons(SERVER_PORT);

 /* Passive open. Wait for connection. */
 s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);   /* createsocket */
 if (s < 0) fatal("socket failed");
 setsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char *) &on, sizeof(on));

 b = bind(s, (struct sockaddr *) &channel, sizeof(channel));
 if (b < 0) fatal("bind failed");

 l = listen(s, QUEUE_SIZE);                  /* specify queue size */
 if (l < 0) fatal("listen failed");

 /* Socket is now set up and bound. Wait for connection and process it. */
 while (1) {
     sa = accept(s, 0, 0);                  /* block for connection request */
     if (sa < 0) fatal("accept failed");

     read(sa, buf, BUF_SIZE);               /* read file name from socket */

     /* Get and return the file. */
     fd = open(buf, O_RDONLY);              /* open the file to be sent back */
     if (fd < 0) fatal("open failed");
     while (1) {
          bytes = read(fd, buf, BUF_SIZE); /* read from file */
          if (bytes <= 0) break;            /* check for end of file */
          write(sa, buf, bytes);            /* write bytes to socket */
     close(fd);                             /* closefile */
     close(sa);                             /* close connection */
Now the client enters a loop, reading the file block by block from the socket and copying it to standard output. When it is done, it just exits.
The procedure fatal prints an error message and exits. The server needs the same procedure, but it was omitted due to lack of space on the page. Since the client and server are compiled separately and normally run on different computers, they cannot share the code of fatal.

by clicking on the Web Site link next to the photo of the cover. They can be downloaded and compiled on any UNIX system (e.g., Solaris, BSD, Linux) by
cc –o client client.c –lsocket –lnsl
cc –o server server.c –lsocket –lnsl
The server is started by just typing
The client needs two arguments, as discussed above. A Windows version is also available on the Web site.
Just for the record, this server is not the last word in serverdom. Its error checking is meager and its error reporting is mediocre. It has clearly never heard about security, and using bare UNIX system calls is not the last word in platform independence. It also makes some assumptions that are technically illegal, such as assuming the file name fits in the buffer and is transmitted atomically. Since it handles all requests strictly sequentially (because it has only a single thread), its performance is poor. These shortcomings notwithstanding, it is a complete, working Internet file server. In the exercises, the reader is invited to improve it. For more information about programming with sockets, see (Stevens, 1997).

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