
Wednesday, September 28, 2016


For unguided media, transmission and reception are achieved by means of an
antenna. For transmission, the antenna radiates electromagnetic energy into the
medium (usually air), and for reception, the antenna picks up electromagnetic
waves from the surrounding medium. There are basically two types of configurations
for wireless transmission: directional and omnidirectional. For the directional
configuration, the transmitting antenna puts out a focused electromagnetic beam;
the transmitting and receiving antennas must therefore be carefully aligned. In the
omnidirectional case, the transmitted signal spreads out in all directions and can be
received by many antennas. In general, the higher the frequency of a signal, the
more it is possible to focus it into a directional beam.
Physical Description
The most common type of microwave antenna is the parabolic "dish." A typical size
is about 10 feet in diameter. The antenna is fixed rigidly and focuses a narrow beam
to achieve line-of-sight transmission to the receiving antenna. Microwave antennas
are usually located at substantial heights above ground level in order to extend the
range between antennas and to be able to transmit over intervening obstacles. With
no intervening obstacles, the maximum distance between antennas conforms to
where d is the distance between antennas in kilometers, h is the antenna height in
meters, and K is an adjustment factor to account for the fact that microwaves are
bent or refracted with the curvature of the earth and will, hence, propagate farther
To achieve long-distance transmission, a series of microwave relay towers is
used; point-to-point microwave links are strung together over the desired distance.
The primary use for terrestrial microwave systems is in long-haul telecommunications
service, as an alternative to coaxial cable or optical fiber. The microwave facility
requires far fewer amplifiers or repeaters than coaxial cable over the same distance,
but requires line-of-sight transmission. Microwave is commonly used for both
voice and television transmission.
Another increasingly common use of microwave is for short point-to-point
links between buildings; this can be used for closed-circuit TV or as a data link
between local area networks. Short-haul microwave can also be used for the socalled
bypass application. A business can establish a microwave link to a longdistance
telecommunications facility in the same city, bypassing the local telephone
Transmission Characteristics
Microwave transmission covers a substantial portion of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Common frequencies used for transmission are in the range 2 to 40 GHz. The
higher the frequency used, the higher the potential bandwidth and therefore the
higher the potential data rate. Table 3.5 indicates bandwidth and data rate for some
typical systems.
As with any transmission system, a main source of loss is attenuation. For
microwave (and radio frequencies), the loss can be expressed as
where d is the distance and h is the wavelength, in the same units. Loss varies as the
square of the distance. In contrast, for twisted pair and coaxial cable, loss varies logarithmically
with distance (linear in decibels). Repeaters or amplifiers, then, may be
placed farther apart for microwave systems-10 to 100 km is typical. Attenuation
increases with rainfall, the effects of which become especially noticeable above
10 GHz. Another source of impairment is interference. With the growing popularity
of microwave, transmission areas overlap and interference is always a danger. As
a result, the assignment of frequency bands is strictly regulated.
Table 3.6 shows the authorized microwave frequency bands as regulated by
the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). The most common bands for
long-haul telecommunications are the 4 GHz to 6 GHz bands. With increasing congestion
at these frequencies, the 11 GHz band is now coming into use. The 12 GHz
band is used as a component of cable TV systems. Microwave links are used to provide
TV signals to local CATV installations; the signals are then distributed to individual
subscribers via coaxial cable. Higher-frequency microwave is being used for
short point-to-point links between buildings; typically, the 22 GHz band is used.
The higher microwave frequencies are less useful for longer distances because of
increased attenuation but are quite adequate for shorter distances. In addition, at
the higher frequencies, the antennas are smaller and cheaper.

Satelit Microwave
Physical Description
A communication satellite is, in effect, a microwave relay station. It is used to link
two or more ground-based microwave transmitter/receivers, known as earth stations,
or ground stations. The satellite receives transmissions on one frequency
band (uplink), amplifies or repeats the signal, and transmits it on another frequency
(downlink). A single orbiting satellite will operate on a number of frequency bands,
called transponder channels, or simply transponders.
Figure 3.4 depicts, in a general way, two common configurations for satellite
communication. In the first, the satellite is being used to provide a point-to-point
link between two distant ground-based antennas. In the second, the satellite provides
communications between one ground-based transmitter and a number of
ground-based receivers.
For a communication satellite to function effectively, it is generally required
that it remain stationary with respect to its position over the earth; otherwise, it
would not be within the line of sight of its earth stations at all times. To remain stationary,
the satellite must have a period of rotation equal to the earth's period of
rotation. This match occurs at a height of 35,784 km.
The communication satellite is a technological revolution as important as fiber
optics. Among the most important applications for satellites are
Television distribution
0 Long-distance telephone transmission
Private business networks
Because of their broadcast nature, satellites are well suited to television distribution
and are being used extensively in the United States and throughout the
world for this purpose. In its traditional use, a network provides programming from
a central location. Programs are transmitted to the satellite and then broadcast
down to a number of stations, which then distribute the programs to individual
viewers. One network, the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS), distributes its television
programming almost exclusively by the use of satellite channels. Other commercial
networks also make substantial use of satellite, and cable television systems
are receiving an ever-increasing proportion of their programming from satellites.
The most recent application of satellite technology to television distribution is
direct broadcast satellite (DBS), in which satellite video signals are transmitted
directly to the home user. The dropping cost and size of receiving antennas have
made DBS economically feasible, and a number of channels are either already in
service or in the planning stage.
Satellite transmission is also used for point-to-point trunks between telephone
exchange offices in public telephone networks. It is the optimum medium for highusage
international trunks and is competitive with terrestrial systems for many longdistance
intranational links.
Finally, there are a number of business data applications for satellite. The
satellite provider can divide the total capacity into a number of channels and lease
these channels to individual business users. A user equipped with the antennas at a
number of sites can use a satellite channel for a private network. Traditionally, such
applications have been quite expensive and limited to larger organizations with
high-volume requirements. A recent development is the very small aperture terminal
(VSAT) system, which provides a low-cost alternative. Figure 3.5 depicts a typical
VSAT configuration. A number of subscriber stations are equipped with lowcost
VSAT antennas (about $400 per month per VSAT). Using some protocol,
these stations share a satellite transmission capacity for transmission to a hub station.
The hub station can exchange messages with each of the subscribers as well as
relay messages between subscribers.
Transmission Characteristics
The optimum frequency range for satellite transmission is 1 to 10 GHz. Below
1 GHz, there is significant noise from natural sources, including galactic, solar, and
atmospheric noise, and human-made interference from various electronic devices.
Above 10 GHz, the signal is severely attenuated by atmospheric absorption and
Most satellites providing point-to-point service today use a frequency bandwidth
in the range 5.925 to 6.425 GHz for transmission from earth to satellite
(uplink) and a bandwidth in the range 3.7 to 4.2 GHz for transmission from satellite
to earth (downlink). This combination is referred to as the 416 GHz band. Note that
the uplink and downlink frequencies differ. For continuous operation without interference,
a satellite cannot transmit and receive on the same frequency. Thus, signals
received from a ground station on one frequency must be transmitted back on
The 416 GHz band is within the optimum zone of 1 to 10 GHz but has become
saturated. Other frequencies in that range are unavailable because of sources of
interference, usually terrestrial microwave. Therefore, the 12/14 GHz band has
been developed (uplink: 14 to 14.5 GHz; downlink: 11.7 to 12.2 GHz). At this frequency
band, attenuation problems must be overcome. However, smaller and
cheaper earth-station receivers can be used. It is anticipated that this band will also
saturate, and use is projected for the 19/29 GHz band (uplink: 27.5 to 31.0 Ghz;
downlink: 17.7 to 21.2 GHz). This band experiences even greater attenuation problems
but will allow greater bandwidth (2500 MHz versus 500 MHz) and even
smaller and cheaper receivers.
Several properties of satellite communication should be noted. First, because
of the long distances involved, there is a propagation delay of about a quarter second
between transmission from one earth station and reception by another earth
station. This delay is noticeable in ordinary telephone conversations. It also introduces
problems in the areas of error control and flow control, which we discuss in
later lessons. Second, satellite microwave is inherently a broadcast facility. Many
stations can transmit to the satellite, and a transmission from a satellite can be
received by many stations.
Broadcast Radio
Physical Description
The principal difference between broadcast radio and microwave is that the former
is omnidirectional and the latter is directional. Thus, broadcast radio does not
require dish-shaped antennas, and the antennas need not be rigidly mounted to a
precise alignment.
Radio is a general term used to encompass frequencies in the range of 3 kHz to
300 GHz. We are using the informal term broadcast radio to cover the VHF and
part of the UHF band: 30 MHz to 1 GHz. This range covers FM radio as well as
UHF and VHF television. This range is also used for a number of data-networking
Transmission Characteristics
The range 30 MHz to 1 GHz is an effective one for broadcast communications.
Unlike the case for lower-frequency electromagnetic waves, the ionosphere is trans
parent to radio waves above 30 MHz. Transmission is limited to line of sight, and
distant transmitters will not interfere with each other due to reflection from the
atmosphere. Unlike the higher frequencies of the microwave region, broadcast
radio waves are less sensitive to attenuation from rainfall.
A prime source of impairment for broadcast radio waves is multipath interference.
Keflection from land, water, and natural or human-made objects can create
multiple paths between antennas. This effect is frequently evident when TV
reception displays multiple images as an airplane passes by.
Infrared communications is achieved using transmitterslreceivers (transceivers)
that modulate noncoherent infrared light. Transceivers must be in line of sight of
each other, either directly or via reflection from a light-colored surface such as the
ceiling of a room.
One important difference between infrared and microwave transmission is
that the former does not penetrate walls. Thus, the security and interference problems
encountered in microwave systems are not present. Furthermore, there is no
frequency allocation issue with infrared, because no licensing is required.

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