We have now finished our general
discussion of channel allocation protocols in the abstract, so it is time to
see how these principles apply to real systems, in particular, LANs. As
discussed in Sec. 1.5.3, the IEEE has standardized a number of
local area networks and metropolitan area networks under the name of IEEE 802.
A few have survived but many have not, as we saw in Fig. 1-38. Some people who believe in reincarnation
think that Charles Darwin came back as a member of the IEEE Standards
Association to weed out the unfit. The most important of the survivors are
802.3 (Ethernet) and 802.11 (wireless LAN). With 802.15 (Bluetooth) and 802.16
(wireless MAN), it is too early to tell. Please consult the 5th edition of this
book to find out. Both 802.3 and 802.11 have different physical layers and
different MAC sublayers but converge on the same logical link control sublayer
(defined in 802.2), so they have the same interface to the network layer.
We introduced Ethernet in Sec. 1.5.3 and will not repeat that material
here. Instead we will focus on the technical details of Ethernet, the
protocols, and recent developments in high-speed (gigabit) Ethernet. Since
Ethernet and IEEE 802.3 are identical except for two minor differences that we
will discuss shortly, many people use the terms ''Ethernet'' and ''IEEE 802.3''
interchangeably, and we will do so, too. For more information about Ethernet,
see (Breyer and Riley, 1999 ; Seifert, 1998; and Spurgeon, 2000).
Since the name ''Ethernet'' refers
to the cable (the ether), let us start our discussion there. Four types of
cabling are commonly used, as shown in Fig. 4-13.
Historically, 10Base5 cabling,
popularly called thick Ethernet, came first. It resembles a yellow garden hose,
with markings every 2.5 meters to show where the taps go. (The 802.3 standard
does not actually require the cable to be yellow, but it does suggest it.)
Connections to it are generally made using vampire taps, in which a pin is very
carefully forced halfway into the coaxial cable's core. The notation 10Base5
means that it operates at 10 Mbps, uses baseband signaling, and can support
segments of up to 500 meters. The first number is the speed in Mbps. Then comes
the word ''Base'' (or sometimes ''BASE'') to indicate baseband transmission.
There used to be a broadband variant, 10Broad36, but it never caught on in the
marketplace and has since vanished. Finally, if the medium is coax, its length
is given rounded to units of 100 m after ''Base.''
Historically, the second cable type
was 10Base2, or thin Ethernet, which, in contrast to the garden-hose-like thick
Ethernet, bends easily. Connections to it are made using industry-standard BNC
connectors to form T junctions, rather than using vampire taps. BNC connectors
are easier to use and more reliable. Thin Ethernet is much cheaper and easier
to install, but it can run for only 185 meters per segment, each of which can handle
only 30 machines.
Detecting cable breaks, excessive
length, bad taps, or loose connectors can be a major problem with both media.
For this reason, techniques have been developed to track them down. Basically,
a pulse of known shape is injected into the cable. If the pulse hits an
obstacle or the end of the cable, an echo will be generated and sent back. By
carefully timing the interval between sending the pulse and receiving the echo,
it is possible to localize the origin of the echo. This technique is called time
domain reflectometry.
The problems associated with finding
cable breaks drove systems toward a different kind of wiring pattern, in which
all stations have a cable running to a central hub in which they are all
connected electrically (as if they were soldered together). Usually, these
wires are telephone company twisted pairs, since most office buildings are
already wired this way, and normally plenty of spare pairs are available. This
scheme is called 10Base-T. Hubs do not buffer incoming traffic. We will discuss
an improved version of this idea (switches), which do buffer incoming traffic
later in this chapter.
These three wiring schemes are
illustrated in Fig. 4-14. For 10Base5, a transceiver is clamped
securely around the cable so that its tap makes contact with the inner core.
The transceiver contains the electronics that handle carrier detection and
collision detection. When a collision is detected, the transceiver also puts a
special invalid signal on the cable to ensure that all other transceivers also
realize that a collision has occurred.
With 10Base5, a transceiver cable or
drop cable connects the transceiver to an interface board in the computer. The
transceiver cable may be up to 50 meters long and contains five individually
shielded twisted pairs. Two of the pairs are for data in and data out,
respectively. Two more are for control signals in and out. The fifth pair,
which is not always used, allows the computer to power the transceiver
electronics. Some transceivers allow up to eight nearby computers to be
attached to them, to reduce the number of transceivers needed.
The transceiver cable terminates on
an interface board inside the computer. The interface board contains a
controller chip that transmits frames to, and receives frames from, the
transceiver. The controller is responsible for assembling the data into the
proper frame format, as well as computing checksums on outgoing frames and
verifying them on incoming frames. Some controller chips also manage a pool of
buffers for incoming frames, a queue of buffers to be transmitted, direct
memory transfers with the host computers, and other aspects of network
With 10Base2, the connection to the
cable is just a passive BNC T-junction connector. The transceiver electronics
are on the controller board, and each station always has its own transceiver.
With 10Base-T, there is no shared
cable at all, just the hub (a box full of electronics) to which each station is
connected by a dedicated (i.e., not shared) cable. Adding or removing a station
is simpler in this configuration, and cable breaks can be detected easily. The disadvantage
of 10Base-T is that the maximum cable run from the hub is only 100 meters,
maybe 200 meters if very high quality category 5 twisted pairs are used.
Nevertheless, 10Base-T quickly became dominant due to its use of existing
wiring and the ease of maintenance that it offers. A faster version of 10Base-T
(100Base-T) will be discussed later in this chapter.
A fourth cabling option for Ethernet
is 10Base-F, which uses fiber optics. This alternative is expensive due to the
cost of the connectors and terminators, but it has excellent noise immunity and
is the method of choice when running between buildings or widely-separated
hubs. Runs of up to km are allowed. It also offers good security since
wiretapping fiber is much more difficult than wiretapping copper wire.
Figure 4-15 shows different ways of wiring a
building. In Fig. 4-15(a), a single cable is snaked from room
to room, with each station tapping into it at the nearest point. In Fig. 4-15(b), a vertical spine runs from the
basement to the roof, with horizontal cables on each floor connected to the
spine by special amplifiers (repeaters). In some buildings, the horizontal
cables are thin and the backbone is thick. The most general topology is the
tree, as in Fig. 4-15(c), because a network with two paths
between some pairs of stations would suffer from interference between the two
Each version of Ethernet has a maximum
cable length per segment. To allow larger networks, multiple cables can be
connected by repeaters, as shown in Fig. 4-15(d). A repeater is a physical layer
device. It receives, amplifies (regenerates), and retransmits signals in both
directions. As far as the software is concerned, a series of cable segments
connected by repeaters is no different from a single cable (except for some
delay introduced by the repeaters). A system may contain multiple cable
segments and multiple repeaters, but no two transceivers may be more than 2.5
km apart and no path between any two transceivers may traverse more than four
None of the versions of Ethernet
uses straight binary encoding with 0 volts for a 0 bit and 5 volts for a 1 bit
because it leads to ambiguities. If one station sends the bit string 0001000,
others might falsely interpret it as 10000000 or 01000000 because they cannot
tell the difference between an idle sender (0 volts) and a 0 bit (0 volts).
This problem can be solved by using +1 volts for a 1 and -1 volts for a 0, but
there is still the problem of a receiver sampling the signal at a slightly
different frequency than the sender used to generate it. Different clock speeds
can cause the receiver and sender to get out of synchronization about where the
bit boundaries are, especially after a long run of consecutive 0s or a long run
of consecutive 1s.
What is needed is a way for
receivers to unambiguously determine the start, end, or middle of each bit
without reference to an external clock. Two such approaches are called Manchester
encoding and differential Manchester encoding. With Manchester encoding, each
bit period is divided into two equal intervals. A binary 1 bit is sent by
having the voltage set high during the first interval and low in the second
one. A binary 0 is just the reverse: first low and then high. This scheme
ensures that every bit period has a transition in the middle, making it easy
for the receiver to synchronize with the sender. A disadvantage of Manchester
encoding is that it requires twice as much bandwidth as straight binary encoding
because the pulses are half the width. For example, to send data at 10 Mbps,
the signal has to change 20 million times/sec. Manchester encoding is shown in Fig. 4-16(b).
Differential Manchester encoding,
shown in Fig. 4-16(c), is a variation of basic Manchester
encoding. In it, a 1 bit is indicated by the absence of a transition at the
start of the interval. A 0 bit is indicated by the presence of a transition at
the start of the interval. In both cases, there is a transition in the middle
as well. The differential scheme requires more complex equipment but offers
better noise immunity. All Ethernet systems use Manchester encoding due to its
simplicity. The high signal is + 0.85 volts and the low signal is - 0.85 volts,
giving a DC value of 0 volts. Ethernet does not use differential Manchester
encoding, but other LANs (e.g., the 802.5 token ring) do use it.
The original DIX (DEC, Intel, Xerox)
frame structure is shown in Fig. 4-17(a). Each frame starts with a Preamble
of 8 bytes, each containing the bit pattern 10101010. The Manchester encoding
of this pattern produces a 10-MHz square wave for 6.4 µsec to allow the
receiver's clock to synchronize with the sender's. They are required to stay
synchronized for the rest of the frame, using the Manchester encoding to keep
track of the bit boundaries.
The frame contains two addresses,
one for the destination and one for the source. The standard allows 2-byte and
6-byte addresses, but the parameters defined for the 10-Mbps baseband standard
use only the 6-byte addresses. The high-order bit of the destination address is
a 0 for ordinary addresses and 1 for group addresses. Group addresses allow
multiple stations to listen to a single address. When a frame is sent to a
group address, all the stations in the group receive it. Sending to a group of
stations is called multicast. The address consisting of all 1 bits is reserved
for broadcast. A frame containing all 1s in the destination field is accepted
by all stations on the network. The difference between multicast and broadcast
is important enough to warrant repeating. A multicast frame is sent to a
selected group of stations on the Ethernet; a broadcast frame is sent to all
stations on the Ethernet. Multicast is more selective, but involves group
management. Broadcasting is coarser but does not require any group management.
Another interesting feature of the
addressing is the use of bit 46 (adjacent to the high-order bit) to distinguish
local from global addresses. Local addresses are assigned by each network
administrator and have no significance outside the local network. Global
addresses, in contrast, are assigned centrally by IEEE to ensure that no two
stations anywhere in the world have the same global address. With 48 - 2 = 46
bits available, there are about 7 x 1013 global addresses. The idea
is that any station can uniquely address any other station by just giving the
right 48-bit number. It is up to the network layer to figure out how to locate
the destination.
Next comes the Type field, which
tells the receiver what to do with the frame. Multiple network-layer protocols
may be in use at the same time on the same machine, so when an Ethernet frame
arrives, the kernel has to know which one to hand the frame to. The Type field
specifies which process to give the frame to.
Next come the data, up to 1500
bytes. This limit was chosen somewhat arbitrarily at the time the DIX standard
was cast in stone, mostly based on the fact that a transceiver needs enough RAM
to hold an entire frame and RAM was expensive in 1978. A larger upper limit
would have meant more RAM, hence a more expensive transceiver.
In addition to there being a maximum
frame length, there is also a minimum frame length. While a data field of 0
bytes is sometimes useful, it causes a problem. When a transceiver detects a
collision, it truncates the current frame, which means that stray bits and
pieces of frames appear on the cable all the time. To make it easier to
distinguish valid frames from garbage, Ethernet requires that valid frames must
be at least 64 bytes long, from destination address to checksum, including
both. If the data portion of a frame is less than 46 bytes, the Pad field is
used to fill out the frame to the minimum size.
Another (and more important) reason
for having a minimum length frame is to prevent a station from completing the
transmission of a short frame before the first bit has even reached the far end
of the cable, where it may collide with another frame. This problem is
illustrated in Fig. 4-18. At time 0, station A, at one end of
the network, sends off a frame. Let us call the propagation time for this frame
to reach the other end t. Just before the frame gets to the other end (i.e., at time
t-e), the most distant station, B, starts transmitting. When B detects
that it is receiving more power than it is putting out, it knows that a
collision has occurred, so it aborts its transmission and generates a 48-bit
noise burst to warn all other stations. In other words, it jams the ether to
make sure the sender does not miss the collision. At about time 2t,
the sender sees the noise burst and aborts its transmission, too. It then waits
a random time before trying again.
If a station tries to transmit a
very short frame, it is conceivable that a collision occurs, but the
transmission completes before the noise burst gets back at 2t.
The sender will then incorrectly conclude that the frame was successfully sent.
To prevent this situation from occurring, all frames must take more than 2t
to send so that the transmission is still taking place when the noise burst
gets back to the sender. For a 10-Mbps LAN with a maximum length of 2500 meters
and four repeaters (from the 802.3 specification), the round-trip time
(including time to propagate through the four repeaters) has been determined to
be nearly 50 µsec in the worst case, including the time to pass through the
repeaters, which is most certainly not zero. Therefore, the minimum frame must
take at least this long to transmit. At 10 Mbps, a bit takes 100 nsec, so 500
bits is the smallest frame that is guaranteed to work. To add some margin of
safety, this number was rounded up to 512 bits or 64 bytes. Frames with fewer
than 64 bytes are padded out to 64 bytes with the Pad field.
As the network speed goes up, the
minimum frame length must go up or the maximum cable length must come down, proportionally.
For a 2500-meter LAN operating at 1 Gbps, the minimum frame size would have to
be 6400 bytes. Alternatively, the minimum frame size could be 640 bytes and the
maximum distance between any two stations 250 meters. These restrictions are
becoming increasingly painful as we move toward multigigabit networks.
The final Ethernet field is the Checksum.
It is effectively a 32-bit hash code of the data. If some data bits are
erroneously received (due to noise on the cable), the checksum will almost certainly
be wrong and the error will be detected. It just does error detection, not
forward error correction.
When IEEE standardized Ethernet, the
committee made two changes to the DIX format, as shown in Fig. 4-17(b). The first one was to reduce the
preamble to 7 bytes and use the last byte for a Start of Frame delimiter, for
compatibility with 802.4 and 802.5. The second one was to change the Type field
into a Length field. Of course, now there was no way for the receiver to figure
out what to do with an incoming frame, but that problem was handled by the
addition of a small header to the data portion itself to provide this
information. We will discuss the format of the data portion when we come to
logical link control later in this chapter.
Unfortunately, by the time 802.3 was
published, so much hardware and software for DIX Ethernet was already in use
that few manufacturers and users were enthusiastic about converting the Type
field into a Length field. In 1997 IEEE threw in the towel and said that both
ways were fine with it. Fortunately, all the Type fields in use before 1997
were greater than 1500. Consequently, any number there less than or equal to
1500 can be interpreted as Length, and any number greater than 1500 can be
interpreted as Type. Now IEEE can maintain that everyone is using its standard
and everybody else can keep on doing what they were already doing without
feeling guilty about it.
Let us now see how randomization is
done when a collision occurs. The model is that of Fig. 4-5. After a collision, time is divided into
discrete slots whose length is equal to the worst-case round-trip propagation
time on the ether (2t). To accommodate the longest path allowed by Ethernet, the
slot time has been set to 512 bit times, or 51.2 µsec as mentioned above.
After the first collision, each
station waits either 0 or 1 slot times before trying again. If two stations
collide and each one picks the same random number, they will collide again.
After the second collision, each one picks either 0, 1, 2, or 3 at random and
waits that number of slot times. If a third collision occurs (the probability
of this happening is 0.25), then the next time the number of slots to wait is
chosen at random from the interval 0 to 23 - 1.
In general, after i collisions, a
random number between 0 and 2i - 1 is chosen, and that number of
slots is skipped. However, after ten collisions have been reached, the
randomization interval is frozen at a maximum of 1023 slots. After 16
collisions, the controller throws in the towel and reports failure back to the
computer. Further recovery is up to higher layers.
This algorithm, called binary
exponential backoff, was chosen to dynamically adapt to the number of stations
trying to send. If the randomization interval for all collisions was 1023, the
chance of two stations colliding for a second time would be negligible, but the
average wait after a collision would be hundreds of slot times, introducing
significant delay. On the other hand, if each station always delayed for either
zero or one slots, then if 100 stations ever tried to send at once, they would
collide over and over until 99 of them picked 1 and the remaining station
picked 0. This might take years. By having the randomization interval grow
exponentially as more and more consecutive collisions occur, the algorithm
ensures a low delay when only a few stations collide but also ensures that the
collision is resolved in a reasonable interval when many stations collide.
Truncating the backoff at 1023 keeps the bound from growing too large.
As described so far, CSMA/CD
provides no acknowledgements. Since the mere absence of collisions does not
guarantee that bits were not garbled by noise spikes on the cable, for reliable
communication the destination must verify the checksum, and if correct, send
back an acknowledgement frame to the source. Normally, this acknowledgement
would be just another frame as far as the protocol is concerned and would have
to fight for channel time just like a data frame. However, a simple
modification to the contention algorithm would allow speedy confirmation of
frame receipt (Tokoro and Tamaru, 1977). All that would be needed is to reserve
the first contention slot following successful transmission for the destination
station. Unfortunately, the standard does not provide for this possibility.
Now let us briefly examine the
performance of Ethernet under conditions of heavy and constant load, that is, k
stations always ready to transmit. A rigorous analysis of the binary
exponential backoff algorithm is complicated. Instead, we will follow Metcalfe
and Boggs (1976) and assume a constant retransmission probability in each slot.
If each station transmits during a contention slot with probability p, the
probability A that some station acquires the channel in that slot is
A is maximized when p = 1/k, with A 1/e as k . The probability that the contention
interval has exactly j slots in it is A(1 - A)j - 1, so
the mean number of slots per contention is given by
Since each slot has a duration 2t,
the mean contention interval, w, is 2t/A. Assuming optimal p, the mean
number of contention slots is never more than e, so w is at most 2te 5.4t.
If the mean frame takes P sec to
transmit, when many stations have frames to send,
Here we see where the maximum cable
distance between any two stations enters into the performance figures, giving
rise to topologies other than that of Fig. 4-15(a). The longer the cable, the longer
the contention interval. This observation is why the Ethernet standard
specifies a maximum cable length.
It is instructive to formulate Eq. (4-6) in terms of the frame length, F, the
network bandwidth, B, the cable length, L, and the speed of signal propagation,
c, for the optimal case of e contention slots per frame. With P = F/B, Eq. (4-6) becomes
When the second term in the
denominator is large, network efficiency will be low. More specifically,
increasing network bandwidth or distance (the BL product) reduces efficiency
for a given frame size. Unfortunately, much research on network hardware is
aimed precisely at increasing this product. People want high bandwidth over
long distances (fiber optic MANs, for example), which suggests that Ethernet
implemented in this manner may not be the best system for these applications.
We will see other ways of implementing Ethernet when we come to switched
Ethernet later in this chapter.
In Fig. 4-19, the channel efficiency is plotted
versus number of ready stations for 2t=51.2 µsec and a data rate of 10
Mbps, using Eq. (4-7). With a 64-byte slot time, it is not
surprising that 64-byte frames are not efficient. On the other hand, with
1024-byte frames and an asymptotic value of e 64-byte slots per contention
interval, the contention period is 174 bytes long and the efficiency is 0.85.
To determine the mean number of
stations ready to transmit under conditions of high load, we can use the
following (crude) observation. Each frame ties up the channel for one
contention period and one frame transmission time, for a total of P + w sec.
The number of frames per second is therefore 1/(P + w). If each station
generates frames at a mean rate of l frames/sec, then when the system is
in state k, the total input rate of all unblocked stations combined is kl
frames/sec. Since in equilibrium the input and output rates must be identical,
we can equate these two expressions and solve for k. (Notice that w is a
function of k.) A more sophisticated analysis is given in (Bertsekas and
Gallager, 1992).
It is probably worth mentioning that
there has been a large amount of theoretical performance analysis of Ethernet
(and other networks). Virtually all of this work has assumed that traffic is
Poisson. As researchers have begun looking at real data, it now appears that
network traffic is rarely Poisson, but self-similar (Paxson and Floyd, 1994;
and Willinger et al., 1995). What this means is that averaging over long
periods of time does not smooth out the traffic. The average number of frames
in each minute of an hour has as much variance as the average number of frames
in each second of a minute. The consequence of this discovery is that most
models of network traffic do not apply to the real world and should be taken
with a grain (or better yet, a metric ton) of salt.
As more and more stations are added
to an Ethernet, the traffic will go up. Eventually, the LAN will saturate. One
way out is to go to a higher speed, say, from 10 Mbps to 100 Mbps. But with the
growth of multimedia, even a 100-Mbps or 1-Gbps Ethernet can become saturated.
Fortunately, there is an additional
way to deal with increased load: switched Ethernet, as shown in Fig. 4-20. The heart of this system is a switch
containing a high-speed backplane and room for typically 4 to 32 plug-in line
cards, each containing one to eight connectors. Most often, each connector has
a 10Base-T twisted pair connection to a single host computer.
When a station wants to transmit an
Ethernet frame, it outputs a standard frame to the switch. The plug-in card
getting the frame may check to see if it is destined for one of the other
stations connected to the same card. If so, the frame is copied there. If not,
the frame is sent over the high-speed backplane to the destination station's
card. The backplane typically runs at many Gbps, using a proprietary protocol.
What happens if two machines
attached to the same plug-in card transmit frames at the same time? It depends
on how the card has been constructed. One possibility is for all the ports on
the card to be wired together to form a local on-card LAN. Collisions on this
on-card LAN will be detected and handled the same as any other collisions on a
CSMA/CD network—with retransmissions using the binary exponential backoff
algorithm. With this kind of plug-in card, only one transmission per card is
possible at any instant, but all the cards can be transmitting in parallel.
With this design, each card forms its own collision domain, independent of the
others. With only one station per collision domain, collisions are impossible
and performance is improved.
With the other kind of plug-in card,
each input port is buffered, so incoming frames are stored in the card's
on-board RAM as they arrive. This design allows all input ports to receive (and
transmit) frames at the same time, for parallel, full-duplex operation,
something not possible with CSMA/CD on a single channel. Once a frame has been
completely received, the card can then check to see if the frame is destined
for another port on the same card or for a distant port. In the former case, it
can be transmitted directly to the destination. In the latter case, it must be
transmitted over the backplane to the proper card. With this design, each port
is a separate collision domain, so collisions do not occur. The total system
throughput can often be increased by an order of magnitude over 10Base5, which
has a single collision domain for the entire system.
Since the switch just expects
standard Ethernet frames on each input port, it is possible to use some of the
ports as concentrators. In Fig. 4-20, the port in the upper-right corner is
connected not to a single station, but to a 12-port hub. As frames arrive at
the hub, they contend for the ether in the usual way, including collisions and
binary backoff. Successful frames make it to the switch and are treated there
like any other incoming frames: they are switched to the correct output line
over the high-speed backplane. Hubs are cheaper than switches, but due to
falling switch prices, they are rapidly becoming obsolete. Nevertheless, legacy
hubs still exist.
At first, 10 Mbps seemed like
heaven, just as 1200-bps modems seemed like heaven to the early users of
300-bps acoustic modems. But the novelty wore off quickly. As a kind of
corollary to Parkinson's Law (''Work expands to fill the time available for its
completion''), it seemed that data expanded to fill the bandwidth available for
their transmission. To pump up the speed, various industry groups proposed two
new ring-based optical LANs. One was called FDDI (Fiber Distributed Data
Interface) and the other was called Fibre Channel [].
To make a long story short, while both were used as backbone networks, neither
one made the breakthrough to the desktop. In both cases, the station management
was too complicated, which led to complex chips and high prices. The lesson
that should have been learned here was KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid).
[] It is called ''fibre channel'' and
not ''fiber channel'' because the document editor was British.
In any event, the failure of the
optical LANs to catch fire left a gap for garden-variety Ethernet at speeds
above 10 Mbps. Many installations needed more bandwidth and thus had numerous
10-Mbps LANs connected by a maze of repeaters, bridges, routers, and gateways,
although to the network managers it sometimes felt that they were being held
together by bubble gum and chicken wire.
It was in this environment that IEEE
reconvened the 802.3 committee in 1992 with instructions to come up with a
faster LAN. One proposal was to keep 802.3 exactly as it was, but just make it
go faster. Another proposal was to redo it totally to give it lots of new
features, such as real-time traffic and digitized voice, but just keep the old
name (for marketing reasons). After some wrangling, the committee decided to
keep 802.3 the way it was, but just make it go faster. The people behind the
losing proposal did what any computer-industry people would have done under
these circumstances—they stomped off and formed their own committee and
standardized their LAN anyway (eventually as 802.12). It flopped miserably.
The 802.3 committee decided to go
with a souped-up Ethernet for three primary reasons:
- The need to be backward compatible with existing Ethernet LANs.
- The fear that a new protocol might have unforeseen problems.
- The desire to get the job done before the technology changed.
The work was done quickly (by
standards committees' norms), and the result, 802.3u, was officially approved
by IEEE in June 1995. Technically, 802.3u is not a new standard, but an
addendum to the existing 802.3 standard (to emphasize its backward
compatibility). Since practically everyone calls it fast Ethernet, rather than
802.3u, we will do that, too.
The basic idea behind fast Ethernet
was simple: keep all the old frame formats, interfaces, and procedural rules,
but just reduce the bit time from 100 nsec to 10 nsec. Technically, it would
have been possible to copy either 10Base-5 or 10Base-2 and still detect
collisions on time by just reducing the maximum cable length by a factor of
ten. However, the advantages of 10Base-T wiring were so overwhelming that fast
Ethernet is based entirely on this design. Thus, all fast Ethernet systems use
hubs and switches; multidrop cables with vampire taps or BNC connectors are not
Nevertheless, some choices still had
to be made, the most important being which wire types to support. One contender
was category 3 twisted pair. The argument for it was that practically every
office in the Western world has at least four category 3 (or better) twisted
pairs running from it to a telephone wiring closet within 100 meters. Sometimes
two such cables exist. Thus, using category 3 twisted pair would make it
possible to wire up desktop computers using fast Ethernet without having to
rewire the building, an enormous advantage for many organizations.
The main disadvantage of category 3
twisted pair is its inability to carry 200 megabaud signals (100 Mbps with
Manchester encoding) 100 meters, the maximum computer-to-hub distance specified
for 10Base-T (see Fig. 4-13). In contrast, category 5 twisted pair
wiring can handle 100 meters easily, and fiber can go much farther. The
compromise chosen was to allow all three possibilities, as shown in Fig. 4-21, but to pep up the category 3 solution
to give it the additional carrying capacity needed.
The category 3 UTP scheme, called 100Base-T4,
uses a signaling speed of 25 MHz, only 25 percent faster than standard
Ethernet's 20 MHz (remember that Manchester encoding, as shown in Fig. 4-16, requires two clock periods for each of
the 10 million bits each second). However, to achieve the necessary bandwidth,
100Base-T4 requires four twisted pairs. Since standard telephone wiring for
decades has had four twisted pairs per cable, most offices are able to handle
this. Of course, it means giving up your office telephone, but that is surely a
small price to pay for faster e-mail.
Of the four twisted pairs, one is
always to the hub, one is always from the hub, and the other two are switchable
to the current transmission direction. To get the necessary bandwidth,
Manchester encoding is not used, but with modern clocks and such short
distances, it is no longer needed. In addition, ternary signals are sent, so
that during a single clock period the wire can contain a 0, a 1, or a 2. With
three twisted pairs going in the forward direction and ternary signaling, any
one of 27 possible symbols can be transmitted, making it possible to send 4
bits with some redundancy. Transmitting 4 bits in each of the 25 million clock
cycles per second gives the necessary 100 Mbps. In addition, there is always a
33.3-Mbps reverse channel using the remaining twisted pair. This scheme, known
as 8B/6T (8 bits map to 6 trits), is not likely to win any prizes for elegance,
but it works with the existing wiring plant.
For category 5 wiring, the design, 100Base-TX,
is simpler because the wires can handle clock rates of 125 MHz. Only two
twisted pairs per station are used, one to the hub and one from it. Straight
binary coding is not used; instead a scheme called used4B/5Bis It is taken from
FDDI and compatible with it. Every group of five clock periods, each containing
one of two signal values, yields 32 combinations. Sixteen of these combinations
are used to transmit the four bit groups 0000, 0001, 0010, ..., 1111. Some of
the remaining 16 are used for control purposes such as marking frames
boundaries. The combinations used have been carefully chosen to provide enough
transitions to maintain clock synchronization. The 100Base-TX system is full
duplex; stations can transmit at 100 Mbps and receive at 100 Mbps at the same
time. Often 100Base-TX and 100Base-T4 are collectively referred to as 100Base-T.
The last option, 100Base-FX, uses
two strands of multimode fiber, one for each direction, so it, too, is full
duplex with 100 Mbps in each direction. In addition, the distance between a
station and the hub can be up to 2 km.
In response to popular demand, in
1997 the 802 committee added a new cabling type, 100Base-T2, allowing fast
Ethernet to run over two pairs of existing category 3 wiring. However, a
sophisticated digital signal processor is needed to handle the encoding scheme
required, making this option fairly expensive. So far, it is rarely used due to
its complexity, cost, and the fact that many office buildings have already been
rewired with category 5 UTP.
Two kinds of interconnection devices
are possible with 100Base-T: hubs and switches, as shown in Fig. 4-20. In a hub, all the incoming lines (or
at least all the lines arriving at one plug-in card) are logically connected,
forming a single collision domain. All the standard rules, including the binary
exponential backoff algorithm, apply, so the system works just like
old-fashioned Ethernet. In particular, only one station at a time can be
transmitting. In other words, hubs require half-duplex communication.
In a switch, each incoming frame is
buffered on a plug-in line card and passed over a high-speed backplane from the
source card to the destination card if need be. The backplane has not been
standardized, nor does it need to be, since it is entirely hidden deep inside
the switch. If past experience is any guide, switch vendors will compete
vigorously to produce ever faster backplanes in order to improve system
throughput. Because 100Base-FX cables are too long for the normal Ethernet
collision algorithm, they must be connected to switches, so each one is a
collision domain unto itself. Hubs are not permitted with 100Base-FX.
As a final note, virtually all
switches can handle a mix of 10-Mbps and 100-Mbps stations, to make upgrading
easier. As a site acquires more and more 100-Mbps workstations, all it has to
do is buy the necessary number of new line cards and insert them into the
switch. In fact, the standard itself provides a way for two stations to
automatically negotiate the optimum speed (10 or 100 Mbps) and duplexity (half
or full). Most fast Ethernet products use this feature to autoconfigure
The ink was barely dry on the fast
Ethernet standard when the 802 committee began working on a yet faster Ethernet
(1995). It was quickly dubbed gigabit Ethernet and was ratified by IEEE in 1998
under the name 802.3z. This identifier suggests that gigabit Ethernet is going
to be the end of the line unless somebody quickly invents a new letter after z.
Below we will discuss some of the key features of gigabit Ethernet. More
information can be found in (Seifert, 1998).
The 802.3z committee's goals were
essentially the same as the 802.3u committee's goals: make Ethernet go 10 times
faster yet remain backward compatible with all existing Ethernet standards. In
particular, gigabit Ethernet had to offer unacknowledged datagram service with
both unicast and multicast, use the same 48-bit addressing scheme already in
use, and maintain the same frame format, including the minimum and maximum
frame sizes. The final standard met all these goals.
All configurations of gigabit
Ethernet are point-to-point rather than multidrop as in the original 10 Mbps
standard, now honored as classic Ethernet. In the simplest gigabit Ethernet
configuration, illustrated in Fig. 4-22(a), two computers are directly
connected to each other. The more common case, however, is having a switch or a
hub connected to multiple computers and possibly additional switches or hubs,
as shown in Fig. 4-22(b). In both configurations each
individual Ethernet cable has exactly two devices on it, no more and no fewer.
Gigabit Ethernet supports two
different modes of operation: full-duplex mode and half-duplex mode. The
''normal'' mode is full-duplex mode, which allows traffic in both directions at
the same time. This mode is used when there is a central switch connected to
computers (or other switches) on the periphery. In this configuration, all
lines are buffered so each computer and switch is free to send frames whenever
it wants to. The sender does not have to sense the channel to see if anybody
else is using it because contention is impossible. On the line between a computer
and a switch, the computer is the only possible sender on that line to the
switch and the transmission succeeds even if the switch is currently sending a
frame to the computer (because the line is full duplex). Since no contention is
possible, the CSMA/CD protocol is not used, so the maximum length of the cable
is determined by signal strength issues rather than by how long it takes for a
noise burst to propagate back to the sender in the worst case. Switches are
free to mix and match speeds. Autoconfiguration is supported just as in fast
The other mode of operation,
half-duplex, is used when the computers are connected to a hub rather than a
switch. A hub does not buffer incoming frames. Instead, it electrically
connects all the lines internally, simulating the multidrop cable used in
classic Ethernet. In this mode, collisions are possible, so the standard
CSMA/CD protocol is required. Because a minimum (i.e., 64-byte) frame can now
be transmitted 100 times faster than in classic Ethernet, the maximum distance
is 100 times less, or 25 meters, to maintain the essential property that the
sender is still transmitting when the noise burst gets back to it, even in the
worst case. With a 2500-meter-long cable, the sender of a 64-byte frame at 1
Gbps would be long done before the frame got even a tenth of the way to the
other end, let alone to the end and back.
The 802.3z committee considered a
radius of 25 meters to be unacceptable and added two features to the standard
to increase the radius. The first feature, called carrier extension,
essentially tells the hardware to add its own padding after the normal frame to
extend the frame to 512 bytes. Since this padding is added by the sending
hardware and removed by the receiving hardware, the software is unaware of it,
meaning that no changes are needed to existing software. Of course, using 512
bytes worth of bandwidth to transmit 46 bytes of user data (the payload of a
64-byte frame) has a line efficiency of 9%.
The second feature, called frame
bursting, allows a sender to transmit a concatenated sequence of multiple
frames in a single transmission. If the total burst is less than 512 bytes, the
hardware pads it again. If enough frames are waiting for transmission, this
scheme is highly efficient and preferred over carrier extension. These new
features extend the radius of the network to 200 meters, which is probably
enough for most offices.
In all fairness, it is hard to
imagine an organization going to the trouble of buying and installing gigabit
Ethernet cards to get high performance and then connecting the computers with a
hub to simulate classic Ethernet with all its collisions. While hubs are
somewhat cheaper than switches, gigabit Ethernet interface cards are still
relatively expensive. To then economize by buying a cheap hub and slash the
performance of the new system is foolish. Still, backward compatibility is
sacred in the computer industry, so the 802.3z committee was required to put it
Gigabit Ethernet supports both
copper and fiber cabling, as listed in Fig. 4-23. Signaling at or near 1 Gbps over fiber
means that the light source has to be turned on and off in under 1 nsec. LEDs
simply cannot operate this fast, so lasers are required. Two wavelengths are
permitted: 0.85 microns (Short) and 1.3 microns (Long). Lasers at 0.85 microns
are cheaper but do not work on single-mode fiber.
Three fiber diameters are permitted:
10, 50, and 62.5 microns. The first is for single mode and the last two are for
multimode. Not all six combinations are allowed, however, and the maximum
distance depends on the combination used. The numbers given in Fig. 4-23 are for the best case. In particular,
5000 meters is only achievable with 1.3 micron lasers operating over 10 micron
fiber in single mode, but this is the best choice for campus backbones and is
expected to be popular, despite its being the most expensive choice.
The 1000Base-CX option uses short
shielded copper cables. Its problem is that it is competing with
high-performance fiber from above and cheap UTP from below. It is unlikely to
be used much, if at all.
The last option is bundles of four
category 5 UTP wires working together. Because so much of this wiring is
already installed, it is likely to be the poor man's gigabit Ethernet.
Gigabit Ethernet uses new encoding
rules on the fibers. Manchester encoding at 1 Gbps would require a 2 Gbaud
signal, which was considered too difficult and also too wasteful of bandwidth.
Instead a new scheme, called 8B/10B, was chosen, based on fibre channel. Each
8-bit byte is encoded on the fiber as 10 bits, hence the name 8B/10B. Since
there are 1024 possible output codewords for each input byte, some leeway was
available in choosing which codewords to allow. The following two rules were
used in making the choices:
- No codeword may have more than four identical bits in a row.
- No codeword may have more than six 0s or six 1s.
These choices were made to keep
enough transitions in the stream to make sure the receiver stays in sync with
the sender and also to keep the number of 0s and 1s on the fiber as close to
equal as possible. In addition, many input bytes have two possible codewords
assigned to them. When the encoder has a choice of codewords, it always chooses
the codeword that moves in the direction of equalizing the number of 0s and 1s
transmitted so far. This emphasis of balancing 0s and 1s is needed to keep the
DC component of the signal as low as possible to allow it to pass through
transformers unmodified. While computer scientists are not fond of having the
properties of transformers dictate their coding schemes, life is like that
Gigabit Ethernets using 1000Base-T
use a different encoding scheme since clocking data onto copper wire in 1 nsec
is too difficult. This solution uses four category 5 twisted pairs to allow
four symbols to be transmitted in parallel. Each symbol is encoded using one of
five voltage levels. This scheme allows a single symbol to encode 00, 01, 10,
11, or a special value for control purposes. Thus, there are 2 data bits per
twisted pair or 8 data bits per clock cycle. The clock runs at 125 MHz,
allowing 1-Gbps operation. The reason for allowing five voltage levels instead
of four is to have combinations left over for framing and control purposes.
A speed of 1 Gbps is quite fast. For
example, if a receiver is busy with some other task for even 1 msec and does
not empty the input buffer on some line, up to 1953 frames may have accumulated
there in that 1 ms gap. Also, when a computer on a gigabit Ethernet is shipping
data down the line to a computer on a classic Ethernet, buffer overruns are
very likely. As a consequence of these two observations, gigabit Ethernet
supports flow control (as does fast Ethernet, although the two are different).
The flow control consists of one end
sending a special control frame to the other end telling it to pause for some
period of time. Control frames are normal Ethernet frames containing a type of
0x8808. The first two bytes of the data field give the command; succeeding
bytes provide the parameters, if any. For flow control, PAUSE frames are used,
with the parameter telling how long to pause, in units of the minimum frame
time. For gigabit Ethernet, the time unit is 512 nsec, allowing for pauses as
long as 33.6 msec.
As soon as gigabit Ethernet was
standardized, the 802 committee got bored and wanted to get back to work. IEEE
told them to start on 10-gigabit Ethernet. After searching hard for a letter to
follow z, they abandoned that approach and went over to two-letter suffixes.
They got to work and that standard was approved by IEEE in 2002 as 802.3ae. Can
100-gigabit Ethernet be far behind?
It is now perhaps time to step back
and compare what we have learned in this chapter with what we studied in the
previous one. These protocols provided error control (using acknowledgements)
and flow control (using a sliding window).
In contrast, in this chapter, we
have not said a word about reliable communication. All that Ethernet and the
other 802 protocols offer is a best-efforts datagram service. Sometimes, this
service is adequate. For example, for transporting IP packets, no guarantees
are required or even expected. An IP packet can just be inserted into an 802
payload field and sent on its way. If it gets lost, so be it.
Nevertheless, there are also systems
in which an error-controlled, flow-controlled data link protocol is desired.
IEEE has defined one that can run on top of Ethernet and the other 802 protocols.
In addition, this protocol, called LLC (Logical Link Control), hides the
differences between the various kinds of 802 networks by providing a single
format and interface to the network layer. LLC forms the upper half of the data
link layer, with the MAC sublayer below it, as shown in Fig. 4-24.
Typical usage of LLC is as follows.
The network layer on the sending machine passes a packet to LLC, using the LLC
access primitives. The LLC sublayer then adds an LLC header, containing
sequence and acknowledgement numbers. The resulting structure is then inserted
into the payload field of an 802 frame and transmitted. At the receiver, the
reverse process takes place.
LLC provides three service options:
unreliable datagram service, acknowledged datagram service, and reliable
connection-oriented service. The LLC header contains three fields: a
destination access point, a source access point, and a control field. The
access points tell which process the frame came from and where it is to be
delivered, replacing the DIX Type field. The control field contains sequence
and acknowledgement numbers, very much in the style of HDLC (see Fig. 3-24), but not identical to it.For the
Internet, best-efforts attempts to deliver IP packets is sufficient, so no
acknowledgements at the LLC level are required.
Ethernet has been around for over 20
years and has no serious competitors in sight, so it is likely to be around for
many years to come. Few CPU architectures, operating systems, or programming
languages have been king of the mountain for two decades going on three.
Clearly, Ethernet did something right. What?
Probably the main reason for its
longevity is that Ethernet is simple and flexible. In practice, simple
translates into reliable, cheap, and easy to maintain. Once the vampire taps
were replaced by BNC connectors, failures became extremely rare. People
hesitate to replace something that works perfectly all the time, especially
when they know that an awful lot of things in the computer industry work very
poorly, so that many so-called ''upgrades'' are appreciably worse than what
they replaced.
Simple also translates into cheap.
Thin Ethernet and twisted pair wiring is relatively inexpensive. The interface
cards are also low cost. Only when hubs and switches were introduced were
substantial investments required, but by the time they were in the picture, Ethernet
was already well established.
Ethernet is easy to maintain. There
is no software to install (other than the drivers) and there are no
configuration tables to manage (and get wrong). Also, adding new hosts is as
simple as just plugging them in.
Another point is that Ethernet
interworks easily with TCP/IP, which has become dominant. IP is a
connectionless protocol, so it fits perfectly with Ethernet, which is also
connectionless. IP fits much less well with ATM, which is connection oriented.
This mismatch definitely hurt ATM's chances.
Ethernet has been able to evolve in certain crucial ways. Speeds have gone up
by several orders of magnitude and hubs and switches have been introduced, but
these changes have not required changing the software. When a network salesman
shows up at a large installation and says: ''I have this fantastic new network
for you. All you have to do is throw out all your hardware and rewrite all your
software,'' he has a problem. FDDI, Fibre Channel, and ATM were all faster than
Ethernet when introduced, but they were incompatible with Ethernet, far more
complex, and harder to manage. Eventually, Ethernet caught up with them in
terms of speed, so they had no advantages left and quietly died off except for
ATM's use deep within the core of the telephone system.
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