4.4 Wireless LANs
Although Ethernet is widely used, it is about to get some
competition. Wireless LANs are increasingly popular, and more and more office buildings,
airports, and other public places are being outfitted with them. Wireless LANs
can operate in one of two configurations, as we saw in Fig.
1-35: with a base station and without a base station. Consequently, the
802.11 LAN standard takes this into account and makes provision for both
arrangements, as we will see shortly.
We gave some background information on 802.11 in Sec.
1.5.4. Now is the time to take a closer look at the technology. In the
following sections we will look at the protocol stack, physical layer radio
transmission techniques, MAC sublayer protocol, frame structure, and services.
For more information about 802.11, see (Crow et al., 1997; Geier, 2002; Heegard
et al., 2001; Kapp, 2002; O'Hara and Petrick, 1999; and Severance, 1999). To
hear the truth from the mouth of the horse, consult the published 802.11
standard itself.
4.4.1 The 802.11 Protocol Stack
The protocols used by all the 802 variants, including
Ethernet, have a certain commonality of structure. A partial view of the 802.11
protocol stack is given in Fig.
4-25. The physical layer corresponds to the OSI physical layer fairly well,
but the data link layer in all the 802 protocols is split into two or more
sublayers. In 802.11, the MAC (Medium Access Control) sublayer determines how
the channel is allocated, that is, who gets to transmit next. Above it is the
LLC (Logical Link Control) sublayer, whose job it is to hide the differences
between the different 802 variants and make them indistinguishable as far as
the network layer is concerned. We studied the LLC when examining Ethernet
earlier in this chapter and will not repeat that material here.
Figure 4-25. Part of the 802.11 protocol stack.
The 1997 802.11 standard specifies three transmission
techniques allowed in the physical layer. The infrared method uses much the
same technology as television remote controls do. The other two use short-range
radio, using techniques called FHSS and DSSS. Both of these use a part of the
spectrum that does not require licensing (the 2.4-GHz ISM band).
Radio-controlled garage door openers also use this piece of the spectrum, so
your notebook computer may find itself in competition with your garage door.
Cordless telephones and microwave ovens also use this band. All of these
techniques operate at 1 or 2 Mbps and at low enough power that they do not
conflict too much. In 1999, two new techniques were introduced to achieve
higher bandwidth. These are called OFDM and HR-DSSS. They operate at up to 54
Mbps and 11 Mbps, respectively. In 2001, a second OFDM modulation was
introduced, but in a different frequency band from the first one. Now we will
examine each of them briefly.
4.4.2 The 802.11 Physical Layer
Each of the five permitted transmission techniques makes it
possible to send a MAC frame from one station to another. They differ, however,
in the technology used and speeds achievable. A detailed discussion of these
technologies is far beyond the scope of this book, but a few words on each one,
along with some of the key words, may provide interested readers with terms to
search for on the Internet or elsewhere for more information.
The infrared option uses diffused (i.e., not line of sight)
transmission at 0.85 or 0.95 microns. Two speeds are permitted: 1 Mbps and 2
Mbps. At 1 Mbps, an encoding scheme is used in which a group of 4 bits is
encoded as a 16-bit codeword containing fifteen 0s and a single 1, using what
is called Gray code. This code has the
property that a small error in time synchronization leads to only a single bit
error in the output. At 2 Mbps, the encoding takes 2 bits and produces a 4-bit
codeword, also with only a single 1, that is one of 0001, 0010, 0100, or 1000.
Infrared signals cannot penetrate walls, so cells in different rooms are well
isolated from each other. Nevertheless, due to the low bandwidth (and the fact
that sunlight swamps infrared signals), this is not a popular option.
FHSS (Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum) uses 79 channels,
each 1-MHz wide, starting at the low end of the 2.4-GHz ISM band. A
pseudorandom number generator is used to produce the sequence of frequencies
hopped to. As long as all stations use the same seed to the pseudorandom number
generator and stay synchronized in time, they will hop to the same frequencies
simultaneously. The amount of time spent at each frequency, the dwell time, is an adjustable parameter, but must be
less than 400 msec. FHSS' randomization provides a fair way to allocate
spectrum in the unregulated ISM band. It also provides a modicum of security
since an intruder who does not know the hopping sequence or dwell time cannot
eavesdrop on transmissions. Over longer distances, multipath fading can be an
issue, and FHSS offers good resistance to it. It is also relatively insensitive
to radio interference, which makes it popular for building-to-building links.
Its main disadvantage is its low bandwidth.
The third modulation method, DSSS
(Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum), is also
restricted to 1 or 2 Mbps. The scheme used has some similarities to the CDMA
system we examined in Sec.
2.6.2, but differs in other ways. Each bit is transmitted as 11 chips,
using what is called a Barker sequence. It
uses phase shift modulation at 1 Mbaud, transmitting 1 bit per baud when
operating at 1 Mbps and 2 bits per baud when operating at 2 Mbps. For years,
the FCC required all wireless communications equipment operating in the ISM
bands in the U.S. to use spread spectrum, but in May 2002, that rule was
dropped as new technologies emerged.
The first of the high-speed wireless LANs, 802.11a, uses OFDM
(Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing)
to deliver up to 54 Mbps in the wider 5-GHz ISM band. As the term FDM suggests,
different frequencies are used—52 of them, 48 for data and 4 for
synchronization—not unlike ADSL. Since transmissions are present on multiple
frequencies at the same time, this technique is considered a form of spread
spectrum, but different from both CDMA and FHSS. Splitting the signal into many
narrow bands has some key advantages over using a single wide band, including
better immunity to narrowband interference and the possibility of using
noncontiguous bands. A complex encoding system is used, based on phase-shift
modulation for speeds up to 18 Mbps and on QAM above that. At 54 Mbps, 216 data
bits are encoded into 288-bit symbols. Part of the motivation for OFDM is
compatibility with the European HiperLAN/2 system (Doufexi et al., 2002). The
technique has a good spectrum efficiency in terms of bits/Hz and good immunity
to multipath fading.
Next, we come to HR-DSSS (High Rate Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum), another
spread spectrum technique, which uses 11 million chips/sec to achieve 11 Mbps
in the 2.4-GHz band. It is called 802.11b but
is not a follow-up to 802.11a. In fact, its standard was approved first and it
got to market first. Data rates supported by 802.11b are 1, 2, 5.5, and 11
Mbps. The two slow rates run at 1 Mbaud, with 1 and 2 bits per baud,
respectively, using phase shift modulation (for compatibility with DSSS). The
two faster rates run at 1.375 Mbaud, with 4 and 8 bits per baud, respectively,
using Walsh/Hadamard codes. The data rate may
be dynamically adapted during operation to achieve the optimum speed possible
under current conditions of load and noise. In practice, the operating speed of
802.11b is nearly always 11 Mbps. Although 802.11b is slower than 802.11a, its
range is about 7 times greater, which is more important in many situations.
An enhanced version of 802.11b, 802.11g,
was approved by IEEE in November 2001 after much politicking about whose
patented technology it would use. It uses the OFDM modulation method of 802.11a
but operates in the narrow 2.4-GHz ISM band along with 802.11b. In theory it
can operate at up to 54 MBps. It is not yet clear whether this speed will be
realized in practice. What it does mean is that the 802.11 committee has
produced three different high-speed wireless LANs: 802.11a, 802.11b, and
802.11g (not to mention three low-speed wireless LANs). One can legitimately
ask if this is a good thing for a standards committee to do. Maybe three was
their lucky number.
4.4.3 The 802.11 MAC Sublayer Protocol
Let us now return from the land of electrical engineering to
the land of computer science. The 802.11 MAC sublayer protocol is quite
different from that of Ethernet due to the inherent complexity of the wireless
environment compared to that of a wired system. With Ethernet, a station just
waits until the ether goes silent and starts transmitting. If it does not
receive a noise burst back within the first 64 bytes, the frame has almost assuredly
been delivered correctly. With wireless, this situation does not hold.
To start with, there is the hidden station problem mentioned
earlier and illustrated again in Fig.
4-26(a). Since not all stations are within radio range of each other,
transmissions going on in one part of a cell may not be received elsewhere in
the same cell. In this example, station C is
transmitting to station B. If A senses the channel, it will not hear anything and
falsely conclude that it may now start transmitting to B.
Figure 4-26. (a) The hidden station problem. (b) The exposed station problem.
In addition, there is the inverse problem, the exposed station
problem, illustrated in Fig.
4-26(b). Here B wants to send to C so it listens to the channel. When it hears a
transmission, it falsely concludes that it may not send to C, even though A may be
transmitting to D (not shown). In addition, most
radios are half duplex, meaning that they cannot transmit and listen for noise
bursts at the same time on a single frequency. As a result of these problems,
802.11 does not use CSMA/CD, as Ethernet does.
To deal with this problem, 802.11 supports two modes of
operation. The first, called DCF (Distributed Coordination Function), does not use any
kind of central control (in that respect, similar to Ethernet). The other, called
PCF (Point
Coordination Function), uses the base station to control all activity in
its cell. All implementations must support DCF but PCF is optional. We will now
discuss these two modes in turn.
When DCF is employed, 802.11 uses a protocol called CSMA/CA (CSMA with
Collision Avoidance). In this protocol, both physical channel sensing
and virtual channel sensing are used. Two methods of operation are supported by
CSMA/CA. In the first method, when a station wants to transmit, it senses the
channel. If it is idle, it just starts transmitting. It does not sense the
channel while transmitting but emits its entire frame, which may well be
destroyed at the receiver due to interference there. If the channel is busy,
the sender defers until it goes idle and then starts transmitting. If a
collision occurs, the colliding stations wait a random time, using the Ethernet
binary exponential backoff algorithm, and then try again later.
The other mode of CSMA/CA operation is based on MACAW and uses
virtual channel sensing, as illustrated in Fig.
4-27. In this example, A wants to send to B. C is a station within range of A (and possibly within range of B, but that does not matter). D
is a station within range of B but not within
range of A.
Figure 4-27. The use of virtual channel sensing using CSMA/CA.
The protocol starts when A
decides it wants to send data to B. It begins by
sending an RTS frame to B to request permission
to send it a frame. When B receives this request,
it may decide to grant permission, in which case it sends a CTS frame back.
Upon receipt of the CTS, A now sends its frame
and starts an ACK timer. Upon correct receipt of the data frame, B responds with an ACK frame, terminating the
exchange. If A's ACK timer expires before the
ACK gets back to it, the whole protocol is run again.
Now let us consider this exchange from the viewpoints of C and D. C is within range of A,
so it may receive the RTS frame. If it does, it realizes that someone is going
to send data soon, so for the good of all it desists from transmitting anything
until the exchange is completed. From the information provided in the RTS
request, it can estimate how long the sequence will take, including the final
ACK, so it asserts a kind of virtual channel busy for itself, indicated by NAV (Network Allocation
Vector) in Fig.
4-27. D does not hear the RTS, but it does
hear the CTS, so it also asserts the NAV signal
for itself. Note that the NAV signals are not
transmitted; they are just internal reminders to keep quiet for a certain
period of time.
In contrast to wired networks, wireless networks are noisy and
unreliable, in no small part due to microwave ovens, which also use the
unlicensed ISM bands. As a consequence, the probability of a frame making it
through successfully decreases with frame length. If the probability of any bit
being in error is p, then the probability of an n-bit frame being received entirely correctly is (1 - p)n. For
example, for p = 10-4, the
probability of receiving a full Ethernet frame (12,144 bits) correctly is less
than 30%. If p = 10-5, about one
frame in 9 will be damaged. Even if p = 10-6,
over 1% of the frames will be damaged, which amounts to almost a dozen per
second, and more if frames shorter than the maximum are used. In summary, if a
frame is too long, it has very little chance of getting through undamaged and
will probably have to be retransmitted.
To deal with the problem of noisy channels, 802.11 allows
frames to be fragmented into smaller pieces, each with its own checksum. The
fragments are individually numbered and acknowledged using a stop-and-wait
protocol (i.e., the sender may not transmit fragment k
+ 1 until it has received the acknowledgment for fragment k). Once the channel has been acquired using RTS and
CTS, multiple fragments can be sent in a row, as shown in Fig.
4-28. sequence of fragments is called a fragment
Figure 4-28. A fragment burst.
Fragmentation increases the throughput by restricting
retransmissions to the bad fragments rather than the entire frame. The fragment
size is not fixed by the standard but is a parameter of each cell and can be
adjusted by the base station. The NAV mechanism keeps other stations quiet only
until the next acknowledgement, but another mechanism (described below) is used
to allow a whole fragment burst to be sent without interference.
All of the above discussion applies to the 802.11 DCF mode. In
this mode, there is no central control, and stations compete for air time, just
as they do with Ethernet. The other allowed mode is PCF, in which the base
station polls the other stations, asking them if they have any frames to send.
Since transmission order is completely controlled by the base station in PCF
mode, no collisions ever occur. The standard prescribes the mechanism for polling,
but not the polling frequency, polling order, or even whether all stations need
to get equal service.
The basic mechanism is for the base station to broadcast a beacon frame periodically (10 to 100 times per
second). The beacon frame contains system parameters, such as hopping sequences
and dwell times (for FHSS), clock synchronization, etc. It also invites new
stations to sign up for polling service. Once a station has signed up for
polling service at a certain rate, it is effectively guaranteed a certain
fraction of the bandwidth, thus making it possible to give quality-of-service
Battery life is always an issue with mobile wireless devices,
so 802.11 pays attention to the issue of power management. In particular, the
base station can direct a mobile station to go into sleep state until
explicitly awakened by the base station or the user. Having told a station to
go to sleep, however, means that the base station has the responsibility for
buffering any frames directed at it while the mobile station is asleep. These
can be collected later.
PCF and DCF can coexist within one cell. At first it might
seem impossible to have central control and distributed control operating at
the same time, but 802.11 provides a way to achieve this goal. It works by
carefully defining the interframe time interval. After a frame has been sent, a
certain amount of dead time is required before any station may send a frame.
Four different intervals are defined, each for a specific purpose. The four
intervals are depicted in Fig.
Figure 4-29. Interframe spacing in 802.11
The shortest interval is SIFS
(Short InterFrame Spacing). It is used to
allow the parties in a single dialog the chance to go first. This includes
letting the receiver send a CTS to respond to an RTS, letting the receiver send
an ACK for a fragment or full data frame, and letting the sender of a fragment
burst transmit the next fragment without having to send an RTS again.
There is always exactly one station that is entitled to
respond after a SIFS interval. If it fails to make use of its chance and a time
PIFS (PCF InterFrame
Spacing) elapses, the base station may send a beacon frame or poll
frame. This mechanism allows a station sending a data frame or fragment
sequence to finish its frame without anyone else getting in the way, but gives
the base station a chance to grab the channel when the previous sender is done
without having to compete with eager users.
If the base station has nothing to say and a time DIFS (DCF InterFrame
Spacing) elapses, any station may attempt to acquire the channel to send
a new frame. The usual contention rules apply, and binary exponential backoff
may be needed if a collision occurs.
The last time interval, EIFS
(Extended InterFrame Spacing), is used only by
a station that has just received a bad or unknown frame to report the bad
frame. The idea of giving this event the lowest priority is that since the
receiver may have no idea of what is going on, it should wait a substantial
time to avoid interfering with an ongoing dialog between two stations.
4.4.4 The 802.11 Frame Structure
The 802.11 standard defines three different classes of frames
on the wire: data, control, and management. Each of these has a header with a
variety of fields used within the MAC sublayer. In addition, there are some
headers used by the physical layer but these mostly deal with the modulation
techniques used, so we will not discuss them here.
The format of the data frame is shown in Fig.
4-30. First comes the Frame Control field.
It itself has 11 subfields. The first of these is the Protocol
version, which allows two versions of the protocol to operate at the
same time in the same cell. Then come the Type
(data, control, or management) and Subtype
fields (e.g., RTS or CTS). The To DS and From DS bits indicate the frame is going to or coming
from the intercell distribution system (e.g., Ethernet). The MF bit means that more fragments will follow. The Retry bit marks a retransmission of a frame sent
earlier. The Power management bit is used by the
base station to put the receiver into sleep state or take it out of sleep
state. The More bit indicates that the sender
has additional frames for the receiver. The W
bit specifies that the frame body has been encrypted using the WEP (Wired Equivalent
Privacy) algorithm. Finally, the O bit
tells the receiver that a sequence of frames with this bit on must be processed
strictly in order.
Figure 4-30. The 802.11 data frame.
The second field of the data frame, the Duration field, tells how long the frame and its
acknowledgement will occupy the channel. This field is also present in the
control frames and is how other stations manage the NAV mechanism. The frame
header contains four addresses, all in standard IEEE 802 format. The source and
destination are obviously needed, but what are the other two for? Remember that
frames may enter or leave a cell via a base station. The other two addresses
are used for the source and destination base stations for intercell traffic.
The Sequence field allows
fragments to be numbered. Of the 16 bits available, 12 identify the frame and 4
identify the fragment. The Data field contains
the payload, up to 2312 bytes, followed by the usual Checksum.
Management frames have a format similar to that of data
frames, except without one of the base station addresses, because management
frames are restricted to a single cell. Control frames are shorter still,
having only one or two addresses, no Data field,
and no Sequence field. The key information here
is in the Subtype field, usually RTS, CTS, or
4.4.5 Services
The 802.11 standard states that each conformant wireless LAN
must provide nine services. These services are divided into two categories:
five distribution services and four station services. The distribution services
relate to managing cell membership and interacting with stations outside the
cell. In contrast, the station services relate to activity within a single
The five distribution services are provided by the base
stations and deal with station mobility as they enter and leave cells,
attaching themselves to and detaching themselves from base stations. They are
as follows.
1. Association.
This service is used by mobile stations to connect themselves to base stations.
Typically, it is used just after a station moves within the radio range of the
base station. Upon arrival, it announces its identity and capabilities. The
capabilities include the data rates supported, need for PCF services (i.e.,
polling), and power management requirements. The base station may accept or
reject the mobile station. If the mobile station is accepted, it must then
authenticate itself.
2. Disassociation.
Either the station or the base station may disassociate, thus breaking the
relationship. A station should use this service before shutting down or
leaving, but the base station may also use it before going down for
3. Reassociation.
A station may change its preferred base station using this service. This
facility is useful for mobile stations moving from one cell to another. If it
is used correctly, no data will be lost as a consequence of the handover. (But
802.11, like Ethernet, is just a best-efforts service.)
4. Distribution.
This service determines how to route frames sent to the base station. If the
destination is local to the base station, the frames can be sent out directly
over the air. Otherwise, they will have to be forwarded over the wired network.
5. Integration.
If a frame needs to be sent through a non-802.11 network with a different
addressing scheme or frame format, this service handles the translation from
the 802.11 format to the format required by the destination network.
The remaining four services are intracell (i.e., relate to
actions within a single cell). They are used after association has taken place
and are as follows.
1. Authentication.
Because wireless communication can easily be sent or received by unauthorized
stations, a station must authenticate itself before it is permitted to send
data. After a mobile station has been associated by the base station (i.e.,
accepted into its cell), the base station sends a special challenge frame to it
to see if the mobile station knows the secret key (password) that has been
assigned to it. It proves its knowledge of the secret key by encrypting the
challenge frame and sending it back to the base station. If the result is
correct, the mobile is fully enrolled in the cell. In the initial standard, the
base station does not have to prove its identity to the mobile station, but
work to repair this defect in the standard is underway.
2. Deauthentication.
When a previously authenticated station wants to leave the network, it is
deauthenticated. After deauthentication, it may no longer use the network.
3. Privacy.
For information sent over a wireless LAN to be kept confidential, it must be
encrypted. This service manages the encryption and decryption. The encryption
algorithm specified is RC4, invented by Ronald Rivest of M.I.T.
4. Data
delivery. Finally, data transmission is what it is all about, so 802.11
naturally provides a way to transmit and receive data. Since 802.11 is modeled
on Ethernet and transmission over Ethernet is not guaranteed to be 100%
reliable, transmission over 802.11 is not guaranteed to be reliable either.
Higher layers must deal with detecting and correcting errors.
An 802.11 cell has some parameters that can be inspected and,
in some cases, adjusted. They relate to encryption, timeout intervals, data
rates, beacon frequency, and so on.
Wireless LANs based on 802.11 are starting to be deployed in
office buildings, airports, hotels, restaurants, and campuses around the world.
Rapid growth is expected. For some experience about the widespread deployment
of 802.11 at CMU, see (Hills, 2001).
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