The Channel Allocation Problem
The central theme of this chapter is
how to allocate a single broadcast channel among competing users. We will first
look at static and dynamic schemes in general. Then we will examine a number of
specific algorithms.
The traditional way of allocating a
single channel, such as a telephone trunk, among multiple competing users is
Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM). If there are N users, the bandwidth is
divided into N equal-sized portions (see Fig. 2-31), each user being assigned one portion.
Since each user has a private frequency band, there is no interference between
users. When there is only a small and constant number of users, each of which
has a heavy (buffered) load of traffic (e.g., carriers' switching offices), FDM
is a simple and efficient allocation mechanism.
However, when the number of senders
is large and continuously varying or the traffic is bursty, FDM presents some
problems. If the spectrum is cut up into N regions and fewer than N users are
currently interested in communicating, a large piece of valuable spectrum will
be wasted. If more than N users want to communicate, some of them will be
denied permission for lack of bandwidth, even if some of the users who have
been assigned a frequency band hardly ever transmit or receive anything.
However, even assuming that the
number of users could somehow be held constant at N, dividing the single
available channel into static subchannels is inherently inefficient. The basic
problem is that when some users are quiescent, their bandwidth is simply lost.
They are not using it, and no one else is allowed to use it either.
Furthermore, in most computer systems, data traffic is extremely bursty (peak
traffic to mean traffic ratios of 1000:1 are common). Consequently, most of the
channels will be idle most of the time.
The poor performance of static FDM
can easily be seen from a simple queueing theory calculation. Let us start with
the mean time delay, T, for a channel of capacity C bps, with an arrival rate
of l frames/sec, each frame having a length drawn from an
exponential probability density function with mean 1/µ bits/frame. With these
parameters the arrival rate is l frames/sec and the service rate is µC frames/sec. From
queueing theory it can be shown that for Poisson arrival and service times,
For example, if C is 100 Mbps, the
mean frame length, 1/µ, is 10,000 bits, and the frame arrival rate, l,
is 5000 frames/sec, then T = 200 µsec. Note that if we ignored the queueing
delay and just asked how long it takes to send a 10,000 bit frame on a 100-Mbps
network, we would get the (incorrect) answer of 100 µsec. That result only
holds when there is no contention for the channel.
Now let us divide the single channel
into N independent subchannels, each with capacity C/N bps. The mean input rate
on each of the subchannels will now be l/N. Recomputing T we get
The mean delay using FDM is N times
worse than if all the frames were somehow magically arranged orderly in a big
central queue.
Precisely the same arguments that
apply to FDM also apply to time division multiplexing (TDM). Each user is
statically allocated every Nth time slot. If a user does not use the allocated
slot, it just lies fallow. The same holds if we split up the networks
physically. Using our previous example again, if we were to replace the
100-Mbps network with 10 networks of 10 Mbps each and statically allocate each
user to one of them, the mean delay would jump from 200 µsec to 2 msec.
Since none of the traditional static
channel allocation methods work well with bursty traffic, we will now explore
dynamic methods.
Before we get into the first of the
many channel allocation methods to be discussed in this chapter, it is
worthwhile carefully formulating the allocation problem. Underlying all the
work done in this area are five key assumptions, described below.
Station Model. The model consists of N independent stations (e.g.,
computers, telephones, or personal communicators), each with a program or user
that generates frames for transmission. Stations are sometimes called terminals.
The probability of a frame being generated in an interval of length Dt
is lDt, where l is a constant (the arrival rate of new frames). Once a
frame has been generated, the station is blocked and does nothing until the
frame has been successfully transmitted.
Single Channel Assumption. A single channel is available for all communication. All
stations can transmit on it and all can receive from it. As far as the hardware
is concerned, all stations are equivalent, although protocol software may
assign priorities to them.
Collision Assumption. If two frames are transmitted simultaneously, they overlap
in time and the resulting signal is garbled. This event is called a collision.
All stations can detect collisions. A collided frame must be transmitted again
later. There are no errors other than those generated by collisions.
4a. Continuous Time. Frame transmission can begin at any instant. There is no
master clock dividing time into discrete intervals.
4b. Slotted Time. Time is divided into discrete intervals (slots). Frame
transmissions always begin at the start of a slot. A slot may contain 0, 1, or
more frames, corresponding to an idle slot, a successful transmission, or a
collision, respectively.
5a. Carrier Sense. Stations can tell if the channel is in use before trying to
use it. If the channel is sensed as busy, no station will attempt to use it
until it goes idle.
5b. No Carrier Sense. Stations cannot sense the channel before trying to use it.
They just go ahead and transmit. Only later can they determine whether the
transmission was successful.
Some discussion of these assumptions
is in order. The first one says that stations are independent and that work is
generated at a constant rate. It also implicitly assumes that each station only
has one program or user, so while the station is blocked, no new work is
generated. More sophisticated models allow multiprogrammed stations that can
generate work while a station is blocked, but the analysis of these stations is
much more complex.
The single channel assumption is the
heart of the model. There are no external ways to communicate. Stations cannot
raise their hands to request that the teacher call on them.
The collision assumption is also
basic, although in some systems (notably spread spectrum), this assumption is
relaxed, with surprising results. Also, some LANs, such as token rings, pass a
special token from station to station, possession of which allows the current
holder to transmit a frame. But in the coming sections we will stick to the
single channel with contention and collisions model.
Two alternative assumptions about
time are possible. Either it is continuous (4a) or it is slotted (4b). Some
systems use one and some systems use the other, so we will discuss and analyze
both. For a given system, only one of them holds.
a network can either have carrier sensing (5a) or not have it (5b). LANs
generally have carrier sense. However, wireless networks cannot use it
effectively because not every station may be within radio range of every other
station. Stations on wired carrier sense networks can terminate their
transmission prematurely if they discover that it is colliding with another
transmission. Collision detection is rarely done on wireless networks, for
engineering reasons. Note that the word ''carrier'' in this sense refers to an
electrical signal on the cable and has nothing to do with the common carriers
(e.g., telephone companies) that date back to the Pony Express days.
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