
Wednesday, September 7, 2016

quality of service:Differentiated Services

5.4.4 Differentiated Services

Flow-based algorithms have the potential to offer good quality of service to one or more flows because they reserve whatever resources are needed along the route. However, they also have a downside. They require an advance setup to establish each flow, something that does not scale well when there are thousands or millions of flows. Also, they maintain internal per-flow state in the routers, making them vulnerable to router crashes. Finally, the changes required to the router code are substantial and involve complex router-to-router exchanges for setting up the flows. As a consequence, few implementations of RSVP or anything like it exist yet.
For these reasons, IETF has also devised a simpler approach to quality of service, one that can be largely implemented locally in each router without advance setup and without having the whole path involved. This approach is known as class-based (as opposed to flow-based) quality of service. IETF has standardized an architecture for it, called differentiated services, which is described in RFCs 2474, 2475, and numerous others. We will now describe it.
Differentiated services (DS) can be offered by a set of routers forming an administrative domain (e.g., an ISP or a telco). The administration defines a set of service classes with corresponding forwarding rules. If a customer signs up for DS, customer packets entering the domain may carry a Type of Service field in them, with better service provided to some classes (e.g., premium service) than to others. Traffic within a class may be required to conform to some specific shape, such as a leaky bucket with some specified drain rate. An operator with a nose for business might charge extra for each premium packet transported or might allow up to N premium packets per month for a fixed additional monthly fee. Note that this scheme requires no advance setup, no resource reservation, and no time-consuming end-to-end negotiation for each flow, as with integrated services. This makes DS relatively easy to implement.
Class-based service also occurs in other industries. For example, package delivery companies often offer overnight, two-day, and three-day service. Airlines offer first class, business class, and cattle class service. Long-distance trains often have multiple service classes. Even the Paris subway has two service classes. For packets, the classes may differ in terms of delay, jitter, and probability of being discarded in the event of congestion, among other possibilities (but probably not roomier Ethernet frames).
To make the difference between flow-based quality of service and class-based quality of service clearer, consider an example: Internet telephony. With a flow-based scheme, each telephone call gets its own resources and guarantees. With a class-based scheme, all the telephone calls together get the resources reserved for the class telephony. These resources cannot be taken away by packets from the file transfer class or other classes, but no telephone call gets any private resources reserved for it alone.
Expedited Forwarding
The choice of service classes is up to each operator, but since packets are often forwarded between subnets run by different operators, IETF is working on defining network-independent service classes. The simplest class is expedited forwarding, so let us start with that one. It is described in RFC 3246.
The idea behind expedited forwarding is very simple. Two classes of service are available: regular and expedited. The vast majority of the traffic is expected to be regular, but a small fraction of the packets are expedited. The expedited packets should be able to transit the subnet as though no other packets were present. A symbolic representation of this ''two-tube'' system is given in Fig. 5-39. Note that there is still just one physical line. The two logical pipes shown in the figure represent a way to reserve bandwidth, not a second physical line.
Figure 5-39. Expedited packets experience a traffic-free network.
One way to implement this strategy is to program the routers to have two output queues for each outgoing line, one for expedited packets and one for regular packets. When a packet arrives, it is queued accordingly. Packet scheduling should use something like weighted fair queueing. For example, if 10% of the traffic is expedited and 90% is regular, 20% of the bandwidth could be dedicated to expedited traffic and the rest to regular traffic. Doing so would give the expedited traffic twice as much bandwidth as it needs in order to provide low delay for it. This allocation can be achieved by transmitting one expedited packet for every four regular packets (assuming the size distribution for both classes is similar). In this way, it is hoped that expedited packets see an unloaded subnet, even when there is, in fact, a heavy load.
Assured Forwarding
A somewhat more elaborate scheme for managing the service classes is called assured forwarding. It is described in RFC 2597. It specifies that there shall be four priority classes, each class having its own resources. In addition, it defines three discard probabilities for packets that are undergoing congestion: low, medium, and high. Taken together, these two factors define 12 service classes.
Figure 5-40 shows one way packets might be processed under assured forwarding. Step 1 is to classify the packets into one of the four priority classes. This step might be done on the sending host (as shown in the figure) or in the ingress (first) router. The advantage of doing classification on the sending host is that more information is available about which packets belong to which flows there.
Figure 5-40. A possible implementation of the data flow for assured forwarding.
Step 2 is to mark the packets according to their class. A header field is needed for this purpose. Fortunately, an 8-bit Type of service field is available in the IP header, as we will see shortly. RFC 2597 specifies that six of these bits are to be used for the service class, leaving coding room for historical service classes and future ones.
Step 3 is to pass the packets through a shaper/dropper filter that may delay or drop some of them to shape the four streams into acceptable forms, for example, by using leaky or token buckets. If there are too many packets, some of them may be discarded here, by discard category. More elaborate schemes involving metering or feedback are also possible.
In this example, these three steps are performed on the sending host, so the output stream is now fed into the ingress router. It is worth noting that these steps may be performed by special networking software or even the operating system, to avoid having to change existing applications.

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