
Monday, September 5, 2016

Example Data Link Protocols

3.6 Example Data Link Protocols

In the following sections we will examine several widely-used data link protocols. The first one, HDLC, is a classical bit-oriented protocol whose variants have been in use for decades in many applications. The second one, PPP, is the data link protocol used to connect home computers to the Internet.
3.6.1 HDLC—High-Level Data Link Control
In this section we will examine a group of closely related protocols that are a bit old but are still heavily used. They are all derived from the data link protocol first used in the IBM mainframe world: SDLC (Synchronous Data Link Control) protocol. After developing SDLC, IBM submitted it to ANSI and ISO for acceptance as U.S. and international standards, respectively. ANSI modified it to become ADCCP (Advanced Data Communication Control Procedure), and ISO modified it to become HDLC (High-level Data Link Control). CCITT then adopted and modified HDLC for its LAP (Link Access Procedure) as part of the X.25 network interface standard but later modified it again to LAPB, to make it more compatible with a later version of HDLC. The nice thing about standards is that you have so many to choose from. Furthermore, if you do not like any of them, you can just wait for next year's model.
These protocols are based on the same principles. All are bit oriented, and all use bit stuffing for data transparency. They differ only in minor, but nevertheless irritating, ways. The discussion of bit-oriented protocols that follows is intended as a general introduction. For the specific details of any one protocol, please consult the appropriate definition.
All the bit-oriented protocols use the frame structure shown in Fig. 3-24. The Address field is primarily of importance on lines with multiple terminals, where it is used to identify one of the terminals. For point-to-point lines, it is sometimes used to distinguish commands from responses.
Figure 3-24. Frame format for bit-oriented protocols.
The Control field is used for sequence numbers, acknowledgements, and other purposes, as discussed below.
The Data field may contain any information. It may be arbitrarily long, although the efficiency of the checksum falls off with increasing frame length due to the greater probability of multiple burst errors.
The Checksum field is a cyclic redundancy code using the technique we examined in Sec. 3-2.2.
The frame is delimited with another flag sequence (01111110). On idle point-to-point lines, flag sequences are transmitted continuously. The minimum frame contains three fields and totals 32 bits, excluding the flags on either end.
There are three kinds of frames: Information, Supervisory, and Unnumbered. The contents of the Control field for these three kinds are shown in Fig. 3-25. The protocol uses a sliding window, with a 3-bit sequence number. Up to seven unacknowledged frames may be outstanding at any instant. The Seq field in Fig. 3-25(a) is the frame sequence number. The Next field is a piggybacked acknowledgement. However, all the protocols adhere to the convention that instead of piggybacking the number of the last frame received correctly, they use the number of the first frame not yet received (i.e., the next frame expected). The choice of using the last frame received or the next frame expected is arbitrary; it does not matter which convention is used, provided that it is used consistently.
Figure 3-25. Control field of (a) an information frame, (b) a supervisory frame, (c) an unnumbered frame.
The P/F bit stands for Poll/Final. It is used when a computer (or concentrator) is polling a group of terminals. When used as P, the computer is inviting the terminal to send data. All the frames sent by the terminal, except the final one, have the P/F bit set to P. The final one is set to F.
In some of the protocols, the P/F bit is used to force the other machine to send a Supervisory frame immediately rather than waiting for reverse traffic onto which to piggyback the window information. The bit also has some minor uses in connection with the Unnumbered frames.
The various kinds of Supervisory frames are distinguished by the Type field. Type 0 is an acknowledgement frame (officially called RECEIVE READY) used to indicate the next frame expected. This frame is used when there is no reverse traffic to use for piggybacking.
Type 1 is a negative acknowledgement frame (officially called REJECT). It is used to indicate that a transmission error has been detected. The Next field indicates the first frame in sequence not received correctly (i.e., the frame to be retransmitted). The sender is required to retransmit all outstanding frames starting at Next. This strategy is similar to our protocol 5 rather than our protocol 6.
Type 2 is RECEIVE NOT READY. It acknowledges all frames up to but not including Next, just as RECEIVE READY does, but it tells the sender to stop sending. RECEIVE NOT READY is intended to signal certain temporary problems with the receiver, such as a shortage of buffers, and not as an alternative to the sliding window flow control. When the condition has been repaired, the receiver sends a RECEIVE READY, REJECT, or certain control frames.
Type 3 is the SELECTIVE REJECT. It calls for retransmission of only the frame specified. In this sense it is like our protocol 6 rather than 5 and is therefore most useful when the sender's window size is half the sequence space size, or less. Thus, if a receiver wishes to buffer out-of-sequence frames for potential future use, it can force the retransmission of any specific frame using Selective Reject. HDLC and ADCCP allow this frame type, but SDLC and LAPB do not allow it (i.e., there is no Selective Reject), and type 3 frames are undefined.
The third class of frame is the Unnumbered frame. It is sometimes used for control purposes but can also carry data when unreliable connectionless service is called for. The various bit-oriented protocols differ considerably here, in contrast with the other two kinds, where they are nearly identical. Five bits are available to indicate the frame type, but not all 32 possibilities are used.
All the protocols provide a command, DISC (DISConnect), that allows a machine to announce that it is going down (e.g., for preventive maintenance). They also have a command that allows a machine that has just come back on-line to announce its presence and force all the sequence numbers back to zero. This command is called SNRM (Set Normal Response Mode). Unfortunately, ''Normal Response Mode'' is anything but normal. It is an unbalanced (i.e., asymmetric) mode in which one end of the line is the master and the other the slave. SNRM dates from a time when data communication meant a dumb terminal talking to a big host computer, which clearly is asymmetric. To make the protocol more suitable when the two partners are equals, HDLC and LAPB have an additional command, SABM (Set Asynchronous Balanced Mode), which resets the line and declares both parties to be equals. They also have commands SABME and SNRME, which are the same as SABM and SNRM, respectively, except that they enable an extended frame format that uses 7-bit sequence numbers instead of 3-bit sequence numbers.
A third command provided by all the protocols is FRMR (FRaMe Reject), used to indicate that a frame with a correct checksum but impossible semantics arrived. Examples of impossible semantics are a type 3 Supervisory frame in LAPB, a frame shorter than 32 bits, an illegal control frame, and an acknowledgement of a frame that was outside the window, etc. FRMR frames contain a 24-bit data field telling what was wrong with the frame. The data include the control field of the bad frame, the window parameters, and a collection of bits used to signal specific errors.
Control frames can be lost or damaged, just like data frames, so they must be acknowledged too. A special control frame, called UA (Unnumbered Acknowledgement), is provided for this purpose. Since only one control frame may be outstanding, there is never any ambiguity about which control frame is being acknowledged.
The remaining control frames deal with initialization, polling, and status reporting. There is also a control frame that may contain arbitrary information, UI (Unnumbered Information). These data are not passed to the network layer but are for the receiving data link layer itself.
Despite its widespread use, HDLC is far from perfect. A discussion of a variety of problems associated with it can be found in (Fiorini et al., 1994).
3.6.2 The Data Link Layer in the Internet
The Internet consists of individual machines (hosts and routers) and the communication infrastructure that connects them. Within a single building, LANs are widely used for interconnection, but most of the wide area infrastructure is built up from point-to-point leased lines.
In practice, point-to-point communication is primarily used in two situations. First, thousands of organizations have one or more LANs, each with some number of hosts (personal computers, user workstations, servers, and so on) along with a router (or a bridge, which is functionally similar). Often, the routers are interconnected by a backbone LAN. Typically, all connections to the outside world go through one or two routers that have point-to-point leased lines to distant routers. It is these routers and their leased lines that make up the communication subnets on which the Internet is built.
The second situation in which point-to-point lines play a major role in the Internet is the millions of individuals who have home connections to the Internet using modems and dial-up telephone lines. Usually, what happens is that the user's home PC calls up an Internet service provider's router and then acts like a full-blown Internet host. This method of operation is no different from having a leased line between the PC and the router, except that the connection is terminated when the user ends the session. A home PC calling an Internet service provider is illustrated in Fig. 3-26. The modem is shown external to the computer to emphasize its role, but modern computers have internal modems.
Figure 3-26. A home personal computer acting as an Internet host.
PPP—The Point-to-Point Protocol
The Internet needs a point-to-point protocol for a variety of purposes, including router-to-router traffic and home user-to-ISP traffic. This protocol is PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol), which is defined in RFC 1661 and further elaborated on in several other RFCs (e.g., RFCs 1662 and 1663). PPP handles error detection, supports multiple protocols, allows IP addresses to be negotiated at connection time, permits authentication, and has many other features.
PPP provides three features:
  1. A framing method that unambiguously delineates the end of one frame and the start of the next one. The frame format also handles error detection.
  2. A link control protocol for bringing lines up, testing them, negotiating options, and bringing them down again gracefully when they are no longer needed. This protocol is called LCP (Link Control Protocol). It supports synchronous and asynchronous circuits and byte-oriented and bit-oriented encodings.
  3. A way to negotiate network-layer options in a way that is independent of the network layer protocol to be used. The method chosen is to have a different NCP (Network Control Protocol) for each network layer supported.
To see how these pieces fit together, let us consider the typical scenario of a home user calling up an Internet service provider to make a home PC a temporary Internet host. The PC first calls the provider's router via a modem. After the router's modem has answered the phone and established a physical connection, the PC sends the router a series of LCP packets in the payload field of one or more PPP frames. These packets and their responses select the PPP parameters to be used.
Once the parameters have been agreed upon, a series of NCP packets are sent to configure the network layer. Typically, the PC wants to run a TCP/IP protocol stack, so it needs an IP address. There are not enough IP addresses to go around, so normally each Internet provider gets a block of them and then dynamically assigns one to each newly attached PC for the duration of its login session. If a provider owns n IP addresses, it can have up to n machines logged in simultaneously, but its total customer base may be many times that. The NCP for IP assigns the IP address.
At this point, the PC is now an Internet host and can send and receive IP packets, just as hardwired hosts can. When the user is finished, NCP tears down the network layer connection and frees up the IP address. Then LCP shuts down the data link layer connection. Finally, the computer tells the modem to hang up the phone, releasing the physical layer connection.
The PPP frame format was chosen to closely resemble the HDLC frame format, since there was no reason to reinvent the wheel. The major difference between PPP and HDLC is that PPP is character oriented rather than bit oriented. In particular, PPP uses byte stuffing on dial-up modem lines, so all frames are an integral number of bytes. It is not possible to send a frame consisting of 30.25 bytes, as it is with HDLC. Not only can PPP frames be sent over dial-up telephone lines, but they can also be sent over SONET or true bit-oriented HDLC lines (e.g., for router-router connections). The PPP frame format is shown in Fig. 3-27.
Figure 3-27. The PPP full frame format for unnumbered mode operation.
All PPP frames begin with the standard HDLC flag byte (01111110), which is byte stuffed if it occurs within the payload field. Next comes the Address field, which is always set to the binary value 11111111 to indicate that all stations are to accept the frame. Using this value avoids the issue of having to assign data link addresses.
The Address field is followed by the Control field, the default value of which is 00000011. This value indicates an unnumbered frame. In other words, PPP does not provide reliable transmission using sequence numbers and acknowledgements as the default. In noisy environments, such as wireless networks, reliable transmission using numbered mode can be used. The exact details are defined in RFC 1663, but in practice it is rarely used.
Since the Address and Control fields are always constant in the default configuration, LCP provides the necessary mechanism for the two parties to negotiate an option to just omit them altogether and save 2 bytes per frame.
The fourth PPP field is the Protocol field. Its job is to tell what kind of packet is in the Payload field. Codes are defined for LCP, NCP, IP, IPX, AppleTalk, and other protocols. Protocols starting with a 0 bit are network layer protocols such as IP, IPX, OSI CLNP, XNS. Those starting with a 1 bit are used to negotiate other protocols. These include LCP and a different NCP for each network layer protocol supported. The default size of the Protocol field is 2 bytes, but it can be negotiated down to 1 byte using LCP.
The Payload field is variable length, up to some negotiated maximum. If the length is not negotiated using LCP during line setup, a default length of 1500 bytes is used. Padding may follow the payload if need be.
After the Payload field comes the Checksum field, which is normally 2 bytes, but a 4-byte checksum can be negotiated.
In summary, PPP is a multiprotocol framing mechanism suitable for use over modems, HDLC bit-serial lines, SONET, and other physical layers. It supports error detection, option negotiation, header compression, and, optionally, reliable transmission using an HDLC-type frame format.
Let us now turn from the PPP frame format to the way lines are brought up and down. The (simplified) diagram of Fig. 3-28 shows the phases that a line goes through when it is brought up, used, and taken down again. This sequence applies both to modem connections and to router-router connections.
Figure 3-28. A simplified phase diagram for bringing a line up and down.
The protocol starts with the line in the DEAD state, which means that no physical layer carrier is present and no physical layer connection exists. After physical connection is established, the line moves to ESTABLISH. At that point LCP option negotiation begins, which, if successful, leads to AUTHENTICATE. Now the two parties can check on each other's identities if desired. When the NETWORK phase is entered, the appropriate NCP protocol is invoked to configure the network layer. If the configuration is successful, OPEN is reached and data transport can take place. When data transport is finished, the line moves into the TERMINATE phase, and from there, back to DEAD when the carrier is dropped.
LCP negotiates data link protocol options during the ESTABLISH phase. The LCP protocol is not actually concerned with the options themselves, but with the mechanism for negotiation. It provides a way for the initiating process to make a proposal and for the responding process to accept or reject it, in whole or in part. It also provides a way for the two processes to test the line quality to see if they consider it good enough to set up a connection. Finally, the LCP protocol also allows lines to be taken down when they are no longer needed.
Eleven types of LCP frames are defined in RFC 1661. These are listed in Fig. 3-29. The four Configure- types allow the initiator (I) to propose option values and the responder (R) to accept or reject them. In the latter case, the responder can make an alternative proposal or announce that it is not willing to negotiate certain options at all. The options being negotiated and their proposed values are part of the LCP frames.
Figure 3-29. The LCP frame types.
The Terminate- codes shut a line down when it is no longer needed. The Code-reject and Protocol-reject codes indicate that the responder got something that it does not understand. This situation could mean that an undetected transmission error has occurred, but more likely it means that the initiator and responder are running different versions of the LCP protocol. The Echo- types are used to test the line quality. Finally, Discard-request help debugging. If either end is having trouble getting bits onto the wire, the programmer can use this type for testing. If it manages to get through, the receiver just throws it away, rather than taking some other action that might confuse the person doing the testing.
The options that can be negotiated include setting the maximum payload size for data frames, enabling authentication and choosing a protocol to use, enabling line-quality monitoring during normal operation, and selecting various header compression options.
There is little to say about the NCP protocols in a general way. Each one is specific to some network layer protocol and allows configuration requests to be made that are specific to that protocol. For IP, for example, dynamic address assignment is the most important possibility.

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