
Monday, September 5, 2016

Data link protocol:A Simplex Protocol for a Noisy Channel

3.3.3 A Simplex Protocol for a Noisy Channel

Now let us consider the normal situation of a communication channel that makes errors. Frames may be either damaged or lost completely. However, we assume that if a frame is damaged in transit, the receiver hardware will detect this when it computes the checksum. If the frame is damaged in such a way that the checksum is nevertheless correct, an unlikely occurrence, this protocol (and all other protocols) can fail (i.e., deliver an incorrect packet to the network layer).
At first glance it might seem that a variation of protocol 2 would work: adding a timer. The sender could send a frame, but the receiver would only send an acknowledgement frame if the data were correctly received. If a damaged frame arrived at the receiver, it would be discarded. After a while the sender would time out and send the frame again. This process would be repeated until the frame finally arrived intact.
The above scheme has a fatal flaw in it. Think about the problem and try to discover what might go wrong before reading further.
To see what might go wrong, remember that it is the task of the data link layer processes to provide error-free, transparent communication between network layer processes. The network layer on machine A gives a series of packets to its data link layer, which must ensure that an identical series of packets are delivered to the network layer on machine B by its data link layer. In particular, the network layer on B has no way of knowing that a packet has been lost or duplicated, so the data link layer must guarantee that no combination of transmission errors, however unlikely, can cause a duplicate packet to be delivered to a network layer.
Consider the following scenario:
  1. The network layer on A gives packet 1 to its data link layer. The packet is correctly received at B and passed to the network layer on B. B sends an acknowledgement frame back to A.
  2. The acknowledgement frame gets lost completely. It just never arrives at all. Life would be a great deal simpler if the channel mangled and lost only data frames and not control frames, but sad to say, the channel is not very discriminating.
  3. The data link layer on A eventually times out. Not having received an acknowledgement, it (incorrectly) assumes that its data frame was lost or damaged and sends the frame containing packet 1 again.
  4. The duplicate frame also arrives at the data link layer on B perfectly and is unwittingly passed to the network layer there. If A is sending a file to B, part of the file will be duplicated (i.e., the copy of the file made by B will be incorrect and the error will not have been detected). In other words, the protocol will fail.
Clearly, what is needed is some way for the receiver to be able to distinguish a frame that it is seeing for the first time from a retransmission. The obvious way to achieve this is to have the sender put a sequence number in the header of each frame it sends. Then the receiver can check the sequence number of each arriving frame to see if it is a new frame or a duplicate to be discarded.
Since a small frame header is desirable, the question arises: What is the minimum number of bits needed for the sequence number? The only ambiguity in this protocol is between a frame, m, and its direct successor, m + 1. If frame m is lost or damaged, the receiver will not acknowledge it, so the sender will keep trying to send it. Once it has been correctly received, the receiver will send an acknowledgement to the sender. It is here that the potential trouble crops up. Depending upon whether the acknowledgement frame gets back to the sender correctly or not, the sender may try to send m or m + 1.
The event that triggers the sender to start sending frame m + 2 is the arrival of an acknowledgement for frame m + 1. But this implies that m has been correctly received, and furthermore that its acknowledgement has also been correctly received by the sender (otherwise, the sender would not have begun with m + 1, let alone m + 2). As a consequence, the only ambiguity is between a frame and its immediate predecessor or successor, not between the predecessor and successor themselves.
A 1-bit sequence number (0 or 1) is therefore sufficient. At each instant of time, the receiver expects a particular sequence number next. Any arriving frame containing the wrong sequence number is rejected as a duplicate. When a frame containing the correct sequence number arrives, it is accepted and passed to the network layer. Then the expected sequence number is incremented modulo 2 (i.e., 0 becomes 1 and 1 becomes 0).
An example of this kind of protocol is shown in Fig. 3-12. Protocols in which the sender waits for a positive acknowledgement before advancing to the next data item are often called PAR (Positive Acknowledgement with Retransmission) or ARQ (Automatic Repeat reQuest). Like protocol 2, this one also transmits data only in one direction.
Figure 3-12. A positive acknowledgement with retransmission protocol.
Protocol 3 differs from its predecessors in that both sender and receiver have a variable whose value is remembered while the data link layer is in the wait state. The sender remembers the sequence number of the next frame to send in next_frame_to_send; the receiver remembers the sequence number of the next frame expected in frame_expected. Each protocol has a short initialization phase before entering the infinite loop.
After transmitting a frame, the sender starts the timer running. If it was already running, it will be reset to allow another full timer interval. The time interval should be chosen to allow enough time for the frame to get to the receiver, for the receiver to process it in the worst case, and for the acknowledgement frame to propagate back to the sender. Only when that time interval has elapsed is it safe to assume that either the transmitted frame or its acknowledgement has been lost, and to send a duplicate. If the timeout interval is set too short, the sender will transmit unnecessary frames. While these extra frames will not affect the correctness of the protocol, they will hurt performance.
After transmitting a frame and starting the timer, the sender waits for something exciting to happen. Only three possibilities exist: an acknowledgement frame arrives undamaged, a damaged acknowledgement frame staggers in, or the timer expires. If a valid acknowledgement comes in, the sender fetches the next packet from its network layer and puts it in the buffer, overwriting the previous packet. It also advances the sequence number. If a damaged frame arrives or no frame at all arrives, neither the buffer nor the sequence number is changed so that a duplicate can be sent.
When a valid frame arrives at the receiver, its sequence number is checked to see if it is a duplicate. If not, it is accepted, passed to the network layer, and an acknowledgement is generated. Duplicates and damaged frames are not passed to the network layer.

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