Data Link Layer Switching
Many organizations have multiple
LANs and wish to connect them. LANs can be connected by devices called bridges,
which operate in the data link layer. Bridges examine the data layer link
addresses to do routing. Since they are not supposed to examine the payload
field of the frames they route, they can transport IPv4 (used in the Internet
now), IPv6 (will be used in the Internet in the future), AppleTalk, ATM, OSI,
or any other kinds of packets. In contrast, routers examine the addresses in
packets and route based on them. Although this seems like a clear division
between bridges and routers, some modern developments, such as the advent of
switched Ethernet, have muddied the waters, as we will see later. In the
following sections we will look at bridges and switches, especially for
connecting different 802 LANs. For a comprehensive treatment of bridges,
switches, and related topics, see (Perlman, 2000).
Before getting into the technology
of bridges, it is worthwhile taking a look at some common situations in which
bridges are used. We will mention six reasons why a single organization may end
up with multiple LANs.
First, many university and corporate
departments have their own LANs, primarily to connect their own personal
computers, workstations, and servers. Since the goals of the various
departments differ, different departments choose different LANs, without regard
to what other departments are doing. Sooner or later, there is a need for
interaction, so bridges are needed. In this example, multiple LANs came into
existence due to the autonomy of their owners.
Second, the organization may be
geographically spread over several buildings separated by considerable
distances. It may be cheaper to have separate LANs in each building and connect
them with bridges and laser links than to run a single cable over the entire
Third, it may be necessary to split
what is logically a single LAN into separate LANs to accommodate the load. At
many universities, for example, thousands of workstations are available for
student and faculty computing. Files are normally kept on file server machines
and are downloaded to users' machines upon request. The enormous scale of this
system precludes putting all the workstations on a single LAN—the total
bandwidth needed is far too high. Instead, multiple LANs connected by bridges
are used, as shown in Fig. 4-39. Each LAN contains a cluster of
workstations with its own file server so that most traffic is restricted to a
single LAN and does not add load to the backbone.
Figure 4-39. Multiple LANs connected
by a backbone to handle a total load higher than the capacity of a single LAN.
It is worth noting that although we
usually draw LANs as multidrop cables as in Fig. 4-39 (the classic look), they are more often
implemented with hubs or especially switches nowadays. However, a long
multidrop cable with multiple machines plugged into it and a hub with the
machines connected inside the hub are functionally identical. In both cases,
all the machines belong to the same collision domain, and all use the CSMA/CD
protocol to send frames. Switched LANs are different, however, as we saw before
and will see again shortly.
Fourth, in some situations, a single
LAN would be adequate in terms of the load, but the physical distance between
the most distant machines is too great (e.g., more than 2.5 km for Ethernet).
Even if laying the cable is easy to do, the network would not work due to the
excessively long round-trip delay. The only solution is to partition the LAN
and install bridges between the segments. Using bridges, the total physical
distance covered can be increased.
Fifth, there is the matter of
reliability. On a single LAN, a defective node that keeps outputting a
continuous stream of garbage can cripple the LAN. Bridges can be inserted at
critical places, like fire doors in a building, to prevent a single node that
has gone berserk from bringing down the entire system. Unlike a repeater, which
just copies whatever it sees, a bridge can be programmed to exercise some
discretion about what it forwards and what it does not forward.
Sixth, and last, bridges can
contribute to the organization's security. Most LAN interfaces have a promiscuous
mode, in which all frames are given to the computer, not just those addressed
to it. Spies and busybodies love this feature. By inserting bridges at various
places and being careful not to forward sensitive traffic, a system
administrator can isolate parts of the network so that its traffic cannot
escape and fall into the wrong hands.
Ideally, bridges should be fully
transparent, meaning it should be possible to move a machine from one cable
segment to another without changing any hardware, software, or configuration
tables. Also, it should be possible for machines on any segment to communicate
with machines on any other segment without regard to the types of LANs being
used on the two segments or on segments in between them. This goal is sometimes
achieved, but not always.
Having seen why bridges are needed,
let us now turn to the question of how they work. Figure 4-40 illustrates the operation of a simple
two-port bridge. Host A on a wireless (802.11) LAN has a packet to send to a
fixed host, B, on an (802.3) Ethernet to which the wireless LAN is connected.
The packet descends into the LLC sublayer and acquires an LLC header (shown in
black in the figure). Then it passes into the MAC sublayer and an 802.11 header
is prepended to it (also a trailer, not shown in the figure). This unit goes
out over the air and is picked up by the base station, which sees that it needs
to go to the fixed Ethernet. When it hits the bridge connecting the 802.11
network to the 802.3 network, it starts in the physical layer and works its way
upward. In the MAC sublayer in the bridge, the 802.11 header is stripped off. The
bare packet (with LLC header) is then handed off to the LLC sublayer in the
bridge. In this example, the packet is destined for an 802.3 LAN, so it works
its way down the 802.3 side of the bridge and off it goes on the Ethernet. Note
that a bridge connecting k different LANs will have k different MAC sublayers
and k different physical layers, one for each type.
So far it looks like moving a frame
from one LAN to another is easy. Such is not the case. In this section we will
point out some of the difficulties that one encounters when trying to build a
bridge between the various 802 LANs (and MANs). We will focus on 802.3, 802.11,
and 802.16, but there are others as well, each with its unique problems.
To start with, each of the LANs uses
a different frame format (see Fig. 4-41). Unlike the differences between
Ethernet, token bus, and token ring, which were due to history and big
corporate egos, here the differences are to some extent legitimate. For
example, the Duration field in 802.11 is there due to the MACAW protocol and
makes no sense in Ethernet. As a result, any copying between different LANs requires
reformatting, which takes CPU time, requires a new checksum calculation, and
introduces the possibility of undetected errors due to bad bits in the bridge's
A second problem is that
interconnected LANs do not necessarily run at the same data rate. When
forwarding a long run of back-to-back frames from a fast LAN to a slower one,
the bridge will not be able to get rid of the frames as fast as they come in.
For example, if a gigabit Ethernet is pouring bits into an 11-Mbps 802.11b LAN
at top speed, the bridge will have to buffer them, hoping not to run out of
memory. Bridges that connect three or more LANs have a similar problem when
several LANs are trying to feed the same output LAN at the same time even if
all the LANs run at the same speed.
A third problem, and potentially the
most serious of all, is that different 802 LANs have different maximum frame
lengths. An obvious problem arises when a long frame must be forwarded onto a
LAN that cannot accept it. Splitting the frame into pieces is out of the
question in this layer. All the protocols assume that frames either arrive or
they do not. There is no provision for reassembling frames out of smaller
units. This is not to say that such protocols could not be devised. They could
be and have been. It is just that no data link protocols provide this feature,
so bridges must keep their hands off the frame payload. Basically, there is no
solution. Frames that are too large to be forwarded must be discarded. So much
for transparency.
Another point is security. Both
802.11 and 802.16 support encryption in the data link layer. Ethernet does not.
This means that the various encryption services available to the wireless
networks are lost when traffic passes over an Ethernet. Worse yet, if a
wireless station uses data link layer encryption, there will be no way to
decrypt it when it arrives over an Ethernet. If the wireless station does not
use encryption, its traffic will be exposed over the air link. Either way there
is a problem.
One solution to the security problem
is to do encryption in a higher layer, but then the 802.11 station has to know
whether it is talking to another station on an 802.11 network (meaning use data
link layer encryption) or not (meaning do not use it). Forcing the station to
make a choice destroys transparency.
A final point is quality of service.
Both 802.11 and 802.16 provide it in various forms, the former using PCF mode
and the latter using constant bit rate connections. Ethernet has no concept of
quality of service, so traffic from either of the others will lose its quality
of service when passing over an Ethernet.
The previous section dealt with the
problems encountered in connecting two different IEEE 802 LANs via a single
bridge. However, in large organizations with many LANs, just interconnecting
them all raises a variety of issues, even if they are all just Ethernet.
Ideally, it should be possible to go out and buy bridges designed to the IEEE
standard, plug the connectors into the bridges, and everything should work
perfectly, instantly. There should be no hardware changes required, no software
changes required, no setting of address switches, no downloading of routing
tables or parameters, nothing. Just plug in the cables and walk away.
Furthermore, the operation of the existing LANs should not be affected by the
bridges at all. In other words, the bridges should be completely transparent
(invisible to all the hardware and software). Surprisingly enough, this is
actually possible. Let us now take a look at how this magic is accomplished.
In its simplest form, a transparent
bridge operates in promiscuous mode, accepting every frame transmitted on all
the LANs to which it is attached. As an example, consider the configuration of Fig. 4-42. Bridge B1 is connected to LANs 1 and
2, and bridge B2 is connected to LANs 2, 3, and 4. A frame arriving at bridge
B1 on LAN 1 destined for A can be discarded immediately, because it is already
on the correct LAN, but a frame arriving on LAN 1 for C or F must be forwarded.
When a frame arrives, a bridge must
decide whether to discard or forward it, and if the latter, on which LAN to put
the frame. This decision is made by looking up the destination address in a big
(hash) table inside the bridge. The table can list each possible destination
and tell which output line (LAN) it belongs on. For example, B2's table would
list A as belonging to LAN 2, since all B2 has to know is which LAN to put
frames for A on. That, in fact, more forwarding happens later is not of
interest to it.
When the bridges are first plugged
in, all the hash tables are empty. None of the bridges know where any of the
destinations are, so they use a flooding algorithm: every incoming frame for an
unknown destination is output on all the LANs to which the bridge is connected
except the one it arrived on. As time goes on, the bridges learn where
destinations are, as described below. Once a destination is known, frames
destined for it are put on only the proper LAN and are not flooded.
The algorithm used by the
transparent bridges is backward learning.As mentioned above, the bridges
operate in promiscuous mode, so they see every frame sent on any of their LANs.
By looking at the source address, they can tell which machine is accessible on
which LAN. For example, if bridge B1 in Fig. 4-42 sees a frame on LAN 2 coming from C, it
knows that C must be reachable via LAN 2, so it makes an entry in its hash
table noting that frames going to C should use LAN 2. Any subsequent frame
addressed to C coming in on LAN 1 will be forwarded, but a frame for C coming
in on LAN 2 will be discarded.
The topology can change as machines
and bridges are powered up and down and moved around. To handle dynamic
topologies, whenever a hash table entry is made, the arrival time of the frame
is noted in the entry. Whenever a frame whose source is already in the table
arrives, its entry is updated with the current time. Thus, the time associated
with every entry tells the last time a frame from that machine was seen.
Periodically, a process in the
bridge scans the hash table and purges all entries more than a few minutes old.
In this way, if a computer is unplugged from its LAN, moved around the
building, and plugged in again somewhere else, within a few minutes it will be
back in normal operation, without any manual intervention. This algorithm also
means that if a machine is quiet for a few minutes, any traffic sent to it will
have to be flooded until it next sends a frame itself.
The routing procedure for an incoming
frame depends on the LAN it arrives on (the source LAN) and the LAN its
destination is on (the destination LAN), as follows:
- If destination and source LANs are the same, discard the frame.
- If the destination and source LANs are different, forward the frame.
- If the destination LAN is unknown, use flooding.
As each frame arrives, this
algorithm must be applied. Special-purpose VLSI chips do the lookup and update
the table entry, all in a few microseconds.
To increase reliability, some sites
use two or more bridges in parallel between pairs of LANs, as shown in Fig. 4-43. This arrangement, however, also
introduces some additional problems because it creates loops in the topology.
A simple example of these problems
can be seen by observing how a frame, F, with unknown destination is handled in
Fig. 4-43. Each bridge, following the normal
rules for handling unknown destinations, uses flooding, which in this example
just means copying it to LAN 2. Shortly thereafter, bridge 1 sees F2,
a frame with an unknown destination, which it copies to LAN 1, generating F3
(not shown). Similarly, bridge 2 copies F1 to LAN 1 generating F4
(also not shown). Bridge 1 now forwards F4 and bridge 2 copies F3.
This cycle goes on forever.
The solution to this difficulty is
for the bridges to communicate with each other and overlay the actual topology
with a spanning tree that reaches every LAN. In effect, some potential
connections between LANs are ignored in the interest of constructing a
fictitious loop-free topology. For example, in Fig. 4-44(a) we see nine LANs interconnected by
ten bridges. This configuration can be abstracted into a graph with the LANs as
the nodes. An arc connects any two LANs that are connected by a bridge. The
graph can be reduced to a spanning tree by dropping the arcs shown as dotted
lines in Fig. 4-44(b). Using this spanning tree, there is
exactly one path from every LAN to every other LAN. Once the bridges have
agreed on the spanning tree, all forwarding between LANs follows the spanning
tree. Since there is a unique path from each source to each destination, loops
are impossible.
Figure 4-44. (a) Interconnected
LANs. (b) A spanning tree covering the LANs. The dotted lines are not part of
the spanning tree.
To build the spanning tree, first
the bridges have to choose one bridge to be the root of the tree. They make
this choice by having each one broadcast its serial number, installed by the
manufacturer and guaranteed to be unique worldwide. The bridge with the lowest
serial number becomes the root. Next, a tree of shortest paths from the root to
every bridge and LAN is constructed. This tree is the spanning tree. If a
bridge or LAN fails, a new one is computed.
The result of this algorithm is that
a unique path is established from every LAN to the root and thus to every other
LAN. Although the tree spans all the LANs, not all the bridges are necessarily
present in the tree (to prevent loops). Even after the spanning tree has been
established, the algorithm continues to run during normal operation in order to
automatically detect topology changes and update the tree. The distributed
algorithm used for constructing the spanning tree was invented by Radia Perlman
and is described in detail in (Perlman, 2000). It is standardized in IEEE
A common use of bridges is to
connect two (or more) distant LANs. For example, a company might have plants in
several cities, each with its own LAN. Ideally, all the LANs should be
interconnected, so the complete system acts like one large LAN.
This goal can be achieved by putting
a bridge on each LAN and connecting the bridges pairwise with point-to-point
lines (e.g., lines leased from a telephone company). A simple system, with
three LANs, is illustrated in Fig. 4-45. The usual routing algorithms apply
here. The simplest way to see this is to regard the three point-to-point lines
as hostless LANs. Then we have a normal system of six LANS interconnected by
four bridges. Nothing in what we have studied so far says that a LAN must have
hosts on it.
Various protocols can be used on the
point-to-point lines. One possibility is to choose some standard point-to-point
data link protocol such as PPP, putting complete MAC frames in the payload
field. This strategy works best if all the LANs are identical, and the only
problem is getting frames to the correct LAN. Another option is to strip off
the MAC header and trailer at the source bridge and put what is left in the
payload field of the point-to-point protocol. A new MAC header and trailer can
then be generated at the destination bridge. A disadvantage of this approach is
that the checksum that arrives at the destination host is not the one computed
by the source host, so errors caused by bad bits in a bridge's memory may not
be detected.
So far in this book we have looked
at a variety of ways to get frames and packets from one cable segment to
another. We have mentioned repeaters, bridges, switches, hubs, routers, and
gateways. All of these devices are in common use, but they all differ in subtle
and not-so-subtle ways. Since there are so many of them, it is probably worth
taking a look at them together to see what the similarities and differences
To start with, these devices operate
in different layers, as illustrated in Fig. 4-46(a). The layer matters because different
devices use different pieces of information to decide how to switch. In a
typical scenario, the user generates some data to be sent to a remote machine.
Those data are passed to the transport layer, which then adds a header, for
example, a TCP header, and passes the resulting unit down to the network layer.
The network layer adds its own header to form a network layer packet, for
example, an IP packet. In Fig. 4-46(b) we see the IP packet shaded in gray.
Then the packet goes to the data link layer, which adds its own header and
checksum (CRC) and gives the resulting frame to the physical layer for
transmission, for example, over a LAN.
Now let us look at the switching
devices and see how they relate to the packets and frames. At the bottom, in
the physical layer, we find the repeaters. These are analog devices that are
connected to two cable segments. A signal appearing on one of them is amplified
and put out on the other. Repeaters do not understand frames, packets, or
headers. They understand volts. Classic Ethernet, for example, was designed to
allow four repeaters, in order to extend the maximum cable length from 500
meters to 2500 meters.
Next we come to the hubs. A hub has
a number of input lines that it joins electrically. Frames arriving on any of
the lines are sent out on all the others. If two frames arrive at the same
time, they will collide, just as on a coaxial cable. In other words, the entire
hub forms a single collision domain. All the lines coming into a hub must
operate at the same speed. Hubs differ from repeaters in that they do not
(usually) amplify the incoming signals and are designed to hold multiple line
cards each with multiple inputs, but the differences are slight. Like
repeaters, hubs do not examine the 802 addresses or use them in any way. A hub
is shown in Fig. 4-47(a).
Now let us move up to the data link
layer where we find bridges and switches. We just studied bridges at some
length. A bridge connects two or more LANs, as shown in Fig. 4-47(b). When a frame arrives, software in
the bridge extracts the destination address from the frame header and looks it
up in a table to see where to send the frame. For Ethernet, this address is the
48-bit destination address shown in Fig. 4-17. Like a hub, a modern bridge has line
cards, usually for four or eight input lines of a certain type. A line card for
Ethernet cannot handle, say, token ring frames, because it does not know where
to find the destination address in the frame header. However, a bridge may have
line cards for different network types and different speeds. With a bridge,
each line is its own collision domain, in contrast to a hub.
Switches are similar to bridges in
that both route on frame addresses. In fact, many people uses the terms
interchangeably. The main difference is that a switch is most often used to
connect individual computers, as shown in Fig. 4-47(c). As a consequence, when host A in Fig. 4-47(b) wants to send a frame to host B, the
bridge gets the frame but just discards it. In contrast, in Fig. 4-47(c), the switch must actively forward
the frame from A to B because there is no other way for the frame to get there.
Since each switch port usually goes to a single computer, switches must have
space for many more line cards than do bridges intended to connect only LANs.
Each line card provides buffer space for frames arriving on its ports. Since
each port is its own collision domain, switches never lose frames to
collisions. However, if frames come in faster than they can be retransmitted,
the switch may run out of buffer space and have to start discarding frames.
To alleviate this problem slightly,
modern switches start forwarding frames as soon as the destination header field
has come in, but before the rest of the frame has arrived (provided the output
line is available, of course). These switches do not use store-and-forward
switching. Sometimes they are referred to as cut-through switches. Usually,
cut-through is handled entirely in hardware, whereas bridges traditionally
contained an actual CPU that did store-and-forward switching in software. But
since all modern bridges and switches contain special integrated circuits for
switching, the difference between a switch and bridge is more a marketing issue
than a technical one.
So far we have seen repeaters and
hubs, which are quite similar, as well as bridges and switches, which are also
very similar to each other. Now we move up to routers, which are different from
all of the above. When a packet comes into a router, the frame header and
trailer are stripped off and the packet located in the frame's payload field
(shaded in Fig. 4-46) is passed to the routing software.
This software uses the packet header to choose an output line. For an IP packet,
the packet header will contain a 32-bit (IPv4) or 128-bit (IPv6) address, but
not a 48-bit 802 address. The routing software does not see the frame addresses
and does not even know whether the packet came in on a LAN or a point-to-point
Up another layer we find transport
gateways. These connect two computers that use different connection-oriented
transport protocols. For example, suppose a computer using the
connection-oriented TCP/IP protocol needs to talk to a computer using the
connection-oriented ATM transport protocol. The transport gateway can copy the
packets from one connection to the other, reformatting them as need be.
Finally, application gateways
understand the format and contents of the data and translate messages from one
format to another. An e-mail gateway could translate Internet messages into SMS
messages for mobile phones, for example.
In the early days of local area
networking, thick yellow cables snaked through the cable ducts of many office
buildings. Every computer they passed was plugged in. Often there were many
cables, which were connected to a central backbone (as in Fig. 4-39) or to a central hub. No thought was
given to which computer belonged on which LAN. All the people in adjacent
offices were put on the same LAN whether they belonged together or not.
Geography trumped logic.
With the advent of 10Base-T and hubs
in the 1990s, all that changed. Buildings were rewired (at considerable
expense) to rip out all the yellow garden hoses and install twisted pairs from
every office to central wiring closets at the end of each corridor or in a
central machine room, as illustrated in Fig. 4-48. If the Vice President in Charge of
Wiring was a visionary, category 5 twisted pairs were installed; if he was a
bean counter, the existing (category 3) telephone wiring was used (only to be
replaced a few years later when fast Ethernet emerged).
With hubbed (and later, switched)
Ethernet, it was often possible to configure LANs logically rather than
physically. If a company wants k LANs, it buys k hubs. By carefully choosing
which connectors to plug into which hubs, the occupants of a LAN can be chosen
in a way that makes organizational sense, without too much regard to geography.
Of course, if two people in the same department work in different buildings,
they are probably going to be on different hubs and thus different LANs.
Nevertheless, the situation is a lot better than having LAN membership entirely
based on geography.
Does it matter who is on which LAN?
After all, in virtually all organizations, all the LANs are interconnected. In
short, yes, it often matters. Network administrators like to group users on
LANs to reflect the organizational structure rather than the physical layout of
the building for a variety of reasons. One issue is security. Any network
interface can be put in promiscuous mode, copying all the traffic that comes
down the pipe. Many departments, such as research, patents, and accounting,
have information that they do not want passed outside their department. In such
a situation, putting all the people in a department on a single LAN and not
letting any of that traffic off the LAN makes sense. Management does not like
hearing that such an arrangement is impossible unless all the people in each
department are located in adjacent offices with no interlopers.
A second issue is load. Some LANs
are more heavily used than others and it may be desirable to separate them at
times. For example, if the folks in research are running all kinds of nifty
experiments that sometimes get out of hand and saturate their LAN, the folks in
accounting may not be enthusiastic about donating some of their capacity to
help out.
A third issue is broadcasting. Most
LANs support broadcasting, and many upper-layer protocols use this feature
extensively. For example, when a user wants to send a packet to an IP address x,
how does it know which MAC address to put in the frame?, the answer is that it
broadcasts a frame containing the question: Who owns IP address x? Then it
waits for an answer. And there are many more examples of where broadcasting is
used. As more and more LANs get interconnected, the number of broadcasts
passing each machine tends to increase linearly with the number of machines.
Related to broadcasts is the problem
that once in a while a network interface will break down and begin generating
an endless stream of broadcast frames. The result of this broadcast storm is
that (1) the entire LAN capacity is occupied by these frames, and (2) all the
machines on all the interconnected LANs are crippled just processing and
discarding all the frames being broadcast.
At first it might appear that
broadcast storms could be limited in scope by separating the LANs with bridges
or switches, but if the goal is to achieve transparency (i.e., a machine can be
moved to a different LAN across the bridge without anyone noticing it), then
bridges have to forward broadcast frames.
Having seen why companies might want
multiple LANs with restricted scope, let us get back to the problem of
decoupling the logical topology from the physical topology. Suppose that a user
gets shifted within the company from one department to another without changing
offices or changes offices without changing departments. With hubbed wiring,
moving the user to the correct LAN means having the network administrator walk
down to the wiring closet and pull the connector for the user's machine from
one hub and put it into a new hub.
In many companies, organizational
changes occur all the time, meaning that system administrators spend a lot of
time pulling out plugs and pushing them back in somewhere else. Also, in some
cases, the change cannot be made at all because the twisted pair from the
user's machine is too far from the correct hub (e.g., in the wrong building).
In response to user requests for
more flexibility, network vendors began working on a way to rewire buildings
entirely in software. The resulting concept is called a VLAN (Virtual LAN) and
has even been standardized by the 802 committee. It is now being deployed in
many organizations. Let us now take a look at it. For additional information
about VLANs, see (Breyer and Riley, 1999; and Seifert, 2000).
VLANs are based on
specially-designed VLAN-aware switches, although they may also have some hubs
on the periphery, as in Fig. 4-48. To set up a VLAN-based network, the
network administrator decides how many VLANs there will be, which computers
will be on which VLAN, and what the VLANs will be called. Often the VLANs are
(informally) named by colors, since it is then possible to print color diagrams
showing the physical layout of the machines, with the members of the red LAN in
red, members of the green LAN in green, and so on. In this way, both the
physical and logical layouts are visible in a single view.
As an example, consider the four
LANs of Fig. 4-49(a), in which eight of the machines
belong to the G (gray) VLAN and seven of them belong to the W (white) VLAN. The
four physical LANs are connected by two bridges, B1 and B2. If centralized
twisted pair wiring is used, there might also be four hubs (not shown), but
logically a multidrop cable and a hub are the same thing. Drawing it this way
just makes the figure a little less cluttered. Also, the term ''bridge'' tends
to be used nowadays mostly when there are multiple machines on each port, as in
this figure, but otherwise, ''bridge'' and ''switch'' are essentially
interchangeable. Fig. 4-49(b) shows the same machines and same
VLANs using switches with a single computer on each port.
Figure 4-49. (a) Four physical LANs
organized into two VLANs, gray and white, by two bridges. (b) The same 15
machines organized into two VLANs by switches.
To make the VLANs function
correctly, configuration tables have to be set up in the bridges or switches.
These tables tell which VLANs are accessible via which ports (lines). When a
frame comes in from, say, the gray VLAN, it must be forwarded on all the ports
marked G. This holds for ordinary (i.e., unicast) traffic as well as for
multicast and broadcast traffic.
Note that a port may be labeled with
multiple VLAN colors. We see this most clearly in Fig. 4-49(a). Suppose that machine A broadcasts a
frame. Bridge B1 receives the frame and sees that it came from a machine on the
gray VLAN, so it forwards it on all ports labeled G (except the incoming port).
Since B1 has only two other ports and both of them are labeled G, the frame is
sent to both of them.
At B2 the story is different. Here
the bridge knows that there are no gray machines on LAN 4, so the frame is not
forwarded there. It goes only to LAN 2. If one of the users on LAN 4 should
change departments and be moved to the gray VLAN, then the tables inside B2
have to be updated to relabel that port as GW instead of W. If machine F goes
gray, then the port to LAN 2 has to be changed to G instead of GW.
Now let us imagine that all the
machines on both LAN 2 and LAN 4 become gray. Then not only do B2's ports to
LAN 2 and LAN 4 get marked G, but B1's port to B2 also has to change from GW to
G since white frames arriving at B1 from LANs 1 and 3 no longer have to be
forwarded to B2. In Fig. 4-49(b) the same situation holds, only here
all the ports that go to a single machine are labeled with a single color
because only one VLAN is out there.
So far we have assumed that bridges
and switches somehow know what color an incoming frame is. How do they know
this? Three methods are in use, as follows:
- Every port is assigned a VLAN color.
- Every MAC address is assigned a VLAN color.
- Every layer 3 protocol or IP address is assigned a VLAN color.
In the first method, each port is
labeled with VLAN color. However, this method only works if all machines on a
port belong to the same VLAN. In Fig. 4-49(a), this property holds for B1 for the
port to LAN 3 but not for the port to LAN 1.
In the second method, the bridge or
switch has a table listing the 48-bit MAC address of each machine connected to
it along with the VLAN that machine is on. Under these conditions, it is
possible to mix VLANs on a physical LAN, as in LAN 1 in Fig. 4-49(a). When a frame arrives, all the
bridge or switch has to do is to extract the MAC address and look it up in a
table to see which VLAN the frame came from.
The third method is for the bridge
or switch to examine the payload field of the frame, for example, to classify
all IP machines as belonging to one VLAN and all AppleTalk machines as
belonging to another. For the former, the IP address can also be used to
identify the machine. This strategy is most useful when many machines are
notebook computers that can be docked in any one of several places. Since each
docking station has its own MAC address, just knowing which docking station was
used does not say anything about which VLAN the notebook is on.
The only problem with this approach
is that it violates the most fundamental rule of networking: independence of
the layers. It is none of the data link layer's business what is in the payload
field. It should not be examining the payload and certainly not be making
decisions based on the contents. A consequence of using this approach is that a
change to the layer 3 protocol (for example, an upgrade from IPv4 to IPv6)
suddenly causes the switches to fail. Unfortunately, switches that work this way
are on the market.
A switch vendor might pooh-pooh this
argument saying that its switches understand both IPv4 and IPv6, so everything
is fine. But what happens when IPv7 happens? The vendor would probably say: Buy
new switches, is that so bad?
Some more thought on this subject
reveals that what actually matters is the VLAN of the frame itself, not the
VLAN of the sending machine. If there were some way to identify the VLAN in the
frame header, then the need to inspect the payload would vanish. For a new LAN,
such as 802.11 or 802.16, it would have been easy enough to just add a VLAN
field in the header. In fact, the Connection Identifier field in 802.16 is
somewhat similar in spirit to a VLAN identifier. But what to do about Ethernet,
which is the dominant LAN, and does not have any spare fields lying around for
the VLAN identifier?
The IEEE 802 committee had this
problem thrown into its lap in 1995. After much discussion, it did the
unthinkable and changed the Ethernet header. The new format was published in
IEEE standard 802.1Q, issued in 1998. The new format contains a VLAN tag; we
will examine it shortly. Not surprisingly, changing something as well
established as the Ethernet header is not entirely trivial. A few questions
that come to mind are:
- Need we throw out several hundred million existing Ethernet cards?
- If not, who generates the new fields?
- What happens to frames that are already the maximum size?
Of course, the 802 committee was
(only too painfully) aware of these problems and had to come up with solutions,
which it did.
The key to the solution is to
realize that the VLAN fields are only actually used by the bridges and switches
and not by the user machines. Thus in Fig. 4-49, it is not really essential that they
are present on the lines going out to the end stations as long as they are on
the line between the bridges or switches. Thus, to use VLANs, the bridges or
switches have to be VLAN aware, but that was already a requirement. Now we are
only introducing the additional requirement that they are 802.1Q aware, which
new ones already are.
As to throwing out all existing
Ethernet cards, the answer is no. Remember that the 802.3 committee could not
even get people to change the Type field into a Length field. You can imagine
the reaction to an announcement that all existing Ethernet cards had to be
thrown out. However, as new Ethernet cards come on the market, the hope is that
they will be 802.1Q compliant and correctly fill in the VLAN fields.
So if the originator does not
generate the VLAN fields, who does? The answer is that the first VLAN-aware
bridge or switch to touch a frame adds them and the last one down the road
removes them. But how does it know which frame belongs to which VLAN? Well, the
first bridge or switch could assign a VLAN number to a port, look at the MAC
address, or (heaven forbid) examine the payload. Until Ethernet cards are all
802.1Q compliant, we are kind of back where we started. The real hope here is
that all gigabit Ethernet cards will be 802.1Q compliant from the start and
that as people upgrade to gigabit Ethernet, 802.1Q will be introduced
automatically. As to the problem of frames longer than 1518 bytes, 802.1Q just
raised the limit to 1522 bytes.
During the transition process, many
installations will have some legacy machines (typically classic or fast
Ethernet) that are not VLAN aware and others (typically gigabit Ethernet) that
are. This situation is illustrated in Fig. 4-50, where the shaded symbols are VLAN
aware and the empty ones are not. For simplicity, we assume that all the
switches are VLAN aware. If this is not the case, the first VLAN-aware switch
can add the tags based on MAC or IP addresses.
Figure 4-50. Transition from legacy
Ethernet to VLAN-aware Ethernet. The shaded symbols are VLAN aware. The empty
ones are not.
In this figure, VLAN-aware Ethernet
cards generate tagged (i.e., 802.1Q) frames directly, and further switching
uses these tags. To do this switching, the switches have to know which VLANs
are reachable on each port, just as before. Knowing that a frame belongs to the
gray VLAN does not help much until the switch knows which ports connect to
machines on the gray VLAN. Thus, the switch needs a table indexed by VLAN
telling which ports to use and whether they are VLAN aware or legacy.
When a legacy PC sends a frame to a
VLAN-aware switch, the switch builds a new tagged frame based on its knowledge
of the sender's VLAN (using the port, MAC address, or IP address). From that
point on, it no longer matters that the sender was a legacy machine. Similarly,
a switch that needs to deliver a tagged frame to a legacy machine has to
reformat the frame in the legacy format before delivering it.
Now let us take a look at the 802.1Q
frame format. It is shown in Fig. 4-51. The only change is the addition of a
pair of 2-byte fields. The first one is the VLAN protocol ID. It always has the
value 0x8100. Since this number is greater than 1500, all Ethernet cards
interpret it as a type rather than a length. What a legacy card does with such
a frame is moot since such frames are not supposed to be sent to legacy cards.
The second 2-byte field contains
three subfields. The main one is the VLAN identifier, occupying the low-order
12 bits. This is what the whole thing is about—which VLAN does the frame belong
to? The 3-bit Priority field has nothing to do with VLANs at all, but since
changing the Ethernet header is a once-in-a-decade event taking three years and
featuring a hundred people, why not put in some other good things while you are
at it? This field makes it possible to distinguish hard real-time traffic from
soft real-time traffic from time-insensitive traffic in order to provide better
quality of service over Ethernet. It is needed for voice over Ethernet
(although in all fairness, IP has had a similar field for a quarter of a
century and nobody ever used it).
The last bit, CFI (Canonical Format
Indicator) should have been called the CEI (Corporate Ego Indicator). It was
originally intended to indicate little-endian MAC addresses versus big-endian
MAC addresses, but that use got lost in other controversies. Its presence now
indicates that the payload contains a freeze-dried 802.5 frame that is hoping
to find another 802.5 LAN at the destination while being carried by Ethernet in
between. This whole arrangement, of course, has nothing whatsoever to do with
VLANs. But standards' committee politics is not unlike regular politics: if you
vote for my bit, I will vote for your bit.
As we mentioned above, when a tagged
frame arrives at a VLAN-aware switch, the switch uses the VLAN ID as an index
into a table to find out which ports to send it on. But where does the table
come from? If it is manually constructed, we are back to square zero: manual
configuration of bridges. The beauty of the transparent bridge is that it is
plug-and-play and does not require any manual configuration. It would be a
terrible shame to lose that property. Fortunately, VLAN-aware bridges can also
autoconfigure themselves based on observing the tags that come by. If a frame
tagged as VLAN 4 comes in on port 3, then apparently some machine on port 3 is
on VLAN 4. The 802.1Q standard explains how to build the tables dynamically,
mostly by referencing appropriate portions of Perlman's algorithm standardized
in 802.1D.
Before leaving the subject of VLAN
routing, it is worth making one last observation. Many people in the Internet
and Ethernet worlds are fanatically in favor of connectionless networking and
violently opposed to anything smacking of connections in the data link or
network layers. Yet VLANs introduce something that is surprisingly similar to a
connection. To use VLANs properly, each frame carries a new special identifier
that is used as an index into a table inside the switch to look up where the
frame is supposed to be sent. That is precisely what happens in
connection-oriented networks. In connectionless networks, it is the destination
address that is used for routing, not some kind of connection identifier.
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