
Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Congestion Control Algorithms

5.3 Congestion Control Algorithms
When too many packets are present in (a part of) the subnet, performance degrades. This situation is called congestion. Figure 5-25 depicts the symptom. When the number of packets dumped into the subnet by the hosts is within its carrying capacity, they are all delivered (except for a few that are afflicted with transmission errors) and the number delivered is proportional to the number sent. However, as traffic increases too far, the routers are no longer able to cope and they begin losing packets. This tends to make matters worse. At very high trafffic, performance collapses completely and almost no packets are delivered.
Figure 5-25. When too much traffic is offered, congestion sets in and performance degrades sharply.
Congestion can be brought on by several factors. If all of a sudden, streams of packets begin arriving on three or four input lines and all need the same output line, a queue will build up. If there is insufficient memory to hold all of them, packets will be lost. Adding more memory may help up to a point, but Nagle (1987) discovered that if routers have an infinite amount of memory, congestion gets worse, not better, because by the time packets get to the front of the queue, they have already timed out (repeatedly) and duplicates have been sent. All these packets will be dutifully forwarded to the next router, increasing the load all the way to the destination.
Slow processors can also cause congestion. If the routers' CPUs are slow at performing the bookkeeping tasks required of them (queueing buffers, updating tables, etc.), queues can build up, even though there is excess line capacity. Similarly, low-bandwidth lines can also cause congestion. Upgrading the lines but not changing the processors, or vice versa, often helps a little, but frequently just shifts the bottleneck. Also, upgrading part, but not all, of the system, often just moves the bottleneck somewhere else. The real problem is frequently a mismatch between parts of the system. This problem will persist until all the components are in balance.
It is worth explicitly pointing out the difference between congestion control and flow control, as the relationship is subtle. Congestion control has to do with making sure the subnet is able to carry the offered traffic. It is a global issue, involving the behavior of all the hosts, all the routers, the store-and-forwarding processing within the routers, and all the other factors that tend to diminish the carrying capacity of the subnet.
Flow control, in contrast, relates to the point-to-point traffic between a given sender and a given receiver. Its job is to make sure that a fast sender cannot continually transmit data faster than the receiver is able to absorb it. Flow control frequently involves some direct feedback from the receiver to the sender to tell the sender how things are doing at the other end.
To see the difference between these two concepts, consider a fiber optic network with a capacity of 1000 gigabits/sec on which a supercomputer is trying to transfer a file to a personal computer at 1 Gbps. Although there is no congestion (the network itself is not in trouble), flow control is needed to force the supercomputer to stop frequently to give the personal computer a chance to breathe.
At the other extreme, consider a store-and-forward network with 1-Mbps lines and 1000 large computers, half of which are trying to transfer files at 100 kbps to the other half. Here the problem is not that of fast senders overpowering slow receivers, but that the total offered traffic exceeds what the network can handle.
The reason congestion control and flow control are often confused is that some congestion control algorithms operate by sending messages back to the various sources telling them to slow down when the network gets into trouble. Thus, a host can get a ''slow down'' message either because the receiver cannot handle the load or because the network cannot handle it. We will come back to this point later.
We will start our study of congestion control by looking at a general model for dealing with it. Then we will look at broad approaches to preventing it in the first place. After that, we will look at various dynamic algorithms for coping with it once it has set in.
5.3.1 General Principles of Congestion Control
Many problems in complex systems, such as computer networks, can be viewed from a control theory point of view. This approach leads to dividing all solutions into two groups: open loop and closed loop. Open loop solutions attempt to solve the problem by good design, in essence, to make sure it does not occur in the first place. Once the system is up and running, midcourse corrections are not made.
Tools for doing open-loop control include deciding when to accept new traffic, deciding when to discard packets and which ones, and making scheduling decisions at various points in the network. All of these have in common the fact that they make decisions without regard to the current state of the network.
In contrast, closed loop solutions are based on the concept of a feedback loop. This approach has three parts when applied to congestion control:
  1. Monitor the system to detect when and where congestion occurs.
  2. Pass this information to places where action can be taken.
  3. Adjust system operation to correct the problem.
A variety of metrics can be used to monitor the subnet for congestion. Chief among these are the percentage of all packets discarded for lack of buffer space, the average queue lengths, the number of packets that time out and are retransmitted, the average packet delay, and the standard deviation of packet delay. In all cases, rising numbers indicate growing congestion.
The second step in the feedback loop is to transfer the information about the congestion from the point where it is detected to the point where something can be done about it. The obvious way is for the router detecting the congestion to send a packet to the traffic source or sources, announcing the problem. Of course, these extra packets increase the load at precisely the moment that more load is not needed, namely, when the subnet is congested.
However, other possibilities also exist. For example, a bit or field can be reserved in every packet for routers to fill in whenever congestion gets above some threshold level. When a router detects this congested state, it fills in the field in all outgoing packets, to warn the neighbors.
Still another approach is to have hosts or routers periodically send probe packets out to explicitly ask about congestion. This information can then be used to route traffic around problem areas. Some radio stations have helicopters flying around their cities to report on road congestion to make it possible for their mobile listeners to route their packets (cars) around hot spots.
In all feedback schemes, the hope is that knowledge of congestion will cause the hosts to take appropriate action to reduce the congestion. For a scheme to work correctly, the time scale must be adjusted carefully. If every time two packets arrive in a row, a router yells STOP and every time a router is idle for 20 µsec, it yells GO, the system will oscillate wildly and never converge. On the other hand, if it waits 30 minutes to make sure before saying anything, the congestion control mechanism will react too sluggishly to be of any real use. To work well, some kind of averaging is needed, but getting the time constant right is a nontrivial matter.
Many congestion control algorithms are known. To provide a way to organize them in a sensible way, Yang and Reddy (1995) have developed a taxonomy for congestion control algorithms. They begin by dividing all algorithms into open loop or closed loop, as described above. They further divide the open loop algorithms into ones that act at the source versus ones that act at the destination. The closed loop algorithms are also divided into two subcategories: explicit feedback versus implicit feedback. In explicit feedback algorithms, packets are sent back from the point of congestion to warn the source. In implicit algorithms, the source deduces the existence of congestion by making local observations, such as the time needed for acknowledgements to come back.
The presence of congestion means that the load is (temporarily) greater than the resources (in part of the system) can handle. Two solutions come to mind: increase the resources or decrease the load. For example, the subnet may start using dial-up telephone lines to temporarily increase the bandwidth between certain points. On satellite systems, increasing transmission power often gives higher bandwidth. Splitting traffic over multiple routes instead of always using the best one may also effectively increase the bandwidth. Finally, spare routers that are normally used only as backups (to make the system fault tolerant) can be put on-line to give more capacity when serious congestion appears.
However, sometimes it is not possible to increase the capacity, or it has already been increased to the limit. The only way then to beat back the congestion is to decrease the load. Several ways exist to reduce the load, including denying service to some users, degrading service to some or all users, and having users schedule their demands in a more predictable way.
Some of these methods, which we will study shortly, can best be applied to virtual circuits. For subnets that use virtual circuits internally, these methods can be used at the network layer. For datagram subnets, they can nevertheless sometimes be used on transport layer connections.
5.3.2 Congestion Prevention Policies
Let us begin our study of methods to control congestion by looking at open loop systems. These systems are designed to minimize congestion in the first place, rather than letting it happen and reacting after the fact. They try to achieve their goal by using appropriate policies at various levels. In Fig. 5-26 we see different data link, network, and transport policies that can affect congestion (Jain, 1990).
Figure 5-26. Policies that affect congestion.
Let us start at the data link layer and work our way upward. The retransmission policy is concerned with how fast a sender times out and what it transmits upon timeout. A jumpy sender that times out quickly and retransmits all outstanding packets using go back n will put a heavier load on the system than will a leisurely sender that uses selective repeat. Closely related to this is the buffering policy. If receivers routinely discard all out-of-order packets, these packets will have to be transmitted again later, creating extra load. With respect to congestion control, selective repeat is clearly better than go back n.
Acknowledgement policy also affects congestion. If each packet is acknowledged immediately, the acknowledgement packets generate extra traffic. However, if acknowledgements are saved up to piggyback onto reverse traffic, extra timeouts and retransmissions may result. A tight flow control scheme (e.g., a small window) reduces the data rate and thus helps fight congestion.
At the network layer, the choice between using virtual circuits and using datagrams affects congestion since many congestion control algorithms work only with virtual-circuit subnets. Packet queueing and service policy relates to whether routers have one queue per input line, one queue per output line, or both. It also relates to the order in which packets are processed (e.g., round robin or priority based). Discard policy is the rule telling which packet is dropped when there is no space. A good policy can help alleviate congestion and a bad one can make it worse.
A good routing algorithm can help avoid congestion by spreading the traffic over all the lines, whereas a bad one can send too much traffic over already congested lines. Finally, packet lifetime management deals with how long a packet may live before being discarded. If it is too long, lost packets may clog up the works for a long time, but if it is too short, packets may sometimes time out before reaching their destination, thus inducing retransmissions.
In the transport layer, the same issues occur as in the data link layer, but in addition, determining the timeout interval is harder because the transit time across the network is less predictable than the transit time over a wire between two routers. If the timeout interval is too short, extra packets will be sent unnecessarily. If it is too long, congestion will be reduced but the response time will suffer whenever a packet is lost.
5.3.3 Congestion Control in Virtual-Circuit Subnets
The congestion control methods described above are basically open loop: they try to prevent congestion from occurring in the first place, rather than dealing with it after the fact. In this section we will describe some approaches to dynamically controlling congestion in virtual-circuit subnets. In the next two, we will look at techniques that can be used in any subnet.
One technique that is widely used to keep congestion that has already started from getting worse is admission control. The idea is simple: once congestion has been signaled, no more virtual circuits are set up until the problem has gone away. Thus, attempts to set up new transport layer connections fail. Letting more people in just makes matters worse. While this approach is crude, it is simple and easy to carry out. In the telephone system, when a switch gets overloaded, it also practices admission control by not giving dial tones.
An alternative approach is to allow new virtual circuits but carefully route all new virtual circuits around problem areas. For example, consider the subnet of Fig. 5-27(a), in which two routers are congested, as indicated.
Figure 5-27. (a) A congested subnet. (b) A redrawn subnet that eliminates the congestion. A virtual circuit from A to B is also shown.
Suppose that a host attached to router A wants to set up a connection to a host attached to router B. Normally, this connection would pass through one of the congested routers. To avoid this situation, we can redraw the subnet as shown in Fig. 5-27(b), omitting the congested routers and all of their lines. The dashed line shows a possible route for the virtual circuit that avoids the congested routers.
Another strategy relating to virtual circuits is to negotiate an agreement between the host and subnet when a virtual circuit is set up. This agreement normally specifies the volume and shape of the traffic, quality of service required, and other parameters. To keep its part of the agreement, the subnet will typically reserve resources along the path when the circuit is set up. These resources can include table and buffer space in the routers and bandwidth on the lines. In this way, congestion is unlikely to occur on the new virtual circuits because all the necessary resources are guaranteed to be available.
This kind of reservation can be done all the time as standard operating procedure or only when the subnet is congested. A disadvantage of doing it all the time is that it tends to waste resources. If six virtual circuits that might use 1 Mbps all pass through the same physical 6-Mbps line, the line has to be marked as full, even though it may rarely happen that all six virtual circuits are transmitting full blast at the same time. Consequently, the price of the congestion control is unused (i.e., wasted) bandwidth in the normal case.

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