Soal :
A Broadcast network is one in wich a transmission from any
one atteched station is received by all other attach station over a shared
medium. Examples are a bus topologies, LAN, such as ethernet & a wireless
radio network.
Discuss the need or lack of need for a network layer(OSI
layer 3) in a broadcast network.
Jawaban :
Network Layer :
The Network Layer provides for the transfer of information
between end system accross some sort of communication network. It relieves
higher layers of the need to know anything about the underlying data
transmission & switching
1. Imagine that you have trained your St. Bernard, Bernie,
to carry
a box of 100 data
CD instead of a flask of Budweiser. These CDs
each contain 700
MBs. The dog can travel at a rate of 18 km/hr.
For what range of
distances does Bernie have a higher data rate
than a 45 Mbps T-3
(Transmission Level 3) line?
Ans: A CD can hold 700 MBs.
100 CDs can have
700 * 100 = 70,000 MBs = 70,000 * 8 = 56,0000 Mbits
Let's assume d be
the distance in km.
Time is expressed
as d / speed = d / (18/3600) = 200d seconds
So the data
transfer rate for the dog is 56,0000 / 200d.
We were asked to
have 56,0000 / 200d > 45 Mbps
200d < 56,0000
/ 45
d < 62.22 km
For d < 62.22
km, the dog will have a higher data rate than a T3
Solutions to Chapter 1 Question 1.
The dog can carry 21 gigabytes, or 168 gigabits. A speed of
18 km/hour equals 0.005 km/sec. The time to travel distance x km is x /0.005 =
200x sec, yielding a data rate of 168/200x Gbps or 840/x Mbps. For x < 5.6
km, the dog has a higher rate than the communication line.
1. A
collection of five routers is to be connected in a point-to-point subnet. Between each pair of routers, the designers
may put a high-speed line, a medium speed line, a low-speed line, or no
line. If it takes 100 ms of computer
time to generate and inspect each topology, how long will it take to inspect
all of them ?
Jawaban :
Karena terdapat 5 router maka terdapat
5C2 = 10
kemungkinan pasangan router dalam point-to-point subnet.
Setiap pasangan mempunyai 4 buah kemungkinan pemasangan line (high-speed
line, medium speed line, low-speed line, no line).
Maka jumlah topologinya = 410 = 104.8576 buah
Karena tiap topologi membutuhkan 100ms untuk generate dan inspect
topologi, maka waktu yg dibutuhkan untuk meng-inspect seluruh topologi = 100ms x
410 = 104.857,6 s = ± 29 jam.
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