
Wednesday, September 28, 2016

SDH-Based Physical Layer

SDH-Based Physical Layer
Alternatively, ATM cells can be carried over a line using SDH (synchronous digital
hierarchy) or SONET. For the cell-based physical layer, framing is imposed
using the STM-1 (STS-3) frame (Figure 7.12b). Figure 11.11 shows the payload portion
of an STM-1 frame. This payload may be offset from the beginning of the
frame, as indicated by the pointer in the section overhead of the frame. As can be
seen, the payload consists of a 9-octet path overhead portion and the remainder,
which contains ATM cells. Because the payload capacity (2,340 octets) is not an
integer multiple of the cell length (53 octets), a cell may cross a payload boundary.
The H4 octet in the path overhead is set at the sending side to indicate the
next occurrence of a cell boundary. That is, the value in the H4 field indicates the
number of octets in the first cell boundary following the H4 octet. The permissible
range of values is 0 to 52.
The advantages of the SDH-based approach include the following:
It can be used to carry either ATM-based or STM-based (synchronous transfer
mode) payloads, making it possible to initially deploy a high-capacity.
fiber-based transmission infrastructure for a variety of circuit-switched and
dedicated applications, and then readily migrate to the support of ATM.
Some specific connections can be circuit-switched using an SDH channel. For
example, a connection carrying constant-bit-rate video traffic can be mapped
into its own exclusive payload envelope of the STM-1 signal, which can be circuit
switched. This procedure may be more efficient than ATM switching.
Using SDH synchronous multiplexing techniques, several ATM streams can
be combined to build interfaces with higher bit rates than those supported by
the ATM layer at a particular site. For example, four separate ATM streams,
each with a bit rate of 155 Mbps (STM-I), can be combined to build a 622-
Mbps (STM-4) interface. This arrangement may be more cost effective than
one using a single 622-Mbps ATM stream.

ATM Adaptation Layer
The use of ATM creates the need for an adaptation layer to support information
transfer protocols not based on ATM. Two examples are PCM (pulse code modulation)
voice and LAPF. PCM voice is an application that produces a stream of bits
from a voice signal. To employ this application over ATM, it is necessary to assemble
PCM bits into cells for transmission and to read them out on reception in such
a way as to produce a smooth, constant flow of bits to the receiver. LAPF is the
standard data link control protocol for frame relay. In a mixed environment, in
which frame relay networks interconnect with ATM networks, a convenient way of
integrating the two is to map LAPF frames into ATM cells; this will usually mean
segmenting one LAPF frame into a number of cells on transmission, and then
reassembling the frame from cells on reception. By allowing the use of LAPF over
ATM, all of the existing frame relay applications and control signaling protocols can
be used on an ATM network.
AAL Services
ITU-T 1,362 lists the following general examples of services provided by AAL:
8 Handling of transmission errors
s Segmentation and reassembly, to enable larger blocks of data to be carried in
the information field of ATM cells
0 Handling of lost and misinserted cell conditions
Flow control and timing control
In order to minimize the number of different AAL protocols that must be
specified to meet a variety of needs, ITU-T has defined four classes of service that
cover a broad range of requirements (Figure 11.12). The classification is based on
whether a timing relationship must be maintained between source and destination,
whether the application requires a constant bit rate, and whether the transfer is
connection-oriented or connectionless. An example of a class A service is circuit
emulation. In this case, a constant bit rate, which requires the maintenance of a timing
relation, is used, and the transfer is connection-oriented. An example of a class
B service is variable-bit-rate video, such as might be used in a videoconference.
Here, the application is connection oriented and timing is important, but the bit rate
varies depending on the amount of activity in the scene. Classes C and D correspond
to data-transfer applications. In both cases, the bit rate may vary and no particular
timing relationship is required; differences in data rate are handled, using
buffers, by the end systems. The data transfer may be either connection-oriented
(class C) or connectionless (class D).
AAE Protocols
To support these various classes of service, a set of protocols at the AAL level have
been defined. The AAL layer is organized into two logical sublayers: the Convergence
Sublayer (CS) and the Segmentation and Reassembly Sublayer (SAR). The
convergence sublayer provides the functions needed to support specific applications
using AAL. Each AAL user attaches to AAL at a service access point (SAP), which
is simply the address of the application. This sublayer is, then, service dependent.
The segmentation and reassembly sublayer is responsible for packaging information
received from CS into cells for transmission and unpacking the information
at the other end. As we have seen, at the ATM layer, each cell consists of a 5-octet
header and a 48-octet information field. Thus, SAR must pack any SAR headers
and trailers, plus CS information, into 48-octet blocks.
Initially, ITU-T defined one protocol type for each class of service, named
Type 1 through Type 4. Actually, each protocol type consists of two protocols, one
at the CS sublayer and one at the SAR sublayer. More recently, types 3 and 4 were
merged into a Type 314, and a new type, Type 5, was defined. Figure 11.12 shows
which services are supported by which types. In all of these cases, a block of data
from a higher layer is encapsulated into a protocol data unit (PDU) at the CS
sublayer. In fact, this sublayer is referred to as the common-part convergence sublayer
(CPCS), leaving open the possibility that additional, specialized functions may
be performed at the CS level. The CPCS PDU is then passed to the SAR sublayer,
where it is broken up into payload blocks. Each payload block can fit into an SARPDU,
which has a total length of 48 octets. Each 48-octet SAR-PDU fits into a single
ATM cell.
Figure 11.13 shows the formats of the protocol data units (PDUs) at the SAR
level except for Type 2, which has not yet been defined.
In the remainder of this section, we look at AAL Type 5, which is becoming
increasingly popular, especially in ATM LAN applications. This protocol was introduced
to provide a streamlined transport facility for higher-layer protocols that are
connection-oriented. If it is assumed that the higher layer takes care of connection
management, and that the ATM layer produces minimal errors, then most of the
fields in the SAR and CPCS PDUs are not necessary. For example, with connectionoriented
service, the MID field is not necessary. This field is used in AAL 314 to
multiplex different streams of data using the same virtual ATM connection
(VCIIVPI). In AAL 5, it is assumed that higher-layer software takes care of such
Type 5 was introduced to
Reduce protocol-processing overhead
Reduce transmission overhead
Ensure adaptability to existing transport protocols
To understand the operation of Type 5, let us begin with the CPCS level. The
CPCS-PDU (Figure 11.14) includes a trailer with the following fields:
0 CPCS User-to-User Indication (I octet). Used to transparently transfer userto-
user information.
Cyclic Redundancy Check (4 octets). Used to detect bit errors in the CPCSPDU.
0 Common Part Indicator (I octet). Indicates the interpretation of the remaining
fields in the CPCS-PDU trailer. Currently, only one interpretation is
Length (2 octets). Length of the CPCS-PDU payload field.
The payload from the next higher layer is padded out so that the entire CPCSPDU
is a multiple of 48 octets.
The SAR-PDU consists simply of 48 octets of payload, carrying a portion of
the CPCS-PDU. The lack of protocol overhead has several implications:
1. Because there is no sequence number, the receiver must assume that all SARPDUs
arrive in the proper order for reassembly. The CRC field in the CPCSPDU
is intended to verify such an order.
2. The lack of MID field means that it is not possible to interleave cells from different
CPCS-PDUs. Therefore, each successive SAR-PDU carries a portion
of the current CPCS-PDU, or the first block of the next CPCS-PDU. To distinguish
between these two cases, the ATM user-to-user indication (AAU) bit
in the payload-type field of the ATM cell header is used (Figure 11.4). A
CPCS-PDU consists of zero or more consecutive SAR-PDUs with AAU set
to 0, followed immediately by an SAR-PDU with AAU set to 1.
3. The lack of an LI field means that there is no way for the SAR entity to distinguish
between CPCS-PDU octets and filler in the last SAR-PDU. Therefore,
there is no way for the SAR entity to find the CPCS-PDIJ trailer in the
last SAR-PDU. To avoid this situation, it is required that the CPCS-PDU payload
be padded out so that the last bit of the CPCS-trailer occurs as the last bit
of the final SAR-PDU.
Figure 11.15 shows an example of AAL 5 transmission. The CPCS-PDU,
including padding and trailer, is divided into 48-octet blocks. Each block is transmitted
in a single ATM cell.
Traffic And Congestion Control
As is the case with frame relay networks, traffic and congestion control techniques
are vital to the successful operation of ATM-based networks. Without such techniques,
traffic from user nodes can exceed the capacity of the network, causing
memory buffers of ATM switches to overflow, leading to data losses.
ATM networks present difficulties in effectively controlling congestion not
found in other types of networks, including frame relay networks. The complexity
of the problem is compounded by the limited number of overhead bits available for
exerting control over the flow of user cells. This area is currently the subject of
intense research, and no consensus has emerged for a full-blown traffic- and
congestion-control strategy. Accordingly, ITU-T has defined a restricted initial set
of traffic- and congestion-control capabilities aiming at simple mechanisms and
realistic network efficiency; these are specified in 1.371.
We begin with an overview of the congestion problem and the framework
adopted by ITU-T. We see that the focus of the mechanisms so far adopted is on
control schemes for delay-sensitive traffic, such as voice and video. These schemes
are not suited for handling bursty traffic, which is the subject of ongoing research
and standardization efforts. The discussion then turns to traffic control, which refers
to the set of actions taken by the network to avoid congestion. Finally, we examine
congestion control, which refers to the set of actions taken by the network to minimize
the intensity, spread, and duration of congestion once congestion has already
Requirements for ATM Traffic and Congestion Control
Both the types of traffic patterns imposed on ATM network and the transmission
characteristics of those network differ markedly from those of other switching networks.
Most packet-switched and frame relay networks carry non-real-time data
traffic. Typically, the traffic on individual virtual circuits or frame relay connections
is bursty in nature, and the receiving system expects to receive incoming traffic on
each connection in such a fashion. As a result,
1. The network does not need to replicate the exact timing pattern of incoming
traffic at the exit node.
2. Therefore, simple statistical multiplexing can be used to accommodate multiple
logical connections over the physical interface between user and network.
The average data rate required by each connection is less than the burst rate
for that connection, and the user-network interface (UNI) need only be
designed for a capacity somewhat greater than the sum of the average data
rates for all connections.
A number of tools are available for control of congestion in packet-switched
and frame relay networks, as we have seen in the preceding two lessons. These
types of congestion-control schemes are inadequate for ATM networks. [GERS91]
cites the following reasons:
I. The majority of traffic is not amenable to flow control. For example, voice and
video traffic sources cannot stop generating cells even when the network is
2. Feedback is slow due to the drastically reduced cell transmission time compared
to propagation delays across the network.
3. ATM networks typically support a wide range of applications requiring capacity
ranging from a few kbps to several hundred Mbps. Relatively simpleminded
congestion control schemes generally end up penalizing one end or
the other of that spectrum.
4. Applications on ATM networks may generate very different traffic patterns
(e.g., constant bit-rate versus variable bit-rate sources). Again, it is difficult for
conventional congestion control techniques to handle fairly such variety.
5. Different applications on ATM networks require different network services
(e.g., delay-sensitive service for voice and video, and loss-sensitive service for
6. The very high speeds in switching and transmission make ATM networks
more volatile in terms of congestion and traffic control. A scheme that relies
heavily on reacting to changing conditions will produce extreme and wasteful
fluctuations in routing policy and flow control.
A key issue that relates to the above points is cell delay variation, a topic to which
we now turn.
Cell-Delay Variation
For an ATM network, voice and video signals can be digitized and transmitted as a
stream of cells. A key requirement, especially for voice, is that the delay across the
network be short; generally, this will be the case for ATM networks. As we have
discussed, ATM is designed to minimize the processing and transmission overhead
internal to the network so that very fast cell switching and routing are possible.
There is another important requirement that, to some extent, conflicts with
the preceding requirement, namely that the rate of delivery of cells to the destination
user must be constant. Now, it is inevitable that there will be some variability
in the rate of delivery of cells, due both to effects within the network and at the
source UNI; we summarize these effects presently. First, let us consider how the
destination user might cope with variations in the delay of cells as they transit from
source user to destination user.
A general procedure for achieving a constant bit rate (CBR) is illustrated in
Figure 11.16. Let D(i) represent the end-to-end delay experienced by the ith cell.
The destination system does not know the exact amount of this delay; there is no
timestamp information associated with each cell, and, even if there were, it is
impossible to keep source and destination clocks perfectly synchronized. When the
first cell on a connection arrives at time t(O), the target user delays the cell an additional
amount V(0) prior to delivery to the application. V(0) is an estimate of the
If the computed value of V(i) is negative, then that cell is discarded. The result is
that data is delivered to the higher layer at a constant bit rate, with occasional gaps
due to dropped cells.
The amount of the initial delay V(O), which is also the average delay applied
to all incoming cells, is a function of the anticipated cell-delay variation. To minimize
this delay, a subscriber will therefore request a minimal cell-delay variation
from the network provider. This request leads to a trade-off; cell-delay variation can
be reduced by increasing the data rate at the UNI, relative to the load, and by
increasing resources within the network.
Network Contribution to Cell-Delay Variation
One component of cell-delay variation is due to events within the network. For
packet-switching networks, packet delay variation can be considerable, due to
queuing effects at each of the intermediate switching nodes; to a lesser extent, this
is also true of frame delay variation in frame relay networks. However, in the case
of ATM networks, cell-delay variations due to network effects are likely to be minimal;
the principal reasons for this are the following:
1. The ATM protocol is designed to minimize processing overhead at intermediate
switching nodes. The cells are fixed-size with fixed-header formats, and
there is no flow control or error control processing required.
2. To accommodate the high speeds of ATM networks, ATM switches have had
to be designed to provide extremely high throughput. Thus. the processing
time for an individual cell at a node is negligible.
The only factor that could lead to noticeable cell-delay variation within the
network is congestion. If the network begins to become congested, either cells must
be discarded or there will be a buildup of queuing delays at affected switches. Thus,
it is important that the total load accepted by the network at any time not be such
as to cause congestion.
Cell-Delay Variation at the UNI
Even if an application generates data for transmission at a constant bit rate, celldelay
variation can occur at the source due to the processing that takes place at the
three layers of the ATM model.
Figure 11.17 illustrates the potential causes of cell-delay variation. In this
example, ATM connections A and B support user data rates of X and Y Mbps,
respectively. At the AAL level, data is segmented into 48-octet blocks. Note that
on a time diagram, the blocks appear to be of different sizes for the two connections;
specifically, the time required to generate a 48-octet block of data in
microseconds is
The ATM layer encapsulates each segment into a 53-octet cell. These cells
must be interleaved and delivered to the physical layer to be transmitted at the data
rate of the physical link. Delay is introduced into this interleaving process: If two
cells from different connections arrive at the ATM layer at overlapping times, one of
the cells must be delayed by the amount of the overlap. In addition, the ATM layer
is generating OAM (operation and maintenance) cells that must also be interleaved
with user cells.
At the physical layer, there is additional opportunity for the introduction of
further cell delays. For example, if cells are transmitted in SDH frames, overhead
bits for those frames will be inserted into the physical link, thereby delaying bits
from the ATM layer.
None of the delays just listed can be predicated in any detail, and none follow
any repetitive pattern. Accordingly, there is a random element to the time interval
between reception of data at the ATM layer from the AAL and the transmission of
that data in a cell across the UNI.
Traffic and Congestion Control Framework
1.371 lists the following objectives of ATM layer traffic and congestion control:
e ATM layer traffic and congestion control should support a set of ATM layer
Quality of Service (QOS) classes sufficient for all foreseeable network services;
the specification of these QOS classes should be consistent with network
performance parameters currently under study.
rn ATM layer traffic and congestion control should not rely on AAL protocols
that are network-service specific, nor on higher-layer protocols that are application
specific. Protocol layers above the ATM layer may make use of information
provided by the ATM layer to improve the utility those protocols can
derive from the network.
a The design of an optimum set of ATM layer traffic controls and congestion
controls should minimize network and end-system complexity while maximizing
network utilization.
In order to meet these objectives, ITU-T has defined a collection of traffic and
congestion control functions that operate across a spectrum of timing intervals.
Table 11.3 lists these functions with respect to the response times within which they
operate. Four levels of timing are considered:
e Cell insertion time. Functions at this level react immediately to cells as they
are transmitted.
a Round-trip propagation time. At this level, the network responds within the
lifetime of a cell in the network, and may provide feedback indications to the
e Connection duration. At this level, the network determines whether a new
connection at a given QOS can be accommodated and what performance levels
will be agreed to.
e Long term. These are controls that affect more than one ATM connection and
that are established for long-term use.
The essence of the traffic-control strategy is based on (1) determining whether
a given new ATM connection can be accommodated and (2) agreeing with the subscriber
on the performance parameters that will be supported. In effect, the subscriber
and the network enter into a traffic contract: The network agrees to support
traffic at a certain level on this connection, and the subscriber agrees not to exceed
performance limits. Traffic control functions are concerned with establishing these
traffic parameters and enforcing them. Thus, they are concerned with congestion
avoidance. If traffic control fails in certain instances, then congestion may occur. At
this point, congestion-control functions are invoked to respond to and recover from
the congestion.
Traffic Control
A variety of traffic control functions have been defined to maintain the QOS of
ATM connections. These include
Network resource management
o Connection admission control
Usage parameter control
Priority control
o Fast resource management
We examine each of these in turn.
Network Resource Management
The essential concept behind network resource management is to allocate network
resources in such a way as to separate traffic flows according to service characteristics.
So far, the only specific traffic control function based on network resource
management deals with the use of virtual paths.
As discussed earlier, a virtual path connection (VPC) provides a convenient
means of grouping similar virtual channel connections (VCCs). The network provides
aggregate capacity and performance characteristics on the virtual path, and
these are shared by the virtual connections. There are three cases to consider:
User-to-user application. The VPC extends between a pair of UNIs. In this
case, the network has no knowledge of the QOS of the individual VCCs
within a VPC. It is the user's responsibility to assure that the aggregate
demand from the VCCs can be accommodated by the VPC.
o User-to-network application. The VPC extends between a UNI and a network
node. In this case, the network is aware of the QOS of the VCCs within
the VPC and has to accommodate them.
Network-to-network application. The VPC extends between two network
nodes. Again, in this case, the network is aware of the QOS of the VCCs
within the VPC and has to accommodate them.
The QOS parameters that are of primary concern for network resource management
are cell loss ratio, cell transfer delay, and cell delay variation, all of which
are affected by the number of resources devoted to the VPC by the network. If a
VCC extends through multiple VPCs, then the performance on that VCC depends
on the performances of the consecutive VPCs, and on how the connection is handled
at any node that performs VCC-related functions. Such a node may be a
switch, concentrator, or other network equipment. The performance of each VPC
depends on the capacity of that VPC and the traffic characteristics of the VCCs contained
within the VPC. The performance of each VCC-related function depends on
the switching/processing speed at the node and on the relative priority with which
various cells are handled.
Figure 11.18 gives an example. VCCs 1 and 2 experience a performance that
depends on VPCs b and c and on how these VCCs are handled by the intermediate
nodes; this may differ from the performance experienced by VCCs 3,4, and 5.
There are a number of alternatives for the way in which VCCs are grouped
and the type of performance they experience. If all of the VCCs within a VPC are
handled similarly, then they should experience similar expected network performance,
in terms of cell-loss ratio, cell-transfer delay, and cell-delay variation. Alternatively,
when different VCCs within the same VPC require different QOS, the
VPC performance objective agreed upon by network and subscriber should be suitably
set for the most demanding VCC requirement.
In either case, with multiple VCCs within the same VPC, the network has two
general options for allocating capacity to the VPC:
1. Aggregate peak demand. The network may set the capacity (data rate) of the
VPC equal to the total of the peak data rates of all of the VCCs within the
VPC. The advantage of this approach is that each VCC can be given a QOS
that accommodates its peak demand. The disadvantage is that most of the
time, the VPC capacity will not be fully utilized, and, therefore, the network
will have underutilized resources.
2. Statistical multiplexing. If the network sets the capacity of the VPC to be
greater than or equal to the average data rates of all the VCCs but less than
the aggregate peak demand, then a statistical multiplexing service is supplied.
With statistical multiplexing, VCCs experience greater cell-delay variation
and greater cell-transfer delay. Depending on the size of buffers used to queue
cells for transmission, VCCs may also experience greater cell-loss ratio. This
approach has the advantage of more efficient utilization of capacity, and is
attractive if the VCCs can tolerate the lower QOS.
When statistical multiplexing is used, it is preferable to group VCCs into
VPCs on the basis of similar traffic characteristics and similar QOS requirements.
If dissimilar VCCs share the same VPC and statistical multiplexing is used, it is difficult
to provide fair access to both high-demand and low-demand traffic streams.
Connection Admission Control
Connection admission control is the first line of defense for the network in protecting
itself from excessive loads. In essence, when a user requests a new VPC or VCC,
the user must specify (implicitly or explicitly) the traffic characteristics in both
directions for that connection. The user selects traffic characteristics by selecting a
QOS from among the QOS classes that the network provides. The network accepts
the connection only if it can commit the resources necessary to support that traffic
level while at the same time maintaining the agreed-upon QOS of existing connections.
By accepting the connection, the network forms a traffic contract with the
user. Once the connection is accepted, the network continues to provide the agreedupon
QOS as long as the user complies with the traffic contract.
For the current specification, the traffic contract consists of the four parameters
defined in Table 11.4: peak cell rate (PCR), cell-delay variation (CDV), sustainable
cell rate (SCR), and burst tolerance. Only the first two parameters are relevant for
a constant bit rate (CBR) source; all four parameters may be used for variable bit
rate (VBR) sources.
As the name suggests, the peak cell rate is the maximum rate at which cells are
generated by the source on this connection. However, we need to take into account
the cell-delay variation. Although a source may be generating cells at a constant
peak rate, cell-delay variations introduced by various factors (see Figure 11.17) will
affect the timing, causing cells to clump up and gaps to occur. Thus, a source may
temporarily exceed the peak cell rate due to clumping. For the network to properly
allocate resources to this connection, it must know not only the peak cell rate but
also the CDV.
The exact relationship between peak cell rate and CDV depends on the operational
definitions of these two terms. The standards provide these definitions in
terms of a cell rate algorithm. Because this algorithm can be used for usage parameter
control, we defer a discussion until the next subsection.
The PCR and CDV must be specified for every connection. As an option for
variable-bit rate sources, the user may also specify a sustainable cell rate and burst
tolerance. These parameters are analogous to PCR and CDV, respectively, but
apply to an average rate of cell generation rather than to a peak rate. The user can
describe the future flow of cells in greater detail by using the SCR and burst tolerance
as well as the PCR and CDV. With this additional information, the network
may be able to more efficiently utilize the network resources. For example, if a
number of VCCs are statistically multiplexed over a VPC, knowledge of both average
and peak cell rates enables the network to allocate buffers of sufficient size to
handle the traffic efficiently without cell loss.
For a given connection (VPC or VCC), the four traffic parameters may be
specified in several ways, as illustrated in Table 11.5. Parameter values may be
implicitly defined by default rules set by the network operator. In this case, all connections
are assigned the same values or all connections of a given class are assigned
the same values for that class. The network operator may also associate parameter
values with a given subscriber and assign these at the time of subscription. Finally,
parameter values tailored to a particular connection may be assigned at connection
time. In the case of a permanent virtual connection, these values are assigned by the
network when the connection is set up. For a switched virtual connection, the parameters
are negotiated between the user and the network via a signaling protocol.
Another aspect of quality of service that may be requested or assigned for a
connection is cell-loss priority. A user may request two levels of cell-loss priority for
an ATM connection; the priority of an individual cell is indicated by the user
through the CLP bit in the cell header (see Figure 11.4). When two priority levels
are used, the traffic parameters for both cell flows must be specified; typically, this
is done by specifying a set of traffic parameters for high-priority traffic (CLP = 0)
and a set of traffic parameters for all traffic (CLP = 0 or 1). Based on this breakdown,
the network may be able to allocate resources more efficiently.
Usage Parameter Control
Once a connection has been accepted by the Connection Admission Control function,
the Usage Parameter Control (UPC) function of the network monitors the
connection to determine whether the traffic conforms to the traffic contract. The
main purpose of Usage Parameter Control is to protect network resources from an
overload on one connection that would adversely affect the QOS on other connections
by detecting violations of assigned parameters and taking appropriate actions.
Usage parameter control can be done at both the virtual path and virtual
channel levels. Of these, the more important is VPC-level control, as network
resources are, in general, initially allocated on the basis of virtual paths, with the virtual
path capacity shared among the member virtual channels.
There are two separate functions encompassed by usage parameter control: - Control of peak cell rate and the associated cell-delay variation (CDV)
Control of sustainable cell rate and the associated burst tolerance
Let us first consider the peak cell rate and the associated cell-delay variation.
In simple terms, a traffic flow is compliant if the peak rate of cell transmission does
not exceed the agreed-upon peak cell rate, subject to the possibility of cell-delay
variation within the agreed-upon bound. 1.371 defines an algorithm, the peak cellrate
algorithm, that monitors compliance. The algorithm operates on the basis of
two parameters: a peak cell-rate R and a CDV tolerance limit of T. Then, T = 1/R
is the interarrival time between cells if there were no CDV. With CDV, T is the
average interarrival time at the peak rate. The algorithm uses a form of leakybucket
mechanism to monitor the rate at which cells arrive in order to assure that
the interarrival time is not too short to cause the flow to exceed the peak cell rate
by an amount greater than the tolerance limit.
The same algorithm, with different parameters can be used to monitor the sustainable
cell rate and the associated burst tolerance. In this case, the parameters are
the sustainable cell-rate R, and a burst tolerance T,.
The cell-rate algorithm is rather complex: details can be found in [STAL95a].
The cell-rate algorithm simply defines a way to monitor compliance with the traffic
contract. To perform usage parameter control, the network must act on the results
of the algorithm. The simplest strategy passes along compliant cells and discards
noncompliant cells at the point of the UPC function.
At the network's option, cell tagging may also be used for noncompliant cells.
In this case, a noncompliant cell may be tagged with CLP = 1 (low priority) and
passed. Such cells are then subject to discard at a later point in the network.
If the user has negotiated two levels of cell-loss priority for a network, then
the situation is more complex. Recall that the user may negotiate a traffic contract
for high-priority traffic (CLP = 0) and a separate contract for aggregate traffic
(CLP 0 or 1). The following rules apply:
1. A cell with CLP = 0 that conforms to the traffic contract for CLP = 0 passes.
2. A cell with CLP = 0 that is noncompliant for (CLP = 0) traffic but compliant
for (CLP 0 or 1) traffic is tagged and passed.
3. A cell with CLP = 0 that is noncompliant for (CLP = 0) traffic and noncompliant
for (CLP 0 or 1) traffic is discarded.
4. A cell with CLP = 1 that is compliant for (CLP = 1) traffic is passed.
5. A cell with CLP = 1 that is noncompliant for (CLP 0 or 1) traffic is discarded.
Priority Control
Priority control comes into play when the network, at some point beyond the UPC
function, discards (CLP = 1) cells. The objective is to discard lower priority cells in
order to protect the performance for higher-priority cells. Note that the network
has no way to discriminate between cells that were labeled as lower-priority by the
source and cells that were tagged by the UPC function.
Fast Resource Management
Fast resource management functions operate on the time scale of the round-trip
propagation delay of the ATM connection. The current version of 1.371 lists fastresource
management as a potential tool for traffic control that is for further study.
One example of such a function that is given in the Recommendation is the ability
of the network to respond to a request by a user to send a burst. That is, the user
would like to temporarily exceed the current traffic contract to send a relatively
large amount of data. If the network determines that the resources exist along the
route for this VCC or VPC for such a burst, then the network reserves those
resources and grants permission. Following the burst, the normal traffic control is
Congestion Control
ATM congestion control refers to the set of actions taken by the network to minimize
the intensity, spread, and duration of congestion. These actions are triggered
by congestion in one or more network elements. The following two functions have
been defined:
Q Selective cell discarding
0 Explicit forward congestion indication
Selective Cell Discarding
Selective cell discarding is similar to priority control. In the priority control function
(CLP = I), cells are discarded to avoid congestion. However, only "excess" cells are
discarded. That is, cells are limited so that the performance objectives for the (CLP
= 0) and (CLP = 1) flows are still met. Once congestion actually occurs, the network
is no longer bound to meet all performance objectives. To recover from a congested
condition, the network is free to discard any (CLP = 1) cell and may even
discard (CLP = 0) cells on ATM connections that are not complying with their traffic
Explicit Forward Congestion Indication
Explicit forward congestion notification for ATM network works in essentially the
same manner as for frame relay networks. Any ATM network node that is experiencing
congestion may set an explicit forward congestion indication in the payload
type field of the cell header of cells on connections passing through the node (Figure
11.4). The indication notifies the user that congestion avoidance procedures
should be initiated for traffic in the same direction as the received cell. It indicates
that this cell on this ATM connection has encountered congested resources. The
user may then invoke actions in higher-layer protocols to adaptively lower the cell
rate of the connection.
The network issues the indication by setting the first two bits of the payload
type field in the cell header to 01 (Table 11.2). Once this value is set by any node, it
may not be altered by other network nodes along the path to the destination user.
Note that the generic flow control (GFC) field is not involved. The GFC field
has only local significance and cannot be communicated across the network