
Wednesday, September 28, 2016


The operation of frame relay for user data transfer is best explained by beginning
with the frame format, illustrated in Figure 10.7a. This is the format defined for the
minimum-function LAPF protocol (known as LAPF core protocol). The format is
similar to that of LAPD and LAPB with one obvious omission: There is no control
This has the following implications:
There is only one frame type, used for carrying user data. There are no control
It is not possible to use inband signaling; a logical connection can only carry
user data.
It is not possible to perform flow control and error control, as there are no
sequence numbers.
The flag and frame check sequence (FCS) fields function as in LAPD and
LAPB. The information field carries higher-layer data. If the user selects to implement
additional data link control functions end-to-end, then a data link frame can
be carried in this field. Specifically, a common selection will be to use the full LAPF
protocol (known as LAPF control protocol) in order to perform functions above
the LAPF core functions. Note that the protocol implemented in this fashion is
strictly between the end subscribers and is transparent to ISDN.
The address field has a default length of 2 octets and may be extended to 3 or
4 octets. It carries a data link connection identifier (DLCI) of 10, 17, or 24 bits. The
DLCI serves the same function as the virtual circuit number in X.25: It allows multiple
logical frame relay connections to be multiplexed over a single channel. As in
X.25, the connection identifier has only local significance; each end of the logical
connection assigns its own DLCI from the pool of locally unused numbers: and the
network must map from one to the other. The alternative, using the same DLCI on
both ends, would require some sort of global management of DLCI values.
The length of the address field, and hence of the DLCI, is determined by the
address field extension (EA) bits. The C/R bit is application-specific and is not used
by the standard frame relay protocol. The remaining bits in the address field have
to do with congestion control, and are discussed in Section 10.6.
Figure 10.8 is another view of the protocols involved in frame relay, this time
from the point of view of the individual frame relay connections. There is a common
physical layer and frame relay sublayer. An optional layer-2 data link control
protocol may be included above the frame relay sublayer. This selection is application-
dependent and may differ for different frame relay connections (DLC-i). If
frame relay call control messages are carried in frame relay frames, they are carried
on DLCI 0, which provides a frame relay connection between the user and the
frame handler. DLCI 8191 is dedicated to management procedures.
Network Function
The frame relaying function performed by ISDN, or any network that supports
frame relaying, consists of the routing of frames with the format of Figure 10.7a,
based on their DLCI values.
Figure 10.9 suggests the operation of a frame handler in a situation in which a
number of users are directly connected to the same frame handler over different
physical channels. The operation could just as well involve relaying a frame through
two or more frame handlers. In this figure, the decision-making logic is shown conceptually
as a separate module: the frame relay control point. This module is
responsible for making routing decisions.
Typically, routing is controlled by entries in a connection table based on DLCI
that map incoming frames from one channel to another. The frame handler switches
a frame from an incoming channel to an outgoing channel, based on the appropriate
entry in the connection table, and translates the DLCI in the frame before transmission.
For example, incoming frames from TE B on logical connection 306 are
retransmitted to TE D on logical connection 342. The figure also shows the multiplexing
function: Multiple logical connections to TE D are multiplexed over the
same physical channel.
Note also that all of the TEs have a logical connection to the frame relay control
point with a value of DLCI = 0. These connections are reserved for in-channel
call control, to be used when 1.451lQ.931 on the D-channel is not used for frame
relay call control.
As part of the frame relay function, the FCS of each incoming frame is
checked. When an error is detected, the frame is simply discarded. It is the responsibility
of the end users to institute error recovery above the frame relay protocol.
In Section 9.3, we discussed the potentially disastrous effects of congestion on the
ability of network nodes to sustain throughput. To summarize that discussion, Figure
10.10 illustrates the effects of congestion in general terms. As the load on a network
increases, a region of mild congestion is reached, where the queuing delays at
the nodes results in increased end-to-end delay and reduced capability to provide
desired throughput. When a point of severe congestion is reached, the classic queu-
ing response results in dramatic growth in delays and a collapse in throughput.
It is clear that these catastrophic events must be avoided, which is the task of
congestion control. The object of all congestion control techniques is to limit queue
lengths at the frame handlers so as to avoid throughput collapse. This section provides
an overview of congestion control techniques developed as part of the frame
relay standardization effort.
Approaches to Frame Relay Congestion Control
ITU-T Recommendation 1.370 defines the objectives for frame relay congestion
control to be the following:
w Minimize frame discard
s Maintain, with high probability and minimum variance, an agreed quality of
s Minimize the possibility that one end user can monopolize network resources
at the expense of other end users
w Be simple to implement, and place little overhead on either end user or
s Create minimal additional network traffic
e Distribute network resources fairly among end users
e Limit spread of congestion to other networks and elements within the
e Operate effectively regardless of the traffic flow in either direction between
end users
w Have minimum interaction or impact on other systems in the frame relaying
w Minimize the variance in quality of service delivered to individual frame relay
connections during congestion (e.g., individual logical connections should not
experience sudden degradation when congestion approaches or has occurred)
The challenge of congestion control is particularly acute for a frame relay network
because of the limited tools available to the frame handlers. The frame relay
protocol has been streamlined in order to maximize throughput and efficiency; a
consequence of this is that a frame handler cannot control the flow of frames corning
from a subscriber or an adjacent frame handler using the typical sliding-window
flow control protocol, such as is found in LAPD.
Congestion control is the joint responsibility of the network and the end users.
The network (i.e., the collection of frame handlers) is in the best position to monitor
the degree of congestion, while the end users are in the best position to control
congestion by limiting the flow of traffic.
Table 10.3 lists the congestion control techniques defined in the various ITU-T
and ANSI documents. Discard strategy deals with the most fundamental response
to congestion: When congestion becomes severe enough, the network is forced to
discard frames; we would like to do this in a way that is fair to all users.
Congestion a oidance procedures are used at the onset of congestion to mini
mize the effect on the network. Thus, these procedures would be initiated at or
prior to point A in Figure 10.10 to prevent congestion from progressing to point B.
Near point A, there would be little evidence available to end users that congestion
is increasing. Thus, there must be some explicit signaling mechanism from the network
that will trigger the congestion avoidance.
Congestion recovery procedures are used to prevent network collapse in the
face of severe congestion. These procedures are typically initiated when the network
has begun to drop frames due to congestion. Such dropped frames will
be reported by some higher layer of software (e.g., LAPF control protocol), and
serve as an implicit signaling mechanism. Congestion recovery procedures operate
around point B and within the region of severe congestion, as shown in
Figure 10.10.
ITU-T and ANSI consider congestion avoidance with explicit signaling and
congestion recovery with implicit signaling to be complementary forms of congestion
control in the frame relaying bearer service.
Traffic Rate Management
As a last resort, a frame relaying network must discard frames to cope with congestion.
There is no getting around this fact. Because each frame handler in the network
has finite memory available for queuing frames (Figure 9.9), it is possible for
a queue to overflow, necessitating the discard of either the most recently arrived
frame or some other frame.
The simplest way to cope with congestion is for the frame relaying network to
simply discard frames arbitrarily, with no regard to the source of a particular frame.
In that case, because there is no reward for restraint, the best strategy for any individual
end system is to transmit frames as rapidly as possible; this, of course, exac
erbates the congestion problem'?
To provide for a fairer allocation of resources, the frame relaying bearer service
includes the concept of a committed information rate (CIR). This is a rate, in
bits per second, that the network agrees to support for a particular frame-mode connection.
Any data transmitted in excess of the CIR is vulnerable to discard in the
event of congestion. Despite the use of the term committed, there is no guarantee
that even the CIR will be met. In cases of extreme congestion, the network may be
forced to provide a service at less than the CIR for a given connection. However,
when it comes time to discard frames, the network will choose to discard frames on
connections that are exceeding their CIR before discarding frames that are within
their CIR.
In theory, each frame relaying node should manage its affairs so that the
aggregate of CIRs of all the connections of all the end systems attached to the node
do not exceed the capacity of the node. In addition, the aggregate of the CIRs
should not exceed the physical data rate across the user-network interface, known
as the access rate. The limitation imposed by the access rate can be expressed as
Considerations of node capacity may result in the selection of lower values for
some of the CIRs.
For permanent frame relay connections, the CIR for each connection must be
established at the time the connection is made between user and network. For
switched connections, the CIR parameter is negotiated; this is done in the setup
phase of the call control protocol.
The CIR provides a way of discriminating among frames in determining which
frames to discard in the face of congestion. Discrimination is indicated by means of
the discard eligibility (DE) bit in the LAPF frame (Figure 10.7). The frame handler
to which the user's station attaches performs a metering function (Figure 10.11). If
the user is sending data at less than the CIR, the incoming frame handler does not
alter the DE bit. If the rate exceeds the CIR, the incoming frame handler will set
the DE bit on the excess frames and then forward them; such frames may get
through or may be discarded if congestion is encountered. Finally, a maximum rate
is defined, such that any frames above the maximum are discarded at the entry
frame handler.
The CIR, by itself, does not provide much flexibility in dealing with traffic
rates. In practice, a frame handler measures traffic over each logical connection for
a time interval specific to that connection, and then makes a decision based on the
amount of data received during that interval. Two additional parameters, assigned
on permanent connections and negotiated on switched connections, are needed.
They are
Committed Burst Size (Bc). The maximum amount of data that the network
agrees to transfer, under normal conditions, over a measurement interval T.
These data may or may not be contiguous (i.e., it may appear in one frame or
in several frames).
e Excess Burst Size (Bc). The maximum amount of data in excess of Bc that the
network will attempt to transfer, under normal conditions, over a measurement
interval T. These data are uncommitted in the sense that the network
does not commit to delivery under normal conditions. Put another way, the
data that represent Be are delivered with lower probability than the data
within Bc,.
The quantities B, and CIR are related. Because Bc is the amount of committed
data that may be transmitted by the user over a time T, and CIR is the rate at
which committed data may be transmitted, we must have
over the measurement interval T. Note that when a frame is being transmitted, the
solid line is parallel to the Access Rate line; when a frame is transmitted on a channel,
that channel is dedicated to the transmission of that frame. When no frame is
being transmitted, the solid line is horizontal.
Part (a) of the figure shows an example in which three frames are transmitted
within the measurement interval, and the total number of bits in the three frames is
less than B,. Note that during the transmission of the first frame, the actual transmission
rate temporarily exceeds the CIR. This excess is of no consequence because
the frame handler is only concerned with the cumulative number of bits transmitted
over the entire interval. In part (b) of the figure, the last frame transmitted during
the interval causes the cumulative number of transmitted bits to exceed Bc. Accord
ingly, that DE bit of that frame is set by the frame handler. In part (c) of the figure,
the third frame exceeds B, and so is labeled for potential discard. The fourth frame
exceeds Bc + Be and is discarded.
This scheme is an example of a leaky bucket algorithm, and a mechanism for
implementing it is illustrated in Figure 10.13. The frame handler records the cumulative
amount of data sent over a connection in a counter C. The counter is decremented
at a rate of Bc every T time units. Of course, the counter is not allowed to
become negative, so the actual assignment is C ß MIN [C, Bc]. Whenever the
counter value exceeds Bc but is less than Bc + Be, incoming data are in excess of the
committed burst size and are forwarded with the DE bit set. If the counter reaches
Bc + Be, all incoming frames are discarded until the counter has been decremented.
Congestion Avoidance with Explicit Signaling
It is desirable to use as much of the available capacity in a frame relay network as
possible but still react to congestion in a controlled and fair manner. This is the purpose
of explicit congestion avoidance techniques. In general terms, for explicit congestion
avoidance, the network alerts end systems to growing congestion within the
network and the end systems take steps to reduce the offered load to the network.
As the standards for explicit congestion avoidance were being developed, two
general strategies were considered [BERG91]. One group believed that congestion
always occurred slowly and almost always in the network egress nodes. Another
group had seen cases in which congestion grew very quickly in the internal nodes
and required quick, decisive action to prevent network congestion. We will see that
these two approaches are reflected in the forward and backward explicit congestion
avoidance techniques, respectively.
For explicit signaling, two bits in the address field of each frame are provided.
Either bit may be set by any frame handler that detects congestion. If a frame handler
receives a frame in which one or both of these bits are set, it must not clear the
bits before forwarding the frame. Thus, the bits constitute signals from the network
to the end user. The two bits are
Backward explicit congestion notification (BECN). Notifies the user that congestion
avoidance procedures should be initiated where applicable for traffic
in the opposite direction of the received frame. The notification indicates that
the frames transmitted by the user on this logical connection may encounter
congested resources.
Forward explicit congestion notification (FECN). Notifies the user that congestion
avoidance procedures should be initiated where applicable for traffic
in the same direction as the received frame. The notification indicates that this
frame, on this logical connection, has encountered congested resources.
Let us consider how these bits are used by the network and the user. First, for
the network response, it is necessary for each frame handler to monitor its queuing
behavior. If queue lengths begin to grow to a dangerous level, then either FECN or
BECN bits, or a combination, should be set to try to reduce the flow of frames
through that frame handler. The choice of FECN or BECN may be determined by
whether the end users on a given logical connection are prepared to respond to one
or the other of these bits; this may be determined at configuration time. In any case,
the frame handler has some choice as to which logical connections should be alerted
to congestion. If congestion is becoming quite serious, all logical connections
through a frame handler might be notified. In the early stages of congestion, the
frame handler might just notify users for those connections that are generating the
most traffic.
In an lesson to ANSI T1.618, a procedure for monitoring queue lengths is
suggested. The frame handler monitors the size of each of its queues. A cycle begins
when the outgoing circuit goes from idle (queue empty) to busy (non-zero queue
size, including the current frame). The average queue size over the previous cycle
and the current cycle is calculated. If the average size exceeds a threshold value,
then the circuit is in a state of incipient congestion, and the congestion avoidance
bits should be set on some or all logical connections that use that circuit. By averaging
over two cycles instead of just monitoring current queue length, the system
avoids reacting to temporary surges that would not necessarily produce congestion.
The average queue length may be computed by determining the area (product
of queue size and time interval) over the two cycles and dividing by the time of
the two cycles. This algorithm is illustrated in Figure 10.14.
The user response is determined by the receipt of BECN or FECN signals. The
simplest procedure is the response to a BECN signal: The user simply reduces the
rate at which frames are transmitted until the signal ceases. The response to an
FECN is more complex, as it requires the user to notify its peer user of this connection
to restrict its flow of frames. The core functions used in the frame relay pro
tocol do not support this notification; therefore, it must be done at a higher layer,
such as the transport layer. The flow control could also be accomplished by the
LAPF control protocol or some other link control protocol implemented above the
frame relay sublayer (Figure 10.8). The LAPF control protocol is particularly useful
because it includes an enhancement to LAPD that permits the user to adjust
window size.
Congestion Recovery with Implicit Signaling
Implicit signaling occurs when the network discards a frame, and this fact is
detected by the end user at a higher, end-to-end layer, such as the LAPF control
protocol. When this occurs, the end user software may deduce that congestion
For example, in a data link control protocol such as the LAPF control protocol,
which uses a sliding-window flow and error control technique, the protocol
detects the loss of an I frame in one of two ways:
1. When a frame is dropped by the network, the following frame will generate
an REJ frame from the receiving end point.
2. When a frame is dropped by-the network, no acknowledgment is returned
from the other end system. Eventually, the source end system will time out
and transmit a command with the P bit set to 1. The subsequent response with
the F bit set to 1 should indicate that the receive sequence number N(R) from
the other side is less than the current send sequence number.
Once congestion is detected, the protocol uses flow control to recover from
the congestion. LAPF suggests that a user that is capable of varying the flow con
trol window size use this mechanism in response to implicit signaling. Let us assume
that the layer-2 window size, W, can vary between the parameters Wmin and W,,,,
and is initially set to W,,,. In general, we would like to reduce W, as congestion
increases, to gradually throttle the transmission of frames. Three classes of adaptive
window schemes based on response to one of the two conditions listed above have
been suggested [CHEN89, DOSH881:

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