
Wednesday, September 7, 2016

HTTP—The HyperText Transfer Protocol

7.3.4 HTTP—The HyperText Transfer Protocol

The transfer protocol used throughout the World Wide Web is HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol). It specifies what messages clients may send to servers and what responses they get back in return. Each interaction consists of one ASCII request, followed by one RFC 822 MIME-like response. All clients and all servers must obey this protocol. It is defined in RFC 2616. In this section we will look at some of its more important properties.
The usual way for a browser to contact a server is to establish a TCP connection to port 80 on the server's machine, although this procedure is not formally required. The value of using TCP is that neither browsers nor servers have to worry about lost messages, duplicate messages, long messages, or acknowledgements. All of these matters are handled by the TCP implementation.
In HTTP 1.0, after the connection was established, a single request was sent over and a single response was sent back. Then the TCP connection was released. In a world in which the typical Web page consisted entirely of HTML text, this method was adequate. Within a few years, the average Web page contained large numbers of icons, images, and other eye candy, so establishing a TCP connection to transport a single icon became a very expensive way to operate.
This observation led to HTTP 1.1, which supports persistent connections. With them, it is possible to establish a TCP connection, send a request and get a response, and then send additional requests and get additional responses. By amortizing the TCP setup and release over multiple requests, the relative overhead due to TCP is much less per request. It is also possible to pipeline requests, that is, send request 2 before the response to request 1 has arrived.
Although HTTP was designed for use in the Web, it has been intentionally made more general than necessary with an eye to future object-oriented applications. For this reason, operations, called methods, other than just requesting a Web page are supported. This generality is what permitted SOAP to come into existence. Each request consists of one or more lines of ASCII text, with the first word on the first line being the name of the method requested. The built-in methods are listed in Fig. 7-41. For accessing general objects, additional object-specific methods may also be available. The names are case sensitive, so GET is a legal method but get is not.
Figure 7-41. The built-in HTTP request methods.
The GET method requests the server to send the page (by which we mean object, in the most general case, but in practice normally just a file). The page is suitably encoded in MIME. The vast majority of requests to Web servers are GETs. The usual form of GET is
GET filename HTTP/1.1
where filename names the resource (file) to be fetched and 1.1 is the protocol version being used.
The HEAD method just asks for the message header, without the actual page. This method can be used to get a page's time of last modification, to collect information for indexing purposes, or just to test a URL for validity.
The PUT method is the reverse of GET: instead of reading the page, it writes the page. This method makes it possible to build a collection of Web pages on a remote server. The body of the request contains the page. It may be encoded using MIME, in which case the lines following the PUT might include Content-Type and authentication headers, to prove that the caller indeed has permission to perform the requested operation.
Somewhat similar to PUT is the POST method. It, too, bears a URL, but instead of replacing the existing data, the new data is ''appended'' to it in some generalized sense. Posting a message to a newsgroup or adding a file to a bulletin board system are examples of appending in this context. In practice, neither PUT nor POST is used very much.
DELETE does what you might expect: it removes the page. As with PUT, authentication and permission play a major role here. There is no guarantee that DELETE succeeds, since even if the remote HTTP server is willing to delete the page, the underlying file may have a mode that forbids the HTTP server from modifying or removing it.
The TRACE method is for debugging. It instructs the server to send back the request. This method is useful when requests are not being processed correctly and the client wants to know what request the server actually got.
The CONNECT method is not currently used. It is reserved for future use.
The OPTIONS method provides a way for the client to query the server about its properties or those of a specific file.
Every request gets a response consisting of a status line, and possibly additional information (e.g., all or part of a Web page). The status line contains a three-digit status code telling whether the request was satisfied, and if not, why not. The first digit is used to divide the responses into five major groups, as shown in Fig. 7-42. The 1xx codes are rarely used in practice. The 2xx codes mean that the request was handled successfully and the content (if any) is being returned. The 3xx codes tell the client to look elsewhere, either using a different URL or in its own cache (discussed later). The 4xx codes mean the request failed due to a client error such an invalid request or a nonexistent page. Finally, the 5xx errors mean the server itself has a problem, either due to an error in its code or to a temporary overload.
Figure 7-42. The status code response groups.
Message Headers
The request line (e.g., the line with the GET method) may be followed by additional lines with more information. They are called request headers. This information can be compared to the parameters of a procedure call. Responses may also have response headers. Some headers can be used in either direction. A selection of the most important ones is given in Fig. 7-43.
Figure 7-43. Some HTTP message headers.
The User-Agent header allows the client to inform the server about its browser, operating system, and other properties. In Fig. 7-34 we saw that the server magically had this information and could produce it on demand in a PHP script. This header is used by the client to provide the server with the information.
The four Accept headers tell the server what the client is willing to accept in the event that it has a limited repertoire of what is acceptable. The first header specifies the MIME types that are welcome (e.g., text/html). The second gives the character set (e.g., ISO-8859-5 or Unicode-1-1). The third deals with compression methods (e.g., gzip). The fourth indicates a natural language (e.g., Spanish) If the server has a choice of pages, it can use this information to supply the one the client is looking for. If it is unable to satisfy the request, an error code is returned and the request fails.
The Host header names the server. It is taken from the URL. This header is mandatory. It is used because some IP addresses may serve multiple DNS names and the server needs some way to tell which host to hand the request to.
The Authorization header is needed for pages that are protected. In this case, the client may have to prove it has a right to see the page requested. This header is used for that case.
Although cookies are dealt with in RFC 2109 rather than RFC 2616, they also have two headers. The Cookie header is used by clients to return to the server a cookie that was previously sent by some machine in the server's domain.
The Date header can be used in both directions and contains the time and date the message was sent. The Upgrade header is used to make it easier to make the transition to a future (possibly incompatible) version of the HTTP protocol. It allows the client to announce what it can support and the server to assert what it is using.
Now we come to the headers used exclusively by the server in response to requests. The first one, Server, allows the server to tell who it is and some of its properties if it wishes.
The next four headers, all starting with Content-, allow the server to describe properties of the page it is sending.
The Last-Modified header tells when the page was last modified. This header plays an important role in page caching.
The Location header is used by the server to inform the client that it should try a different URL. This can be used if the page has moved or to allow multiple URLs to refer to the same page (possibly on different servers). It is also used for companies that have a main Web page in the com domain, but which redirect clients to a national or regional page based on their IP address or preferred language.
If a page is very large, a small client may not want it all at once. Some servers will accept requests for byte ranges, so the page can be fetched in multiple small units. The Accept-Ranges header announces the server's willingness to handle this type of partial page request.
The second cookie header, Set-Cookie, is how servers send cookies to clients. The client is expected to save the cookie and return it on subsequent requests to the server.
Example HTTP Usage
Because HTTP is an ASCII protocol, it is quite easy for a person at a terminal (as opposed to a browser) to directly talk to Web servers. All that is needed is a TCP connection to port 80 on the server. Readers are encouraged to try this scenario personally (preferably from a UNIX system, because some other systems do not return the connection status). The following command sequence will do it:
telnet 80 >log
GET /rfc.html HTTP/1.1

This sequence of commands starts up a telnet (i.e., TCP) connection to port 80 on IETF's Web server, The result of the session is redirected to the file log for later inspection. Then comes the GET command naming the file and the protocol. The next line is the mandatory Host header. The blank line is also required. It signals the server that there are no more request headers. The close command instructs the telnet program to break the connection.
The log can be inspected using any editor. It should start out similarly to the listing in Fig. 7-44, unless IETF has changed it recently.
Figure 7-44. The start of the output of
The first three lines are output from the telnet program, not from the remote site. The line beginning HTTP/1.1 is IETF's response saying that it is willing to talk HTTP/1.1 with you. Then come a number of headers and then the content. We have seen all the headers already except for ETag which is a unique page identifier related to caching, and X-Pad which is nonstandard and probably a workaround for some buggy browser.
7.3.5 Performance Enhancements
The popularity of the Web has almost been its undoing. Servers, routers, and lines are frequently overloaded. Many people have begun calling the WWW the World Wide Wait. As a consequence of these endless delays, researchers have developed various techniques for improving performance. We will now examine three of them: caching, server replication, and content delivery networks.
A fairly simple way to improve performance is to save pages that have been requested in case they are used again. This technique is especially effective with pages that are visited a great deal, such as and Squirreling away pages for subsequent use is called caching. The usual procedure is for some process, called a proxy, to maintain the cache. To use caching, a browser can be configured to make all page requests to a proxy instead of to the page's real server. If the proxy has the page, it returns the page immediately. If not, it fetches the page from||the server, adds it to the cache for future use, and returns it to the client that requested it.
Two important questions related to caching are as follows:
  1. Who should do the caching?
  2. How long should pages be cached?
There are several answers to the first question. Individual PCs often run proxies so they can quickly look up pages previously visited. On a company LAN, the proxy is often a machine shared by all the machines on the LAN, so if one user looks at a certain page and then another one on the same LAN wants the same page, it can be fetched from the proxy's cache. Many ISPs also run proxies, in order to speed up access for all their customers. Often all of these caches operate at the same time, so requests first go to the local proxy. If that fails, the local proxy queries the LAN proxy. If that fails, the LAN proxy tries the ISP proxy. The latter must succeed, either from its cache, a higher-level cache, or from the server itself. A scheme involving multiple caches tried in sequence is called hierarchical caching. A possible implementation is illustrated in Fig. 7-45.
Figure 7-45. Hierarchical caching with three proxies.
How long should pages be cached is a bit trickier. Some pages should not be cached at all. For example, a page containing the prices of the 50 most active stocks changes every second. If it were to be cached, a user getting a copy from the cache would get stale (i.e., obsolete) data. On the other hand, once the stock exchange has closed for the day, that page will remain valid for hours or days, until the next trading session starts. Thus, the cacheability of a page may vary wildly over time.
The key issue with determining when to evict a page from the cache is how much staleness users are willing to put up with (since cached pages are kept on disk, the amount of storage consumed is rarely an issue). If a proxy throws out pages quickly, it will rarely return a stale page but it will also not be very effective (i.e., have a low hit rate). If it keeps pages too long, it may have a high hit rate but at the expense of often returning stale pages.
There are two approaches to dealing with this problem. The first one uses a heuristic to guess how long to keep each page. A common one is to base the holding time on the Last-Modified header (see Fig. 7-43). If a page was modified an hour ago, it is held in the cache for an hour. If it was modified a year ago, it is obviously a very stable page (say, a list of the gods from Greek and Roman mythology), so it can be cached for a year with a reasonable expectation of it not changing during the year. While this heuristic often works well in practice, it does return stale pages from time to time.
The other approach is more expensive but eliminates the possibility of stale pages by using special features of RFC 2616 that deal with cache management. One of the most useful of these features is the If-Modified-Since request header, which a proxy can send to a server. It specifies the page the proxy wants and the time the cached page was last modified (from the Last-Modified header). If the page has not been modified since then, the server sends back a short Not Modified message (status code 304 in Fig. 7-42), which instructs the proxy to use the cached page. If the page has been modified since then, the new page is returned. While this approach always requires a request message and a reply message, the reply message will be very short when the cache entry is still valid.
These two approaches can easily be combined. For the first DT after fetching the page, the proxy just returns it to clients asking for it. After the page has been around for a while, the proxy uses If-Modified-Since messages to check on its freshness. Choosing DT invariably involves some kind of heuristic, depending on how long ago the page was last modified.
Web pages containing dynamic content (e.g., generated by a PHP script) should never be cached since the parameters may be different next time. To handle this and other cases, there is a general mechanism for a server to instruct all proxies along the path back to the client not to use the current page again without verifying its freshness. This mechanism can also be used for any page expected to change quickly. A variety of other cache control mechanisms are also defined in RFC 2616.
Yet another approach to improving performance is proactive caching. When a proxy fetches a page from a server, it can inspect the page to see if there are any hyperlinks on it. If so, it can issue requests to the relevant servers to preload the cache with the pages pointed to, just in case they are needed. This technique may reduce access time on subsequent requests, but it may also flood the communication lines with pages that are never needed.
Clearly, Web caching is far from trivial. A lot more can be said about it. In fact, entire books have been written about it, for example (Rabinovich and Spatscheck, 2002; and Wessels, 2001); But it is time for us to move on to the next topic.
Server Replication
Caching is a client-side technique for improving performance, but server-side techniques also exist. The most common approach that servers take to improve performance is to replicate their contents at multiple, widely-separated locations. This technique is sometimes called mirroring.
A typical use of mirroring is for a company's main Web page to contain a few images along with links for, say, the company's Eastern, Western, Northern, and Southern regional Web sites. The user then clicks on the nearest one to get to that server. From then on, all requests go to the server selected.
Mirrored sites are generally completely static. The company decides where it wants to place the mirrors, arranges for a server in each region, and puts more or less the full content at each location (possibly omitting the snow blowers from the Miami site and the beach blankets from the Anchorage site). The choice of sites generally remains stable for months or years.
Unfortunately, the Web has a phenomenon known as flash crowds in which a Web site that was previously an unknown, unvisited, backwater all of a sudden becomes the center of the known universe. For example, until Nov. 6, 2000, the Florida Secretary of State's Web site,, was quietly providing minutes of the meetings of the Florida State cabinet and instructions on how to become a notary in Florida. But on Nov. 7, 2000, when the U.S. Presidency suddenly hinged on a few thousand disputed votes in a handful of Florida counties, it became one of the top five Web sites in the world. Needless to say, it could not handle the load and nearly died trying.
What is needed is a way for a Web site that suddenly notices a massive increase in traffic to automatically clone itself at as many locations as needed and keep those sites operational until the storm passes, at which time it shuts many or all of them down. To have this ability, a site needs an agreement in advance with some company that owns many hosting sites, saying that it can create replicas on demand and pay for the capacity it actually uses.
An even more flexible strategy is to create dynamic replicas on a per-page basis depending on where the traffic is coming from. Some research on this topic is reported in (Pierre et al., 2001; and Pierre et al., 2002).
Content Delivery Networks
The brilliance of capitalism is that somebody has figured out how to make money from the World Wide Wait. It works like this. Companies called CDNs (Content Delivery Networks) talk to content providers (music sites, newspapers, and others that want their content easily and rapidly available) and offer to deliver their content to end users efficiently for a fee. After the contract is signed, the content owner gives the CDN the contents of its Web site for preprocessing (discussed shortly) and then distribution.
Then the CDN talks to large numbers of ISPs and offers to pay them well for permission to place a remotely-managed server bulging with valuable content on their LANs. Not only is this a source of income, but it also provides the ISP's customers with excellent response time for getting at the CDN's content, thereby giving the ISP a competitive advantage over other ISPs that have not taken the free money from the CDN. Under these conditions, signing up with a CDN is kind of a no-brainer for the ISP. As a consequence, the largest CDNs have more than 10,000 servers deployed all over the world.
With the content replicated at thousands of sites worldwide, there is clearly great potential for improving performance. However, to make this work, there has to be a way to redirect the client's request to the nearest CDN server, preferably one colocated at the client's ISP. Also, this redirection must be done without modifying DNS or any other part of the Internet's standard infrastructure. A slightly simplified description of how Akamai, the largest CDN, does it follows.
The whole process starts when the content provider hands the CDN its Web site. The CDN then runs each page through a preprocessor that replaces all the URLs with modified ones. The working model behind this strategy is that the content provider's Web site consists of many pages that are tiny (just HTML text), but that these pages often link to large files, such as images, audio, and video. The modified HTML pages are stored on the content provider's server and are fetched in the usual way; it is the images, audio, and video that go on the CDN's servers.
To see how this scheme actually works, consider Furry Video's Web page of Fig. 7-46(a). After preprocessing, it is transformed to Fig. 7-46(b) and placed on Furry Video's server as
Figure 7-46. (a) Original Web page. (b) Same page after transformation.
When a user types in the URL, DNS returns the IP address of Furry Video's own Web site, allowing the main (HTML) page to be fetched in the normal way. When any of the hyperlinks is clicked on, the browser asks DNS to look up, which it does. The browser then sends an HTTP request to this IP address, expecting to get back an MPEG file.
That does not happen because does not host any content. Instead, it is CDN's fake HTTP server. It examines the file name and server name to find out which page at which content provider is needed. It also examines the IP address of the incoming request and looks it up in its database to determine where the user is likely to be. Armed with this information, it determines which of CDN's content servers can give the user the best service. This decision is difficult because the closest one geographically may not be the closest one in terms of network topology, and the closest one in terms in network topology may be very busy at the moment. After making a choice, sends back a response with status code 301 and a Location header giving the file's URL on the CDN content server nearest to the client. For this example, let us assume that URL is The browser then processes this URL in the usual way to get the actual MPEG file.
The steps involved are illustrated in Fig. 7-47. The first step is looking up to get its IP address. After that, the HTML page can be fetched and displayed in the usual way. The page contains three hyperlinks to cdn-server [see Fig. 7-46(b)]. When, say, the first one is selected, its DNS address is looked up (step 5) and returned (step 6). When a request for bears.mpg is sent to cdn-server (step 7), the client is told to go to instead (step 8). When it does as instructed (step 9), it is given the file from the proxy's cache (step 10). The property that makes this whole mechanism work is step 8, the fake HTTP server redirecting the client to a CDN proxy close to the client.
Figure 7-47. Steps in looking up a URL when a CDN is used.
The CDN server to which the client is redirected is typically a proxy with a large cache preloaded with the most important content. If, however, someone asks for a file not in the cache, it is fetched from the true server and placed in the cache for subsequent use. By making the content server a proxy rather than a complete replica, the CDN has the ability to trade off disk size, preload time, and the various performance parameters.
For more on content delivery networks see (Hull, 2002; and Rabinovich and Spatscheck, 2002).

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