
Saturday, September 10, 2016

Client / Server Computing

Client / Server Computing

n  The Basic concepts are client, server, glue, the logical client / server model and client/ server layers.
n  Client
n  Front end of the client/server system, the component with which user interacts.
n  In most systems the client has responsibility for presentation management (typically GUI management) and some application logic
n  Client contains the application logic relevant to the presentation
n  Server
n  Usually means the entity that provides share resources such as database that can be connected to multiple clients.
n  In general a Server runs on a larger-class machine than the client
n  Functional Approach of Server
n  File Server, Print Server, database server etc.
n  Transaction Server, Database Server, Native Server etc.
n  The Glue
n  Glue includes low level plumbing (TCP/IP), programming model and development tools.
n  Logical Client/Server Model
n  Client/Server can be viewed as logical one where it represent a paradigm in which element of a computing system  request service from each other
n  Roles of Client and Server are not fixed
n  Server can request other elements of the system (as client)
n  Server can connect to one or more clients
n  Client can communicate with multiple servers
n  Client-client or server-server communications are possible
n  Communicating partners can have a peer relationship or master/slave relation ship
n  Client and server elements can exits on distinct physical machine or on the same machine
n  Client/Server Layers
n  Hardware Element
n  Computers, printers, networking hardware , other devices
n  System Service
n  Operating System. Networking software, database, UI library etc
n  Application Layer
n  Software that run on the top of system service layer
n  Client/Server Architecture Model
n  Presentation, Logic, Data


Partitioning the system
n  Distributed Presentation
n  A Server-heavy configuration in which the client is responsible for only a portion of UI (dumb terminal, web client (no plug-in)
n  Remote Presentation
n  Client responsible for the entire UI but not for any application logic or data (screen scrapping)
n  Distributed Function
n  The Application Logic is split between client and server
n  Remote Data Access
n  Put Presentation and application logic on a client that retrieves data from a remote database
n  Distributed Database
n  Split the data management function between the client and and oner or more servers while the application logic and UI component

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