
Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Digital Logic

Digital Logic
The CRC process can be represented by, and indeed implemented as, a dividing circuit
consisting of exclusive-or gates and a shift register. The shift register is a string
of 1-bit storage devices. Each device has an output line, that indicates the value currently
stored, and an input line. At discrete time instants, known as clock times, the
value in the storage device is replaced by the value indicated by its input line.
The entire register is clocked simultaneously, causing a 1-bit shift along the entire
The circuit is implemented as follows:
1. The register contains n bits, equal to the length of the FCS.
2. There are up to n exclusive-or gates.
3. The presence or absence of a gate corresponds to the presence or absence of
a term in the divisor polynomial, P(X).
The architecture of this circuit is best explained by first considering an example,
which is illustrated in Figure 6.6. In this example, we use
which were used earlier in the discussion.
Part (a) of the figure shows the shift register implementation. The process
begins with the shift register cleared (all zeros). The message, or dividend, is then
entered, one bit at a time, starting with the most significant bit. Part (b) is a table
that shows the step-by-step operation as the input is applied one bit at a time. Each
row of the table shows the values currently stored in the five shift-register elements.
In addition, the row shows the values that appear at the outputs of the three exclusive-
or circuits. Finally, the row shows the value of the next input bit, which is available
for the operation of the next step.
Because no feedback occurs until a 1-dividend bit arrives at the most significant
end of the register, the first five operations are simple shifts. Whenever a 1 bit
arrives at the left end of the register ( 4 , a 1 is subtracted (exclusive-or) from the
second (c,), fourth (el), and sixth (input) bits on the next shift. This is identical to
the binary long-division process illustrated earlier. The process continues through
all the bits of the message, plus five zero bits. These latter bits account for shifting
M to the left five position to accommodate the FCS. After the last bit is processed,
the shift register contains the remainder (FCS), which can then be transmitted.
At the receiver, the same logic is used. As each bit of M arrives, it is inserted
into the shift register. If there have been no errors, the shift register should contain
the bit pattern for R at the conclusion of M. The transmitted bits of R now begin to
arrive, and the effect is to zero-out the register so that, at the conclusion of reception,
the register contains all 0s.
Error control refers to mechanisms to detect and correct errors that occur in the
transmission of frames. The model that we will use, which covers the typical case, is
illustrated in Figure As before, data are sent as a sequence of frames; frames
arrive in the same order in which they are sent; and each transmitted frame suffers
an arbitrary and variable amount of delay before reception. In addition, we admit
the possibility of two types of errors:
Lost frame. A frame fails to arrive at the other side. For example, a noise
burst may damage a frame to the extent that the receiver is not aware that a
frame has been transmitted.
Damaged frame. A recognizable frame does arrive, but some of the bits are in
error (have been altered during transmission).
The most common techniques for error control are based on some or all of the
following ingredients:
Error detection. As discussed in the preceding section.
Positive acknowledgment. The destination returns a positive acknowledgment
to successfully received, error-free frames.

Retransmission after timeout. The source retransmits a frame that has not
been acknowledged after a predetermined amount of time.
Negative acknowledgment and retransmission. The destination returns a negative
acknowledgment to frames in which an error is detected. The source
retransmits such frames.
Collectively, these mechanisms are all referred to as automatic repeat request
(ARQ); the effect of ARQ is to turn an unreliable data link into a reliable one.
Three versions of ARQ have been standardized:
Stop-and-wait ARQ
Go-back-N ARQ
Selective-reject ARQ
All of these forms are based on the use of the flow control technique discussed
in Section 6.1. We examine each in turn.
Stop-and-Wait ARQ
Stop-and-wait ARQ is based on the stop-and-wait flow-control technique outlined
previously and is depicted in Figure 6.8. The source station transmits a single frame
and then must await an acknowledgment (ACK). No other data frames can be sent
until the destination station's reply arrives at the source station.
Two sorts of errors could occur. First, the frame that arrives at the destination
could be damaged; the receiver detects this by using the error detection technique
referred to earlier and simply discards the frame. To account for this possibility, the
source station is equipped with a timer. After a frame is transmitted, the source station
waits for an acknowledgment. If no acknowledgment is received by the time
the timer expires, thenthe same frame is sent again. Note that this method requires
that the transmitter maintain a copy of a transmitted frame until an acknowledgment
is received for that frame.
The second sort of error is a damaged acknowledgment. Consider the following
situation. Station A sends a frame. The frame is received correctly by station B,
which responds with an acknowledgment (ACK). The ACK is damaged in transit
and is not recognizable by A, which will therefore time-out and resend the same
frame. This duplicate frame arrives and is accepted by B, which has therefore
accepted two copies of the same frame as if they were separate. To avoid this problem,
frames are alternately labeled with 0 or 1, and positive acknowledgments are
of the form ACKO and ACK1. In keeping with the sliding-window convention, an
ACKO acknowledges receipt of a frame numbered 1 and indicates that the receiver
is ready for a frame numbered 0.
The principal advantage of stop-and-wait ARQ is its simplicity. Its principal
disadvantage, as discussed in Section 6.1, is that stop-and-wait is an inefficient
mechanism. The sliding-window flow control technique can be adapted to provide
more efficient line use; in this context, it is sometimes referred to as continuous
Go-back-N ARQ
The form of error control based on sliding-window flow control that is most commonly
used is called go-back-N ARQ.
In go-back-N ARQ, a station may send a series of frames sequentially numbered
modulo some maximum value. The number of unacknowledged frames outstanding
is determined by window size, using the sliding-window flow control
technique. While no errors occur, the destination will acknowledge (RR = receiveready)
incoming frames as usual. If the destination station detects an error in a
frame, it sends a negative acknowledgment (REJ = reject) for that frame. The destination
station will discard that frame and all future incoming frames until the
frame in error is correctly received. Thus, the source station, when it receives an
REJ, must retransmit the frame in error plus all succeeding frames that were transmitted
in the interim.
Consider that station A is sending frames to station B. After each transmission,
A sets an acknowledgment timer for the frame just transmitted. The go-back-
N technique takes into account the following contingencies:
I. Damaged frame. There are three subcases:
a) A transmits frame i. B detects an error and has previously successfully
received frame (i - 1). B sends REJ i, indicated that frame i is rejected.
When A receives the REJ, it must retransmit frame i and all subsequent
frames that it has transmitted since the original transmission of frame i.
b) Frame i is lost in transit. A subsequently sends frame (i + 1). B receives
frame (i + 1) out of order and sends an REJ i. A must retransmit frame i
and all subsequent frames.
c) Frame i is lost in transit, and A does not soon send additional frames. B
receives nothing and returns neither an RR nor an REJ. When A's timer
expires, it transmits an RR frame that includes a bit known as the P bit,
which is set to 1. B interprets the RR frame with a P bit of 1 as a command
that must be acknowledged by sending an RR indicating the next frame
that it expects. When A receives the RR, it retransmits frame i.
2. Damaged RR. There are two subcases:
a) B receives frame i and sends RR (i + I), which is lost in transit. Because
acknowledgments are cumulative (e.g., RR 6 means that all frames
through 5 are acknowledged), it may be that A will receive a subsequent
RR to a subsequent frame and that it will arrive before the timer associated
with frame i expires.
b) If A's timer expires, it transmits an RR command as in Case lc. It sets
another timer, called the P-bit timer. If B fails to respond to the RR command,
or if its response is damaged, then A's P-bit timer will expire. At this
point, A will try again by issuing a new RR command and restarting the
P-bit timer. This procedure is tried for a number of iterations. If A fails to
obtain an acknowledgment after some maximum number of attempts, it
initiates a reset procedure.
3. Damaged REJ. If an REJ is lost, this is equivalent to Case lc.
Figure 6.9 is an example of the frame flow for go-back-N ARQ. Because of the
propagation delay on the line, by the time that an acknowledgment (positive or negative)
arrives back at the sending station, it has already sent two additional frames
beyond the one being acknowledged. Thus, when an REJ is received to frame 5, not
only frame 5, but frames 6 and 7, must be retransmitted. Thus, the transmitter must
keep a copy of all unacknowledged frames.
In Section 6.1, we mentioned that for a k-bit sequence number field, which
provides a sequence number range of 2k, the maximum window size is limited to
2^k - 1. This has to do with the interaction between error control and acknowledgment.
Consider that if data are being exchanged in both directions, station B must
send piggybacked acknowledgments to station A's frames in the data frames being
transmitted by B, even if the acknowledgment has already been sent; as we have
mentioned, this is because B must put some number in the acknowledgment field of
its data frame. As an example, assume a 3-bit sequence number (sequence-number
space = 8). Suppose a station sends frame 0 and gets back an RR 1, and then sends
frames 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0 and gets another RR 1. This could mean that all eight
frames were received correctly and the RR 1 is a cumulative acknowledgment. It
could also mean that all eight frames were damaged or lost in transit, and the receiving
station is repeating its previous RR 1. The problem is avoided if the maximum
window size is limited to 7 (2^3 - 1).
Selective-reject ARQ
With selective-reject ARQ, the only frames retransmitted are those that receive a
negative acknowledgment, in this case called SREJ, or that time-out. This would
appear to be more efficient than go-back-N, because it minimizes the amount of
retransmission. On the other hand, the receiver must maintain a buffer large
enough to save post-SREJ frames until the frame in error is retransmitted, and it
must contain logic for reinserting that frame in the proper sequence. The transmitter,
too, requires more complex logic to be able to send a frame out of sequence.
Because of such complications, select-reject ARQ is much less used than go-back-
The window-size limitation is more restrictive for selective-reject than for goback-
N. Consider the case of a 3-bit sequence-number size for selective-reject.
Allow a window size of seven, and consider the following scenario [TANE88]:
1. Station A sends frames 0 through 6 to station B.
2. Station B receives all seven frames and cumulatively acknowledges with
RR 7.
3. Because of a noise burst, the RR 7 is lost.
4. A times out and retransmits frame 0.
5. B has already advanced its receive window to accept frames 7,0,1,2,3,4, and
5. Thus, it assumes that frame 7 has been lost and that this is a new frame 0,
which it accepts.
The problem with the foregoing scenario is that there is an overlap between
the sending and receiving windows. To overcome the problem, the maximum window
size should be no more than half the range of sequence numbers. In the scenario
above, if only four unacknowledged frames may be outstanding, no confusion
can result. In general, for a k-bit sequence number field, which provides a sequence
number range of 2^k, the maximum window size is limited to 2^(k-1).

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