
Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Protocol and Protocol architecture

Protocol and Protocol architecture
When computers, terminals, and/or other data processing devices exchange data,
the scope of concern is much broader than the concerns we have discussed in Sections
1.2 and 1.3. Consider, for example, the transfer of a file between two computers.
There must be a data path between the two computers, either directly or via a
communication network. But more is needed. Typical tasks to be performed are
1. The source system must either activate the direct data communication path or
inform the communication network of the identity of the desired destination
2. The source system must ascertain that the destination system is prepared to
receive data.
3. The file transfer application on the source system must ascertain that the file
management program on the destination system is prepared to accept and
store the file for this particular user.
4. If the file formats used on the two systems are incompatible, one or the other
system must perform a format translation function.
It is clear that there must be a high degree of cooperation between the two
computer systems. The exchange of information between computers for the purpose
of cooperative action is generally referred to as computer communications.
Similarly, when two or more computers are interconnected via a communication
network, the set of computer stations is referred to as a computer network. Because
a similar level of cooperation is required between a user at a terminal and one at a
computer, these terms are often used when some of the communicating entities are
In discussing computer communications and computer networks, two concepts
are paramount:
Computer-communications architecture, or protocol architecture
A protocol is used for communication between entities in different systems.
The terms "entity" and "system" are used in a very general sense. Examples of entities are user application programs, file transfer packages, data-base management
systems, electronic mail facilities, and terminals. Examples of systems are
computers, terminals, and remote sensors. Note that in some cases the entity and
the system in which it resides are coextensive (e.g., terminals). In general, an entity
is anything capable of sending or receiving information, and a system is a physically
distinct object that contains one or more entities. For two entities to communicate
successfully, they must "speak the same language." What is communicated, how it
is communicated, and when it is communicated must conform to some mutually
acceptable conventions between the entities involved. The conventions are referred
to as a protocol, which may be defined as a set of rules governing the exchange of
data between two entities. The key elements of a protocol are
0 Syntax. Includes such things as data format and signal levels.
Semantics. Includes control information for coordination and error handling.
Timing. Includes speed matching and sequencing.
Having introduced the concept of a protocol, we can now introduce the concept
of a protocol architecture. It is clear that there must be a high degree of cooperation
between the two computers. Instead of implementing the logic for this as a
single module, the task is broken up into subtasks, each of which is implemented
separately. As an example, Figure 1.4 suggests the way in which a file transfer facility
could be implemented. Three modules are used. Tasks 3 and 4 in the preceding
list could be performed by a file transfer module. The two modules on the two systems
exchange files and commands. However, rather than requiring the file transfer
module to handle the details of actually transferring data and commands, the file
transfer modules each rely on a communications service module. This module is
responsible for making sure that the file transfer commands and data are reliably
exchanged between systems. Among other things, this module would perform task
2. Now, the nature of the exchange between systems is independent of the nature of
the network that interconnects them. Therefore, rather than building details of the
network interface into the communications service module, it makes sense to have
a third module, a network access module, that performs task 1 by interacting with
the network.
Let us try to summarize the motivation for the three modules in Figure 1.4.
The file transfer module contains all of the logic that is unique to the file transfer
application, such as transmitting passwords, file commands, and file records. There
is a need to transmit these files and commands reliably. However, the same sorts of
reliability requirements are relevant to a variety of applications ( e g , electronic
mail, document transfer). Therefore, these requirements are met by a separate communications
service module that can be used by a variety of applications. The communications
service module is concerned with assuring that the two computer systems
are active and ready for data transfer and for keeping track of the data that are
being exchanged to assure delivery. However, these tasks are independent of the
type of network that is being used. Therefore, the logic for actually dealing with the
network is separated out into a separate network access module. That way, if the
network to be used is changed, only the network access module is affected.
Thus, instead of a single module for performing communications, there is a
structured set of modules that implements the communications function. That structure
is referred to as a protocol architecture. In the remainder of this section, we
generalize the preceding example to present a simplified protocol architecture. Following
that, we look at more complex, real-world examples: TCPIIP and OSI.
A Three-Layer Model
In very general terms, communications can be said to involve three agents: applications,
computers, and networks. One example of an application is a file transfer
operation. These applications execute on computers that can often support multiple
simultaneous applications. Computers are connected to networks, and the data to
be exchanged are transferred by the network from one computer to another. Thus,
the transfer of data from one application to another involves first getting the data
to the computer in which the application resides and then getting it to the intended
application within the computer.
With these concepts in mind, it appears natural to organize the communication
task into three relatively independent layers:
Network access layer
Transport layer
Application layer
The network access layer is concerned with the exchange of data between a
computer and the network to which it is attached. The sending computer must provide
the network with the address of the destination computer, so that the network
may route the data to the appropriate destination. The sending computer may wish
to invoke certain services, such as priority, that might be provided by the network.
The specific software used at this layer depends on the type of network to be used;
different standards have been developed for circuit switching, packet switching,
local area networks, and others. Thus, it makes sense to separate those functions
having to do with network access into a separate layer. By doing this, the remainder
of the communications software, above the network access layer, need not be concerned
with the specifics of the network to be used. The same higher-layer software
should function properly regardless of the particular network to which the
computer is attached.
Regardless of the nature of the applications that are exchanging data, there is
usually a requirement that data be exchanged reliably. That is, we would like to be
assured that all of the data arrive at the destination application and that the data
arrive in the same order in which they were sent. As we shall see, the mechanisms
for providing reliability are essentially independent of the nature of the applications.
Thus, it makes sense to collect those mechanisms in a common layer shared
by all applications; this is referred to as the transport layer.
Finally, the application layer contains the logic needed to support the various
user applications. For each different type of application, such as file transfer, a separate
module is needed that is peculiar to that application.
Figures 1.5 and 1.6 illustrate this simple architecture. Figure 1.5 shows three
computers connected to a network. Each computer contains software at the network
access and transport layers and software at the application layer for one or
more applications. For successful communication, every entity in the overall system
must have a unique address. Actually, two levels of addressing are needed. Each
computer on the network must have a unique network address; this allows the network
to deliver data to the proper computer. Each application on a computer must
have an address that is unique within that computer; this allows the transport layer
to support multiple applications at each computer. These latter addresses are
known as service access points (SAPS), connoting that each application is individually
accessing the services of the transport layer.
Figure 1.6 indicates the way in which modules at the same level on different
computers communicate with each other: by means of a protocol. A protocol is the
set of rules or conventions governing the ways in which two entities cooperate to
exchange data. A protocol specification details the control functions that may be
performed, the formats and control codes used to communicate those functions,
and the procedures that the two entities must follow.
Let us trace a simple operation. Suppose that an application, associated with
SAP 1 at computer A, wishes to send a message to another application, associated
with SAP 2 at computer B. The application at A hands the message over to its transport
layer with instructions to send it to SAP 2 on computer B. The transport layer
hands the message over to the network access layer, which instructs the network to
send the message to computer B. Note that the network need not be told the identity
of the destination service access point. All that it needs to know is that the data
are intended for computer B.
To control this operation, control information, as well as user data, must be
transmitted, as suggested in Figure 1.7. Let us say that the sending application generates
a block of data and passes this to the transport layer. The transport layer may
break this block into two smaller pieces to make it more manageable. To each of
these pieces the transport layer appends a transport header, containing protocol
control information. The combination of data from the next higher layer and control
information is known as a protocol data unit (PDU); in this case, it is referred
to as a transport protocol data unit. The header in each transport PDU contains
control information to be used by the peer transport protocol at computer B. Examples
of items that may be stored in this header include
Destination SAP. When the destination transport layer receives the transport
protocol data unit, it must know to whom the data are to be delivered.
* Sequence number. Because the transport protocol is sending a sequence of
protocol data units, it numbers them sequentially so that if they arrive out of
order, the destination transport entity may reorder them.
Error-detection code. The sending transport entity may include a code that is
a function of the contents of the remainder of the PDU. The receiving transport
protocol performs the same calculation and compares the result with the
incoming code. A discrepancy results if there has been some error in transmission.
In that case, the receiver can discard the PDU and take corrective
The next step is for the transport layer to hand each protocol data unit over to
the network layer, with instructions to transmit it to the destination computer. To
satisfy this request, the network access protocol must present the data to the network
with a request for transmission. As before, this operation requires the use of
control information. In this case, the network access protocol appends a network
access header to the data it receives from the transport layer, creating a networkaccess
PDU. Examples of the items that may be stored in the header include
Destination computer address. The network must know to whom (which computer
on the network) the data are to be delivered.
Facilities requests. The network access protocol might want the network to
make use of certain facilities, such as priority.
Figure 1.8 puts all of these concepts together, showing the interaction between
modules to transfer one block of data. Let us say that the file transfer module in
computer X is transferring a file one record at a time to computer Y. Each record
is handed over to the transport layer module. We can picture this action as being in
the form of a command or procedure call. The arguments of this procedure call
include the destination computer address, the destination service access point, and
the record. The transport layer appends the destination service access point and
other control information to the record to create a transport PDU. This is then
handed down to the network access layer by another procedure call. In this case, the
arguments for the command are the destination computer address and the transport
protocol data unit. The network access layer uses this information to construct a
network PDU. The transport protocol data unit is the data field of the network
PDU, and the network PDU header includes information concerning the source
and destination computer addresses. Note that the transport header is not "visible"
at the network access layer; the network access layer is not concerned with the contents
of the transport PDU.
The network accepts the network PDU from X and delivers it to Y. The network
access module in Y receives the PDU, strips off the header, and transfers the
enclosed transport PDU to X's transport layer module. The transport layer examines
the transport protocol data unit header and, on the basis of the SAP field in the
header, delivers the enclosed record to the appropriate application, in this case the
file transfer module in Y.
The TCP/IP Protocol Architecture
Two protocol architectures have served as the basis for the development of interoperable
communications standards: the TCPIIP protocol suite and the OSI reference
model. TCPIIP is the most widely used interoperable architecture, and OSI has
become the standard model for classifying communications functions. In the
remainder of this section, we provide a brief overview of the two architectures; the
topic is explored more fully in Lesson 15.
TCPIIP is a result of protocol research and development conducted on the
experimental packet-switched network, ARPANET, funded by the Defense Advanced
Research Projects Agency (DARPA), and is generally referred to as the TCPIIP protocol suite.
 This protocol suite consists of a large collection of protocols
that have been issued as Internet standards by the Internet Architecture Board I
(IAB). I
There is no official TCPIIP protocol model as there is in the case of OSI. However,
based on the protocol standards that have been developed, we can organize
the communication task for TCPIIP into five relatively independent layers:
Application layer
Host-to-host, or transport layer
Internet layer
Network access layer
Physical layer
The physical layer covers the physical interface between a data transmission
device (e.g., workstation, computer) and a transmission medium or network. This
layer is concerned with specifying the characteristics of the transmission medium,
the nature of the signals, the data rate, and related matters.
The network access layer is concerned with the exchange of data between an
end system and the network to which it is attached. The sending computer must
provide the network with the address of the destination computer, so that the network
may route the data to the appropriate destination. The sending computer may
wish to invoke certain services, such as priority, that might be provided by the network.
The specific software used at this layer depends on the type of network to be
used; different standards have been developed for circuit-switching, packet-switching
(e.g., X.25), local area networks (e.g., Ethernet), and others. Thus, it makes
sense to separate those functions having to do with network access into a separate
layer. By doing this, the remainder of the communications software, above the network
access layer, need not be concerned about the specifics of the network to be
used. The same higher-layer software should function properly regardless of the
particular network to which the computer is attached.
The network access layer is concerned with access to and routing data across
a network for two end systems attached to the same network. In those cases where
two devices are attached to different networks, procedures are needed to allow data
to traverse multiple interconnected networks. This is the function of the internet
layer. The internet protocol (IP) is used at this layer to provide the routing function
across multiple networks. This protocol is implemented not only in the end systems
but also in routers. A router is a processor that connects two networks and whose
primary function is to relay data from one network to the other on its route from
the source to the destination end system.
Regardless of the nature of the applications that are exchanging data, there is
usually a requirement that data be exchanged reliably. That is, we would like to be
assured that all of the data arrive at the destination application and that the data
arrive in the same order in which they were sent. As we shall see, the mechanisms
for providing reliability are essentially independent of the nature of the applications.
Thus, it makes sense to collect those mechanisms in a common layer shared
by all applications; this is referred to as the host-to-host layer, or transport layer.
The transmission control protocol (TCP) is the most commonly-used protocol to
provide this functionality.
Finally, the application layer contains the logic needed to support the various
user applications. For each different type of application, such as file transfer, a separate
module is needed that is peculiar to that application.
Figure 1.9 shows how the TCPIIP protocols are implemented in end systems
and relates this description to the communications model of Figure Note that
the physical and network access layers provide interaction between the end system
and the network, whereas the transport and application layers are what is known as
end-to-end protocols; they support interaction between two end systems. The internet
layer has the flavor of both. At this layer, the end system communicates routing
information to the network but also must provide some common functions between
the two end systems; these will be explored in Lessons 15 and 16.
The OSI Model
The open systems interconnection (OSI) model was developed by the International
Organization for Standardization (ISO) as a model for a computer communications
architecture and as a framework for developing protocol standards. It consists of
seven layers:
* Network
Data Link
Figure 1.10 illustrates the OSI model and provides a brief definition of the functions
performed at each layer. The intent of the OSI model is that protocols be developed
to perform the functions of each layer.
The designers of OSI assumed that this model and the protocols developed
within this model would come to dominate computer communications, eventually
replacing proprietary protocol implementations and rival multivendor models such
as TCPIIP. This has not happened. Although many useful protocols have been
developed in the context of OSI, the overall seven-layer model has not flourished.
Instead, it is the TCPIIP architecture that has come to dominate. Thus, our emphasis
in this lesson will be on TCPIIP.
Figure 1.11 illustrates the layers of the TCPIIP and OSI architectures, showing
roughly the correspondence in functionality between the two. The figure also
suggests common means of implementing the various layers.

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