
Wednesday, September 28, 2016



Our discussion so far has concerned sending signals over a transmission link.
For effective digital data communications, much more is needed to control
And manage the exchange. In this lesson, we shift our emphasis to that of
sending data over a data communications link. To achieve the necessary control, a
layer of logic is added above the physical interfacing discussed in Lesson 5; this
logic is referred to as data link control or a data link control protocol. When a data
link control protocol is used, the transmission medium between systems is referred
to as a data link.
To see the need for data link control, we list some of the requirements and
objectives for effective data communication between two directly connected transmitting-
receiving stations:
Frame synchronization. Data are sent in blocks called frames. The beginning
and end of each frame must be recognizable. We briefly introduced this topic
with the discussion of synchronous frames (Figure 5.2).
Flow control. The sending station must not send frames at a rate faster then
the receiving station can absorb them.
Error control. Any bit errors introduced by the transmission system must be
Addressing. On a multipoint line, such as a local area network (LAN), the
identity of the two stations involved in a transmission must be specified.
Control and data on same link. It is usually not desirable to have a physically
separate communications path for control information. Accordingly, the
receiver must be able to distinguish control information from the data being
Link management. The initiation, maintenance, and termination of a sustained
data exchange requires a fair amount of coordination and cooperation
among stations. Procedures for the management of this exchange are
None of these requirements is satisfied by the physical interfacing techniques
described in Lesson 6. We shall see in this lesson that a data link protocol that
satisfies these requirements is a rather complex affair. We begin by looking at three
key mechanisms that are part of data link control: flow control, error detection, and
error control. Following this background information, we look at the most important
example of a data link control protocol: HDLC (high-level data link control).
This protocol is important for two reasons: First, it is a widely used standardized
data link control protocol. And secondly, HDLC serves as a baseline from which
virtually all other important data link control protocols are derived. Following a
detailed examination of HDLC, these other protocols are briefly surveyed. Finally,
an lesson to this lesson addresses some performance issues relating to data link

Flow Control
Flow control is a technique for assuring that a transmitting entity does not overwhelm
a receiving entity with data. The receiving entity typically allocates a data
buffer of some maximum length for a transfer. When data are received, the receiver
must do a certain amount of processing before passing the data to the higher-level
software. In the absence of flow control, the receiver's buffer may fill up and overflow
while it is processing old data.
To begin, we examine mechanisms for flow control in the absence of errors.
The model we will use is depicted in Figure, which is a vertical-time sequence
diagram. It has the advantages of showing time dependencies and illustrating the
correct send-receive relationship. Each arrow represents a single frame transiting a
data link between two stations. The data are sent in a sequence of frames with each
frame containing a portion of the data and some control information. For now, we
assume that all frames that are transmitted are successfully received; no frames are
lost and none arrive with errors. Furthermore, frames arrive in the same order in
which they are sent. However, each transmitted frame suffers an arbitrary and variable
amount of delay before reception.
Stop-and-Wait Flow Control
The simplest form of flow control, known as stop-and-wait flow control, works as
follows. A source entity transmits a frame. After reception, the destination entity
indicates its willingness to accept another frame by sending back an acknowledgment
to the frame just received. The source must wait until it receives the acknowledgment
before sending the next frame. The destination can thus stop the flow of
data by simply withholding acknowledgment. This procedure works fine and,
indeed, can hardly be improved upon when a message is sent in a few large frames.
However, it is often the case that a source will break up a large block of data into
smaller blocks and transmit the data in many frames. This is done for the following
The buffer size of the receiver may be limited.
* The longer the transmission, the more likely that there will be an error, necessitating
retransmission of the entire frame. With smaller frames, errors are
detected sooner, and a smaller amount of data needs to be retransmitted.
* On a shared medium, such as a LAN, it is usually desirable not to permit one
station to occupy the medium for an extended period, as this causes long
delays at the other sending stations.
With the use of multiple frames for a single message, the stop-and-wait procedure
may be inadequate. The essence of the problem is that only one frame at a
time can be in transit. In situations where the bit length of the link is greater than
the frame length, serious inefficiencies result; this is illustrated in Figure 6.2. In the
figure, the transmission time (the time it takes for a station to transmit a frame) is
normalized to one, and the propagation delay (the time it takes for a bit to travel
from sender to receiver) is expressed as the variable a. In other words, when a is less
than 1, the propagation time is less than the transmission time. In this case, the
frame is sufficiently long that the first bits of the frame have arrived at the destination
before the source has completed the transmission of the frame. When a is
greater than 1, the propagation time is greater than the transmission time. In this
case, the sender completes transmission of the entire frame before the leading bits
of that frame arrive at the receiver. Put another way, larger values of a are consistent
with higher data rates and/or longer distances between stations. Lesson 6A
discusses a and data link performance.
Both parts of the figure (a and b) consist of a sequence of snapshots of the
transmission process over time. In both cases, the first four snapshots show the
process of transmitting a frame containing data, and the last snapshot shows
the return of a small acknowledgment frame. Note that for a > 1, the line is always
underutilized, and, even for a < 1, the line is inefficiently utilized. In essence, for
very high data rates, or for very long distances between sender and receiver, stopand-
wait flow control provides inefficient line utilization.
Sliding-Window Flow Control
The essence of the problem described so far is that only one frame at a time can be
in transit. In situations where the bit length of the link is greater than the frame
length (a > I), serious inefficiencies result. Efficiency can be greatly improved by
allowing multiple frames to be in transit at the same time.
Let us examine how this might work for two stations, A and B, connected via
a full-duplex link. Station B allocates buffer space for n frames. Thus, B can accept
n frames, and A is allowed to send n frames without waiting for any acknowledgments.
To keep track of which frames have been acknowledged, each is labeled with
a sequence number. B acknowledges a frame by sending an acknowledgment that
includes the sequence number of the next frame expected. This acknowledgment
also implicitly announces that B is prepared to receive the next n frames, beginning
with the number specified. This scheme can also be used to acknowledge multiple
frames. For example, B could receive frames 2,3, and 4, but withhold acknowledgment
until frame 4 has arrived: by then returning an acknowledgment with
sequence number 5, B acknowledges lrames 2,3, and 4 at one time. A maintains a
list of sequence numbers that it is allowed to send, and B maintains a list of
sequence numbers that it is prepared to receive. Each of these lists can be thought
of as a window of frames. The operation is referred to as sliding-window flow

Several additional comments need to be made. Because the sequence number
to be used occupies a field in the frame, it is clearly of bounded size. For example,
for a 3-bit field, the sequence number can range from 0 to 7. Accordingly, frames
are numbered modulo 8; that is, after sequence-number 7, the next number is 0. In
general, for a k-bit field the range of sequence numbers is 0 through 2k - 1, and
frames are numbered modulo 2k; with this in mind, Figure 6.3 is a useful way of
depicting the sliding-window process. It assumes the use of a 3-bit sequence number,
so that frames are numbered sequentially from 0 through 7, and then the same
numbers are reused for subsequent frames. The shaded rectangle indicates that the
sender may transmit 7 frames, beginning with frame 6. Each time a frame is sent,
the shaded window shrinks; each time an acknowledgment is received, the shaded
window grows.
The actual window size need not be the maximum possible size for a given
sequence-number length. For example, using a 3-bit sequence number, a window
size of 4 could be configured for the stations using the sliding-window flow control
An example is shown in Figure 6.4. The example assumes a 3-bit sequence
number field and a maximum window size of seven frames. Initially, A and B have
windows indicating that A may transmit seven frames, beginning with frame 0 (FO).
After transmitting three frames (FO, F1, F2) without acknowledgment, A has
shrunk its window to four frames. The window indicates that A may transmit four
frames, beginning with frame number 3. B then transmits an RR (receive-ready) 3,
which means: "I have received all frames up through frame number 2 and am ready
to receive frame number 3; in fact, I am prepared to receive seven frames, beginning
with frame number 3." With this acknowledgment, A is back up to permission
to transmit seven frames, still beginning with frame 3. A proceeds to transmit
frames 3, 4, 5, and 6. B returns an RR 4, which allows A to send up to and including
frame F2.
The mechanism so far described does indeed provide a form of flow control:
The receiver must only be able to accommodate 7 frames beyond the one it has last
acknowledged; to supplement this, most protocols also allow a station to completely
cut off the flow of frames from the other side by sending a Receive-Not-Ready
(RNR) message, which acknowledges former frames but forbids transfer of future
frames. Thus, RNR 5 means: "I have received all frames up through number 4 but
am unable to accept any more." At some subsequent point, the station must send a
normal acknowledgment to reopen the window.
So far, we have discussed transmission in one direction only. If two stations
exchange data, each needs to maintain two windows, one for transmit and one for
receive, and each side needs to send the data and acknowledgments to the other. To
provide efficient support for this requirement, a feature known as piggybacking is
typically provided. Each data frame includes a field that holds the sequence number
of that frame plus a field that holds the sequence number used for acknowledgment.
Thus, if a station has data to send and an acknowledgment to send, it sends both
together in one frame, thereby saving communication capacity. Of course, if a station
has an acknowledgment but no data to send, it sends a separate acknowledgment
frame. If a station has data to send but no new acknowledgment to send, it
must repeat the last acknowledgment that it sent; this is because the data frame
includes a field for the acknowledgment number, and some value must be put into
that field. When a station receives a duplicate acknowledgment, it simply ignores it.
It should be clear from the discussion that sliding-window flow control is
potentially much more efficient than stop-and-wait flow control. The reason is that,
with sliding-window flow control, the transmission link is treated as a pipeline that
may be filled with frames in transit. In contrast, with stop-and-wait flow control,
only one frame may be in the pipe at a time.

Error Detection
In earlier lessons, we talked about transmission impairments and the effect of data
rate and signal-to-noise ratio on bit error rate. Regardless of the design of the transmission
system, there will be errors, resulting in the change of one or more bits in a
transmitted frame.
Let us define these probabilities with respect to errors in transmitted frames:
Pb: Probability of a single bit error; also known as the bit error rate.
PI: Probability that a frame arrives with no bit errors.
P2: Probability that a frame arrives with one or more undetected bit errors.
P3: Probability that a frame arrives with one or more detected bit errors but
no undetected bit errors.
First, consider the case when no means are taken to detect errors; the probability
of detected errors (P3), then, is zero. To express the remaining probabilities,
assume that the probability that any bit is in error (Pb) is constant and independent
for each bit. Then we have
where F is the number of bits per frame. In words, the probability that a frame
arrives with no bit errors decreases when the probability of a single bit error
increases, as you would expect. Also, the probability that a frame arrives with no bit
errors decreases with increasing frame length; the longer the frame, the more bits it
has and the higher the probability that one of these is in error.
Let us take a simple example to illustrate these relationships. A defined object
for ISDN connections is that the bit error rate on a 64-kbps channel should be less
than l0^-6 on at least 90% of observed 1-minute intervals. Suppose now that we have
the rather modest user requirement that at most one frame with an undetected bit
error should occur per day on a continuously used 64-kbps channel, and let us
assume a frame length of 1000 bits. The number of frames that can be transmitted
in a day comes out to 5.529 X l0 ^ 6, which yields a desired frame error rate of
This is the kind of result that motivates the use of error-detection techniques.
All of these techniques operate on the following principle (Figure 6.5). For a given
frame of bits, additional bits that constitute an error-detecting code are added by
the transmitter. This code is calculated as a function of the other transmitted bits.
The receiver performs the same calculation and compares the two results. A
detected error occurs if and only if there is a mismatch. Thus, P3 is the probability
that if a frame contains errors, the error-detection scheme will detect that fact. P2 is
known as the residual error rate, and is the probability that an error will be undetected
despite the use of an error-detection scheme.
Parity Check
The simplest error-detection scheme is to append a parity bit to the end of a block
of data. A typical example is ASCII transmission, in which a parity bit is attached
to each 7-bit ASCII character. The value of this bit is selected so that the character
has an even number of 1s (even parity) or an odd number of 1s (odd parity). So, for
example, if the transmitter is transmitting an ASCII G (1110001) and using odd parity,
it will append a 1 and transmit 11100011. The receiver examines the received
character and, if the total number of 1s is odd, assumes that no error has occurred.
If one bit (or any odd number of bits) is erroneously inverted during transmission
(for example, 11QO0011), then the receiver will detect an error. Note, however, that
if two (or any even number) of bits are inverted due to error, an undetected error
occurs. Typically, even parity is used for synchronous transmission and odd parity
for asynchronous transmission.
The use of the parity bit is not foolproof, as noise impulses are often long
enough to destroy more than one bit, particularly at high data rates.
Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC)
One of the most common, and one of the most powerful, error-detecting codes is
the cyclic redundancy check (CRC), which can be described as follows. Given a kbit
block of bits, or message, the transmitter generates an n-bit sequence, known as
a frame check sequence (FCS), so that the resulting frame, consisting of k + n bits,
is exactly divisible by some predetermined number. The receiver then divides the
incoming frame by that number and, if there is no remainder, assumes there was no
To clarify this, we present the procedure in three ways: modulo 2 arithmetic,
polynomials, and digital logic.
Modulo 2 Arithmetic
Modulo 2 arithmetic uses binary addition with no carries, which is just the exclusiveor
operation. For example:
An error E(X) will only be undetectable if it is divisible by P(X). It can be shown
[PETE611 that all of the following errors are not divisible by a suitably chosen P(X)
and, hence, are detectable:
All single-bit errors.
All double-bit errors, as long as P(X) has at least three Is.
Any odd number of errors, as long as P(X) contains a factor (X + 1).
Any burst error for which the length of the burst is less than the length of the
divisor polynomial; that is, less than or equal to the length of the FCS.
Most larger burst errors.

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