
Wednesday, September 28, 2016


In a large circuit-switched network, such as the AT&T long-distance telephone network,
many of the circuit connections will require a path through more than one
switch. When a call is placed, the network must devise a route through the network
from calling subscriber to called subscriber that passes through some number of
switches and trunks. There are two main requirements for the network's architecture
that bear on the routing strategy: efficiency and resilience. First, it is desirable
to minimize the amount of equipment (switches and trunks) in the network subject
to the ability to handle the expected load. The load requirement is usually
expressed in terms of a busy-hour traffic load; this is simply the average load
expected over the course of the busiest hour of use during the course of a day. From
a functional point of view, it is necessary to handle that amount of load. From a cost
point of view, we would like to handle that load with minimum equipment. However,
there is another requirement, namely, resilience. Although the network may
be sized for the busy hour load, it is possible for the traffic to temporarily surge
above that level (for example, during a major storm). It will also be the case that,
from time to time, switches and trunks will fail and be temporarily unavailable
(unfortunately, maybe during the same storm). We would like the network to provide
a reasonable level of service under such conditions.
The key design issue that determines the nature of the tradeoff between efficiency
and resilience is the routing strategy. Traditionally, the routing function in
public telecommunications networks has been quite simple. In essence, the switches
of a network were organized into a tree structure, or hierarchy. A path was constructed
by starting at the calling subscriber, tracing up the tree to the first common
node, and then tracing down the tree to the called subscriber. To add some
resilience to the network, additional high-usage trunks were added that cut across
the tree structure to connect exchanges with high volumes of traffic between them;
in general, this is a static approach. The addition of high-usage trunks provides
redundancy and extra capacity, but limitations remain both in efficiency and
resilience. Because this routing scheme is not able to adapt to changing conditions,
the network must be designed to meet some typical heavy demand. As an example
of the problems raised by this approach, the busy hours for east-west traffic and
those for north-south traffic do not coincide; they each place different demands on
the system. It is difficult to analyze the effects of these variables, which leads to
oversizing and, ultimately, inefficiency. In terms of resilience, the fixed hierarchical
structure with supplemental trunks may respond poorly to failures. Typically in
such designs, the result of a failure is a major local congestion at that location.
To cope with the growing demands on public telecommunications networks,
virtually all providers have moved away from the static hierarchical approach to a
dynamic approach. A dynamic routing approach is one in which routing decisions
are influenced by current traffic conditions. Typically, the circuit-switching nodes
have a peer relationship with each other rather than a hierarchical one. All nodes
are capable of performing the same functions. In such an architecture, routing is
both more complex and more flexible. It is more complex because the architecture
does not provide a "natural" path or set of paths based on hierarchical structure;
but it is also more flexible, as more alternative routes are available.
Two broad classes of dynamic routing algorithms have been implemented:
alternate routing and adaptive routing.
Alternate Routing
The essence of alternate-routing schemes is that the possible routes to be used
between two end offices are predefined. It is the responsibility of the originating
switch to select the appropriate route for each call. Each switch is given a set of preplanned
routes for each destination, in order of preference. The preferred choice is
a direct trunk connection between two switches. If this trunk is unavailable, then the
second choice is to be tried, and so on. The routing sequences (sequence in which
the routes in the set are tried) reflect an analysis based on historical traffic patterns,
and are designed to optimize the use of network resources.
If there is only one routing sequence delined for each source-destination pair,
the scheme is known as a fixed alternate-routing scheme. More commonly, a
dynamic alternate-routing scheme is used. In the latter case, a different set of preplanned
routes is used for different time periods, to take advantage of the differing
traffic patterns in different time zones and at different times of day. Thus, the routing
decision is based both on current traffic status (a route is rejected if busy)
and historical traffic patterns (which determine the sequence of routes to be
A simple example is shown in Figure 8.9. The originating switch, X, has four
possible routes to the destination switch, Y. The direct route (a) will always be tried
first. If this trunk is unavailable (busy, out of service), the other routes will be tried
in a particular order, depending on the time period. For example, during weekday
mornings, route b is tried next.
A form of the dynamic alternate-routing technique is employed by the Bell
Operating Companies for providing local and regional telephone service [BELL90];
it is referred to as multialternate routing (MAR). This approach is also used by
AT&T in its long-distance network [ASH90], and is referred to as dynamic nonhierarchical
routing (DNHR).
Adaptive Routing
An adaptive-routing scheme is designed to enable switches to react to changing traffic
patterns on the network. Such schemes require greater management overhead,
as the switches must exchange information to learn of network conditions. However,
compared to an alternate-routing scheme, an adaptive scheme has the potential
for more effectively optimizing the use of network resources. In this subsection,
we briefly describe an important example of an adaptive-routing scheme.
Dynamic traffic managemenl (DTM) is a routing capability developed by
Northern Telecom and used in the Canadian national and local telephone networks
DTM uses a central controller to find the best alternate route choices depending
on congestion in the network. The central controller collects status data from
each switch in the network every 10 seconds to determine preferred alternate
routes. Each call is first attempted on the direct path, if any exists. between source
and destination switches. If the call is blocked, it is attempted on a two-link alternate
Each switch i communicates the following traffic measurements to the central
The use of a set of parameters based on network status provides a powerful
routing capability. Furthermore, it becomes an easy matter to experiment with various
ways of determining the values of parameters and assessing their effect on performance.
For example, the parameter PA, can be set to a fixed value in a relatively
stable network, or the overflow measurement 0, can be used.
In a circuit-switched network, control signals are the means by which the network
is managed and by which calls are established, maintained, and terminated. Both
call management and overall network management require that information be
exchanged between subscriber and switch, among switches, and between switch and
network management center. For a large public telecommunications network, a relatively
complex control-signaling scheme is required. In this section, we provide a
brief overview of control-signal functionality and then look at the technique that is
the basis of modern integrated digital networks: common channel signaling.
Signaling Functions
Control signals affect many aspects of network behavior, including both network
services visible to the subscriber and internal mechanisms. As networks become
more complex, the number of functions performed by control signaling necessarily
grows. The following functions, listed in [MART90], are among the most important:
1. Audible communication with the subscriber, including dial tone, ringing tone,
busy signal, and so on.
2. Transmission of the number dialed to switching offices that will attempt to
complete a connection.
3. Transmission of information between switches indicating that a call cannot be
4. Transmission of information between switches indicating that a call has ended
and that the path can be disconnected.
5. A signal to make a telephone ring.
6. Transmission of information used for billing purposes.
7. Transmission of information giving the status of equipment or trunks in the
network. This information may be used for routing and maintenance purposes.
8. Transmission of information used in diagnosing and isolating system failures.
9. Control of special equipment such as satellite channel equipment.
As an example of the use of control signaling, consider a typical telephone
connection sequence from one line to another in the same central office:
1. Prior to the call, both telephones are not in use (on-hook). The call begins
when one subscriber lifts the receiver (off-hook); this action is automatically
signaled to the end office switch.
2. The switch responds with an audible dial tone, signaling the subscriber that
the number may be dialed.
3. The caller dials the number, which is communicated as a called address to the
4. If the called subscriber is not busy, the switch alerts that subscriber to an
incoming call by sending a ringing signal, which causes the telephone to ring.
5. Feedback is provided to the calling subscriber by the switch:
a) If the called subscriber is not busy, the switch returns an audible ringing
tone to the caller while the ringing signal is being sent to the called
b) If the called subscriber is busy, the switch sends an audible busy signal to
the caller.
c) If the call cannot be completed through the switch, the switch sends an
audible "reorder" message to the caller.
6. The called party accepts the call by lifting the receiver (off-hook), which is
automatically signaled to the switch.
7. The switch terminates the ringing signal and the audible ringing tone, and
establishes a connection between the two subscribers.
8. The connection is released when either subscriber hangs up.
When the called subscriber is attached to a different switch than that of the
calling subscriber, the following switch-to-switch trunk signaling functions are
1. The originating switch seizes an idle interswitch trunk, sends an off-hook indication
on the trunk, and requests a digit register at the far end, so that the
address may be communicated.
2. The terminating switch sends an off-hook followed by an on-hook signal,
known as a "wink." This indicates a register-ready status.
3. The originating switch sends the address digits to the terminating switch.
This example illustrates some of the functions performed using control signals.
Figure 8.11, based on a presentation in [FREE94], indicates the origin and
destination of various control signals. Signaling can also be classified functionally as
supervisory, address, call-information, and network-management.
The term supervisory is generally used to refer to control functions that have
a binary character (truelfalse; onloff), such as request for service, answer, alerting,
and return to idle; they deal with the availability of the called subscriber and of the
needed network resources. Supervisory control signals are used to determine if a
needed resource is available and, if so, to seize it; they are also used to communicate
the status of requested resources.
Address signals identify a subscriber. Initially, an address signal is generated
by a calling subscriber when dialing a telephone number. The resulting address may
be propagated through the network to support the routing function and to locate
and ring the called subscriber's phone.
The term call-information refers to those signals that provide information to
the subscriber about the status of a call. This is in contrast to internal control signals
between switches used in call establishment and termination. Such internal
signals are analog or digital electrical messages. In contrast, call information signals
are audible tones that can be heard by the caller or an operator with the proper
phone set.
Supervisory, address, and call-information control signals are directly involved
in the establishment and termination of a call. In contrast, networkmanagement
signals are used for the maintenance, troubleshooting, and overall
operation of the network. Such signals may be in the form of messages, such as a list
of preplanned routes being sent to a station to update its routing tables. These signals
cover a broad scope, and it is this category that will expand most with the
increasing complexity of switched networks.
Location of Signaling
Control signaling needs to be considered in two contexts: signaling between a subscriber
and the network, and signaling within the network. Typically, signaling operates
differently within these two contexts.
The signaling between a telephone or other subscriber device and the switching
office to which it attaches is, to a large extent, determined by the characteristics
of the subscriber device and the needs of the human user. Signals within the network
are entirely computer-to-computer. The internal signaling is concerned not
only with the management of subscriber calls but with the management of the network
itself. Thus, for internal signaling, a more complex repertoire of commands,
responses, and set of parameters is needed.
Because two different signaling techniques are used, the local switching office
to which the subscriber is attached must provide a mapping between the relatively
less complex signaling technique used by the subscriber and the more complex technique
used within the network.
Common Channel Signaling
Traditional control signaling in circuit-switched networks has been on a per-trunk
or inchannel basis. With inchannel signaling, the same channel is used to carry control
signals as is used to carry the call to which the control signals relate. Such signaling
begins at the originating subscriber and follows the same path as the call
itself. This process has the merit that no additional transmission facilities are
needed for signaling; the facilities for voice transmission are shared with control
Two forms of inchannel signaling are in use: inband and out-of-band. Inband
signaling uses not only the same physical path as the call it serves; it also uses the
same frequency band as the voice signals that are carried. This form of signaling has
several advantages. Because the control signals have the same electromagnetic
properties as the voice signals, they can go anywhere that the voice signals go. Thus,
there are no limits on the use of inband signaling anywhere in the network, including
places where analog-to-digital or digital-to-analog conversion takes place. In
addition, it is impossible to set up a call on a faulty speech path, as the control signals
that are used to set up that path would have to follow the same path.
Out-of-band signaling takes advantage of the fact that voice signals do not use
the full 4-kHz bandwidth allotted to them. A separate narrow signaling band within
the 4 kHz is used to send control signals. The major advantage of this approach is
that the control signals can be sent whether or not voice signals are on the line, thus
allowing continuous supervision and control of a call. However, an out-of-band
scheme needs extra electronics to handle the signaling band, and the signaling rates
are slower because the signal has been confined to a narrow bandwidth.
As public telecommunications networks become more complex and provide a
richer set of services, the drawbacks of inchannel signaling become more apparent.
The information transfer rate is quite limited with inchannel signaling. With inband
signals, the voice channel being used is only available for control signals when there
are no voice signals on the circuit. With out-of-band signals, a very narrow bandwidth
is available. With such limits, it is difficult to accommodate, in a timely fashion,
any but the simplest form of control messages. However, to take advantage of
the potential services and to cope with the increasing complexity of evolving network
technology, a richer and more powerful control signal repertoire is needed.
A second drawback of inchannel signaling is the amount of delay from the
time a subscriber enters an address (dials a number) to when the connection is
established. The requirement to reduce this delay is becoming more important as
the network is used in new ways. For example, computer-controlled calls, such as
with transaction processing, use relatively short messages; therefore, the call setup
time represents an appreciable part of the total transaction time.
Both of these problems can be addressed with common-channel signaling, in
which control signals are carried over paths completely independent of the voice
channels (Table 8.1). One independent control signal path can carry the signals for
a number of subscriber channels, and, hence, is a common control channel for these
subscriber channels.
The principle of common-channel signaling is illustrated and contrasted with
inchannel signaling in Figure 8.12. As can be seen, the signal path for commonchannel
signaling is physically separate from the path for voice or other subscriber
signals. The common channel can be configured with the bandwidth required to
carry control signals for a rich variety of functions. Thus, both the signaling protocol
and the network architecture to support that protocol are more complex than
inchannel signaling. However, the continuing drop in computer hardware costs
makes common-channel signaling increasingly attractive. The control signals are
messages that are passed between switches as well as between a switch and the network
management center. Thus, the control-signaling portion of the network is, in
effect, a distributed computer network carrying short messages.
Two modes of operation are used in common-channel signaling (Figure 8.13).
In the associated mode, the common channel closely tracks along its entire length
the interswitch trunk groups that are served between endpoints. The control signals
are on different channels from the subscriber signals, and, inside the switch, the control
signals are routed directly to a control signal processor. A more complex, but
more powerful, mode is the nonassociated mode; with this, the network is augmented
by additional nodes, known as signal transfer points. There is now no close
or simple assignment of control channels to trunk groups. In effect, there are now
two separate networks, with links between them so that the control portion of the
network can exercise control over the switching nodes that are servicing the subscriber
calls. Network management is more easily exerted in the nonassociated
mode as control channels can be assigned to tasks in a more flexible manner. The
nonassociated mode is the mode used in ISDN.
With inchannel signaling, control signals from one switch are originated by a
control processor and switched onto the outgoing channel. On the receiving end,
the control signals must be switched from the voice channel into the control processor.
With common-channel signaling, the control signals are transferred directly
from one control processor to another, without being tied to a voice signal; this is a
simpler procedure, and one of the main motivations for common-channel signaling
as it is less susceptible to accidental or intentional interference between subscriber
and control signals. Another key motivation for common-channel signaling is that
call-setup time is reduced. Consider the sequence of events for call setup with
inchannel signaling when more than one switch is involved. A control signal will be
sent from one switch to the next in the intended path. At each switch, the control
signal cannot be transferred through the switch to the next leg of the route until the
associated circuit is established through that switch. With common-channel signaling,
forwarding of control information can overlap the circuit-setup process.
With nonassociated signaling, a further advantage emerges: One or more central
control points can be established. All control information can be routed to a
network control center where requests are processed and from which control signals
are sent to switches that handle subscriber traffic; in this way, requests can be
processed with a more global view of network conditions.
Of course, there are disadvantages to common-channel signaling; these primarily
have to do with the complexity of the technique. However, the dropping cost
of digital hardware and the increasingly digital nature of telecommunication networks
makes common-channel signaling the appropriate technology.
All of the discussion in this section has dealt with the use of common-channel
signaling inside the network-that is, to control switches. Even in a network that is
completely controlled by common-channel signaling, inchannel signaling is needed
for at least some of the communication with the subscriber. For example, dial tone,
ringback, and busy signals must be inchannel to reach the user. In a simple telephone
network, the subscriber does not have access to the common-channel signaling
portion of the network and does not employ the common-channel signaling protocol.
However, in more sophisticated digital networks, including ISDN, a
common-channel signaling protocol is employed between subscriber and network,
and is mapped to the internal-signaling protocol.

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