
Monday, October 3, 2016


The TCP/IP protocol suite includes two transport-level protocols: the Transmission
Control Protocol (TCP), which is connection-oriented, and the User Datagram Protocol
(UDP), which is connectionless. In this section, we look at TCP (specified in
RFC 793)-first at the service it provides to the TS user, and then at the internal
protocol details.
TCP Services
TCP is designed to provide reliable communication between pairs of processes
(TCP users) across a variety of reliable and unreliable networks and internets.
Functionally, it is equivalent to Class 4 IS0 Transport. In contrast to the IS0
model, TCP is stream oriented. That is, TCP users exchange streams of data. The
data are placed in allocated buffers and transmitted by TCP in segments. TCP supports
security and precedence labeling. In addition, TCP provides two useful facilities
for labeling data, push and urgent:
Data stream push. Ordinarily, TCP decides when sufficient data have accumulated
to form a segment for transmission. The TCP user can require TCP
to transmit all outstanding data up to and including those labeled with a push
flag. On the receiving end, TCP will deliver these data to the user in the same
manner; a user might request this if it has come to a logical break in the data.
Urgent data signaling. This provides a means of informing the destination
TCP user that significant or "urgent" data is in the upcoming data stream. It
is up to the destination user to determine appropriate action.
As with IP, the services provided by TCP are defined in terms of primitives
and parameters. The services provided by TCP are considerably richer than those
provided by IP, and, hence, the set of primitives and parameters is more complex.
Table 17.2 lists TCP service request primitives, which are issued by a TCP user to
TCP, and Table 17.3 lists TCP service response primitives, which are issued by TCP
to a local TCP user. Table 17.4 provides a brief definition of the parameters
involved. Several comments are in order.
The two Passive Open commands signal the TCP user's willingness to accept
a connection request. The Active Open with Data allows the user to begin transmitting
data with the opening of the connection.
TCP Header Format
TCP uses only a single type of protocol data unit, called a TCP segment. The header
is shown in Figure 17.14. Because one header must serve to perform all protocol
mechanisms, it is rather large, with a minimum length of 20 octets. The fields are
Source port (16 bits). Source service access point.
Destination port (16 bits). Destination service access point.
Sequence number (32 bits). Sequence number of the first data octet in this
segment except when SYN flag is set. If SYN is set, it is the initial sequence
number (ISN), and the first data octet is ISN + 1.
Acknowledgment number (32 bits). A piggybacked acknowledgment. Contains
the sequence number of the next data octet that the TCP entity expects
to receive.
Data offset (4 bits). Number of 32-bit words in the header.
Reserved (6 bits). Reserved for future use.
Flags (6 bits).
URG: Urgent pointer field significant.
ACK: Acknowledgment field significant.
PSH: Push function.
RST: Reset the connection.
SYN: Synchronize the sequence numbers.
FIN: No more data from sender.
Window (16 bits). Flow control credit allocation, in octets. Contains the number
of data octets beginning with the one indicated in the acknowledgment
field that the sender is willing to accept.
Checksum (16 bits). The one's complement of the sum modulo 216-1 of all the
16-bit words in the segment, plus a pseudo-header. The situation is described
Urgent Pointer (16 bits). Points to the last octet in a sequence of urgent data;
this allows the receiver to know how much urgent data is coming.
Options (Variable). At present, only one option is defined, which specifies the
maximum segment size that will be accepted.
Several of the fields in the TCP header warrant further elaboration. The
soztrce port and destination port specify the sending and receiving users of TCP. As
with IP, there are a number of common users of TCP that have been assigned numbers;
these numbers should be reserved for that purpose in any implementation.
Other port numbers must be arranged by agreement between communicating
The sequence number and acknowledgment number are bound to octets rather
than to entire segments. For example, if a segment contains sequence number 1000
and includes 600 octets of data, the sequence number refers to the first octet in the
data field; the next segment in logical order will have sequence number 1600. Thus,
TCP is logically stream-oriented: It accepts a stream of octets from the user, groups
them into segments as it sees fit, and numbers each octet in the stream.
The checksum field applies to the entire segment, plus a pseudo-header prefixed
to the header at the time of calculation (at both transmission and reception).
The pseudo-header includes the following fields from the IP header: source and
destination internet address and protocol, plus a segment length field (Figure
17.15). By including the pseudo-header, TCP protects itself from misdelivery by IP.
That is, if IP delivers a segment to the wrong host, even if the segment contains no
bit errors, the receiving TCP entity will detect the delivery error. If TCP is used over
IPv6, then the pseudo-header is different, and is depicted in Figure 16.21.
The reader may feel that some items are missing from the TCP header, and
that is indeed the case. TCP is designed specifically to work with IP. Hence, some
user parameters are passed down by TCP to IP for inclusion in the IP header. The
relevant ones are
9 Precedence: a 3-bit field
9 Normal-delayllow-delay
9 Security: an 11-bit field
It is worth observing that this TCPIIP linkage means that the required minimum
overhead for every data unit is actually 40 octets.
TCP Mechanisms
Connection Establishment
Connection establishment in TCP always uses a three-way handshake. When the
SYN flag is set, the segment is essentially a request for connection (RFC), and thus
functions as explained in Section 17.2. To initiate a connection, an entity sends an
RFC X, where Xis the initial sequence number. The receiver responds with RFC
Y, ACK X by setting both the SYN and ACK flags. Finally, the initiator responds
with ACK Y. If both sides issue crossing RFCs, no problem results; both sides
respond with ACKs.
A connection is uniquely determined by the source and destination ports.
Thus, at any one time, there can only be a single TCP connection between a unique
pair of ports. However, a given port can support multiple connections, each with a
different partner port.
Data Transfer
Although data are transferred in segments over a transport connection, data
transfer is viewed logically as consisting of a stream of octets. Hence, every octet is
numbered, modulo 2^23. Each segment contains the sequence number of the first
octet in the data field. Flow control is exercised using a credit allocation scheme in
which the credit is a number of octets rather than a number of segments.
As was mentioned, data are buffered by the transport entity on both transmission
and reception. TCP normally exercises its own discretion as to when to construct
a segment for transmission and when to release received data to the user. The
PUSH flag is used to force the data so-far accumulated to be sent by the transmitter
and passed on by the receiver. This serves an end-of-letter function.
The user may specify a block of data as urgent. TCP will designate the end of
that block with an urgent pointer and send it out in the ordinary data stream. The
receiving user is alerted that urgent data are being received.
If, during data exchange, a segment arrives that is apparently not meant for
the current connection, the RST flag is set on an outgoing segment. Examples of
this situation are delayed duplicate SYNs and an acknowledgment of data not yet
Connection Termination
The normal means of terminating a connection consists of a graceful close. Each
TCP user must issue a CLOSE primitive. The transport entity sets the FIN bit on
the last segment that it sends out, which also contains the last of the data to be sent
on this connection.
An abrupt termination occurs if the user issues an ABORT primitive. In this
case, the entity abandons all attempts to send or receive data and discards data in
its transmission and reception buffers. An RST segment is sent to the other side.
TCP Implementation Policy Options
The TCP standard provides a precise specification of the protocol to be used
between TCP entities. However, certain aspects of the protocol admit several possible
implementation options. Although two implementations that choose alternative
options will be interoperable, there may be performance implications. The
design-area options are the following:
Send policy
Deliver policy
Accept policy
Retransmit policy
Acknowledge policy
Send Policy
In the absence of pushed data and a closed transmission window (see Figure 17.6a),
a sending TCP entity is free to transmit data at its own convenience. As data are
issued by the user, they are buffered in the transmit buffer. TCP may construct a
segment for each batch of data provided by its user, or it may wait until a certain
amount of data accumulates before constructing and sending a segment. The actual
policy will depend on performance considerations. If transmissions are infrequent
and large, there is low overhead in terms of segment generation and processing. On
the other hand, if transmissions are frequent and small, then the system is providing
quick response.
One danger of frequent, small transmissions is known as the silly window syndrome,
which is discussed in Problem 17.19.
Deliver Policy
In the absence of a push, a receiving TCP entity is free to deliver data to the user at
its own convenience. It may deliver data as each in-order segment is received, or it
may buffer data from a number of segments in the receive buffer before delivery.
The actual policy will depend on performance considerations. If deliveries are infrequent
and large, the user is not receiving data as promptly as may be desirable. On
the other hand, if deliveries are frequent and small, there may be unnecessary processing
both in TCP and in the user software, as well as an unnecessary number of
operating-system interrupts.
Accept Policy
When all data segments arrive in order over a TCP connection, TCP places the data
in a receive buffer for delivery to the user. It is possible, however, for segments to
arrive out of order. In this case, the receiving TCP entity has two options:
In-order. Accept only segments that arrive in order; any segment that arrives
out of order is discarded.
In-window. Accept all segments that are within the receive window (see Figure
The in-order policy makes for a simple implementation but places a burden on
the networking facility, as the sending TCP must time-out and retransmit segments
that were successfully received but discarded because of misordering. Furthermore,
if a single segment is lost in transit, then all subsequent segments must be retransmitted
once the sending TCP times out on the lost segment.
The in-window policy may reduce transmissions but requires a more complex
acceptance test and a more sophisticated data storage scheme to buffer and keep
track of data accepted out of order.
For class 4 IS0 transport (TP4), the in-window policy is mandatory.
Retransmit Policy
TCP maintains a queue of segments that have been sent but not yet acknowledged.
The TCP specification states that TCP will retransmit a segment if it fails to receive
an acknowledgment within a given time. A TCP implementation may employ one
of three retransmission strategies:
First-only. Maintain one retransmission timer for the entire queue. If an
acknowledgment is received, remove the appropriate segment or segments
from the queue and reset the timer. If the timer expires, retransmit the segment
at the front of the queue and reset the timer
Batch. Maintain one retransmission timer for the entire queue. If an acknowledgment
is received, remove the appropriate segment or segments from the
queue and reset the timer. If the timer expires, retransmit all segments in the
queue and reset the timer.
Individual. Maintain one timer for each segment in the queue. If an acknowledgment
is received, remove the appropriate segment or segments from the
queue and destroy the corresponding timer or timers. If any timer expires,
retransmit the corresponding segment individually and reset its timer.
The first-only policy is efficient in terms of traffic generated, as only lost segments
(or segments whose ACK was lost) are retransmitted. Because the timer for
the second segment in the queue is not set until the first segment is acknowledged,
however, there can be considerable delays; the individual policy solves this problem
at the expense of a more complex implementation. The batch policy also reduces
the likelihood of long delays but may result in unnecessary retransmissions.
The actual effectiveness of the retransmit policy depends in part on the accept
policy of the receiver. If the receiver is using an in-order accept policy, then it will
discard segments received after a lost segment; this fits best with batch retransmission.
If the receiver is using an in-window accept policy, then a first-only or individual
retransmission policy is best. Of course, in a mixed network of computers,
both accept policies may be in use.
The IS0 TP4 specification outlines essentially the same options for a retransmit
policy without mandating a particular one.
Acknowledge Policy
When a data segment arrives that is in sequence, the receiving TCP entity has two
options concerning the timing of acknowledgment:
Immediate. When data are accepted, immediately transmit an empty (no
data) segment containing the appropriate acknowledgment number.
Cumulative. When data are accepted, record the need for acknowledgment,
but wait for an outbound segment with data on which to piggyback the
acknowledgment. To avoid a long delay, set a window timer (see Table 17.1);
if the timer expires before an acknowledgment is sent, transmit an empty segment
containing the appropriate acknowledgment number.
The immediate policy is simple and keeps the sending TCP entity fully informed,
which limits unnecessary retransmissions. However, this policy results in
extra segment transmissions, namely, empty segments used only to ACK. Furthermore,
the policy can cause a further load on the network. Consider that a TCP
entity receives a segment and immediately sends an ACK; then the data in the segment
are released to the application, which expands the receive window, triggering
another empty TCP segment to provide additional credit to the sending TCP entity.
Because of the potential overhead of the immediate policy, the cumulative
policy is typically used. Recognize, however, that the use of this policy requires
more processing at the receiving end and complicates the task of estimating roundtrip
delay by the sending TCP entity.
The IS0 TP4 specification outlines essentially the same options for an
acknowledge policy without mandating a particular one.

In addition to TCP, there is one other transport-level protocol that is in common
use as part of the TCPIIP protocol suite: the user datagram protocol (UDP), specified
in RFC 768.
UDP provides a connectionless service for application-level procedures. Thus,
UDP is basically an unreliable service; delivery and duplicate protection are not
guaranteed. However, the overhead of the protocol is low, which may be adequate
in many cases. An example of the use of UDP is in the context of network management,
as described in Lesson 19.
UDP sits on top of IP. Because it is connectionless, UDP has very little to do.
Essentially, it adds a port addressing capability to IP, best seen by examining the
UDP header, shown in Figure 17.16. The header includes a source port and a destination
port. The length field contains the length of the entire UDP segment, including
header and data. The checksum is the same algorithm used for TCP and IP. For
UDP, the checksum applies to the entire UDP segment plus a pseudo-header prefixed
to the UDP header at the time of calculation and is the same one used for TCP
(Figure 17.15). If an error is detected, the segment is discarded and no further
action is taken.
The checksum field in UDP is optional. If it is not used, it is set to zero. However,
it should be pointed out that the IP checksum applies only to the IP header
and not to the data field, which in this case consists of the UDP header and the user
data. Thus, if no checksum calculation is performed by UDP, then no check is made
on the user data.

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