
Monday, October 3, 2016



We begin with an exposition of the concept of a communications protocol. It
is shown that protocols are fundamental to all data communications. Next, we look
at a way of systematically describing and implementing the communications function
by viewing the communications task in terms of a column of layers, each of
which contains protocols; this is the view of the now-famous Open Systems Interconnection
(OSI) model.
Although the OSI model is almost universally accepted as the framework for
discourse in this area, there is another model, known as the TCPIIP protocol architecture,
which has gained commercial dominance at the expense of OSI. Most of the
specific protocols described in Part Four are part of the TCPIIP suite of protocols.

We begin with an overview of characteristics of protocols
. Following
this overview, we look in more detail at OSI and TCPIIP.
The concepts of distributed processing and computer networking imply that entities
in different systems need to communicate. We use the terms entity and system in a
very general sense. Examples of entities are user application programs, file transfer
packages, data base management systems, electronic mail facilities, and terminals.
Examples of systems are computers, terminals, and remote sensors. Note that in
some cases the entity and the system in which it resides are coextensive (e.g., terminals).
In general, an entity is anything capable of sending or receiving information,
and a system is a physically distinct object that contains one or more entities.
For two entities to successfully communicate, they must "speak the same language."
What is communicated, how it is communicated, and when it is communicated
must conform to some mutually acceptable set of conventions between the
entities involved. The set of conventions is referred to as a protocol, which may be
defined as a set of rules governing the exchange of data between two entities. The
key elements of a protocol are
Syntax. Includes such things as data format, coding, and signal levels.
Semantics. Includes control information for coordination and error handling.
Timing. Includes speed matching and sequencing.
HDLC is an example of a protocol. The data to be exchanged must be sent in
frames of a specific format (syntax). The control field provides a variety of regula
tory functions, such as setting a mode and establishing a connection (semantics).
Provisions are also included for flow control (timing). Most of Part Four will be
devoted to discussing other examples of protocols.
Some important characteristics of a protocol are
Direct /indirect
Standard /nonstandard
Communication between two entities may be direct or indirect. Figure 15.1
depicts possible situations. If two systems share a point-to-point link, the entities in
these systems may communicate directly; that is, data and control information pass
directly between entities with no intervening active agent. The same may be said of
a multipoint configuration, although here the entities must be concerned with the
issue of access control, making the protocol more complex. If systems connect
through a switched communication network, a direct protocol is no longer possible.
The two entities must depend on the functioning of other entities to exchange data.
A more extreme case is a situation in which two entities do not even share the same
switched network, but are indirectly connected through two or more networks. A
set of such interconnected networks is termed an internet.
A protocol is either monolithic or structured. It should become clear as Part
Four proceeds that the task of communication between entities on different systems
is too complex to be handled as a unit. For example, consider an electronic mail
package running on two computers connected by a synchronous HDLC link. To be
truly monolithic, the package would need to include all of the HDLC logic. If the
connection were over a packet-switched network, the package would still need the
HDLC logic (or some equivalent) to attach to the network. It would also need logic
for breaking up mail into packet-sized chunks, logic for requesting a virtual circuit,
and so forth. Mail should only be sent when the destination system and entity are
active and ready to receive; logic is needed for that kind of coordination, and, as we
shall see, the list goes on. A change in any aspect means that this huge package must
be modified, with the risk of introducing difficult-to-find bugs.
An alternative is to use structured design and implementation techniques.
Instead of a single protocol, there is a set of protocols that exhibit a hierarchical or
layered structure. Primitive functions are implemented in lower-level entities that
provide services to higher-level entities. For example, there could be an HDLC
module (entity) that is invoked by an electronic mail facility when needed, which is
just another form of indirection; higher-level entities rely on lower-level entities to
exchange data.
When structured protocol design is used, we refer to the hardware and software
that implements the communications function as a communications architecture;
the remainder of this lesson, after this section, is devoted to this concept.
A protocol may be either symmetric or asymmetric. Most of the protocols that
we shall study are symmetric; that is, they involve communication between peer
entities. Asymmetry may be dictated by the logic of an exchange (e.g., a client and
a server process), or by the desire to keep one of the entities or systems as simple
as possible. An example of the latter situation is the normal response mode of
HDLC. Typically, this involves a computer that polls and selects a number of terminals.
The logic on the terminal end is quite straightforward.
Finally, a protocol may be either standard or nonstandard. A nonstandard
protocol is one built for a specific communications situation or, at most, a particular
model of a computer. Thus, if K different kinds of information sources have to
communicate with L types of information receivers, K X L different protocols are
needed without standards and a total of 2 X K X L implementations are required
(Figure 15.2a). If all systems shared a common protocol, only K + L implementations
would be needed (Figure 15.2b). The increasing use of distributed processing
and the decreasing inclination of customers to remain locked into a single vendor
dictate that all vendors implement protocols that conform to an agreed-upon
Before turning to a discussion of communications architecture and the various levels
of protocols, let us consider a rather small set of functions that form the basis of
all protocols. Not all protocols have all functions; this would involve a significant
duplication of effort. There are, nevertheless, many instances of the same type of
function being present in protocols at different levels.
This discussion will, of necessity, be rather abstract; it does, however, provide
an integrated overview of the characteristics and functions of communications protocols.
The concept of protocol is fundamental to all of the remainder of Part Four,
and, as we proceed, specific examples of all these functions will be seen.
We can group protocol functions into the following categories:
Segmentation and reassembly
Connection control
Ordered delivery
Flow control
Error control
Transmission services
Segmentation and Reassembly
A protocol is concerned with exchanging streams of data between two entities. Usually,
the transfer can be characterized as consisting of a sequence of blocks of data
of some bounded size. At the application level, we refer to a logical unit of data
transfer as a message. Now, whether the application entity sends data in messages
or in a continuous stream, lower-level protocols may need to break the data up into
blocks of some smaller bounded size: this process is called segmentation. For convenience,
we shall refer to a block of data exchanged between two entities via a protocol
as a protocol data unit (PDU).
There are a number of motivations for segmentation, depending on the context.
Among the typical reasons for segmentation are
The communications network may only accept blocks of data up to a certain
size. For example, an ATM network is limited to blocks of 53 octets; Ethernet
imposes a maximum size of 1526 octets.
0 Error control may be more efficient with a smaller PDU size. For example,
fewer bits need to be retransmitted using smaller blocks with the selective
repeat technique.
More equitable access to shared transmission facilities, with shorter delay, can
be provided. For example, without a maximum block size, one station could
monopolize a multipoint medium.
A smaller PDU size may mean that receiving entities can allocate smaller
An entity may require that data transfer comes to some sort of closure from
time to time, for checkpoint and restartlrecovery operations.
There are several disadvantages to segmentation that argue for making blocks
as large as possible:
a Each PDU, as we shall see, contains a fixed minimum amount of control information.
Hence, the smaller the block, the greater the percentage overhead.
PDU arrival may generate an interrupt that must be serviced. Smaller blocks
result in more interrupts.
s More time is spent processing smaller, more numerous PDUs.
All of these factors must be taken into account by the protocol designer in
determining minimum and maximum PDU size.
The counterpart of segmentation is reassembly. Eventually, the segmented
data must be reassembled into messages appropriate to the application level. If
PDUs arrive out of order, the task is complicated.
The process of segmentation was illustrated in Figure 1.7.
Each PDU contains not only data but control information. Indeed, some PDUs consist
solely of control information and no data. The control information falls into
three general categories:
Address. The address of the sender and/or receiver may be indicated.
Error-detecting code. Some sort of frame check sequence is often included for
error detection.
Protocol control. Additional information is included to implement the protocol
functions listed in the remainder of this section.
The addition of control information to data is referred to as encapsulation.
Data are accepted or generated by an entity and encapsulated into a PDU containing
that data plus control information (See Figures 1.7 and 1.8). An example of this
is the HDLC frame (Figure 6.10).
Connection Control
An entity may transmit data to another entity in such a way that each PDU is
treated independently of all prior PDUs. This process is known as connectionless
data transfer; an example is the use of the datagram. While this mode is useful, an
equally important technique is connection-oriented data transfer, of which the virtual
circuit is an example.
Connection-oriented data transfer is to be preferred (even required) if stations
anticipate a lengthy exchange of data and/or certain details of their protocol
must be worked out dynamically. A logical association, or connection, is established
between the entities. Three phases occur (Figure 15.3):
Connection establishment
Data transfer
Connection termination
With more sophisticated protocols, there may also be connection interrupt
and recovery phases to cope with errors and other sorts of interruptions.
During the connection establishment phase, two entities agree to exchange
data. Typically, one station will issue a connection request (in connectionless fashion!)
to the other. A central authority may or may not be involved. In simpler protocols,
the receiving entity either accepts or rejects the request and, in the former
case, away they go. In more complex proposals, this phase includes a negotiation
concerning the syntax, semantics, and timing of the protocol. Both entities must, of
course, be using the same protocol. But the protocol may allow certain optional features,
and these must be agreed upon by means of negotiation. For example, the
protocol may specify a PDU size of up to 8000 octets; one station may wish to
restrict this to 1000 octets.
Following connection establishment, the data transfer phase is entered; here,
both data and control information (e.g., flow control, error control) are exchanged.
The figure shows a situation in which all of the data flows in one direction, with
acknowledgments returned in the other direction. More typically, data and
acknowledgments flow in both directions. Finally, one side or the other wishes to
terminate the connection and does so by sending a termination request. Alternatively,
a central authority might forcibly terminate a connection.
The key characteristic of connection-oriented data transfer is that sequencing
is used. Each side sequentially numbers the PDUs that it sends to the other side.
Because each side remembers that it is engaged in a logical connection: it can keep
track of both outgoing numbers, which it generates, and incoming numbers, which
are generated by the other side. Indeed, one can essentially define a connectionoriented
data transfer as one in which both sides number PDUs and keep track of
the incoming and outgoing numbers. Sequencing supports three main functions:
ordered deliver, flow control, and error control.
Ordered Delivery
If two communicating entities are in different hosts connected by a network, there
is a risk that PDUs will not arrive in the order in which they were sent, because they
may traverse different paths through the network. In connection-oriented protocols,
it is generally required that PDU order be maintained. For example, if a file is
transferred between two systems, we would like to be assured that the records of
the received file are in the same order as those of the transmitted file, and not shuffled.
If each PDU is given a unique number, and numbers are assigned sequentially,
then it is a logically simple task for the receiving entity to reorder received PDUs
on the basis of sequence number. A problem with this scheme is that, with a finite
sequence number field, sequence numbers repeat (modulo some maximum number).
Evidently, the maximum sequence number must be greater than the maximum
number of PDUs that could be outstanding at any time. In fact, the maximum number
may need to be twice the maximum number of PDUs that could be outstanding
(e.g., selective-repeat ARQ; see Lesson 6).
Flow Control
Flow control was introduced in Lesson 6. In essence, flow control is a function performed
by a receiving entity to limit the amount or rate of data that is sent by a
transmitting entity.
The simplest form of flow control is a stop-and-wait procedure, in which each
PDU must be acknowledged before the next can be sent. More efficient protocols
involve some form of credit provided to the transmitter, which is the amount of data
that can be sent without an acknowledgment. The sliding-window technique is an
example of this mechanism.
Flow control is a good example of a function that must be implemented in several
protocols. Consider again Figure 1.6. The network will need to exercise flow
control over station 1's network services module via the network access protocol, in
order to enforce network traffic control. At the same time, station 2's network services
module has only limited buffer space and needs to exercise flow control over
station 1's network services module via the process-to-process protocol. Finally,
even though station 2's network service module can control its data flow, station 2's
application may be vulnerable to overflow. For example, the application could be
hung up waiting for disk access. Thus, flow control is also needed over the application-
oriented protocol.
Error Control
Another previously introduced function is error control. Techniques are needed to
guard against loss or damage of data and control information. Most techniques
involve error detection, based on a frame check sequence, and PDU retransmission.
Retransmission is often activated by a timer. If a sending entity fails to receive an
acknowledgment to a PDU within a specified period of time, it will retransmit.
As with flow control, error control is a function that must be performed at various
levels of protocol. Consider again Figure 1.6. The network access protocol
should include error control to assure that data are successfully exchanged between
station and network. However, a packet of data may be lost inside the network, and
the process-to-process protocol should be able to recover from this loss.
The concept of addressing in a communications architecture is a complex one and
covers a number of issues. At least four separate issues need to be discussed:
e Addressing level
a Addressing scope
e Connection identifiers
e Addressing mode
During the discussion, we illustrate the concepts using Figure 15.4, which
shows a configuration using the TCPIIP protocol architecture. The concepts are
essentially the same for the OSI architecture or any other communications architecture.
Addressing level refers to the level in the communications architecture at
which an entity is named. Typically, a unique address is associated with each end
system (e.g., host or terminal) and each intermediate system (e.g., router) in a configuration.
Such an address is, in general, a network-level address. In the case of the
TCPIIP architecture, this is referred to as an IP address, or simply an internet
address. In the case of the OSI architecture, this is referred to as a network service
access point (NSAP). The network-level address is used to route a PDU through a
network or networks to a system indicated by a network-level address in the PDU.
Once data arrives at a destination system, it must be routed to some process
or application in the system. Typically, a system will support multiple applications,
and an application may support multiple users. Each application and, perhaps, each
concurrent user of an application, is assigned a unique identifier, referred to as a
port in the TCPIIP architecture, and as a service access point (SAP) in the OSI
architecture. For example, a host system might support both an electronic mail
application and a file transfer application. At minimum, each application would
have a port number or SAP that is unique within that system. Further, the file transfer
application might support multiple simultaneous transfers, in which case, each
transfer is dynamically assigned a unique port number or SAP.
Figure 15.4 illustrates two levels of addressing within a system; this is typically
the case for the TCPIIP architecture. However, there can be addressing at each level
of an architecture. For example, a unique SAP can be assigned to each level of the
OSI architecture.
Another issue that relates to the address of an end system or intermediate system
is addressing scope. The internet address or NSAP address referred to above is
a global address. The key characteristics of a global address are
Global nonambiguity. A global address identifies a unique system. Synonyms
are permitted. That is, a system may have more than one global address.
Global applicability. It is possible at any global address to identify any other
global address, in any system, by means of the global address of the other
Because a global address is unique and globally applicable, it enables an internet
to route data from any system attached to any network to any other system
attached to any other network.
Figure 15.4 illustrates that another level of addressing may be required. Each
subnetwork must maintain a unique address for each device interface on the subnetwork.
Examples are a MAC address on an IEEE 802 network and an X.25 DTE
address, both of which enable the subnetwork to route data units (e.g., MAC
frames, X.25 packets) through the subnetwork and deliver them to the intended
attached system. We can refer to such an address as a subnetwork attachment-point
The issue of addressing scope is generally only relevant for network-level
addresses. A port or SAP above the network level is unique within a given system
but need not be globally unique. For example, in Figure 15.4, there can be a port 1
in system A and a port 1 in system B. The full designation of these two ports could
be expressed as A.l and B.l, which are unique designations.
The concept of connection identifiers comes into play when we consider connection-
oriented data transfer (e.g., virtual circuit) rather than connectionless data
transfer (e.g., datagram). For connectionless data transfer, a global name is used
with each data transmission. For connection-oriented transfer, it is sometimes desirable
to use only a connection name during the data transfer phase. The scenario is
this: Entity 1 on system A requests a connection to entity 2 on system B, perhaps
using the global address B.2. When B.2 accepts the connection, a connection name
(usually a number) is provided and is used by both entities for future transmissions.
The use of a connection name has several advantages:
Reduced overhead. Connection names are generally shorter than global
names. For example, in the X.25 protocol (discussed in Lesson 9) used over
packet-switched networks, connection-request packets contain both source
and destination address fields, each with a system-defined length that may be
a number of octets. After a virtual circuit is established, data packets contain
just a 12-bit virtual circuit number.
Routing. In setting up a connection, a fixed route may be defined. The connection
name serves to identify the route to intermediate systems, such as
packet-switching nodes, for handling future PDUs.
Multiplexing. We address this function in more general terms below. Here we
note that an entity may wish to enjoy more than one connection simultaneously.
Thus, incoming PDUs must be identified by connection name.
Use of state information. Once a connection is established, the end systems
can maintain state information relating to the connection; this enables such
functions as flow control and error control using sequence numbers.
Figure 15.4 shows several examples of connections. The logical connection
between router J and host B is at the network level. For example, if network 2 is a
packet-switching network using X.25, then this logical connection would be a virtual
circuit. At a higher level, many transport-level protocols, such as TCP, support logical
connections between users of the transport service. Thus, TCP can maintain a
connection between two ports on different systems.
Another addressing concept is that of addressing mode. Most commonly, an
address refers to a single system or port; in this case, it is referred to as an individual
or unicast address. It is also possible for an address to refer to more than one
entity or port. Such an address identifies multiple simultaneous recipients for data.
For example, a user might wish to send a memo to a number of individuals. The network
control center may wish to notify all users that the network is going down. An
address for multiple recipients may be broadcast-intended for all entities within a
domain-or multicast-intended for a specific subset of entities. Table 15.1 illustrates
the possibilities.
Related to the concept of addressing is that of multiplexing. One form of multiplexing
is supported by means of multiple connections into a single system. For
example, with X.25, there can be multiple virtual circuits terminating in a single end
system; we can say that these virtual circuits are multiplexed over the single physical
interface between the end system and the network. Multiplexing can also be
accomplished via port names, which also permit multiple simultaneous connections.
For example, there can be multiple TCP connections terminating in a given system,
each connection supporting a different pair of ports.
Multiplexing is used in another context as well, namely the mapping of connections
from one level to another. Consider again Figure 15.4. Network A might
provide a virtual circuit service. For each process-to-process connection established
at the network services level, a virtual circuit could be created at the network access
level. This is a one-to-one relationship, but need not be so. Multiplexing can be used
in one of two directions (Figure 15.5). Upward multiplexing occurs when multiple
higher-level connections are multiplexed on, or share, a single lower-level connec-
tion in order to make more efficient use of the lower-level service or to provide several
higher-level connections in an environment where only a single lower-level
connection exists. Figure 15.5 shows an example of upward multiplexing. Downward
multiplexing, or splitting, means that a single higher-level connection is built
on top of multiple lower-level connections, the traffic on the higher connection
being divided among the various lower connections. This technique may be used to
provide reliability, performance, or efficiency.
Transmission Services
A protocol may provide a variety of additional services to the entities that use it.
We mention here three common examples:
Priority. Certain messages, such as control messages, may need to get through
to the destination entity with minimum delay. An example would be a closeconnection
request. Thus, priority could be assigned on a per-message basis.
Additionally, priority could be assigned on a per-connection basis.
Grade of service. Certain classes of data may require a minimum throughput
or a maximum delay threshold.
Security. Security mechanisms, restricting access, may be invoked.
All of these services depend on the underlying transmission system and on any
intervening lower-level entities. If it is possible for these services to be provided
from below, the protocol can be used by the two entities to exercise such services.
As discussed in Lesson 1, standards are needed to promote interoperability among
vendor equipment and to encourage economies of scale. Because of the complexity
of the communications task, no single standard will suffice. Rather, the functions
should be broken down into more manageable parts and organized as a communications
architecture, which would then form the framework for standardization.
This line of reasoning led IS0 in 1977 to establish a subcommittee to develop
such an architecture. The result was the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference
model. Although the essential elements of the model were put into place
quickly, the final IS0 standard, IS0 7498, was not published until 1984. A technically
compatible version was issued by CCITT as X.200 (now ITU-T).
The Model
A widely accepted structuring technique, and the one chosen by ISO, is layering.
The communications functions are partitioned into a hierarchical set of layers. Each
layer performs a related subset of the functions required to communicate with
another system, relying on the next-lower layer to perform more primitive functions,
and to conceal the details of those functions, as it provides services to the
next-higher layer. Ideally, the layers should be defined so that changes in one layer
do not require changes in the other layers. Thus, we have decomposed one problem
into a number of more manageable subproblems.
The task of IS0 was to define a set of layers and to delineate the services performed
by each layer. The partitioning should group functions logically, and should
have enough layers to make each one manageably small, but should not have so
many layers that the processing overhead imposed by their collection is burdensome.
The principles that guided the design effort are summarized in Table 15.2.
The resulting reference model has seven layers, which are listed with a brief defin
ition in Figure 1.10. Table 15.3 provides ISO's justification for the selection of these
Figure 15.6 illustrates the OSI architecture. Each system contains the seven
layers. Communication is between applications in the two computers, labeled application
X and application Y in the figure. If application X wishes to send a message
to application Y, it invokes the application layer (layer 7). Layer 7 establishes a peer
relationship with layer 7 of the target computer, using a layer-7 protocol (application
protocol). This protocol requires services from layer 6, so the two layer-6 entities
use a protocol of their own, and so on down to the physical layer, which actually
transmits bits over a transmission medium.
Note that there is no direct communication between peer layers except at the
physical layer. That is, above the physical layer, each protocol entity sends data
down to the next-lower layer to get the data across to its peer entity. Even at the
physical layer, the OSI model does not stipulate that two systems be directly connected.
For example, a packet-switched or circuit-switched network may be used to
provide the communication link.
Figure 15.6 also highlights the use of protocol data units (PDUs) within the
OSI architecture. First, consider the most common way in which protocols are realized.
When application X has a message to send to application Y, it transfers those
data to an application entity in the application layer. A header is appended to the
data that contains the required information for the peer-layer-7 protocol (encapsulation).
The original data, plus the header, are now passed as a unit to layer 6. The
presentation entity treats the whole unit as data and appends its own header (a second
encapsulation). This process continues down through layer 2, which generally
adds both a header and a trailer (e.g., HDLC). This layer-2 unit, called a frame, is
then passed by the physical layer onto the transmission medium. When the frame is
received by the target system, the reverse process occurs. As the data ascend, each
layer strips off the outermost header, acts on the protocol information contained
therein, and passes the remainder up to the next layer.
At each stage of the process, a layer may fragment the data unit it receives
from the next-higher layer into several parts, in order to accommodate its own
requirements. These data units must then be reassembled by the corresponding
peer layer before being passed up.
Standardization Within the OSI Framework
The principal motivation for the development of the OSI model was to provide a
framework for standardization. Within the model, one or more protocol standards
can be developed at each layer. The model defines, in general terms, the functions
to be performed at that layer and facilitates the standards-making process in two
Because the functions of each layer are well-defined, standards can be developed
independently and simultaneously for each layer, thereby speeding up
the standards-making process.
Because the boundaries between layers are well defined, changes in standards
in one layer need not affect already existing software in another layer; this
makes it easier to introduce new standards.
Figure 15.7 illustrates the use of the OSI model as such a framework. The
overall communications function is decomposed into seven distinct layers, using the
principles outlined in Table 15.2. These principles essentially amount to the use of
modular design. That is, the overall function is broken up into a number of modules,
making the interfaces between modules as simple as possible. In addition, the
design principle of information-hiding is used: Lower layers are concerned with
greater levels of detail; upper layers are independent of these details. Within each
layer, there exist both the service provided to the next higher layer and the protocol
to the peer layer in other systems.
Figure 15.8 shows more specifically the nature of the standardization required
at each layer. Three elements are key:
Protocol specification. Two entities at the same layer in different systems
cooperate and interact by means of a protocol. Because two different open
systems are involved, the protocol must be specified precisely; this includes
the format of the protocol data units exchanged, the semantics of all fields,
and the allowable sequence of PDUs.
Service definition. In addition to the protocol or protocols that operate at a
given layer, standards are needed for the services that each layer provides to
the next-higher layer. Typically, the definition of services is equivalent to a
functional description that defines what services are provided, but not how the
services are to be provided.
Addressing. Each layer provides services to entities at the next-higher layer.
These entities are referenced by means of a service access point (SAP). Thus,
a network service access point (NSAP) indicates a transport entity that is a
user of the network service.
The need to provide a precise protocol specification for open systems is selfevident.
The other two items listed above warrant further comment. With respect
to service definitions, the motivation for providing only a functional definition is as
follows. First, the interaction between two adjacent layers takes places within the
confines of a single open system and is not the concern of any other open system.
Thus, as long as peer layers in different systems provide the same services to their
next-higher layersj the details of how the services are provided may differ from one
system to another without loss of interoperability. Second, it will usually be the case
that adjacent layers are implemented on the same processor. In that case, we would
like to leave the system programmer free to exploit the hardware and operating system
to provide an interface that is as efficient as possible.
Service Primitives and Parameters
The services between adjacent layers in the OSI architecture are expressed in terms
of primitives and parameters. A primitive specifies the function to be performed,
and a parameter is used to pass data and control information. The actual form of a
primitive is implementation-dependent; an example is a procedure call.
Four types of primitives are used in standards to define the interaction
between adjacent layers in the architecture (X.210). These are defined in Table
15.4. The layout of Figure 15.9a suggests the time ordering of these events. For
example, consider the transfer of data from an (N) entity to a peer (N) entity in
another system. The following steps occur:
1. The source (N) entity invokes its (N-1) entity with a DATA.request primitive.
Associated with the primitive are the needed parameters, such as the data to
be transmitted and the destination address.
2. The source (N-1) entity prepares an (N-1) PDU to be sent to its peer (N-1)
3. The destination (N-1) entity delivers the data to the appropriate destination
(N) entity via a DATAhdication, which includes the data and source address
as parameters.
4. If an acknowledgment is called for, the destination (N) entity issues a
DATA.response to its (N-1) entity.
5. The (N-1) entity conveys the acknowledgment in an (N-1) PDU.
6. The acknowledgment is delivered to the (N) entity as a DATA.confirm.
This sequence of events is referred to as a confirmed service, as the initiator
receives confirmation that the requested service has had the desired effect at the
other end. If only request and indication primitives are involved (corresponding to
steps 1 through 3), then the service dialogue is a nonconfirmed service; the initiator
receives no confirmation that the requested action has taken place (Figure 15.9b).
The OSI Layers
In this section, we discuss briefly each of the layers and, where appropriate, give
examples of standards for protocols at those layers.
Physical Layer
The physical layer covers the physical interface between devices and the rules by
which bits are passed from one to another. The physical layer has four important
Mechanical. Relates to the physical properties of the interface to a transmission
medium. Typically, the specification is of a pluggable connector that
joins one or more signal conductors, called circuits.
Electrical. Relates to the representation of bits (e.g., in terms of voltage levels)
and the data transmission rate of bits.
Functional. Specifies the functions performed by individual circuits of the
physical interface between a system and the transmission medium.
Procedural. Specifies the sequence of events by which bit streams are
exchanged across the physical medium.
We have already covered physical layer protocols in some detail in Section
5.3. Examples of standards at this layer are EIA-232-E, as well as portions of ISDN
and LAN standards.
Data Link Layer
Whereas the physical layer provides only a raw bit-stream service, the data link
layer attempts to make the physical link reliable while providing the means to activate,
maintain, and deactivate the link. The principal service provided by the data
link layer to higher layers is that of error detection and control. Thus, with a fully
functional data-link-layer protocol, the next higher layer may assume error-free
transmission over the link. However, if communication is between two systems that
are not directly connected, the connection will comprise a number of data links in
tandem, each functioning independently. Thus, the higher layers are not relieved of
any error control responsibility.
Lesson 6 was devoted to data link protocols; examples of standards at this
layer are HDLC, LAPB, LLC, and LAPD.
Network Layer
The network layer provides for the transfer of information between end systems
across some sort of communications network. It relieves higher layers of the need
to know anything about the underlying data transmission and switching technologies
used to connect systems. At this layer, the computer system engages in a dialogue
with the network to specify the destination address and to request certain network
facilities, such as priority.
There is a spectrum of possibilities for intervening communications facilities
to be managed by the network layer. At one extreme, there is a direct point-topoint
link between stations. In this case, there may be no need for a network layer
because the data link layer can perform the necessary function of managing the
Next, the systems could be connected across a single network, such as a
circuit-switching or packet-switching network. As an example, the packet level of
the X.25 standard is a network layer standard for this situation. Figure 15.10 shows
how the presence of a network is accommodated by the OSI architecture. The lower
three layers are concerned with attaching to and communicating with the network.
The packets created by the end system pass through one or more network nodes
that act as relays between the two end systems. The network nodes implement layers
1-3 of the architecture. In the figure, two end systems are connected through a
single network node. Layer 3 in the node performs a switching and routing function.
Within the node, there are two data link layers and two physical layers, corresponding
to the links to the two end systems. Each data link (and physical) layer
operates independently to provide service to the network layer over its respective
link. The upper four layers are end-to-end protocols between the attached end
At the other extreme, two end systems might wish to communicate but are not
even connected to the same network. Rather, they are connected to networks that,
directly or indirectly, are connected to each other. This case requires the use of
some sort of internetworking technique; we explore this approach in Lesson 16.
Transport Layer
The transport layer provides a mechanism for the exchange of data between end
systems. The connection-oriented transport service ensures that data are delivered
error-free, in sequence, with no losses or duplications. The transport layer may also
be concerned with optimizing the use of network services and with providing a
requested quality of service to session entities. For example, the session entity may
specify acceptable error rates, maximum delay, priority, and security.
The size and complexity of a transport protocol depend on how reliable or
unreliable the underlying network and network layer services are. Accordingly, IS0
has developed a family of five transport protocol standards, each oriented toward a
different underlying service. In the TCPIIP protocol suite, there are two common
transport-layer protocols: the connection-oriented TCP (transmission control protocol)
and the connectionless UDP (user datagram protocol).
Session Layer
The lowest four layers of the OSI model provide the means for the reliable
exchange of data and provide an expedited data service. For many applications, this
basic service is insufficient. For example, a remote terminal access application might
require a half-duplex dialogue. A transaction-processing application might require
checkpoints in the data-transfer stream to permit backup and recovery. A messageprocessing
application might require the ability to interrupt a dialogue in order to
prepare a new portion of a message and later to resume the dialogue where it was
left off.
All these capabilities could be embedded in specific applications at layer 7.
However, because these types of dialogue-structuring tools have widespread applicability,
it makes sense to organize them into a separate layer: the session layer.
The session layer provides the mechanism for controlling the dialogue
between applications in end systems. In many cases, there will be little or no need
for session-layer services, but for some applications, such services are used. The key
services provided by the session layer include
Dialogue discipline. This can be two-way simultaneous (full duplex) or twoway
alternate (half duplex).
Grouping. The flow of data can be marked to define groups of data. For
example, if a retail store is transmitting sales data to a regional office, the data
can be marked to indicate the end of the sales data for each department; this
would signal the host computer to finalize running totals for that department
and start new running counts for the next department.
Recovery. The session layer can provide a checkpointing mechanism, so that
if a failure of some sort occurs between checkpoints, the session entity can
retransmit all data since the last checkpoint.
IS0 has issued a standard for the session layer that includes, as options, services
such as those just described.
Presentation Layer
The presentation layer defines the format of the data to be exchanged between
applications and offers application programs a set of data transformation services.
The presentation layer also defines the syntax used between application entities and
provides for the selection and subsequent modification of the representation used.
Examples of specific services that may be performed at this layer include data compression
and encryption.
Application Layer
The application layer provides a means for application programs to access the
OSI environment. This layer contains management func'tions and generally useful
mechanisms that support distributed applications. In addition, general-purpose
applications such as file transfer, electronic mail, and terminal access to remote
computers are considered to reside at this layer.
For many years, the technical literature on protocol architectures was dominated by
discussions related to OSI and to the development of protocols and services at each
layer. Throughout the 1980s, the belief was widespread that OSI would come to
dominate commercially, both over architectures such as IBM's SNA, as well as over
competing multivendor schemes such as TCPIIP; this promise was never realized. In
the 1990s, TCPIIP has become firmly established as the dominant commercial architecture
and as the protocol suite upon which the bulk of new protocol development
is to be done.
There are a number of reasons for the success of the TCPIIP protocols over
1. TCPIIP protocols were specified, and enjoyed extensive use, prior to IS0
standardization of alternative protocols. Thus, organizations in the 1980s with
an immediate need were faced with the choice of waiting for the always
promised, never-delivered complete OSI package, and the up-and-running,
plug-and-play TCPIIP suite. Once the obvious choice of TCPIIP was made,
the cost and technical risks of migrating from an installed base inhibited OSI
2. The TCPIIP protocols were initially developed as a U.S. military research
effort funded by the Department of Defense (DOD). Although DOD, like the
rest of the U.S. government, was committed to international standards, DOD
had immediate operational needs that could not be met during the 1980s and
early 1990s by off-the-shelf OSI-based products. Accordingly, DOD mandated
the use of TCPIIP protocols for virtually all software purchases. Because
DOD is the largest consumer of software products in the world, this
policy created an enormous market, encouraging vendors to develop TCPIIPbased
3. The Internet is built on the foundation of the TCPIIP suite. The dramatic
growth of the Internet, and especially the World Wide Web, has cemented the
victory of TCPIIP over OSI.
The TCP/PP Approach
The TCPIIP protocol suite recognizes that the task of communications is too complex
and too diverse to be accomplished by a single unit. Accordingly, the task is
broken up into modules or entities that may communicate with peer entities in
another system. One entity within a system provides services to other entities and,
in turn, uses the services of other entities. Good software-design practice dictates
that these entities be arranged in a modular and hierarchical fashion.
The OSI model is based on this system of communication, but takes it one step
further, recognizing that, in many respects, protocols at the same level of the hierarchy
have certain features in common. This thinhng yields the concept of rows or
layers, as well as the attempt to describe in an abstract fashion what features are
held in common by the protocols within a given row.
As an explanatory tool, a layered model has significant value and, indeed, the
OSI model is used for precisely that purpose in many lessons on data communications
and telecommunications. The objection sometimes raised by the designers of
the TCPIIP protocol suite and its protocols is that the OSI model is prescriptive
rather than descriptive. It dictates that protocols within a given layer perform certain
functions, which may not be always desirable. It is possible to define more than
one protocol at a given layer, and the functionality of those protocols may not be
the same or even similar. Rather, what is common about a set of protocols at the
same layer is that they share the same set of support protocols at the next lower
Furthermore, there is the implication in the OSI model that, because interfaces
between layers are well-defined, a new protocol can be substituted for an old
one at a given layer with no impact on adjacent layers (see principle 6, Table 15.2);
this is not always desirable or even possible. For example, a LAN lends itself easily
to multicast and broadcast addressing at the link level. If the IEEE 802 link level
were inserted below a network protocol entity that did not support multicasting and
broadcasting, that service would be denied to upper layers of the hierarchy. To get
around some of these problems, OSI proponents talk of null layers and sublayers.
It sometimes seems that these artifacts save the model at the expense of good protocol
In the TCPIIP model, as we shall see, the strict use of all layers is not mandated.
For example, there are application-level protocols that operate directly on
top of IP.
TCP/IP Protocol Architecture
The TCPIIP protocol suite was introduced in Lesson 1. As we pointed out, there is
no official TCPIIP protocol model. However, it is useful to characterize the protocol
suite as involving five layers. To summarize from Lesson 1, these layers are
0 Application layer. Provides communication between processes or applications
on separate hosts.
0 Host-to-host, or transport layer. Provides end-to-end, data-transfer service.
This layer may include reliability mechanisms. It hides the details of the
underlying network or networks from the application layer.
0 Internet layer. Concerned with routing data from source to destination host
through one or more networks connected by routers.
Network access layer. Concerned with the logical interface between an end
system and a subnetwork.
Physical layer. Defines characteristics of the transmission medium, signaling
rate, and signal encoding scheme.
Operation of TCP and IP
Figure 15.4 indicates how the TCPIIP protocols are configured for communications.
To make clear that the total communications facility may consist of multiple networks,
the constituent networks are usually referred to as subnetworks. Some sort
of network access protocol, such as token ring, is used to connect a computer to a
subnetwork. This protocol enables the host to send data across the subnetwork to
another host or, in the case of a host on another subnetwork, to a router. IP is implemented
in all of the end systems and the routers, acting as a relay to move a block
of data from one host, through one or more routers, to another host. TCP is implemented
only in the end systems; it keeps track of the blocks of data to assure that
all are delivered reliably to the appropriate application.
For successful communication, every entity in the overall system must have a
unique address. Actually, two levels of addressing are needed. Each host on a subnetwork
must have a unique global internet address; this allows the data to be delivered
to the proper host. Each process with a host must have an address that is
unique within the host; this allows the host-to-host protocol (TCP) to deliver data
to the proper process. These latter addresses are known as ports.
Let us trace a simple operation. Suppose that a process, associated with port
1 at host A, wishes to send a message to another process, associated with port 2 at
host B. The process at A hands the message down to TCP with instructions to send
it to host B, port 2. TCP hands the message down to IP with instructions to send it
to host B. Note that IP need not be told the identity of the destination port. All that
it needs to know is that the data are intended for host B. Next, IP hands the message
down to the' network access layer (e.g., Ethernet logic) with instructions to
send it to router X (the first hop on the way to B).
To control this operation, control information as well as user data must be
transmitted, as suggested in Figure 15.11. Let us say that the sending process generates
a block of data and passes this to TCP. TCP may break this block into smaller
pieces to make it more manageable. To each of these pieces, TCP appends control
information known as the TCP header, thereby forming a TCP segment. The control
information is to be used by the peer TCP protocol entity at host B. Examples
of items that are included in this header are
Destination port. When the TCP entity at B receives the segment, it must
know to whom the data are to be delivered.
Sequence number. TCP numbers the segments that it sends to a particular
destination port sequentially, so that if they arrive out of order, the TCP entity
at B can reorder them.
Checksum. The sending TCP includes a code that is a function of the contents
of the remainder of the segment. The receiving TCP performs the same calculation
and compares the result with the incoming code. A discrepancy
results if there has been some error in transmission.
Next, TCP hands each segment over to IP, with instructions to transmit it to
B. These segments must be transmitted across one or more subnetworks and
relayed through one or more intermediate routers. This operation, too, requires the
use of control information. Thus, IP appends a header of control information to
each segment to form an IP datagram. An example of an item stored in the IP
header is the destination host address (in this example, B).
Finally, each IP datagram is presented to the network access layer for transmission
across the first subnetwork in its journey to the destination. The network
access layer appends its own header, creating a packet, or frame. The packet is
transmitted across the subnetwork to router J. The packet header contains the
information that the subnetwork needs to transfer the data across the subnetwork.
Examples of items that may be contained in this header include
Destination subnetwork address. The subnetwork must know to which
attached device the packet is to be delivered.
Facilities requests. The network access protocol might request the use of certain
subnetwork facilities, such as priority.
At router X, the packet header is stripped off and the IP header examined. On
the basis of the destination-address information in the IP header, the IP module in
the router directs the datagram out across subnetwork 2 to B; to do this, the datagram
is again augmented with a network access header.
When the data are received at B, the reverse process occurs. At each layer, the
corresponding header is removed, and the remainder is passed on to the next higher
layer until the original user data are delivered to the destination process.
Protocol Interfaces
Each layer in the TCPIIP protocol suite interacts with its immediate adjacent layers.
At the source, the process layer makes use of the services of the host-to-host
layer and provides data down to that layer. A similar relationship exists at the interface
of the host-to-host and internet layers and at the interface of the internet and
network access layers. At the destination, each layer delivers data up to the nexthigher
This use of each individual layer is not required by the architecture. As Figure
15.12 suggests, it is possible to develop applications that directly invoke the services
of any one of the layers. Most applications require a reliable end-to-end protocol
and thus make use of TCP; some special-purpose applications, however, do not
need such services, for example, the simple network management protocol (SNMP)
that uses an alternative host-to-host protocol known as the user datagram protocol
(UDP); others may make use of IP directly. Applications that do not involve internetworking
and that do not need TCP have been developed to invoke the network
access layer directly.
The Applications
Figure 15.12 shows the position of some of the key protocols commonly implemented
as part of the TCPIIP protocol suite. Most of these protocols are discussed
in the remainder of Part Four. In this section, we briefly highlight three protocols
that have traditionally been considered mandatory elements of TCPIIP, and which
were designated as military standards, along with TCP and IP, by DOD.
The simple mail transfer protocol (SMTP) provides a basic electronic mail
facility. It provides a mechanism for transferring messages among separate hosts.
Features of SMTP include mailing lists, return receipts, and forwarding. The SMTP
protocol does not specify the way in which messages are to be created; some local
editing or native electronic mail facility is required. Once a message is created,
SMTP accepts the message and makes use of TCP to send it to an SMTP module on
another host. The target SMTP module will make use of a local electronic mail
package to store the incoming message in a user's mailbox.
The file transfer protocol (FTP) is used to send files from one system to
another under user command. Both text and binary files are accommodated, and
the protocol provides features for controlling user access. When a user requests a
file transfer, FTP sets up a TCP connection to the target system for the exchange of
control messages; these allow user ID and password to be transmitted and allow the
user to specify the file and file actions desired. Once a file transfer is approved, a
second TCP connection is set up for the data transfer. The file is transferred over
the data connection, without the overhead of any headers or control information at
the application level. When the transfer is complete, the control connection is used
to signal the completion and to accept new file transfer commands.
TELNET provides a remote log-on capability, which enables a user at a terminal
or personal computer to log on to a remote computer and function as if
directly connected to that computer. The protocol was designed to work with simple
scroll-mode terminals. TELNET is actually implemented in two modules. User
TELNET interacts with the terminal I10 module to communicate with a local terminal;
it converts the characteristics of real terminals to the network standard and
vice versa. Server TELNET interacts with an application, acting as a surrogate terminal
handler so that remote terminals appear as local to the application. Terminal
traffic between User and Server TELNET is carried on a TCP connection.

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