
Sunday, October 2, 2016

MAC Frame Format

MAC Frame Format
The MAC layer receives a block of data from the LLC layer and is responsible for
performing functions related to medium access and for transmitting the data. As
with other protocol layers, MAC implements these functions, making use of a protocol
data unit at its layer; in this case, the PDU is referred to as a MAC frame.
The exact format of the MAC frame differs somewhat for the various MAC
protocols in use. In general, all of the MAC frames have a format similar to that of
Figure 12.7. The fields of this frame are
MAC control. This field contains any protocol control information needed for
the functioning of the MAC protocol. For example, a priority level could be
indicated here.
Destination MAC address. The destination physical attachment point on the
LAN for this frame.
Source MAC address. The source physical attachment point on the LAN for
this frame.
LLC. The LLC data from the next higher layer.
CRC. The cyclic redundancy check field (also known as the frame check
sequence, FCS, field). This is an error-detecting code, as we have seen in
HDLC and other data link control protocols (Lesson 6).
In most data link control protocols, the data link protocol entity is responsible
not only for detecting errors using the CRC, but for recovering from those errors by
retransmitting damaged frames. In the LAN protocol architecture, these two functions
are split between the MAC and LLC layers. The MAC layer is responsible for
detecting errors and discarding any frames that are in error. The LLC layer optionally
keeps track of which frames have been successfully received and retransmits
unsuccessful frames.
Logical Link Control
The LLC layer for LANs is similar in many respects to other link layers in common
use. Like all link layers, LLC is concerned with the transmission of a link-level protocol
data unit (PDU) between two stations, without the necessity of an intermediate
switching node. LLC has two characteristics not shared by most other link control
1. It must support the multi-access, shared-medium nature of the link. (This differs
from a multidrop line in that there is no primary node.)
2. It is relieved of some details of link access by the MAC layer.
Addressing in LLC involves specifying the source and destination LLC users.
Typically, a user is a higher-layer protocol or a network management function in the
station. These LLC user addresses are referred to as service access points (SAPS), in
keeping with OSI terminology for the user of a protocol layer.
We look first at the services that LLC provides to a higher-level user, then at
the LLC protocol.
LLC Services
LLC specifies the mechanisms for addressing stations across the medium and for
controlling the exchange of data between two users. The operation and format of
this standard is based on HDLC. Three services are provided as alternatives for
attached devices using LLC:
Unacknowledged connectionless service. This service is a datagram-style service.
It is a very simple service that does not involve any of the flow- and
error-control mechanisms. Thus, the delivery of data is not guaranteed. However,
in most devices, there will be some higher layer of software that deals
with reliability issues.
Connection-mode service. This service is similar to that offered by HDLC. A
logical connection is set up between two users exchanging data, and flow control
and error control are provided.
Acknowledged connectionless service. This is a cross between the previous
two services. It provides that datagrams are to be acknowledged, but no prior
logical connection is set up.
Typically, a vendor will provide these services as options that the customer
can select when purchasing the equipment. Alternatively, the customer can purchase
equipment that provides two or all three services and select a specific service
based on application.
The unacknowledged connectionless service requires minimum logic and is
useful in two contexts. First, it will often be the case that higher layers of software
will provide the necessary reliability and flow-control mechanism, and it is efficient
to avoid duplicating them. For example, either TCP or the IS0 transport protocol
standard would provide the mechanisms needed to ensure that data are delivered
reliably. Second, there are instances in which the overhead of connection establishment
and maintenance is unjustified or even counterproductive: for example, data
collection activities that involve the periodic sampling of data sources, such as sensors
and automatic self-test reports from security equipment or network components.
In a monitoring application, the loss of an occasional data unit would not
cause distress, as the next report should arrive shortly. Thus, in most cases, the
unacknowledged connectionless service is the preferred option.
The connection-mode service could be used in very simple devices, such as terminal
controllers, that have little software operating above this level. In these cases,
it would provide the flow control and reliability mechanisms normally implemented
at higher layers of the communications software.
The acknowledged connectionless service is useful in several contexts. With the
connection-mode service, the logical link control software must maintain some sort
of table for each active connection, so as to keep track of the status of that connection.
If the user needs guaranteed delivery, but there are a large number of destinations
for data, then the connection-mode service may be impractical because of
the large number of tables required; an example is a process-control or automated
factory environment where a central site may need to communicate with a large
number of processors and programmable controllers; another use is the handling of
important and time-critical alarm or emergency control signals in a factory. Because
of their importance, an acknowledgment is needed so that the sender can be assured
that the signal got through. Because of the urgency of the signal, the user might not
want to take the time to first establish a logical connection and then send the data.
LLC Protocol
The basic LLC protocol is modeled after HDLC, and has similar functions and formats.
The differences between the two protocols can be summarized as follows:
1. LLC makes use of the asynchronous, balanced mode of operation of HDLC
in order to support connection-mode LLC service; this is referred to as type 2
operation. The other HDLC modes are not employed.
2. LLC supports a connectionless service using the unnumbered information
PDU; this is known as type 1 operation.
3. LLC supports an acknowledged connectionless service by using two new
unnumbered PDUs; this is known as type 3 operation.
4. LLC permits multiplexing by the use of LLC service access points (LSAPs).
All three LLC protocols employ the same PDU format (Figure 12.7), which
consists of four fields. The DSAP and SSAP fields each contain 7-bit addresses,
which specify the destination and source users of LLC. One bit of the DSAP indicates
whether the DSAP is an individual or group address. One bit of the SSAP
indicates whether the PDU is a command or response PDU. The format of the LLC
control field is identical to that of HDLC (Figure 6.10), using extended (7-bit)
sequence numbers.
For type 1 operation, which supports the unacknowledged connectionless service,
the unnumbered information (UI) PDU is used to transfer user data. There is
no acknowledgment, flow control, or error control. However, there is error detection
and discard at the MAC level.
Two other PDUs are used to support management functions associated with
all three types of operation. Both PDUs are used in the following fashion. An LLC
entity may issue a command (CIR bit = 0) XID or TEST. The receiving LLC entity
issues a corresponding XID or TEST in response. The XID PDU is used to
exchange two types of information: types of operation supported and window size.
The TEST PDU is used to conduct a loop-back test of the transmission path
between two LLC entities. Upon receipt of a TEST command PDU, the addressed
LLC entity issues a TEST response PDU as soon as possible.
With type 2 operation, a data link connection is established between two LLC
SAPS prior to data exchange. Connection establishment is attempted by the type 2
protocol in response to a request from a user. The LLC entity issues a SABME
PDU~to request a logical connection with the other LLC entity. If the connection
is accepted by the LLC user designated by the DSAP, then the destination LLC
entity returns an unnumbered acknowledgment (UA) PDU. The connection is
henceforth uniquely identified by the pair of user SAPS. If the destination LLC user
rejects the connection request, its LLC entity returns a disconnected mode (DM)
Once the connection is established, data are exchanged using information
PDUs, as in HDLC. The information PDUs include send and receive sequence
numbers, for sequencing and flow control. The supervisory PDUs are used, as in
HDLC, for flow control and error control. Either LLC entity can terminate a logical
LLC connection by issuing a disconnect (DISC) PDU.
With type 3 operation, each transmitted PDU is acknowledged. A new (not
found in HDLC) unnumbered PDU, the Acknowledged Connectionless (AC)
Information PDU is defined. User data are sent in AC command PDUs and must
be acknowledged using an AC response PDU. To guard against lost PDUs, a 1-bit
sequence number is used. The sender alternates the use of 0 and 1 in its AC com-
mand PDU; and the receiver responds with an AC PDU with the opposite number
of the corresponding command. Only one PDU in each direction may be outstanding
at any time.

This lesson provides some technical details on busltree topology LANs and MANS.
The lesson begins with an overview of the general characteristics of this topology.
The remainder of the lesson examines the use of coaxial cable and optical fiber for
implementing this topology.
Characteristics of the Bus/Tree Topology
The bus.tree topology is a multipoint configuration. That is, there are more than
two devices connected to the medium and capable of transmitting on the medium.
This situation gives rise to several design issues, the first of which is the need for a
medium access control technique.
Another design issue has to do with signal balancing. When two stations
exchange data over a link, the signal strength of the transmitter must be adjusted to
be within certain limits. The signal must be strong enough so that, after attenuation
across the medium, it meets the receiver's minimum signal-strength requirements.
It must also be strong enough to maintain an adequate signal-to-noise ratio. On the
other hand, the signal must not be so strong that it overloads the circuitry of the
transmitter, as the signal would become distorted. Although easily accomplished for
a point-to-point link, signal balancing is no easy task for a multipoint line. If any station
can transmit to any other station, then the signal balancing must be performed
for all permutations of stations taken two at a time. For n stations, that works out
to n X (n - 1) permutations. So, for a 200-station network (not a particularly large
system), 39,800 signal-strength constraints must be satisfied simultaneously; with
interdevice distances ranging from tens to thousands of meters, this would be an
extremely difficult task for any but small networks. In systems that use radiofrequency
(RF) signals, the problem is compounded because of the possibility of RF
signal interference across frequencies. A common solution is to divide the medium
into smaller segments within which pairwise balancing is possible, using amplifiers
or repeaters between segments.
Baseband Coaxial Cable
For busltree LANs, the most popular medium is coaxial cable. The two common
transmission techniques that are used on coaxial cable are baseband and broadband,
which are compared in Table 12.3. This sublesson is devoted to baseband
systems, while the next lesson discusses broadband LANs.
A baseband LAN or MAN is defined as one that uses digital signaling; that is,
the binary data to be transmitted are inserted onto the cable as a sequence of voltage
pulses, usually using Manchester or Differential Manchester encoding (see

Figure 4.2). The nature of digital signals is such that the entire frequency spectrum
of the cable is consumed. Hence, it is not possible to have multiple channels (frequency-
division multiplexing) on the cable. Transmission is bidirectional. That is, a
signal inserted at any point on the medium propagates in both directions to the
ends, where it is absorbed (Figure 12.8a). The digital signaling requires a bus topology;
unlike analog signals, digital signals cannot easily be propagated through the
branching points required for a tree topology. Baseband bus systems can extend
only a few kilometers, at most; this is because the attenuation of the signal, which
is most pronounced at higher frequencies, causes a blurring of the pulses and a
weakening of the signal to the extent that communication over larger distances is
The original use of baseband coaxial cable for a bus LAN was the Ethernet
system, which operates at 10 Mbps. Ethernet became the basis of the IEEE 802.3
Most baseband coaxial cable systems use a special 50-ohm cable rather than
the standard CATV 75-ohm cable. These values refer to the impedance of the cable.
Roughly speaking, impedance is a measure of how much voltage must be applied to
the cable to achieve a given signal strength. For digital signals, the 50-ohm cable suffers
less intense reflections from the insertion capacitance of the taps and provides
better immunity against low-frequency electromagnetic noise, compared to 75-ohm
As with any transmission system, there are engineering trade-offs involving
data rate, cable length, number of taps, and the electrical characteristics of the cable
and the transmitlreceive components. For example, the lower the data rate, the
longer the cable can be. That statement is true for the following reason: When a signal
is propagated along a transmission medium, the integrity of the signal suffers
due to attenuation, noise, and other impairments. The longer the length of propagation,
the greater the effect, thereby increasing the probability of error. However,
at a lower data rate, the individual pulses of a digital signal last longer and can be
recovered in the presence of impairments more easily than higher-rate, shorter
Here is one example that illustrates some of the trade-offs. The Ethernet specification
and the original IEEE 802.3 standard specified the use of 50-ohm cable
with a 0.4-inch diameter, and a data rate of 10 Mbps. With these parameters, the
maximum length of the cable is set at 500 meters. Stations attach to the cable by

means of a tap, with the distance between any two taps being a multiple of 2.5 m;
this is to ensure that reflections from adjacent taps do not add in phase [YEN83]. A
maximum of 100 taps is allowed. In IEEE jargon, this system is referred to as
10BASE5 (10 Mbps, baseband, 500-m cable length).
To provide a lower-cost system for personal computer LANs, IEEE 802.3
later added a 10BASE2 specification. Table 12.4 compares this scheme, dubbed
Cheapernet, with 10BASE5. The key change is the use of a thinner (0.25 in) cable
of the type employed in products such as public address systems. The thinner cable
is more flexible; thus, it is easier to bend around corners and bring to a workstation
rather than installing a cable in the wall and having to provide a drop cable between
the main cable and the workstation. The cable is easier to install and uses cheaper
electronics than the thicker cable. On the other hand, the thinner cable suffers

greater attenuation and lower noise resistance than the thicker cable; as a result, it
supports fewer taps over a shorter distance.
To extend the length of the network, a repeater may be used. This device
works in a somewhat different fashion than the repeater on the ring. The bus
repeater is not used as a device attachment point and is capable of transmitting in
both directions. A repeater joins two segments of cable and passes digital signals in
both directions between the two segments. A repeater is transparent to the rest of
the system; as it does no buffering, it does not logically isolate one segment from
another. So, for example, if two stations on different segments attempt to transmit
at the same time, their packets will interfere with each other (collide). To avoid
multipath interference, only one path of segments and repeaters is allowed between
any two stations. Figure 12.9 illustrates a multiple-segment baseband bus LAN.
Broadband Coaxial Cable
In the local network context, the term broadband refers to coaxial cable on which
analog signaling is used. Table 12.3 summarizes the key characteristics of broad-

band systems. As mentioned, broadband implies the use of analog signaling. FDM
is possible, as the frequency spectrum of the cable can be divided into channels or
lessons of bandwidth. Separate channels can support data traffic, video, and radio
signals. Broadband components allow splitting and joining operations; hence, both
bus and tree topologies are possible. Much greater distances-tens of kilometersare
possible with broadband compared to baseband because the analog signals that
carry the digital data can propagate greater distances before the noise and attenuation
damage the data.
Dual and Split Configurations
As with baseband, stations on a broadband LAN attach to the cable by means of a
tap. Unlike baseband, however, broadband is inherently a unidirectional medium;
the taps that are used allow signals inserted onto the medium to propagate in only
one direction. The primary reason for this is that it is unfeasible to build amplifiers
that will pass signals of one frequency in both directions. This unidimensional property
means that only those stations "downstream" from a transmitting station can
receive its signals. How, then, to achieve full connectivity?
Clearly, two data paths are needed. These paths are joined at a point on the
network known as the headend. For a bus topology, the headend is simply one end
of the bus. For a tree topology, the headend is the root of the branching tree. All
stations transmit on one path toward the headend (inbound). Signals arriving at the
headend are then propagated along a second data path away from the headend
(outbound). All stations receive on the outbound path.
Physically, two different configurations are used to implement the inbound
and outbound paths (Figure 12.8b and c). On a dual-cable configuration, the
inbound and outbound paths are separate cables, with the headend simply a passive
connector between the two. Stations send and receive on the same frequency.
By contrast, on a split configuration, the inbound and outbound paths are different
frequency bands on the same cable. Bidirectional amplifiers3 pass lower frequencies
inbound, and higher frequencies outbound. Between the inbound and outbound
frequency bands is a guardband, which carries no signals and serves merely
as a separator. The headend contains a device for converting inbound frequencies
to outbound frequencies.
The frequency-conversion device at the headend can be either an analog or
digital device. An analog device, known as a frequency translator, converts a block
of frequencies from one range to another. A digital device, known as a remodulator,
recovers the digital data from the inbound analog signal and then retransmits
the data on the outbound frequency. Thus, a remodulator provides better signal
quality by removing all of the accumulated noise and attenuation and transmitting
a cleaned-up signal.
Split systems are categorized by the frequency allocation of the two paths, as
shown in Table 12.5. Subsplit, commonly used by the cable television industry, was
designed for metropolitan area television distribution, with limited subscriber-tocentral-
office communication. It provides the easiest way to upgrade existing

one-way cable systems to two-way operation. Subsplit has limited usefulness for
local area networking because a bandwidth of only 25 MHz is available for two-way
communication. Midsplit is more suitable for LANs, because it provides a more
equitable distribution of bandwidth. However, midsplit was developed at a time
when the practical spectrum of a cable-TV cable was 300 MHz, whereas a spectrum
of 400 to 450 MHz is now available. Accordingly, a highsplit specification has been
developed to provide greater two-way bandwidth for a split cable system.
The differences between split and dual configurations are minor. The split system
is useful when a single cable plant is already installed in a building. If a large
amount of bandwidth is needed, or the need is anticipated, then a dual cable system
is indicated. Beyond these considerations, it is a matter of a trade-off between cost
and size. The single-cable system has the fixed cost of the headend remodulator or
frequency translator. The dual cable system makes use of more cable, taps, splitters,
and amplifiers. Thus, dual cable is cheaper for smaller systems, where the fixed cost
of the headend is noticeable, and single cable is cheaper for larger systems, where
incremental costs dominate.
There is another application of analog signaling on a LAN, known as carrierband,
or single-channel broadband. In this case, the entire spectrum of the cable is
devoted to a single transmission path for the analog signals; no frequency-division
multiplexing is possible.
Typically, a carrierband LAN has the following characteristics. Bidirectional
transmission, using a bus topology, is employed. Hence, there can be no amplifiers,
and there is no need for a headend. Although the entire spectrum is used, most of
the signal energy is concentrated at relatively low frequencies, which is an advantage,
because attenuation is less at lower frequencies.
Because the cable is dedicated to a single task, it is not necessary to take care
that the modem output be confined to a narrow bandwidth. Energy can spread over
the entire spectrum. As a result, the electronics are simple and relatively inexpensive.
Typically, some form of frequency-shift keying (FSK) is used. Carrierband
would appear to give comparable performance, at a comparable price, to baseband.
Optical Fiber Bus
Several approaches can be taken in the design of a fiber bus topology LAN or
MAN. The differences have to do with the nature of the taps into the bus and the
detailed topology.
Optical Fiber Taps
With an optical fiber bus, either an active or passive tap can be used. In the case of
an active tap (Figure 12.10a), the following steps occur:
1.Optical signal energy enters the tap from the bus.
2.Clocking information is recovered from the signal, and the signal is converted
to an electrical signal.
3.The converted signal is presented to the node and perhaps modified by the
4.The optical output (a light beam) is modulated according to the electrical signal
and launched into the bus.
In effect, the bus consists of a chain of point-to-point links, and each node acts
as a repeater. Each tap actually consists of two of these active couplers and requires
two fibers; this is because of the inherently unidirectional nature of the device of
Figure 12.10~1.
In the case of a passive tap (Figure 12.10b), the tap extracts a portion of the
optical energy from the bus for reception and it injects optical energy directly into
the medium for transmission. Thus, there is a single run of cable rather than a chain

of point-to-point links. This passive approach is equivalent to the type of taps typically
used for twisted pair and coaxial cable. Each tap must connect to the bus twice:
once for transmit and once for receive.
The electronic complexity and interface cost are drawbacks for the implementation
of the active tap. Also, each tap will add some increment of delay, just as
in the case of a ring. For passive taps, the lossy nature of pure optical taps limits the
number of devices and the length of the medium. However, the performance of
such taps has improved sufficiently in recent years so to make fiber bus networks
Optical Fiber Bus Configurations
A variety of configurations for the optical fiber bus have been proposed, all of
which fall into two categories: those that use a single bus and those that use two
Figure 12.11a shows a typical single-bus configuration, referred to as a loop
bus. The operation of this bus is essentially the same as that of the dual-bus broadband
coaxial system described earlier. Each station transmits on the bus in the
direction toward the headend, and receives on the bus in the direction away from
the headend. In addition to the two connections shown, some MAC protocols
require that each station have an additional sense tap on the inbound (toward the
headend) portion of the bus. The sense tap is able to sense the presence or absence
of light on the fiber, but it is not able to recover data.

Figure 12.11b shows the two-bus configuration. Each station attaches to both
buses and has both transmit and receive taps on both buses. On each bus, a station
may transmit only to those stations downstream from it. By using both buses, a station
may transmit to, and receive from, all other stations. A given node, however,
must know which bus to use to transmit to another node; if such information were
unavailable, all data would have to be sent out on both buses; this is the configuration
used in the IEEE 802.6 MAN, and is described in Lesson 13.
Ring LANs
Characteristics of RING LANs
A ring consists of a number of repeaters, each connected to two others by unidirectional
transmission links to form a single closed path. Data are transferred sequentially,
bit by bit, around the ring from one repeater to the next. Each repeater regenerates
and retransmits each bit.
For a ring to operate as a communication network, three functions are
required: data insertion, data reception, and data removal. These functions are provided
by the repeaters. Each repeater, in addition to serving as an active element on
the ring, serves as a device attachment point. Data insertion is accomplished by the
repeater. Data are transmitted in packets, each of which contains a destination
address field. As a packet circulates past a repeater, the address field is copied. If
the attached station recognizes the address, the remainder of the packet is copied.
Repeaters perform the data insertion and reception functions in a manner not
unlike that of taps, which serve as device attachment points on a bus or tree. Data
removal, however, is more difficult on a ring. For a bus or tree, signals inserted onto
the line propagate to the endpoints and are absorbed by terminators. Hence, shortly
after transmission ceases, the bus or tree is clean of data. However, because the ring
is a closed loop, a packet will circulate indefinitely unless it is removed. A packet
may by removed by the addressed repeater. Alternatively, each packet could be
removed by the transmitting repeater after it has made one trip around the loop.
This latter approach is more desirable because (1) it permits automatic acknowledgment
and (2) it permits multicast addressing: one packet sent simultaneously to
multiple stations.
A variety of strategies can be used for determining how and when packets are
inserted onto the ring. These strategies are, in effect, medium access control protocols,
and are discussed in Lesson 13.
The repeater, then, can be seen to have two main purposes: (1) to contribute
to the proper functioning of the ring by passing on all the data that come its way,
and (2) to provide an access point for attached stations to send and receive data.
Corresponding to these two purposes are two states (Figure 12.12): the listen state
and the transmit state.
In the listen state, each received bit is retransmitted with a small delay,
required to allow the repeater to perform required functions. Ideally, the delay
should be on the order of one bit time (the time it takes for a repeater to transmit
one complete bit onto the outgoing line). These functions are

Scan passing bit stream for pertinent patterns. Chief among these is the
address or addresses of attached stations. Another pattern, used in the token
control strategy explained later, indicates permission to transmit. Note that to
perform the scanning function, the repeater must have some knowledge of
packet format.
Copy each incoming bit and send it to the attached station, while continuing
to retransmit each bit. This will be done for each bit of each packet addressed
to this station.
Modify a bit as it passes by. In certain control strategies, bits may be modified,
for example, to indicate that the packet has been copied; this would serve as
an acknowledgment.
When a repeater's station has data to send, and when the repeater, based on
the control strategy, has permission to send, the repeater enters the transmit state.
In this state, the repeater receives bits from the station and retransmits them on its
outgoing link. During the period of transmission, bits may appear on the incoming
ring link. There are two possibilities, and they are treated differently:
The bits could be from the same packet that the repeater is still in the process
of sending. This will occur if the bit length of the ring is shorter than the
packet. In this case, the repeater passes the bits back to the station, which can
check them as a form of acknowledgment.
For some control strategies, more than one packet could be on the ring at the
same time. If the repeater, while transmitting, receives bits from a packet it
did not originate, it must buffer them to be transmitted later.
These two states, listen and transmit, are sufficient for proper ring operation.
A third state, the bypass state, is also useful. In this state, a bypass relay can be
activated so that signals propagate past the repeater with no delay other than
from medium propagation. The bypass relay affords two benefits: (1) it provides a
partial solution to the reliability problem, discussed later, and (2) it improves performance
by eliminating repeater delay for those stations that are not active on the
Twisted pair, baseband coax, and fiber optic cable can all be used to provide
the repeater-to-repeater links. Broadband coax, however, could not easily be used.
Each repeater would have to be capable, asynchronously, of receiving and transmitting
data on multiple channels.
Timing Jitter
On a ring transmission medium, some form of clocking is included with the signal,
as for example with the use of Differential Manchester encoding (Lesson 4.1). As
data circulate around the ring, each repeater receives the data, and recovers the
clocking for two purposes: first, to know when to sample the incoming signal to
recover the bits of data, and second, to use the clocking for transmitting the signal
to the next repeater. This clock recovery will deviate in a random fashion from the
mid-bit transitions of the received signal for several reasons, including noise during
transmission and imperfections in the receiver circuitry; the predominant reason,
however, is delay distortion (described in Lesson 2.3). The deviation of clock recovery
is known as timing jitter.
As each repeater receives incoming data, it issues a clean signal with no distortion.
However, the timing error is not eliminated. Thus, the digital pulse width
will expand and contract in a random fashion as the signal travels around the ring
and the timing jitter accumulates. The cumulative effect of the jitter is to cause the
bit latency, or bit length, of the ring to vary. However, unless the latency of the ring
remains constant, bits will be dropped (not retransmitted) as the latency of the ring
decreases, or they will be added as the latency increases.
This timing jiiter places a limitation on the number of repeaters in a ring.
Although this limitation cannot be entirely overcome, several measures can be
taken to improve matters. In essence, two approaches are used in combination.
First, each repeater can include a phase-lock loop. This is a device that uses feedback
to minimize the deviation from one bit time to the next. Second, a buffer can
be used at one or more repeaters. The buffer is initialized to hold a certain number
of bits, and expands and contracts to keep the bit length of the ring constant. The
combination of phase-locked loops and a buffer significantly increases maximum
feasible ring size.
Potential Ring Problems
There are a number of potential problems with the ring topology: A break in any
link or the failure of a repeater disables the entire network; installation of a new
repeater to support new devices requires the identification of two nearby, topologically
adjacent repeaters; timing jitter must be dealt with; and finally, because the
ring is closed, a means is needed to remove circulating packets, with backup techniques
to guard against error.
The last problem is a protocol issue and will be discussed later. The remaining
problems can be handled by a refinement of the ring topology and will be discussed
The Star-Ring Architecture
Two observations can be made about the basic ring architecture described above.
First, there is a practical limit to the number of repeaters on a ring. This limit is suggested
by the jitter, reliability, and maintenance problems just cited, and by the
accumulating delay of a large number of repeaters. A limit of a few hundred
repeaters seems reasonable. Second, the functioning of the ring does not depend on
the actual routing of the cables that link the repeaters.
These observations have led to the development of a refined ring architecture,
the star-ring, which overcomes some of the problems of the ring and allows the construction
of larger local networks.
As a first step, consider the rearrangement of a ring into a star. This is
achieved by having the interrepeater links all thread through a single site. This ring
wiring concentrator has a number of advantages. Because there is centralized access
to the signal on every link, it is a simple matter to isolate a fault. A message can be
launched into the ring and tracked to see how far it gets without mishap. A faulty
segment can be disconnected and repaired at a later time. New repeaters can easily
be added to the ring: Simply run two cables from the new repeater to the site of the
ring wiring concentration and splice into the ring.
The bypass relay associated with each repeater can be moved into the ring
wiring concentrator. The relay can automatically bypass its repeater and two links
in the event of any malfunction. A nice effect of this feature is that the transmission
path from one working repeater to the next is approximately constant; thus, the
range of signal levels to which the transmission system must automatically adapt is
much smaller.
The ring wiring concentrator permits rapid recovery from a cable or repeater
failure. Nevertheless, a single failure could, at least temporarily, disable the entire
network. Furthermore, throughput and jitter considerations still place a practical
upper limit on the number of stations in a ring, as each repeater adds an increment
of delay. Finally, in a spread-out network, a single wire concentration site dictates a
great deal of cable.
To attack these remaining problems, a LAN consisting of multiple rings connected
by bridges can be constructed.

Bus versus Ring
For the user with a large number of devices and high-capacity requirements, the bus
or tree broadband LAN seems the best suited to the requirements. For more moderate
requirements, however, the choice between a baseband bus LAN and a ring
LAN is not at all clear-cut.
The baseband bus is the simpler system. Passive taps rather than active
repeaters are used. There is no need for the complexity of bridges and ring wiring
The most important benefit of the ring is that it uses point-to-point communication
links, and here there are a number of implications. First, because the transmitted
signal is regenerated at each node, transmission errors are minimized and
greater distances can be covered than with baseband bus. Broadband busltree can
cover a similar range, but cascaded amplifiers can result in loss of data integrity at
high data rates. Second, the ring can accommodate optical fiber links, which provide
very high data rates and excellent electromagnetic interference (EMI) characteristics.
Finally, the electronics and maintenance of point-to-point lines are simpler
than for multipoint lines.

Star LAN
Twisted Pair Star LANs
In recent years, there has been increasing interest in the use of twisted pair as a
transmission medium for LANs. From the earliest days of commercial LAN availability,
twisted pair bus LANs have been popular. However, such LANs suffer in
comparison with a coaxial cable LAN. First of all, the apparent cost advantage of
twisted pair is not as great as it might seem, at least when a linear bus layout is used.
True, twisted pair cable is less expensive than coaxial cable. On the other hand,
much of the cost of LAN wiring is in the labor cost of installing the cable, which is
no greater for coaxial cable than for twisted pair. Secondly, coaxial cable provides
superior signal quality, and therefore can support more devices over longer distances
at higher data rates than twisted pair.
The renewed interest in twisted pair, at least in the context of busltree type
LANs, is in the use of unshielded twisted pair in a star-wiring arrangement. The reason
for the interest is that unshielded twisted pair is simply telephone wire, and virtually
all office buildings are equipped with spare twisted pairs running from wiring
closets to each office. This yields several benefits when deploying a LAN:
1. There is essentially no installation cost with unshielded twisted pair, as the
wire is already there. Coaxial cable has to be pulled. In older buildings, this
may be difficult because existing conduits may be crowded.
2. In most office buildings, it is impossible to anticipate all the locations where
network access will be needed. Because it is extravagantly expensive to run
coaxial cable to every office, a coaxial cable-based LAN will typically cover
only a portion of a building. If equipment subsequently has to be moved to an
office not covered by the LAN, significant expense is involved in extending
the LAN coverage. With telephone wire, this problem does not arise, as all
offices are covered.
The most popular approach to the use of unshielded twisted pair for a LAN is
therefore a star-wiring approach. The products on the market use a scheme suggested
by Figure 12.13, in which the central element of the star is an active element,
referred to as the hub. Each station is connected to the hub by two twisted pairs
(transmit and receive). The hub acts as a repeater: When a single station transmits,
the hub repeats the signal on the outgoing line to each station.
Note that although this scheme is physically a star, it is logically a bus: A transmission
from any one station is received by all other stations, and, if two stations
transmit at the same time, there will be a collision.
Multiple levels of hubs can be cascaded in a hierarchical configuration. Figure
12.14 illustrates a two-level configuration. There is one header hub (HHUB) and
one or more intermediate hubs (IHUB). Each hub may have a mixture of stations
and other hubs attached to it from below. This layout fits well with building wiring
practices. Typically, there is a wiring closet on each floor of an office building, and
a hub can be placed in each one. Each hub could service the stations on its floor.
Figure 12.15 shows an abstract representation of the intermediate and header
hubs. The header hub performs all the functions described previously for a singlehub
configuration. In the case of an intermediate hub, any incoming signal from
below is repeated upward to the next higher level. Any signal from above is
repeated on all lower-level outgoing lines. Thus, the logical bus characteristic is
retained: A transmission from any one station is received by all other stations, and,
if two stations transmit at the same time, there will be a collision.
Optical Fiber Star
One of the first commercially available approaches for fiber LANs was the passive
star coupler. The passive star coupler is fabricated by fusing together a number of

optical fibers. Light that is input to one of the fibers on one side of the coupler is
equally divided among, and output through, all the fibers on the other side. To form
a network, each device is connected to the coupler with two fibers, one for transmit
and one for receive (Figure 12.16). All of the transmit fibers enter the coupler on
one side, and all of the receive fibers exit on the other side. Thus, although the
arrangement is physically a star, it acts like a bus: A transmission from any one
device is received by all other devices, and if two devices transmit at the same time,
there will be a collision.

Two methods of fabrication of the star coupler have been pursued: the biconic
fused coupler and the mixing rod coupler. In the biconic fused coupler, the fibers
are bundled together and heated with an oxyhydrogen flame before being pulled
into a biconical tapered shape. That is, the rods come together into a fused mass
that tapers into a conical shape and then expands back out again. (The mixing
rod approach begins in the same fashion.) Then, the biconical taper is cut at the
waist and a cylindrical rod is inserted between the tapers and fused to the two cut
ends. This latter technique allows the use of a less-narrow waist, and it is easier to
Commercially available passive star couplers can support a few tens of stations
at a radial distance of up to a kilometer or more. The limitations on number
of stations and distances are imposed by the losses in the network. The attenuation
that will occur in the network consists of the following components:
0 Optical connector losses. Connectors are used to splice together cable segments
for increased length. Typical connector losses are 1.0 to 1.5 dB per
connector. A typical passive star network will have from 0 to 4 connectors in
a path from transmitter to receiver, for a total maximum attenuation of 4 to
6 dB.
0 Optical cable attenuation. Typical cable attenuation for the cable that has
been used in these systems ranges from 3 to 6 dB per kilometer.
o Optical power division in the coupler. The coupler divides the optical power
from one transmission path equally among all reception paths. Expressed in
decibels, the loss seen by any node is 10 log N, where N is the number of
nodes. For example, the effective loss in a 16-port coupler is about 12 dB.
In just the past few years, wireless LANs have come to occupy a significant niche in
the local area network market. Increasingly, organizations are finding that wireless
LANs are an indispensable adjunct to traditional wired LANs, as they satisfy
requirements for mobility, relocation, ad hoc networking, and coverage of locations
difficult to wire.
As the name suggests, a wireless LAN is one that makes use of a wireless
transmission medium. Until relatively recently, wireless LANs were little used; the
reasons for this included high prices, low data rates, occupational safety concerns,
and licensing requirements. As these problems have been addressed, the popularity
of wireless LANs has grown rapidly.
In this lesson, we first look at the requirements for and advantages of wireless
LANs, and then preview the key approaches to wireless LAN implementation.
Wireless LANs Applications
[PAHL95a] lists four application areas for wireless LANs: LAN extension, crossbuilding
interconnect, nomadic access, and ad hoc networks. Let us consider each
of these in turn.
LAN Extension
Early wireless LAN products, introduced in the late 1980s, were marketed as substitutes
for traditional wired LANs. A wireless LAN saves the cost of the installation
of LAN cabling and eases the task of relocation and other modifications to
network structure. However, this motivation for wireless LANs was overtaken by
events. First, as awareness of the need for LAN became greater, architects designed
new buildings to include extensive prewiring for data applications. Second, with
advances in data transmission technology, there has been an increasing reliance on
twisted pair cabling for LANs and, in particular, Category 3 unshielded twisted pair.
Most older building are already wired with an abundance of Category 3 cable. Thus,
the use of a wireless LAN to replace wired LANs has not happened to any great
However, in a number of environments, there is a role for the wireless LAN
as an alternative to a wired LAN. Examples include buildings with large open areas,
such as manufacturing plants, stock exchange trading floors, and warehouses; historical
buildings with insufficient twisted pair and in which drilling holes for new
wiring is prohibited; and small offices where installation and maintenance of wired
LANs is not economical. In all of these cases, a wireless LAN provides an effective
and more attractive alternative. In most of these cases, an organization will also
have a wired LAN to support servers and some stationary workstations. For example,
a manufacturing facility typically has an office area that is separate from the factory
floor but which must be linked to it for networking purposes. Therefore, typically,
a wireless LAN will be linked into a wired LAN on the same premises. Thus,
this application area is referred to as LAN extension.
Figure 12.17 indicates a simple wireless LAN configuration that is typical of
many environments. There is a backbone wired LAN, such as Ethernet, that supports
servers, workstations, and one or more bridges or routers to link with other
networks. In addition there is a control module (CM) that acts as an interface to a
wireless LAN. The control module includes either bridge or router functionality to
link the wireless LAN to the backbone. In addition, it includes some sort of access
control logic, such as a polling or token-passing scheme, to regulate the access from
the end systems. Note that some of the end systems are standalone devices, such as
a workstation or a server. In addition, hubs or other user modules (UM) that control
a number of stations off a wired LAN may also be part of the wireless LAN
The configuration of Figure 12.17 can be referred to as a single-cell wireless
LAN; all of the wireless end systems are within range of a single control module.
Another common configuration, suggested by Figure 12.18, is a multiple-cell wireless
LAN. In this case, there are multiple control modules interconnected by a wired
LAN. Each control module supports a number of wireless end systems within its
transmission range. For example, with an infrared LAN, transmission is limited to
a single room; therefore, one cell is needed for each room in an office building that
requires wireless support.
Cross-Building Interconnect
Another use of wireless LAN technology is to connect LANs in nearby buildings,
be they wired or wireless LANs. In this case, a point-to-point wireless link is used
between two buildings. The devices so connected are typically bridges or routers.
This single point-to-point link is not a LAN per se, but it is usual to include this
application under the heading of wireless LAN.
Nomadic Access
Nomadic access provides a wireless link between a LAN hub and a mobile data terminal
equipped with an antenna, such as a laptop computer or notepad computer.
One example of the utility of such a connection is to enable an employee returning
from a trip to transfer data from a personal portable computer to a server in the
office. Nomadic access is also useful in an extended environment such as a campus
or a business operating out of a cluster of buildings. In both of these cases, users
may move around with their portable computers and may wish access to the servers
on a wired LAN from various locations.
Ad Hoc Networking
An ad hoc network is a peer-to-peer network (no centralized server) set up temporarily
to meet some immediate need. For example, a group of employees, each
with a laptop or palmtop computer, may convene in a conference room for a business
or classroom meeting. The employees link their computers in a temporary network
just for the duration of the meeting.
Figure 12.19 suggests the differences between an ad hoc wireless LAN and a
wireless LAN that supports LAN extension and nomadic access requirements. In
the former case, the wireless LAN forms a stationary infrastructure consisting of
one or more cells with a control module for each cell. Within a cell, there may be a
number of stationary end systems. Nomadic stations can move from one cell to
another. In contrast, there is no infrastructure for an ad hoc network. Rather, a peer
collection of stations within range of each other may dynamically configure themselves
into a temporary network.
Wireless LAN Requirements
A wireless LAN must meet the same sort of requirements typical of any LAN,
including high capacity, ability to cover short distances, full connectivity among
attached stations, and broadcast capability. In addition, there are a number of
requirements specific to the wireless LAN environment. The following are among
the most important requirements for wireless LANs:
Throughput. The medium access control protocol should make as efficient use
as possible of the wireless medium to maximize capacity.
Number of nodes. Wireless LANs may need to support hundreds of nodes
across multiple cells.
Connection to backbone LAN. In most cases, interconnection with stations on
a wired backbone LAN is required. For infrastructure wireless LANs, this is
easily accomplished through the use of control modules that connect to both
types of LANs. There may also need to be accommodation for mobile users
and ad hoc wireless networks.
Service area. A typical coverage area for a wireless LAN may be up to a 300
to 1000 foot diameter.
Battery power consumption. Mobile workers use battery-powered workstations
that need to have a long battery life when used with wireless adapters.
This suggests that a MAC protocol that requires mobile nodes to constantly
monitor access points or to engage in frequent handshakes with a base station
is inappropriate.
Transmission robustness and security. Unless properly designed, a wireless
LAN may be interference-prone and easily eavesdropped upon. The design of
a wireless LAN must permit reliable transmission even in a noisy environment
and should provide some level of security from eavesdropping.
" Collocated network operation. As wireless LANs become more popular, it is
quite likely for two of them to operate in the same area or in some area where
interference between the LANs is possible. Such interference may thwart the
normal operation of a MAC algorithm and may allow unauthorized access to
a particular LAN.
" License-free operation. Users would prefer to buy and operate wireless LAN
products without having to secure a license for the frequency band used by the
" HandoWroaming. The MAC protocol used in the wireless LAN should
enable mobile stations to move from one cell to another.
" Dynamic configuration. The MAC addressing and network management
aspects of the LAN should permit dynamic and automated addition, deletion,
and relocation of end systems without disruption to other users.
Wireless LAN Technology
Wireless LANs are generally categorized according to the transmission technique
that is used. All current wireless LAN products fall into one of the following
Infrared (IR) LANs. An individual cell of an IR LAN is limited to a single
room, as infrared light does not penetrate opaque walls.
Spread Spectrum LANs. This type of LAN makes use of spread spectrum
transmission technology. In most cases, these LANs operate in the ISM
(Industrial, Scientific, and Medical) bands, so that no FCC licensing is
required for their use in the U.S.
Narrowband Microwave. These LANs operate at microwave frequencies
but do not use spread spectrum. Some of these products operate at frequencies
that require FCC licensing, while others use one of the unlicensed ISM
Table 12.6 summarizes some of the key characteristics of these three technologies.

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