
Saturday, October 8, 2016

Neural Networks

Neural Networks
n  Advantages
n  prediction accuracy is generally high
n  robust, works when training examples contain errors
n  output may be discrete, real-valued, or a vector of several discrete or real-valued attributes
n  fast evaluation of the learned target function
n  Criticism
n  long training time
n  difficult to understand the learned function (weights)
n  not easy to incorporate domain knowledge
A  Neuron
Network Training
n  The ultimate objective of training
n  obtain a set of weights that makes almost all the tuples in the training data classified correctly
n  Steps
n  Initialize weights with random values
n  Feed the input tuples into the network one by one
n  For each unit
n  Compute the net input to the unit as a linear combination of all the inputs to the unit
n  Compute the output value using the activation function
n  Compute the error
n  Update the weights and the bias
Multi-Layer Perceptron
Network Pruning and Rule Extraction
n  Network pruning
n  Fully connected network will be hard to articulate
n  N input nodes, h hidden nodes and m output nodes lead to h(m+N) weights
n  Pruning: Remove some of the links without affecting classification accuracy of the network
n  Extracting rules from a trained network
n  Discretize activation values; replace individual activation value by the cluster average maintaining the network accuracy
n  Enumerate the output from the discretized activation values to find rules between activation value and output
n  Find the relationship between the input and activation value
n  Combine the above two to have rules relating the output to input
Association-Based Classification
n  Several methods for association-based classification
n  ARCS: Quantitative association mining and clustering of association rules (Lent et al’97)
n  It beats C4.5 in (mainly) scalability and also accuracy
n  Associative classification: (Liu et al’98) 
n  It mines high support and high confidence rules in the form of “cond_set => y”, where y is a class label
n  CAEP (Classification by aggregating emerging patterns) (Dong et al’99)
n  Emerging patterns (EPs): the itemsets whose support increases significantly from one class to another
n  Mine Eps based on minimum support and growth rate
Other Classification Methods
n  k-nearest neighbor classifier
n  case-based reasoning
n  Genetic algorithm
n  Rough set approach
n  Fuzzy set approaches

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