
Wednesday, October 5, 2016


Some of the definitions in this glossary are from the American National Standard
Dictionary of Information Technology, ANSI Standard X3.172, 1995; these are
marked with an asterisk.
Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) A formal language used to define syntax.
In the case of SNMP, ASN.l notation is used to define the format of SNMP
protocol data units and of objects.
Aloha A medium access control technique for multiple-access transmission
media. A station transmits whenever it has data to send. Unacknowledged
transmissions are repeated.
Amplitude The size or magnitude of a voltage or current waveform.
Amplitude modulation* A form of modulation in which the amplitude of a carrier
wave is varied in accordance with some characteristic of the modulating signal.
Amplitude-shift keying Modulation in which the two binary values are represented
by two different amplitudes of the carrier frequency.
Analog data* Data represented by a physical quantity that is considered to be
continuously variable and whose magnitude is made directly proportional to
the data or to a suitable function of the data.
Analog signal A continuously varying electromagnetic wave that may be propagated
over a variety of media.
Analog transmission The transmission of analog signals without regard to content.
The signal may be amplified, but there is no intermediate attempt to recover
the data from the signal.
Angle modulation* Modulation in which the angle of a sine wave carrier is varied.
Phase and frequency modulation are particular forms of angle modulation.
Application layer Layer 7 of the OSI model. This layer determines the interface
of the system with the user.
Asymmetric encryption A form of cryptosystem in which encryption and decryption
are performed using two different keys, one of which is referred to as the
public key and one of which is referred to as the private key. Also known as
public-key encryption.
Asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) A form of packet transmission using
fixed-size packets, called cells. ATM is the data transfer interface for B-ISDN.
Unlike X.25, ATM does not provide error control and flow control
Asynchronous transmission Transmission in which each information character
is individually synchronized (usually by the use of start elements and stop
Attenuation A decrease in magnitude of current, voltage, or power of a signal in
transmission between points.
ATM adaptation layer (AAL) The layer that maps information transfer protocols
onto ATM.
Authentication';' A process used to verify the integrity of transmitted data, especially
a message.
Automatic repeat request A feature that automatically initiates a request for
retransmission when an error in transmission is detected.
Balanced transmission A transmission mode in which signals are transmitted as a
current that travels down one conductor and returns on the other. For digital
signals, this technique is known as differential signaling, with the binary value
depending on the voltage difference.
Bandlimited signal A signal, all of whose energy is contained within a finite frequency
Bandwidth* The difference between the limiting frequencies of a continuous fi-equency
Baseband Transmission of signals without modulation. In a baseband local network,
digital signals (Is and 0s) are inserted directly onto the cable as voltage
pulses. The entire spectrum of the cable is consumed by the signal. This
scheme does not allow frequency-division multiplexing.
Bit stuffing The insertion of extra bits into a data stream to avoid the appearance
of unintended control sequences.
Bridge'" functional unit that interconnects two local area networks (LANs) that
use the same logical link control protocol but may use different medium
access control protocols.
Broadband The use of coaxial cable for providing data transfer by means of analog
(radio-frequency) signals. Digital signals are passed through a modem and
transmitted over one of the frequency bands of the cable.
Broadcast The simultaneous transmission of data to a number of stations.
Broadcast address An address that designates all entities within a domain (e.g.,
network, internet).
Broadcast communication network A communication network in which a transmission
from one station is broadcast to and received by all other stations.
Bus:': One or more conductors that serve as a common connection for a related
group of devices.
Carrier A continuous frequency capable of being modulated or impressed with a
second (information carrying) signal.
CATV Community Antenna Television. CATV cable is used for broadband local
networks, and broadcast TV distribution.
Cell relay The packet-switching mechanism used for the fixed-size packets called
cells. ATM is based on cell relay technology.
Checksum An error-detecting code based on a summation operation performed
on the bits to be checked.
Ciphertext The output of an encryption algorithm; the encrypted form of a message
or data.
Circuit switching A method of communicating in which a dedicated communications
path is established between two devices through one or more intermediate
switching nodes. Unlike packet switching, digital data are sent as a continuous
stream of bits. Bandwidth is guaranteed, and delay is essentially limited
to propagation time. The telephone system uses circuit switching.
Coaxial cable A cable consisting of one conductor, usually a small copper tube or
wire, within and insulated from another conductor of larger diameter, usually
copper tubing or copper braid.
Codec (Coder-decoder) Transforms analog data into a digital bit stream (coder),
and digital signals into analog data (decoder).
Collision A condition in which two packets are being transmitted over a medium
at the same time. Their interference makes both unintelligible.
Common carrier In the United States, companies that furnish communication services
to the public. The usual connotation is for long-distance telecommunications
services. Common carriers are subject to regulation by federal and
state regulatory commissions.
Common channel signaling Technique in which network control signals (e.g., call
request) are separated from the associated voice or data path by placing the
signaling from a group of voice or data paths on a separate channel dedicated
to signaling only.
Communications architecture The hardware and software structure that implements
the communications function.
Conlmunication network A collection of interconnected functional units that provides
a data communications service among stations attached to the network.
Connectionless data transfer A protocol for exchanging data in an unplanned
fashion and without prior coordination (e.g., datagram).
Connection-oriented data transfer A protocol for exchanging data in which a logical
connection is established between the endpoints (e.g., virtual circuit).
Contention The condition when two or more stations attempt to use the same
channel at the same time.
Conventional encryption Symmetric encryption.
Crosstalk'!' The phenomenon in which a signal transmitted on one circuit or channel
of a transmission system creates an undesired effect in another circuit or
CSMA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access) A medium access control technique for
multiple-access transmission media. A station wishing to transmit first senses
the medium and transmits only if the medium is idle.
CSMNCD (Carrier Sense ultiple Access with collision detection) A refinement
of CSMA in which a station ceases transmission if it detects a collision.
Current-mode transmission A transmission mode in which the transmitter alternately
applies current to each of two conductors in a twisted pair to represent
logic 1 or 0. The total current is constant and always in the same direction.
Cyclic redundancy check An error detecting code in which the code is the remainder
resulting from dividing the bits to be checked by a predetermined binary
Data circuit-terminating equipment (DCE) In a data station, the equipment that
provides the signal conversion and coding between the data terminal equipment
(DTE) and the line. The DCE may be separate equipment, or an integral
part of the DTE, or of intermediate equipment. The DCE may perform
other functions that are normally performed at the network end of the line.
Datagram* In packet switching, a packet, independent of other packets, that carries
information sufficient for routing from the originating data terminal
equipment (DTE) to the destination DTE without the necessity of establishing
a connection between the DTEs and the network.
Data link layer'!' In OSI, the layer that provides service to transfer data between
network layer entities, usually in adjacent nodes. The data link layer detects
and possibly corrects errors that may occur in the physical layer.
Data terminal equipment (DTE)'x Equipment consisting of digital end instruments
that convert the user information into data signals for transmission, or
reconvert the received data signals into user information.
Decibel A measure of the relative strength of two signals. The number of decibels
is 10 times the log of the ratio of the power of two signals, or 20 times the log
of the ratio of the voltage of two signals.
Decryption The translation of encrypted text or data (called ciphertext) into original
text or data (called plaintext). Also called deciphering.
Delay distortion Distortion of a signal occurring when the propagation delay for
the transmission medium is not constant over the frequency range of the
Demand-assignment multiple access A technique for allocating satellite capacity,
based on either FDM or TDM, in which capacity is granted on demand.
Differential encoding A means of encoding digital data on a digital signal such
that the binary value is determined by a signal change rather than a signal
Digital data Data consisting of a sequence of discrete elements.
Digital signal A discrete or discontinuous signal, such as voltage pulses.
Digital signature An authentication mechanism that enables the creator of a message
to attach a code that acts as a signature. The signature guarantees the
source and integrity of the message.
Digital switch A star-topology local network. Usually refers to a system that handles
only data, but not voice.
Digital transmission The transmission of digital data, using either an analog or
digital signal, in which the digital data are recovered and repeated at intermediate
points to reduce the effects of noise.
Digitizesk To convert an analog signal to a digital signal.
Encapsulation The addition of control information by a protocol entity to data
obtained from a protocol user.
Encrypt'To convert plain text or data into unintelligible form by the use of a
code in such a manner that reconversion to the original form is possible.
Error detecting code* A code in which each expression conforms to specific rules
of construction, so that if certain errors occur in an expression, the resulting
expression will not conform to the rules of construction, and thus the presence
of the errors is detected.
Error rate* The ratio of the number of data units in error to the total number of
data units.
Flow control The function performed by a receiving entity to limit the amount or
rate of data that is sent by a transmitting entity.
Frame A group of bits that includes data plus one or more addresses, and other
protocol control information. Generally refers to a link layer (OSI layer 2)
protocol data unit.
Frame check sequence An error-detecting code inserted as a field in a block of
data to be transmitted. The code serves to check for errors upon reception of
the data.
Frame relay A form of packet switching based on the use of variable-length, linklayer
frames. There is no network layer, and many of the basic functions have
been streamlined or eliminated to provide for greater throughput.
Frequency Rate of signal oscillation in hertz.
Frequency-division multiplexing The division of a transmission facility into two or
more channels by splitting the frequency band transmitted by the facility into
narrower bands, each of which is used to constitute a distinct channel.
Frequency modulation Modulation in which the frequency of an alternating current
is the characteristic varied.
Frequency-shift keying Modulation in which the two binary values are represented
by two different frequencies near the carrier frequency.
Full-duplex transmission Data transmission in both directions at the same time.
Half-duplex transmission Data transmission in either direction, one direction at a
Hash function A function that maps a variable-length data block or message into
a fixed-length value called a hash code. The function is designed in such a way
that, when protected, it provides an authenticator to the data or message. Also
referred to as a message digest.
HDLC (high-level data link control) A very common, bit-oriented data link prot
o c o l - ( ~la~ye~r 2) issued by ISO. similar protocols are LAPB, L A P D , ~ ~
Header System-defined control information that precedes user data.
lnlpulse noise A high-amplitude, short-duration noise pulse.
Integrated services digital network A planned worldwide telecommunication service
that will use digital transmission and switching technology to support
voice and digital data communication.
lntermediate system (IS) A device attached to two or more subnetworks in an
internet and that performs routing and relaying of data between end systems.
Examples of intermediate systems are bridges and routers.
Intermodulation noise Noise due to the nonlinear combination of signals of different
Internetwork A collection of packet-switching and broadcast networks that are
connected together via routers.
lnternet protocol An internetworking protocol that provides connectionless service
across multiple packet-switching networks.
Internetworking Communication among devices across multiple networks.
Layer'" A group of services, functions, and protocols that is complete from a conceptual
point of view, that is one out of a set of hierarchically arranged groups,
and that extends across all systems that conform to the network architecture.
Local area network A communication network that provides interconnection of a
variety of data communicating devices within a small area.
Local loop Transmission path, generally twisted pair, between the individual subscriber
and the nearest switching center of the public telecommunications network.
Longitudinal redundancy check The use of a set of parity bits for a block of characters,
such that there is a parity bit for each bit position in the characters.
Manchester encoding A digital signaling technique in which there is a transition in
the middle of each bit time. A 1 is encoded with a high level during the first
half of the bit time; a 0 is encoded with a low level during the first half of the
bit time.
Medium access control (MAC) For broadcast networks, the method of determining
which device has access to the transmission medium at any time.
CSMAICD and token are common access methods.
Microwave Electromagnetic waves in the frequency range of about 2 to 40 GHz.
Modem (Modulator/Demodulator) Transforms a digital bit stream into an analog
signal (modulator), and vice versa (demodulator).
Modulation* The process, or result of the process, of varying certain characteristics
of a signal, called a carrier, in accordance with a message signal.
Multicast address An address that designates a group of entities within a domain
(e.g., network, internet).
Multiplexing In data transmission, a function that permits two or more data
sources to share a common transmission medium such that each data source
has its own channel.
Multipoint A configuration in which more than two stations share a transmission
Network layer Layer 3 of the OSI model. Responsible for routing data through a
communication network.
Network terminating equipment Grouping of ISDN functions at the boundary
between the ISDN and the subscriber.
Noise Unwanted signals that combine with and, hence, distort the signal intended
for transmission and reception.
Nonreturn to zero A digital signaling technique in which the signal is at a constant
level for the duration of a bit time.
Octet A group of eight bits, usually operated upon as an entity.
Open systems interconnection (OSI) reference model A model of communications
between cooperating devices. It defines a seven-layer architecture of
communication functions.
Optical fiber A thin filament of glass or other transparent material, through which
a signal-encoded light beam may be transmitted by means of total internal
Packet A group of bits that include data plus control information. Generally
refers to a network layer (OSI layer 3) protocol data unit.
Packet switching A method of transmitting messages through a communication
network, in which long messages are subdivided into short packets. The packets
are then transmitted as in message switching.
Parity bit4: A check bit appended to an array of binary digits to make the sum of
all the binary digits, including the check bit, always odd or always even.
PBX Private branch exchange. A telephone exchange on the user's premises. Provides
a switching facility for telephones on extension lines within the building
as well as access to the public telephone network.
Phase The relative position in time within a single period of a signal.
Phase n~odulation Modulation in which the phase angle of a carrier is the characteristic
Phase-shift keying Modulation in which the phase of the carrier signal is shifted
to represent digital data.
Physical layer Layer 1 of the OSI model. Concerned with the electrical, mechanical,
and timing aspects of signal transmission over a medium.
Piggybacking The inclusion of an acknowledgment to a previously received
packet in an outgoing data packet.
Plaintext The input to an encryption function or the output of a decryption
Point-to-point A configuration in which two stations share a transmission path.
Poll and select The process by which a primary station invites secondary stations,
one at a time, to transmit (poll), and by which a primary station requests that
a secondary receive data (select).
Presentation layer:% Layer 6 of the OSI model. Provides for the selection of a common
syntax for representing data and for transformation of application data
into and from the common syntax.
Private key One of the two keys used in an asymmetric encryption system. For
secure communication, the private key should only be known to its creator.
Propagation delay The delay between the time a signal enters a channel and the
time it is received.
Protocol A set of rules that govern the operation of functional units to achieve
Protocol control inforn~ation:~I nformation exchanged between entities of a given
layer, via the service provided by the next lower layer, to coordinate their joint
Protocol data unit (PDU)" A set of data specified in a protocol of a given layer
and consisting of protocol control information of that layer, and possibly user
data of that layer.

Public data network A government-controlled or national-monopoly packetswitched
network. This service is publicly available to data processing users.
Public key One of the two keys used in an asymmetric encryption system. The
public key is made public, to be used in conjunction with a corresponding private
Public-key encryption Asymmetric encryption.
Pulse code modulation A process in which a signal is sampled, and the magnitude
of each sample with respect to a fixed reference is quantized and converted by
coding to a digital signal.
Residual error rate The error rate remaining after attempts at correction are
Ring A local-network topology in which stations are attached to repeaters connected
in a closed loop. Data are transmitted in one direction around the ring,
and can be read by all attached stations.
Router An internetworking device that connects two computer networks. It
makes use of an internet protocol and assumes that all of the attached devices
on the networks use the same communications architecture and protocols. A
router operates at OSI layer 3.
Routing The determination of a path that a data unit (frame, packet, message)
will traverse from source to destination.
Service access point A means of identifying a user of the services of a protocol
entity. A protocol entity provides one or more SAPS for use by higher-level
Session layer Layer 5 of the OSI model. Manages a logical connection (session)
between two communicating processes or applications.
Simplex transmission Data transmission in one preassigned direction only.
Sliding-window technique A method of flow control in which a transmitting station
may send numbered packets within a window of numbers. The window
changes dynamically to allow additional packets to be sent.
Space-division switching A circuit-switching technique in which each connection
through the switch takes a physically separate and dedicated path.
Spectrum Refers to an absolute range of frequencies. For example, the spectrum
of CATV cable is now about 5 to 400 MHz.
Star A topology in which all stations are connected to a central switch. Two stations
communicate via circuit switching.
Statistical time-division multiplexing A method of TDM in which time slots on a
shared transmission line are allocated to 110 channels on demand.
Stop-and-wait A flow control protocol in which the sender transmits a block of
data and then awaits an acknowledgment before transmitting the next block.
Subnetwork Refers to a constituent network of an internet; this avoids ambiguity
because the entire internet, from a user's point of view, is a single network.
Switched communication network A communication network consisting of a network
of nodes connected by point-to-point links. Data are transmitted from
source to destination through intermediate nodes.
Symmetric encryption A form of cryptosystem in which encryption and decryption
are performed using the same key. Also known as conventional encryption.
Synchronous time-division multiplexing A method of TDM in which time slots on
a shared transmission line are assigned to I10 channels on a fixed, predetermined
Synchronous transmission Data transmission in which the time of occurrence of
each signal representing a bit is related to a fixed time frame.
TeBematics User-oriented information transmission services. Includes Teletex,
Videotex, and facsimile.
Thermal noise Statistically uniform noise due to the temperature of the transmission
Time-division multiplexing The division of a transmission facility into two or
more channels by allotting the facility to several different information channels,
one at a time.
Time-division switching A circuit-switching technique in which time slots in a
time-multiplexed stream of data are manipulated to pass data from an input
to an output.
Token bus A medium access control technique for busltree. Stations form a logical
ring, around which a token is passed. A station receiving the token may
transmit data and then must pass the token on to the next station in the ring.
Token ring A medium access control technique for rings. A token circulates
around the ring. A station may transmit by seizing the token, inserting a
packet onto the ring, and then retransmitting the token.
Topology The structure, consisting of paths and switches, that provides the communications
interconnection among nodes of a network.
Transmission medium The physical path between transmitters and receivers in a
communications system.
Transport layer Layer 4 of the OSI model. Provides reliable, transparent transfer
of data between endpoints.
Tree A local network topology in which stations are attached to a shared transmission
medium. The transmission medium is a branching cable emanating
from a headend, with no closed circuits. Transmissions propagate throughout
all branches of the tree, and are received by all stations.
Twisted pair A transmission medium consisting of two insulated wires arranged in
a regular spiral pattern.
Unbalanced transniission A transmission mode in which signals are transmitted
on a single conductor. Transmitter and receiver share a common ground.
Value-added network A privately-owned, packet-switching network whose services
are sold to the public.
Virtual circuit A packet-switching service in which a connection (virtual circuit) is
established between two stations at the start of transmission. All packets follow
the same route; they need not carry a complete address, and they arrive
in sequence.


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