
Wednesday, October 5, 2016


In 1988, as part of its I-series of recommendations on ISDN, CCITT issued the first
two recommendations relating to broadband (B-ISDN): 1.113, Vocabulary of Terms
for Broadband Aspects of ISDN; and 1.121, Broadband Aspects of ISDN. These
documents provided a preliminary description and a basis for future standardization
and development work, and from those documents a rich set of recommendations
has been developed. Some of the important notions developed in these
documents are presented in Table A.5.
CCITT modestly defines B-ISDN as "a service requiring transmission channels
capable of supporting rates greater than the primary rate." Behind this innocuous
statement lie plans for a network and a set of services that will have far more
impact on business and residential customers than ISDN. With B-ISDN, services,
especially video services, requiring data rates in excess of those that can be delivered
by ISDN will become available. To contrast this new network and these new
services to the original concept of ISDN, that original concept is now being referred
to as narrowband ISDN.
Broadband ISDN Architecture
B-ISDN differs from a narrowband ISDN in a number of ways. To meet the
requirement for high-resolution video, an upper channel rate of approximately
150 Mbps is needed. To simultaneously support one or more interactive and distributive
services, a total subscriber line rate of about 600 Mbps is needed. In terms
of today's installed telephone plant, this is a stupendous data rate to sustain. The
only appropriate technology for widespread support of such data rates is optical
fiber. Hence, the introduction of B-ISDN depends on the pace of introduction of
fiber subscriber loops.
Internal to the network, there is the issue of the switching technique to be
used. The switching facility has to be capable of handling a wide range of different
bit rates and traffic parameters (e.g., burstiness). Despite the increasing power of
digital circuit-switching hardware and the increasing use of optical fiber trunking, it
is difficult to handle the large and diverse requirements of B-ISDN with circuitswitching
technology. For this reason, there is increasing interest in some type of
fast packet-switching as the basic switching technique for B-ISDN. This form of
switching readily supports ATM at the user-network interface.
Functional Architecture
Figure A.12 depicts the functional architecture of B-ISDN. As with narrowband
ISDN, control of B-ISDN is based on common-channel signaling. Within the network,
an SS7, enhanced to support the expanded capabilities of a higher-speed network,
is used. Similarly, the user-network control-signaling protocol is an enhanced
version of I.451lQ.931.
B-ISDN must, of course, support all of the 64-kbps transmission services, both
circuit-switching and packet-switching, that are supported by narrowband ISDN;
this protects the user's investment and facilitates migration from narrowband to
broadband ISDN. In addition, broadband capabilities are provided for higher datarate
transmission services. At the user-network interface, these capabilities will be
provided with the connection-oriented asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) facility.
User-Network Interface
The reference configuration defined for narrowband ISDN is considered general
enough to be used for B-ISDN. Figure A.13, which is almost identical to Figure A.4,
shows the reference configuration for B-ISDN. In order to clearly illustrate the
broadband aspects, the notations for reference points and functional groupings are
appended with the letter B (e.g., B-NT1, TB). The broadband functional groups are
equivalent to the functional groups defined for narrowband ISDN, and are discussed
below. Interfaces at the R reference point may or may not have broadband
Transmission Structure
In terms of data rates available to B-ISDN subscribers, three new transmission services
are defined. The first of these consists of a full-duplex 155.52-Mbps service.
The second service defined is asymmetrical, providing transmission from the subscriber
to the network at 155.52 Mbps, and in the other direction at 622.08 Mbps;
and the highest-capacity service yet defined is a full-duplex, 622.08-Mbps service.
A data rate of 155.52 Mbps can certainly support all of the narrowband ISDN
services. That is, such a rate readily supports one or more basic- or primary-rate
interfaces; in addition, it can support most of the B-ISDN services. At that rate, one
or several video channels can be supported, depending on the video resolution and
the coding technique used. Thus, the full-duplex 155.52-Mbps service will probably
be the most common B-ISDN service.
The higher data rate of 622.08 Mbps is needed to handle multiple video
distribution, such as might be required when a business conducts multiple simul
taneous videoconferences. This data rate makes sense in the network-to-subscriber
direction. The typical subscriber will not initiate distribution services and thus
would still be able to use the lower, 155.52-Mbps service. The full-duplex, 622.08-
Mbps service would be appropriate for a video-distribution provider.
Broadband ISDN Protocols
The protocol architecture for B-ISDN introduces some new elements not found in
the ISDN architecture, as depicted in Figure A.14. For B-ISDN, it is assumed that
the transfer of information across the user-network interface will use ATM.
The decision to use ATM for B-ISDN is a remarkable one; it implies that
B-ISDN will be a packet-based network, certainly at the interface, and almost certainly
in terms of its internal switching. Although the recommendation also states
that B-ISDN will support circuit-mode applications, this will be done over a packetbased
transport mechanism. Thus, ISDN, which began as an evolution from the
circuit-switching telephone network, will transform itself into a packet-switching
network as it takes on broadband services.
The protocol reference model makes reference to three separate planes:
User Plane. Provides for user-information transfer, along with associated controls
(e.g., flow control, error control).
Control Plane. Performs call-control and connection-control functions.
9 Management Plane. Includes plane management, which performs management
functions related to a system as a whole and provides coordination
between all the planes, and layer management, which performs management
functions relating to resources and parameters residing in its protocol entities.
Table A.6 highlights the functions to be performed at each sublayer.

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